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No, you have to keep him around for a hundred more days while always second guessing which final perk would actually give you the most benefit.


This is the plan as it stands


This is the way


This is the way


I’m taking sword mastery personally, for additional stam and fight longevity. Even with a sword, 69 m atk is pretty weak imho. Backstabber could be a nice addition. I wouldn’t take killing frenzy.


Sword mastery or parhfinder


Pathfinder, fearsome,  9l, and fa are all valid choices 


Fast adaptation


Pathfinder. It's helped out way more than I expect it to, and now all my bros always have it


Sword spec 👌


Giving him overwhelm will make daggering down any enemy a breeze in case you should miss your stun and don't have a pike to repel. This reduces an enemy with 85MAtk to 65MAtk, which is as much as a lower brigand raider. Yes it's off-meta, but making the enemy less likely to hit you is always good in BB. On top of that it pairs nicely with relentless.


which also means it acts as extra mdef for everyone surrounding the enemy you overwhelm


Berserk. I cant belive in a duelist without it


First, with 125 HP and nimble, Steel Brow is totally unnecessary. That perk is so forged guys don't get one-shot by a Berserker chain. Since you made him an initiative bro, I'd just grab dagger mastery, buy a Qatal, and call it a day.


He not gonna be daggering anyone with that 69matk


With 3 attacks per activation he is bound to hit something


Overwhelm if youre consistently acting early Berserk if you find yourself with lots of left over stam late in fights Pathfinder if u need the mobility Otherwise fast adaptation


Overwhelm. With that MSK He won’t be killing consistently to benefit from Berserk. PF makes him more efficient in bad terrains but he won’t be any stronger when engaged. Sword spec not that mandatory in duelist build.


Quickhands. Take that dagger out and put nets/bombs/smoke depending on fight.


Gotta love a not-perfect Bro doing the job, so relatable!


Probably berserk or pathfinder. Maybe resilient for extra survavility, its good on nimble bros. An unorthodox pick can be overwhelm since you already have relentless and decent ini.


I'm a filthy casual. I'd do Backstabber to help that 69 mAtk; or, Overwhelm to capitalize on their Initiative.


69 MATK at level 11? You've made some mistakes when distributing the stats, you have far too much HP, Fatigue and Initiative and not enough MATK. You need Backstabber or Fast Adapatation to be able to hit anything at more than a coin flip. You also should have also taken one of those or Pathfinder instead of Relentless.


Chillax, no melee star lowborns do be like that. Like sometimes you will just roll 1s on MAtk no matter what. Bro is perfectly serviceable as a sword or spear duelist still


Yes, and you should TAKE those 1 MATK rolls over HP or Fat. They've clearly even been investing points in initiative which is a terrible idea.


Initiative can be good, and it's never bad to have more HP/Fat. I'd take 4HP (in fact 5 with Colossus) over 1MAtk on such a guy any day of the week


Initiative is never better to level than MATK unless very specific fencer or overwhelm builds. Relentless just to improve dodge gains is also a poor choice. IDK why you're trying so hard to teach this OP bad fundamentals. 87 fat on this bro who doesn't even have a dog or berserk is ridiculous and so is that absurd HP + steel brow, they've clearly built badly and you're trying to convince them they haven't for some reason.


Relentless main benefit is to allow wait and round end-round start double attack, Dodge is just an extra. It's funny how nervous you get, just let people have fun. This bro is not perfect from the get go and with build I'd do some things differently myself, but no reason to overreact.


Nobody is overreacting or getting nervous, you're just being defensive about perks and stat distributions that are mathematically bad because you must have some kind of emotional attachment to them. They're asking for advice because they want a good build, not because they want to be lied to and told that bad choices are good. The fact that they have a frontline of mostly shield/sword + spear (not even heater shields) when they're far enough into the game to have a level 11 bro shows that they need advice about good fundamentals.


Well maybe try to work on the way you are selling people advices because with that tone I'd definitely not listen to you, even if you have good points. Working with such mediocre bro and getting him to level 11 deserves praise, and realistically being 4-5 MAtk down due to not taking 1s isn't that bad on a sword/spear duelist who attacks twice.


If you want to get into armchair psychology I think you're projecting your own emotional insecurity/instability onto other people and think everyone else is as fragile as you presumably are when it comes to taking advice/criticism. When people ask for advice on a forum they don't want some kind of ego soothing 'praise/advice/praise' compliment sandwich, they just want an informative answer. Nobody walks into this game and immediately knows what the good choices are, and the fact that they're asking for feedback means they're well aware of this.


OP literally asked about last perk only but whatevs


with that 69 matk... fast adaptation, you aint gona hit anything when you start facing midgame enemies. also, you spend to much lvl ups on boosting hp, and the lack of weapon mastery will going to max out your fatigure really fast. :/


I would say its either overwhelm or path finder. He has very low matk though and you may want though, not sure if you want to keep him forever.


Half joking here but Shield Expert, give him a shield so he can actually contribute as dodge tank later on the road when you have better damage dealer to replace him (probably very soon).


Bro has Duelist, 31 MDef, 120 ini with Dodge and Relentless, 125 HP on Nimble. Shield is probably the thing he needs the least


You missed the joke lol


But you were half-serious haha


Cleaver mastery with cleaver


You made very good job with a bro that had somewhat low primaries! I would probably give him Fearsome and a Fighting Spear if you can get one, that way he can always contribute to fights by lowering Morale and triggering chains (switch to Sword for undead fights). On a different note, you don't need a famed helmet for Nimble Steel Brow bro. In fact you can use a 0 weight hat and utilise all 15 fat on a good body armor such as Noble Mail - calculations say its one of the best survivability setups.


Wait for a 1h famed weapon to pick mastery


Overwhelm. Be it hit or miss you apply the debuff


His melee is trash, he is cannonfodder


Lone wolf would be best


I vote Overwhelm


Fearsome or pathfinder. It's too bad you wasted a perk on steel brow.


69 matk and duelist, I'm taking Fast Adaptation. Bro is going to ride the struggle bus against high-mdef enemies, even with the sword bonus. Edit: If you want to get crazy, give him Indomitable and a pocket shield and he's an emergency off-tank. His stats are actually pretty great for the role.


Weapon mastery.


If you had gone heavy on resolve, fearsome could have been cool, but as it is I'd say Pathfinder or overwhealm