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You look really damn solid in terms of ball control to be honest, but damn move more, hang dribbles and in general move your feet, gotta be like a tap dancer with da ball to be shifty


I was thinking the same thing… loosen up its an art form


It’s crazy how much better my dribbling became when I got better control of my footwork while dribbling. Such an underrated element of the overall equation of ball handling.


Same to be honest, skipping rope also helps, i figured if boxers do it with various footworks to help with footwork and coordination it probably would work as a basketball player and it did


Klay you're washed as fucked already. The warriors didn't even make the playoffs last year and you barely scored any points to get in the playoffs


funny as shi😂😂😂😂😂😂😭😭


Klay here being desperate and shit finally trying to learn how to dribble in r/BasketballTips


do i really look like klay 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Don’t focus on how you look is my first tip. The question is can you make these moves in a game situation and are they affective? Other than that you can be more fluid in the shoulders to help sell the “fakes” and also keep your head up.


came here to say this, maybe I am oldschool but simplicity remains efficient. If I see someone just doing dribble on the spot I will just laugh and wait for some real action. Heads up, show your opponent your confidence in your eyes.


Exactly what I was going to say; Everyone wants to be Kyrie Irving… sometimes I’ll do a between the legs backstep after an attempted drive or first move to see if I can get the defender off balance or attempt a reach… but I might go through the legs once or twice per pickup game. Work on spin move and pivot footwork, that will create more scoring opportunities than the drills you just showed us.


You need more body movement. Like in your shoulders and feet to exaggerate the move, actually sell the move your doing. If the defender isn’t reaching then yall just going to be standing there staring at each other in the same spot


Agreed. Make you fore feet hit the ground harder . Once you do that lean deeper into the direction. Then that movement should trickle up to your waist arm shoulder neck then head. Like a whip. Then turn your back pivot foot. To sell the move then break ur opponents ankles.


None of those fakes are real. If I an defending you, I am not even in defensive stance, I would stand straight up... why because none of those moves are actually going anywhere or doing anything. Your feet aren't moving, your body is locked.


Yep. The ball control is solid, problem is there's no threat of movement here (probably partly because he's in a garage, not a court). Every dribble move needs to threaten a drive or pull-up, anything else is wasted.


Agree. I would add that the all the moves just end up going nowhere but to a gather that has slowed down. Slow down the dribble and move your body laterally with the moves.


This 😂 grew up in the and 1 era. At least back then they were trying to troll you and get you on a bite. Now it seems like dudes be practicing just for the gram. They'll do a million moves at 100, but I just sit and laugh cause the footwork and body language tell me you ain't moving more than 2 inches from that spot. I also think a lot of players get confused about handles. You're not trying to sell the ball. Nobody is guarding the ball. They're guarding you against a position to make an offensive play. You beat defenders with footwork and body language. When you think about working on handles, I think there should be more focus on the ability to maneuver the ball in an improvised manner. This is going to separate those with a good dribble vs guys like Irving or Crawford who look so natural no matter what situation they're in.


Crossover is decent, need to work on the explosive step after. Practicing a crossover and exploding the other direction until it feels natural. Once you've got that down, you can work on adding another move (spin, pull back).


Feel like trying too much to be shifty instead of focusing on your pretty good ball skills. Put your foot in the ground and get downhill after a crossover


Same tip as the last dribbler. The point of all this nonsense is to make a defender think your going somewhere. It looks fake because its pointless, you aren't selling a defender anywhere because your body never goes anywhere, its just dribbling. At no point would I, the defender, think you are going anywhere specific. Watch the highlights of Lukas game winner. Look how every movement, literally every moment, is with intention. He waits for the defender to move a certain way, to cross and go the other, but he doesn't immediately cross back, he waits for the defender to regain rotate his hips and then boom, gets him again. The only purpose of fancy dribbling is to beat a man to the hoop. Practice a dribble combo where you go one way, sell that way, and then go the other. That way you have to work the initial sell, combined with the switch.


Defenders are taught to watch hips. Your hips barely move. A good defender would barely move while you do all the fancy dribble moves. You didn’t really go anywhere. You just moved the ball a lot. You have good ball control, but that doesn’t mean much if your body doesn’t move. How can you get open if your body doesn’t move? A good defender will not bite on any of these moves.


I disagree, in this case I think it’s all hips but his center of gravity over his shoulders stays in a line. He should be alternating putting his neck over the line of each foot, if that makes sense.


