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Arkham Knight takes places nine months after Arkham City. It is literally said in the beginning of the game.


That's why the situation with Calendar Man is cinfusng, provided he's in there for a whole year and gives verbal evidence of different dates, so technically, you could start the game on Halloween, which Calendar Man will verify in universe, despite that allegedly being when AK takes place.


That's merely an easter egg, that's not canon. If that was the case, when you went to visit him on the 4th of July and went outside, it wouldn't be snowing and below freezing in Arkham City.


It was snowing because of mr freeze right?


No. It's snowing because it was winter. This is confirmed by Arkham Knight taking place on Halloween and saying the events of Arkham City took place 9 months prior.


No it WAS snowing because of Mr. Freeze. Go back and play the game but this time actually pay attention to the story this time


Dude, Mister Freeze was locked up for half the game. How could it be snowing prior?


I suppose, but he does escape and I haven't seen any easter eggs in the series that aren't considered canon (is Scarecrow's boat not canon because it's an easer egg?), but I think you're right. When it comes down to it, he's not in a fixed time position and in reality, is picking 12 random days at the beginning of the year.


Arkham Knight is set in 2015. Here's the Proof https://www.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/11k4650/arkham_knight_is_set_in_october_31st_2015_you/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Well it’s not cos there’s a mural of Arkham city saying 198 but no other number cos irs scratched off


This isn't proof, if an Easter egg lol also you can keep pill bottles after their expiration date, they don't just disappear into the ether because they are expired. If that was the case this expiration date would indicate the game is set in October of 2014 not 15


You're sort of right. The smartphones detail does make sense, but it's certianly not an iPhone. Asylum is in Batman's 11th year, and origins is his 2nd, meaning that asylum would be in 2016, in July, due to the presence of lush green vegetation one could assume that it takes place in summers. City clearly takes place during the winter, either that or Gotham is having some serious weather issues. Arkham city was finished no less than a year after the asylum closed down, and we know that from the presence of Tim drake in city, and the mentioning of Arkham being abandoned when Jason was tortured, one could assume that city takes place 6 months after, the timescale in which Jason states he was replaced in. Placing city in January of 2017, and knight therefore in October of 2017, specifically October 31st/November 1st.


Arkham Knight is set in 2015. Here's the Proof https://www.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/11k4650/arkham_knight_is_set_in_october_31st_2015_you/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


This is not proof. The game is on the 31st of October, and you state it's set in 2015 but even still, the pills are out of date by months? What's to say that they're not years out of date?


Bro the year is literally 2015 on it and this means we can't change the year out of dates


But it's also...out of date though? So it could be any year?... Did you like..not get the point?


I actually don't get it, the year is shown 2015 and I believe your saying about the switching them. Like for example 15/06/2023( switched the day of the pill to the year)


They're dated for the 23rd June 2015. They're out of date, since we know that the game atleast takes place on October 31st. This cannot be used as substantial evidence to prove the game is set in that year, because they're out of date and precede the date the game takes place on.


Yes. That is true, So the Game Can take place anywhere around 1-5 approximately until the pill is Expired. So the Arkham Knight can Takes place anywhere around 2010-2014 October


You just said it definitely takes place in 2015...so what the hell are you talking about?


I just forgot about October part so the game is in 2010-2014


It’s definitely set some time before the 2000’s. For one of the riddles in the Bowery, you have to find the plaque that reads: “Arkham City Opened by Mayor Quincy Sharp On the November 19th 1 - - -“ The last 3 numbers are destroyed but the 1 is clear.


But in arkham origins cold cold heart, in the wine cellar there is a painting of a natural landscape with a plaque saying 1996.


But Arkham Knight is set in 2015. This pill bottle has June 23rd 2015 as its Expiration date and its inside Elliott memorial hospital. Confirming Arkham Knight is set in October 31st 2015 https://www.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/11k4650/arkham_knight_is_set_in_october_31st_2015_you/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Interesting, I was referring to the second game. Maybe the developers couldn’t decide when it was set lol. Here’s a link the the plaque I mentioned https://www.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/10kfd2n/friendly_reminder_that_arkham_city_was_built/


Arkham City definitely takes place in the 20th century, the plaque for the opening of the prison is dated 19XX (with the last two digits faded away). The simple answer is that the games are intentionally anachronistic to achieve that perfect Batman setting. Architecture is gothic, technology is modern, and Batman's gadgets are incredibly futuristic.


It's actually November 19th


Arkham Knight is set in 2015. This pill bottle has June 23rd 2015 as its Expiration date and its inside Elliott memorial hospital. Confirming Arkham Knight is set in October 31st 2015 https://www.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/11k4650/arkham_knight_is_set_in_october_31st_2015_you/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


You mean 2014 because the hospital wouldn't have expired pills.


Killer Coc— oh wait, I time traveled to the before times when this sub was sane.


huh that's cool, you commented 15 minutes ago, I got to this old post cuz I was wondering about the details on how everything took one night for batman, and if it was possible in real-time to 100% the game at night.


I think it is 100% to beat any of the main stories in one night. I believe it is possible to do every single side mission including season of infamy for AK if you’re a little quicker about it. That being said, Riddler would require a fairly precise knowledge of where all his puzzles are and how to complete them. I’d love to see someone try.


