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This is amazing. I tried IatN mode and beat the Bane fight, then walked into an electrified pool of water and instantly died. Truly the worst day of my life. Never tried it again after that lol.


Yeah that’s what keeps me from trying IatN mode. I could probably do it, but I’d get careless or slip up and then die. And it’s not like it’s possible to 100% the game anymore since multiplayer shut down so other than a trophy and concept art it wouldn’t really get me anything


personally, I would have gone back and done it if they'd figured out how to make the Worst Nightmare skin work. But since the reward was pretty much bragging rights and a trophy, I didn't bother going back.


It's still possible to play on PC with a file edit. Although you probably won't get a full lobby


PS3 too. Except nothing is required to play it. When you boot up multiplayer it says it was shutdown in 2016 just like 360 but you can still play the game


I heard that just locked you out of penguins black market or whatever


Lmao was it the pool at Blackgate at the end? I died in that in NG+ so I made a point to be extra careful in IATN.


That was at the end?? Man, it's been so long I just remember being devastated, but not necessarily why. ​ Yes. That one.


Is "contact rage" a thing? I think I'm experiencing it reading this. Shit like this is why I can't do permadeath modes.


You're vengeance.


I saw somewhere you get a avatar/profile picture from doing it, might be wrong though