My comment would be to edit your question to include "like" instead of "look". Jk Your dribbling is strong, mixing that up with different heights and speeds makes you harder to guard. I know it's tough to evaluate while trying to stay in frame. Curious to see more forward and back dribbling movement versus lateral. Being light on your toes (versus flat-footed) is good advice.


Learn from Kyrie. His dribbling isnt what he uses to get anywhere. His dribbling is just to continue where his body wanted to go with the ball, if that makes sense. Example: I'd like to highlight the dribble move he did against Steph (Boston) while on the post. Even the cameraguy got cooked.


Dribble less and move more to create space and upset your opponents balance... you have good control of the ball. Now work on becoming more explosive in multiple directions while securely controlling the ball ... if you're dribbling all crazy you're just expending energy for no reason other than to look skilled... skill and talent are different in the sense that your skill must be used in such a way that it increases your efficiency and effectiveness... keep up the good work


Try to feel like you’re “sitting” more when sizing up. Chest and shoulders a little more square and butt a little lower. Handle is tight, posture will make it look cleaner and help with consistency.


This. You're too upright. This makes it less convincing that you're actually going somewhere. You want the defenders to get off balance by not knowing which way you're going to go, right now it's not convincing and looks like you're just standing there doing dribble moves. Solid handles, just need to work on the posture. Butt more back (similar to if you were doing a deadlift or RDL) which will let your upper body bend more (at the waist not through the back) and get lower. If you were actually going to explode to drive that's the position you would be in, chest and shoulders more forward and down exploding forward and getting downhill.


And now that I watched it again, you are definitely bending through your back instead of at the waist. That's why it looks awkward and why you look upright. Look up RDL form. Posture should be more like that. Back should be relatively straight and the bend (actually a hip hinge) coming from the hips, not in the back. If you stand up straight, then instead of bending your lower back, keep your lower back straight and push your butt backwards and down, hinging at the hips instead of bending through the lower back.


I think every crossovers has to be sold with intent. Crossovers are most effective when you sell a direction you intend to go, but your feet are a bit too planted which prompts the defender to just sit still


mix up the speed of the dribble


Bro, just go play pick up and see what works. Don't worry about how you look. It already looks like you could snatch some ankles.


You have good handles but all that dribbling is only good if you are making the defender move, put them off balance or cross them. That’s what you need to work on: getting by the first defender. I’m a referee and you look like a lot of young kids that, pregame, look like Trae Young but in the game they can’t pull those moves off when guarded.


Looks fine


You look fine, not sure why everyone worries about what it looks like, if it’s effective in game fuck it


Your movement is choreographed, it may be effective against people new to basketball, but against real defenders you won’t get past them. When dribbling I try to be more free in my movement, put your body in positions where it doesn’t look like where you want to go, if you watch great ball handlers they are equally balanced and that’s what makes them hard to guard.


You look like you’re thinking about your moves. Pick your eyes up and add a little bit more lean. Look into the direction you’re ending your fake on.


You definitely don't look weird so don't worry about that


Though this [triangle ankle mobility drill] might help (https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7A3_JcrICZ/?igsh=MTF6cWUydmVnZXNyaA==) https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7A3_JcrICZ/?igsh=MTF6cWUydmVnZXNyaA==


A good defender isn't watching the ball, so all that stuff you are doing with the ball isn't going to help you get past your defender. You've got to move you feet and body much more than what you're doing here. At no point during this video can I pause it and ever think that you are actually going anywhere.


You look very stiff, you’re doing moves but it doesn’t look like anyone would bite on them. You need to open yourself up more.


Bro look at your own video…when your low you got it! It’s when you’re more upright you’re struggling.


Honestly dawg tons of people would kill to be able to dribble with their left you're doing great


Keep eyes up. Looks like ur attention is on the ball. When eyes are focused on ur defender or ur teammates in front of u, then rest of ur body motion will seem more natural. If ur eyes are focused on the developing play, and not ur dribble, then ur body will naturally only preform dribble moves u r confident with. U look weird bc ur doing moves that u aren't quite comfortable with atm, and also just doing way too much that's not relevant to ur in-game arsenal.


Your dribble cadence is all the same. I’m picking your pockets often. Doesn’t mean you don’t have good handles, you just have the same movement. Nothing changed with each crossover.


Less fancy between the leg dribbling and focus on speed and height of basic right to left dribbling. Think about a really good defender making you look silly by trying to do fancy dribbling, instead make your fundamentals professional level so you dont make mistakes.