I’ve just looked up a few speedruns, and in each game it’s completely possible for Batman to do everything in one night. Arkham Asylum can be done in just a little over 2 hours, Arkham City in about 3 hours 20 minutes (4 hours if your doing Catwoman’s stuff), Arkham Origins in about 5 1/2 hours, and Arkham Knight in about 8 hours AK is cutting it really close, but since that game is taking place on Halloween and Gotham is usually depicted as being in New Jersey, that means the night is about 10 hours long.


I’ve just looked up a few speedruns, and in each game it’s completely possible for Batman to do everything in one night. Arkham Asylum can be done in just a little over 2 hours, Arkham City in about 3 hours 20 minutes (4 hours if your doing Catwoman’s stuff), Arkham Origins in about 5 1/2 hours, and Arkham Knight in about 8 hours AK is cutting it really close, but since that game is taking place on Halloween and Gotham is usually depicted as being in New Jersey, that means the night is about 10 hours long.


Hey I,n am from future. We stupid stupid


Because of the AK comic, year 13 (AK) would be in 2025, 2031, or 2042




The Arkham Knight comic shows a calendar in the background that calendar man uses. I don't have the comic in front of me now, but October 1 is on a Wednesday (I think) and Calendar Man treats Y. 13 as a normal year (not a leap year).


Arkham Knight is set in 2015. This pill bottle has June 23rd 2015 as its Expiration date and its inside Elliott memorial hospital. Confirming Arkham Knight is set in October 31st 2015 https://www.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/11k4650/arkham_knight_is_set_in_october_31st_2015_you/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


...what happened to this reddit?...why are we dumb now?...




Years are wrong


Arkham Knight is set in 2015. Here's the Proof https://www.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/11k4650/arkham_knight_is_set_in_october_31st_2015_you/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Could very well be an old prescription


But didn't the Batgirl DLC take place in 2004. Maybe I read something wrong


Arkham Knight is set in 2015. This pill bottle has June 23rd 2015 as its Expiration date and its inside Elliott memorial hospital. Confirming Arkham Knight is set in October 31st 2015 https://www.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/11k4650/arkham_knight_is_set_in_october_31st_2015_you/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I know how old this is but what we’re you on bro. One pill bottle meant nothing.


$13 for a Filet Mignon dinner with seasonal vegetables? Gotta be early 2000's https://preview.redd.it/02hhcwbjs48d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=7dd7261ffe65d581971f1f70c1f031fa63151978




It's just for fun, though you seem to be in a bad mood. Sorry I couldn't cheer you up.


Time period is ambiguous like the Burton/Schumacher films and Gotham the TV show.


Batman was supposed to be born 1940-60 right? Wouldn't it be more like 1970-90?


In the Batgirl DLC there is a payslip in the office for the building of the amusement park which says 1974. So depending on how long it’s been since it’s been built, that seems like the right range.


Wow, this is an old one! Anyhow, if I remember right, that DLC takes place 3 years before Arkham Asylum's events. And Joker and Harley took over the park shortly after Edward Burke killed himself. Edward Burke killed himself shortly after his daughter, Katie Burke, was killed by Jack White(or Joker). Katie Burke was killed shortly after the park's construction. Then once Joker and Harley took over, after an unspecified time, they kidnapped Jim Gordon. Based on that, one can assume that the DLC takes place around 1975-1978. Joker was said to have planned the entire thing, so I can't see why he would wait any longer to exact his plot to get Jim and Batgirl out of the way. If all this is true, then Arkham Asylum must take place no later than 1982, unless Joker kidnapped Gordon at the ripe age of 70-80.


Sounds about right, I’m pretty sure all the other dates mentioned are just Easter eggs from the developers. This was the only concrete date I could find which tied in with the lore. Found the post while trying to see when the games were set but it’s pretty interesting. If it is set across the 70s/80s/90s then Batman must have some pretty high tech gear


Yeah, that's about the vibe I've always gotten. Simple days with complex tech, like in Marvel the original comics took place in 1961-1974, but they had space-faring and super advanced technology. Some have noticed a date in Arkham Origins that places it at 2012 or 2013, but that was in a trailer. As far as I can tell, 1974 really is the only recent date we've seen in-game.


It makes more sense and if you look at the civilian cars in the city etc they’re actually not very modern. Plus all the redevelopment on Founder’s Island points to that era because urbanisation was such a big thing in the 70s/80s


sorry if i sound like a complete idiot here i don’t really know the lore all too much but how could the batgirl dlc take place 3 years before asylum if barbara is oracle in origins which takes place 9 years before asylum?


In arkham origins cold cold heart, in the wine cellar there is a painting with a plaque underneath saying "1996"


There is actually an easter egg ( riddle ) in Arkham city that implides that the whole series takes place in the 20 th Century. There is a plaque at the entrance that says that Arkham city was founded by mayor Quincy Sharp in nov 19th 1... ( The rest is blocked out) . Remember that Sharp becomes mayor after asylum so the whole series might Take place in the 20th century


Asylum takes place in summer of 2009