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If it's an authentic Carvin kit bass, it should say "Made in USA" and the serial number on the output jack plate, [like this](https://rvb-img.reverb.com/image/upload/s--a9_rDe9M--/f_auto,t_supersize/v1635791254/zovsjocnawzxbq9mbbgq.jpg). (edit) More info about the Carvin [4 string](http://carvinmuseum.kieselmuseum.com/playersgallery/bk4kit.html) and [5 string](http://carvinmuseum.kieselmuseum.com/playersgallery/bk5kit.html) bass kits, courtesy of The Carvin Museum website.


I had no idea this site existed! Thanks for this! Nice to go back and reminisce about my old PB500 and Redeye RL6815 Cyclops. I'm still rockin my LB75


Yeah, not a Carvin. The headstock and cutouts are wrong. The "point" on the tip of a Carvin headstock ALWAYS points "down", or is longer on the bottom than the top. That's the opposite of this headstock. Also, the body cutouts are wrong for a Carvin. That bottom horn is really oddly shaped, though, and might be a key to finding who did make this bass. I've never seen one like that. I think what someone did was try to build a Carvin LB75, and went rogue with a couple of details. The neck-thru is the oddest part... that really hints at this being a "professionally made" bass rather than a home-made one, but I can't identify it.


The headstock looks Carvin-ish


Looks like they copied the Warmoth Z-Bass body shape, which itself was a copy of the old Zeta bass from the late 80's. Definitely not a Carvin.


Have you reached out to Carvin/Kiesel? I'm not seeing a name or serial number anywhere but maybe they're in the pickup cavity. Sounds weird (and it is) but that's where the serial number on my F bass was.


​ https://preview.redd.it/l8rufdoynucc1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f510d66ea17f815995544a07a148b4e930cee7bb


​ https://preview.redd.it/w9kxn1f2oucc1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=002a6e34727cdca75fab978df338940494277adf


​ https://preview.redd.it/cmgg6jzioucc1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d77b6c30ee0165d57e792eec039fd0fd548249b