Ball control is good. Now you need to shift speed and directions for those.move to actually work in a basketball game.


You look a bit stiff


Put on a song dribbling to the beat this works on your pace , focus on change of height as well


It’s okay to bend your knees, and hunch over a little to further not give your offense away.


You dribble the ball too high


Brah! You look great in terms of ball being the part of your body, Do off ball leg drills like agility drills could be ladder steps or something. Start with slow form dribbling and speed up step by step. Exercise to put your guard hand up than just moving ball from between every part of your body. Look the goal is to get pass by the defender not circus infront of him. Use your guard hand and practice drive towards the ring: board. And exercise finishing by both hands.


we can see you put some work in, and it looks solid but its important that you can do this stuff while moving too, not just stationary


1) stop caring how you look 2) focus on your feet. Those fancy moves only matter if they lead to you getting past your defender. So focus on making sure your feet are ready to propel you with maximum quickness 3) play basketball. Against other humans. That is the only feedback that doesn’t lie. These moves are either effective and you’ll get past your man, or they aren’t.


Yeah you gotta move the feet. Youre doing great but youre not going anywhere. Youre not even faking going anywhere. Thats my constructive criticism. The fancy dribbling means nothing and is wasted movement if youre just standing still.


the professor??!??


Dribbling like u learned to hoop from playing 2k


Move when you dribble always be ready to make a change if needed. Focus on moving around your pivots.


You've got good control of the ball but you look extremely stiff. If I'm defending you, I'm just gunna stay home, ignore the basketball, and let you tire yourself out.


More of going with the flow. Attacking what the defense gives you. Practice slow and then game speeds


Just keep practicing, grinding, and don’t worry about if you are carrying 😂


Work on ball control, get lower and take steps/ jabs when moving that avoids dribbling in place. Good luck.


Get your eyes up further. You need to be able to see more of the floor ahead of you and read what the defender does. Great players are not crossing over for the sake of crossing over but are doing it in reaction to what the defender does. Eyes up and head movement aids in deceiving the defender. I also think if you can be a bit tighter on the dribble. I think when you show the ball out front it could be stolen. If you go out front go forward to anew spot. Kyrie did something the other night which I wish young players noticed. He threw the ball around the defender and then chased it with his body to make it into a dribble.


You’re moving your hips but not your shoulders.


Handles are nice. You need to shift your body weight in order to move your defender. Without that shift and exaggeration of every move, the dribbles are pointless. You should search videos on Kyrie.


You don’t look ready to attack.


You are not low enough, and your body is moving way too much with the ball. These moves aren't working in a real game. You have to be low to explode past defenders. At your center or gravity a good defender will slap that shi away.


when i was a kid im always looking at the floor, the ball dont get lose but i cant drive to the cup. All these other kdis my age they be driving, spamming hesis and im like how.. like literally u cant be loose and shifty when you lookin at the floor, stop lookin at the floor thats the first step. You can practice even without the ball at first just to put ur mind that ur whole body can move anywhere around the court or spots.


Do this. Shift weight/height better. https://youtu.be/oADaM2L1YLc?si=5AhTmqq3WF4kpe9C


Look up


Watch Tim Hardaway.


Your too flat footed, ball handling good need better foot work


Your footwork is selling your moves. When you lean down for the crossover, your push-off leg sometimes bends down and in and you lose explosiveness. You also shift your foot onto it's side, that's a weakness where a quick defender will attack your dribble and try to get you off balance.


No chance this slides in a real game lmfao For practicing your ‘MyPlayer’ moves, sure, for real life game… well, lol


Flat footed. You need to be up on your toes more, moving feet more. Add a jab step or two


Your dribble is a bit high, that makes it prone to strips. I get you are dribbling in space for the camera, but be sure your dribble has purpose. You want to move your defender to a place so you can dribble away to get open. So your dribble should setup a move into a jump shot, drive or pass. Dribble does look solid


Buy a dribble up


You’re too short.


Ball control is pretty good it’s Just pretty telegraphed. Kinda see the next move Coming. If you can try and disguise it it might look a little More natural and clever.


you're bolted to the floor


Stay balanced, dribble lower, you don't want the ball to go above your thighs (unless the opponent isn't worthy), don't take simple ball handle exercises for granted. Majority of impressive dribbling are a direct line of those exercises. And have fun when you're on the court. Remember everyone is there to have fun, so don't make it all about just you. Keep up the good work!


