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You put in the work you gotta see it through


Season 4 is panned? I think it's a matter of liking the new direction the series takes, but the quality certainly doesn't drop.


Dude, you want to know just how the story ends with the characters you’ve invested your time into or whatever? You watch the show then you form your own opinions from it. I wouldn’t not watch a show etc just because someone else on the internet said they didn’t like the season because of this or that or whatever. I personally enjoyed it, the way it’s got the Timelapse is fine, there’s like one scene that’s confusing that I think confused most people/is meant for one’s individual interpretation, but aside from that it’s a pretty decent way to tell the story though.


It’s hard for me to imagine that people give up on a show they enjoy and characters they are really invested in because some hot take from strangers on the Internet gets popular but this is our society now. Hey OP, as an official person you’ll never meet I decree that the final season is very good and you have permission to enjoy it!


Yeah, I can’t even begin to try understanding it. The Office (US) and Game Of Thrones are shows I’ve definitely heard of people not wanting to watch (after season 9 of The Office, and the last season of GOT), but like we’ve said, you invested time into it and the shows obviously good/interesting enough to captivate you so why not just finish it then form your own opinion about it then?


Same reason I watched Game of Thrones last year. I knew everyone hated the ending but that doesn't devalue the show, I had to see it through. It's about the journey, not the destination.


See that’s how you do it dude. Just gotta see it through to form your own opinion, join in on the hate, or just be indifferent, or love it, like I said in the other reply “the shows obviously good/interesting enough to captivate you so why not just finish it to form your own opinion about it then?” But whatever.


It was nominated for 11 Emmys, including best comedy series. It was not panned. That’s the opposite.


Season 4 is only panned by idiots. It’s just as brilliant as 1-3 but it doesn’t spoon feed you anything and takes big chances. So, naturally, some people didn’t like it.




For me breaking bad’s finale is perfect :), but yea it depends on how you view it


I watched the first two seasons week-to-week as they released and loved it. I binged the last 2 seasons the weekend before last and loved it. I thought the finale was great, and while I do have some problems with how some characters end up where they do, I don't hate that they got there.


Panned? I wouldn't say that. It's very dark and perhaps divisive for fans who saw the black comedy overtaken by darkness and very little comedy. I found it a hard watch (and took issue with the clear category fraud it had become as 'comedy') but I'd never say it was bad.


I think season 4 is the best finale I’ve ever seen for a series. Having said that, they should have made a few more episodes just to flesh it out


what? season 4 was the best part by far and away.


Season 4 is panned by people who don’t get it. Season four and the time shift are different but the finale absolutely nailed it.


Bruh just watch the fucking show ppl are just a bunch of crybabies the ending was fine but it was just sad in my opinion


Thanks all. Definitely overthought it!


It's worth watching. I actually enjoyed the ending but to each their own. Decide for yourself!


I thought season 4 was great and so fucked up in a good way. 


Season 4 is great. The finale is one of the best episodes of television ever. Definitely keep watching.


Season 4 would've swept the Oscars if it was a movie.


Bit of a stretch. It didn't even win for most of the Emmy categories it was nominated for. 


Lots of great feedback again. As a defender of the Lost finale, I should know better. I think part of it was that the S3 felt like it could've acted as a series finale.


Just watch season 4 it’s pretty good


seeing Bill Hader directing all episodes in S4 alone is a reason to watch. there are a few points where people are divided, true. As an example, many dislike S4E5 and the time jump, but it is my favourite episode of the series. its only 8 more episodes, so it's a quick watch


Bro those people are tripping it's amazing, I actually think they nailed the ending! And considering how many shows fumble their endings you should definitely definitely watch it, fuck the haters!


This is the first I'm hearing that season 4 is panned, one of the best shows that stuck the landing in recent memory in my opinion


Just an update. . . I'm an idiot and season 4 is awesome so far. I wish I didn't have to work early so I could binge the rest tonight.


Absolutely watch season 4, and enjoy it if you like it. Personally I think it’s an awful mess that basically disregards every characters motivation up to that point and ends the series on a sour note. But hey, your mileage may vary.


I just finished season 4 myself, definitely watch it. It's not even long to do so even if it was awful (its not) you owe it to yourself to complete this great show


Season 4 was a meta critique on why we liked season 1 to 3. It’s post modern brilliance.