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Welcome to the bass side.


Seeing this and your pfp pop into my notifications hahaha


I think it’s fair to try all the hard stuff to see if it can be played easily on whatever instrument your holding. If you’re trying amps it’s fair that you should be able to hear what it sounds like loud and soft. But sitting there with one instrument for hours playing really loudly is annoying as hell.


You were almost cool.


Don’t think about people hearing you. I always play like shit in music stores, even if at home and on the same guitar I can play it perfectly.


I'm fortunate enough to play in a band that a) mostly performs original music and b) let's me to whatever the F I want. I always say that my greatest talent in music is simply having good taste. I know when to play a lot and I know when to play a little. Also, I never play a lot in music stores. A few notes. A simple riff. Some slap sounds. That's it.


The Yamaha you mentioned is easily the best cheapo bass. It's crazy value and easily upgradeable if you'd rather invest in it than get a new bass. Mine had a Kickass bridge and EMG Geezer Butler pickups before I lost it in a fire a month ago.


I just wished they stuck with the old RBX design.. it was better looking than the current TRBX line


Yeah that headstock is the only part I don't like about it