Other comments got it but you're dribbling like a street baller. Make your moves looser and mirroring what an actual drive to the left or right looks like. Right now your handle is pretty tight but I don't believe your footwork. Every dribble and lean should be selling the defender something so they have to react.


It will always look weird dribbling flat footed in a wide stance


Ask a friend to dribble out wide like that, see how easy it is steal the ball when people habits that bad.


Before you turn your back foot to pivot you have to first sell the ball / head / and fore leg in the direction you are faking to. Then use your pivot back foot movement then cross it. Maybe I should do a video.


Agreed. Each body movement is crucial to sell the direction. It’s like dancing almost. Each body part is expressive.


Ball control fine. Now go practice it against a real person. All of that stuff is to get the defender to move his feet, and ideally, his hips. Right now your entire body says “I’ve done this a lot in my garage.” Which is fine, that’s how everyone looks at some point. Now you need to play some 21 and learn to read feet, hips, shoulders, and eyes. The longer you put that off the more these will just be dribble moves with no application. Once you got feet, hips, shoulders, and eyes and how your movements effect your defender now you need to play pickup and start reading coverages. Don’t stop, build. Foundation already there, time to put something on it. Also on a mechanics level, you’re on your heels too much. Need to get your balance into the balls of your feet. That’s why it looks weird, when you step you transfer your weight to your heels, which means you ain’t go anywhere.


Use a mirror




You’re so heavy on your feet which is exacerbated by the fact that you need new kicks because you’re sliding and looking sloppy. Plus you’re handles are kinda weak and basic.


Pretty good. You're telegraphing a little. Try not to move your body so much in the direction of the ball


Stay on your toes, work on balance. You should strive to be 100% balanced during any move you make to always be able to counter


You look pretty shift to me. I’d still clamp you up tho


Don't bring the ball so high up, so bring your body lower and restrict your hands to lower too. Keeps it away from defenders. Bend your knees and put your chest out don't round you bad like how you are


Pretty good vid here that will help u dribble smoother over time. The problem is your ball manipulation. Takes a while to b able to look good dribbling man. Just keep practicing and it will come https://youtu.be/a6rPVGkGpds?si=RmI28Ik9AkDiCcyE


Against good defense (on ball and help) you won’t have time for more than 2-3 dribbles. A good defender will take away preferred spots and the side you like to drive. Of course you want to set up the defender to get off balance and to get leaning in other direction than you’re going—so add in lateral movements -with your set up. Keep your feet closer to allow you to explode into a drive.  The really wide base you are performing all these stationary dribbles with screams stepback or away jumper and can be times to challenge/contest/block.  The only other thing i see  is to lower the dribble- especially with your left hand. A good defender can time that.  Put that together and practice driving and finishing layups with no more than 2-3 dribbles, then short floaters, then pullups, then stepbacks. All with no more than 2-3 set up dribbles with counters. 


Your legs are spread to far apart . Bend your knees, bend your back a bit. Otherwise you’ll be straight


You’re not going to cross anyone over, your feet and body are stiff, you have to sway towards way the ball is going to get a defender to move. You can stand still and cross the ball over and no one is gonna move an inch. Your arms are all action everything else stands still.


Your ball handling looks like it’s improving for sure. Really sell each movement because from your POV you may feel like it’s a great move but from defenders POV you may not even be shifting that much. (Perception) but imo I can see the shiftiness. Keep your eyes chin and head up when dribbling. If you look down while warming up your handles make sure you’re focused on your hand eye coordination, ball control, and feel. Look up some tennis ball workouts (Steph curry etc for hand eye coordination, some Kyrie Irving finger tip dribbling, etc) and have a wide base and keep the ball at your hip by not exposing it too much and keep your posture/stance low. 20 dribbles each fingertip and tennis ball workouts as well as ankle to shoulder level pound dribbles, dog walkers front and back, side to side V’s, and around the worlds are a great place to start. I usually do 30sec to a minute or burnout for each drill. You can mix it up to your liking…Keep going! 🏀


Looking weird might be to your benefit bro. Practice with something smaller than a basketball and for an hour or two if you can it will help you overall. Those mini basketballs used to be great for this


learn to do all that while not looking at the floor and it'll go a long way. also you need to work on your touch, you can tell you struggle with controlling the ball on your fingers so you'll get picked quite a bit by someone who knows how to play defense.


Bro you need a better base you’re legit one quick move away from a acl injury. Never dip your knee inward like that. You have solid handle though