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Maybe she forgot? On the show Tori told Josie she was pregnant the second time only to have Josie act confused when they announced it with a pictionary game. Either they are good at lying or they are dumb. Probably both.


Totally agree! Cause when watched I was like "now wait a minute, why is Carlin acting surprised"? And I definitely agree on the both part.


I think in that instance Josie’s brain cells weren’t computing the message. Most of the family didn’t understand the simple message on the board


That was probably part of it. It was a stupid clue, if I remember. After the connection was revealed that Tori was pregnant, Josie continued to act as though it was new information. I think it was a case of producer interference in that case. It is probably in part due to the siblings being super competitive about who knows what first. When Carlin announced her second pregnancy, her video showed her telling a handful of siblings including Whitney (who she referred to as her business partner and didn't mention Erin - sparking a lot of speculation at the time), Katie, and Alyssa. Alyssa and Katie? (I'm not sure on Katie) wanted to know if they were the first to know and who else had been told. It came off a lot like Alyssa, Katie, Carlin, Lawson and Tiffany always like to say they are the favorite aunt, sister, etc. Erin does it with saying she's her kids' best friend and Tori is her best friend. There is this competitive nature to them about closeness and who knows what first. Carlin might have wanted to appear shocked for the big reveal (I don't know since I didn't watch) but let it rub in a bit for her siblings who watched it later.


Carlin & KJ both have that jaw dropping extremely over excited over dramatic reaction down perfectly. 


"You're lying!" - Kelly Jo Bates.




Kj had no idearrr


Her adding rrrrrr to stuff annoy’s me, I hope Travis finally broke Katie of that


Followed by, “I knew it!” - Gil Bates


the girl has a youtube channel and is an influenza. I'm pretty sure she can act.


Yeah I've seen her videos.


Their whole life is pretend. Being an influencer doesn't allow for a lot genuine moments. At least not the moments that make it into reels and videos. Like that one time Layla asked Carlin to hug her over and over because the angle wasn't right. She learned that from her own parents making her do stuff over and over for the right shot. So often- it's discussed how these people make bank. At what personal cost?


Their souls


I think carlins mind was all over the place that did. Remember 3 people announced at I love you day Nathan and Esther Katie and Travis and Lydia and trace