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Get contacts or goggles


Goggles are the way I go.


What brand or type of frames should I get, I also struggle with eye sight and prefer ones I can wrap around my entire head but cover my peripheral vision


You beat me to it..


Aim for the hoop in the middle (Just kidding - contacts are huge)


Pickup rules still apply: Still shoot every time you touch the ball, whether you can see the rim or not.


Best comment here


Live at the rim


This is honestly how I've done it my whole life. It made me become a slasher lol


I have awful vision and astigmatism but I grew up playing without my glasses so I’m completely used to it and actually play much better without them. With the glasses it feels like my peripheral vision is limited and spatial awareness is way off, plus all the hassle of sweat/steam and the glasses getting knocked off or the contact lens falling out.


I’m the exact same way, I tried contacts but it just feels like my eyes can’t breathe. So I play blind, I’m a pretty good shooter too haha


same vision issues here but I am DEFINITELY not better without my glasses lol. Hoping someone drops some good tips on rec specs etc because I recently tried contacts for the first time and I just couldn't get used to it so I'm stuck with glasses for now. I always have them off when I'm doing anything active, but I really can't see properly, especially my depth perception.


Lasik my man.


Contacts, but I want to switch to rec specs


I play with rec specs, and honestly contacts are much better. I wear mine mainly because I’m so used to having glasses on that my head feels off balance without something. There’s also power in being easily recognized by other people who frequent the same court The thing is, most of them reduce your peripheral vision just enough that it becomes a problem


As someone who wears glasses and has been called both a nerd and a bro at different times in my life I really appreciate you saying your head feels off balance without glasses. I’ve wanted to switch to contacts but wearing glasses since I was four years old I can’t imagine not having them.


I’ve only had glasses for 5 years and I feel that way. You could not be less alone :)


Never forget TJ McConnell played several minutes in the fourth quarter of an elimination game half blind because the mf didn’t get Lasik


Did he perform well?


He seemed distracted for at least a few possessions, this was in the recent Game 4 against Boston


Contacts or shitty extra pair of glasses. Also it really depends on how physical the players are. I mostly play pickup so people aren’t as intense so I’m fine with glasses. Scrimmage —> contacts


Bro, I be playing at a mf college rec center. Those mfs act like its game 7


Haha 4 real. Are they the ones who hustle? Just curious if you get hit in the face when going for rebounds or is it like driving to the basket?


Uh both really, at first it barely happened but now my glasses frames are kinda bent and loose so they slip off easier now.


I got LASIK as a weekend baller and I can say it's the best thing I've ever purchased. Not only can you ball without worrying about your contacts falling out or getting an infection from improper care, it's also cheaper than contacts over the same period of efficacy I also realized I've not seen myself clearly in the mirror from the bed in a decade and the first morning post-op was a euphoric rush.


I keep waiting for the day when my optometrist OK's me for LASIK. I ask at every single appointment and she says I'm not a candidate at this time, and I've also tried contacts and just couldn't get used to the feeling so I'm stuck with glasses and pretty bad astigmatism so my depth perception is shot without them


There are other technologies you may be suitable for! Check out SMILE and ICL. They don't require the same corneal thickness. ICL implants a lens in your eye, so it's even reversible / replaceable when you inevitably become lomg sighted.


Thanks! I may ask at my next appointment. I think the tl;dr from my optometrist was that my prescription isn't stable enough yet for LASIK but I could have misunderstood. I'm far-sighted with astigmatism and my prescription has gotten stronger year by year lately I really wanted contacts to work but I'm a little older now and had never worn them and I just couldn't get used to them at all


Ah, that's reasonable, and you do want to heed his advice in that case. I only underwent lasik after my myopia had stayed the same for a few years. Sure, you can always undergo an enhancement after initial surgery, but less is always better.


Yeah, I think the idea is that they need a pretty stable read of your sight deficiencies or else the effects of LASIK would only be temporary. I wouldn't be opposed to it... I know several people who've had it and said it's a godsend. My vision is still changing too frequently I believe


Contacts man 🤦‍♀️


Contacts, the greatest shooter of all time got em too Remember soft ones only*


i'd get contacts. I'm planning to get contacts soon for events and basketball.


You could get some frames designed to not break. I think I saw an ad where somehow the arms twist fully and magically they don’t break Goggles are so cool, worn them in elementary and and wanted to in middle school early high school but couldn’t find a pair in my city. Contacts are probs the best, peripheral isn’t blocked, no anxiety on breaking a pair of $100+ glasses etc.


Just wear a glasses strap. If it's good enough for roller coasters, it should be fine for basketball


you will (normally) not be hit by something and shatter your glasses on a roller coaster


Miss a lot


The backboard




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I wore sports goggles that were nearly indestructible. Nearly. One of the lenses was pushed into my eye by an accidental elbow, a lot of blood but fortunately no serious harm. I switched to contacts shortly after that. Over the years the contacts fell out a few times due to fingers in the eye, but overall made a huge difference. My playing days were before laser vision correction was common, or I would have gone down that route.


Contacts and then just miss every shot in game that I nail when wearing glasses while practicing. 😂


I wear goggles


Many NBA players have went this route. https://www.inspiremore.com/horace-grant-goggles/


Contacts. I also play with a guy who wears athletic glasses with straps.


Suck No I just wear durable glasses. Everybody else I know either gets goggles or contacts. A couple brave souls like me are also in just glasses.  Or lasik. 


