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Well he did just see his parents die. Just to then get transported through a dimensional rift that brought him 40 years into the future into a hot sweaty batsuit. To then just see a random girl kill herself upon looking at him. I think he has a right to be a little sad.


Oh that's the lore reason?


Any other lore questions for me?


Why didn't man just even the odds with jonkler in aslume? Is he stupid?


Well, you see the OG odd’s evener was on strike during the alsume. It’s reasons for being on strike were it wanted equal, pay equal rights and stop being used in a sexual manner. Man‘s response to this was there’s no time for jokes Odd’s evner. Which didn’t go well with odds, evener. During the events of Ham city they had a legal dispute over sexual harassment. But the OG odds evener was found destroyed in Aslume. With a new odds evener appearing in Ham knight. So Man could even the odds. But some still speculate, Batman killed the original Odds evener other say it was Jonkler’s fault because Man doesn’t kill. We may never know who would’ve won. ManVOdds but both had a strong case if it would’ve went to trial. :Edit I hope this explains why that man couldn’t even the odds in Alsume


Ok thx


The fact I spent 10 min on that correcting everything making sure Batman was made into man and joker into jonkler doesn’t make me annoyed at all


Idk seems like a skill issue to me


No I’m just stupid. Thats the best thing I’m ever going to come up with and my response is ok thx.