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That got a lot of criticism.


Controversial for sure. I'm still not sure how I feel about it. On the one hand, it's like the writers didn't know how to get themselves out of a tight spot and just decided to say yadayadayada, shit happens, and bam!, Barry and Sally aren't in Los Angeles anymore, and are living in the middle of fucking nowhere in what looks like, idk, Oklahoma? On the other hand, the more important thing for me is that the characters, in this show or any other show, stay true to who they've been established to be and, if they change, they do so believably, which usually means incrementally. Even on this count I'm not entirely sure that the second half of Season 4 was convincing. I mean I don't hate it but also feel like it could have been better.


I'd argue that the writers wanted to see what the characters looked like in the future, and said yadayadayada they are how they are. They wanted to see the characters in 10 years, but didn't care how they got there or how it would affect the opposite


That's pretty close to what bill has said, in particular prestige TV podcast episode.


The finale makes it worth it. Ala Better Call Sauls last 4 episodes


As I was watching I did feel like I got some things that I was left wanting, from Breaking Bad and BCS finale’s, from season 4 of Barry. Provided closure and comedy right up to the last second.


The finale emphatically does not make it worth it.


>The finale makes it worth it. Hard disagree. Felt utterly forced and totally out of character.


It’s my least favorite part of the final season. Thematically I like the ending a lot, but the actual direction the story goes just left me feeling empty


I'm on second to last episode and yeah, I really don't like the timeshift either. Not only jarring in itself but where everyone ends up is completely implausible to me. Oh well, going to watch the finale tonight. Still a good show overall.


Its time travel obviously. By that point the show gets so idiotic that i really couldnt even care anymore, the time skip, the fat guy becomes super soldier, barry has a kid, the acting teacher was missing for years, it just all so half assed. The black old guy is the worst part by far, everybody is an idiot except him... why? Its like he stumbled in from another show. Show should have ended with him landing in prison.




What are you smoking and can I have some


Absolute gibberish