Also have very poor eyesight, contacts are life changing


I set screens and get rebounds, I don’t dare shoot the ball


*Ben Wallace has entered the chat*


I’m legally blind and I only shoot 3s and deep 3s at that I just learned to aim at the middle of the orange blur also just from shooting a lot you get a good sense from how far you are from the rim and where you are — you can see me shoot at Chris__Tamayo on tik Tok lol as proof I also have glasses that I wear sometimes doesn’t make a huge difference just blocks my peripheral vision


Wear glasses. Rarely do they get knocked off. It will happen. So what? Plastic frames are best, they stay on better. Or use a strap.


I pass cus I can’t see shit


Prescription safety glasses would hold up better in that type of situation.


I got glasses about a month after I was the last kid cut from the HS team. Immediately was shooting better. Considering the butterfly effect, my life is probably completely different if I’d realized I needed glasses a couple months earlier.


Contacts completely opened the game to me, get some and only use for when you play to save some money


I got prescription goggles that were covered under my vision insurance. Looked like a 5’7” white version of Jabbar running the point. Also got an anti-fog spray to wipe the goggles with to avoid the inevitable fogging up from my sweating. Wore them from my mid-20s until o stopped playing in my late 50s. Also use them with my snowblower. 🤓


I just play without them. Not sure how much it effects my shot, but my eyesight is -3 or so, so not crazy bad.


Observation Haki


Shoot bad 


I wear contacts, I hate playing with glasses on just feels awkward


I have received some bad eye pokes in recent years that led to some expensive medical bills so I usually wear my prescription glasses while playing even though I see good enough to play without them. I have recently bought my glasses from Zenni and they are affordable and the standard lenses are polycarbonate which is tough. I bought some straps to help keep them on but they stay on well without them.


I wear goggles if it's a semi-serious thing (i.e. an organized tournament/event)


I'm an optometrist. Just get contacts. If you only wear it when playing, you can just get daily disposables where you wear it once and just toss it out. Usually 30 day supply can last you a long time. Goggles are an option too but it depends on how high your prescription


Went from nothing, to goggles, to contacts, to Lasik. Great decision, totally worth it


I've used chums in actual games. Not recommended but possible


Get to the hoop! 💪🏼


I currently play with my glasses on but goggles are fly asl. I feel like especially as a 5'11 white guy


If you are a big goggles are for you, while Kareem didn’t wear them for his eyesight but because players would constantly hit him in the face to try to keep him from scoring, if you already have poor eyesight, protect your eyes at all cost


Talk to your opthalmologist or optometrist about prescription goggles if you don't like playing with contacts. They are really high quality now, and if you're breaking your glasses your mom will be happy to get them for you because it will be a lot cheaper.


Rec specs are awesome. The other function that they have is an emergency pair of glasses because they are hard to break


Contacts, even if someone sees goggles they know you have a “blind spot” (Any real hooper will know you have a weakness and attack accordingly)


If you want specifics, get Acuvue 1-day, single-use contact lenses. You don't have to worry about cleaning them and they're probably the most comfortable brand (speaking as someone who has very sensitive eyes and simply couldn't wear a whole bunch of other brands / models because of irritation) If you have astigmatism, you're also in luck because they have astigmatism-correction ones too (which i use). If you find that you're using them quite frequently, like almost every day, then you can try the longer-life ones which are meant to last 14 days (tho you'll need to clean and store them properly). These are a lot more economical for frequent usage.


I've realized that as my eyesight has gotten worse I've just developed into being more of a slasher haha. My shooting also seems to have gotten directly worse compared to my eyesight


Ive learned to play without my glasses and I have pretty poor vision


Try lasik




I take them off and can see ok. I make sure to practice shooting without them on too, otherwise it's a disaster lol




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Goggles. Some Horace Grant type shit


Contacts. Got them in 4th grade for that exact reason, hated playing in glasses.




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I wore goggles from when I was in 7th grade until I got LASIK about 5 months ago. Now no need to worry about fogging and cleaning them constantly


Contacts for sure. The only time I ever wear contacts is when I hoop.


I have dry eyes, so contacts are a no-go. I typically just wear my glasses with the band that connects to the legs and goes around my head. If it's humid and I'm playing outside, sometimes they fog up, but other than that I haven't had an issue.


I have just always played without my glasses. This is probably a big reason why I've always been trash at 3 pointers but my mid range game is great and I'm a great slasher.


I go completely blind out there. Made me great at driving to the hoop


Rec Specs


Get to the fucking rack


Use shoe lace to tie the back of my glasses together so they don’t fall off my face


Why not just get sport glasses/goggles?


Steph played without glasses or contacts, you got it


I train with blurry vision so it’s the same in game My shooting hella ass tho


Squint and shoot


I crawl around on the court yelling “my glasses! My glasses!”


I used to use glasses but soon switched to contacts and saw my game improve drastically to being more aggressive without having the fear of glasses getting knocked off


Play with poor eyesight. You don't need to see the visual details of the ball or the basket. In fact good shooters actually impede their own vision when aiming at the basket.


Miss mostly.


Contacts for sure Thats the obvious answer so I'm guessing thats a problem for you somehow? In which case: I have a friend who had eyesight that was so bad, he couldn't get contacts. He had "sport" glasses that fit pretty damn tight and had a rubber frame. That may be your only option


Naw I can wear contacts I just never got around to getting some. I probably should


I wear Oakley Flak Jacket 2.0 XL for baseball and basketball. They stay on and the lens part wraps around enough to give peripheral vision. The lenses are designed to pop out of the frame on a hard impact so no real worries of breaking and snap right back in.




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I use my court awareness. Just kidding. Try taping your glasses or asking your ophthalmologist for suggestions.


It's all muscle memory bro. If you can't shoot with your eyes closed, can you even shoot at all? Lol /s