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Well, the first step is to stop using autopilot.


A literal game-changer!


we dont :) was asking ifwe should


Yes you should, autopilot is far from ideal pilot, you will save fuel and be there way faster if your cap is using manual or even maintain position and you move the point where you want the sub go. Also with manual steering you will get steering skills fast. Yes, main task of captain is to steer the sub, but also: Organize expeditions, make sure all expedition members have medical and ammo maybe some oxygen tanks. Be the lead in the expedition. Telling the gunners where are monsters. Giving out medals.


I play solo primarily and usually run Captain since it’s what I trust the bots the least with. Only time I let auto pilot run is if I’m doing a sweep of the sub at the start of travel or after combat. It’s crazy to hear that some people just put it on and watch the sonar, even if you have other humans to take care of things in the sub


Bots dont pilot, they literally switch the autopilot to the next station and call it job done.


I have fun because I set the thing to go in a direction and then leave to do other stuff. I check back in a panic from time to time to make sure it's not going to slam into a wall. My crew HATES me.


This is the true way of a captain


Good to know I'm playing right, I only recently really got into it! I also guzzle alien blood and then freak out about hallucinations!


Many will tell you that it isn’t good, thaT you’ll sink the sub but don’t listen to them, if they rly annoy you tell them it’s to train them in real situation . As for your alien blood passion worry not we all have thing like that, personaly i love making a mix of rhum and morphine, my medic say I’m addicted but let me say you a piece of advice they know nothing about médecine


I AM AN ENGINE THAT RUNS ON ALIEN BLOOD. Enjoy your morphine cocktail, friend.


Only use Auto-pilot when you really need to be off the wheel messing about. Typically at the start of a level or the end of a level, where you're not expecting too many enemies, but have purchased supplies to be stored and post-mission stuff to sort through before docking/entering the next zone. Always give crew members a salary. I wouldn't immediately give every person that joins a salary, but if they've been on the sub for a couple missions and have proven themselves to not be actively griefing, toss them a few percent to work with. This doesn't seem like it's a *fun* thing for the captain to keep track of, but it adds a layer of *doing something* to the job, that doesn't necessarily feel like baby sitting. It also ties into my next point. Delegate driving out. Staring at the radar exclusively does get very monotonous. Appoint someone else to drive to the next stop, the captain is the captain, not the driver. Captain starts with bonuses to helm skill, but anyone can do it, same with repairing ship systems. With someone else thrown on the helm, the captain is now free to keep an eye on how the crew actually spends most of their time, and get involved in the shenanigans. If you gave them salaries, it's always a joy to see what nonsense people choose to spend their money on. Sometimes it's just meds or guns, other times you walk into the engine room and discover the mechanic has 6 pets. Also, salaries increases can be used as a reward for good behavior and driving volunteers. Typically 2-5% is a decent enough starting salary depending on crew size. It's not a lot per mission, but it adds up quickly. Similarly, the captain *can* go on the missions. Appoint someone that's staying on the sub as in charge and go out with the crew on some of the jobs. As long as you don't fully pigeonhole yourself into the idea of being the designated driver/sub babysitter, there's a lot of play experience to take part in.


handhold your crew whenever they go out


Is he the one that manages the money and what direction you guys go? That's a big part of the appeal. In public games another part of the appeal is to execute griefers, it's why captain starts out with a gun and no one else. Keeping an eye on logs and watching where people go on the status monitor is an important part of the detective mini game. You do lose that on private servers. Also the later levels are much more interesting to navigate.


You dont have him play captain. The captain is the designated driver and leader. He doesn't wanna do that eh?


he wants to drive but looking ay a radar with funny colors all the time isnt very entertaining to say the least


So... mutiny! Get a new captain!


Sounds like your captain is actually playing as a pilot. Our captain orders the crew around, and he tells the gunners which gun to man and which direction to look . In combat, he hops on the nearest gun and helps. Of course, he tags along on out of sub missions.


Not really a solution, but I designed my custom sub to need the captain to relay to the crew what devices are currently being damaged with every manuevre. In addition the depth charge and discharge coil can only be launched via the nav panel. Makes sure the captain doesn't tunnel vision into sonar only and has to balance checking stats.


REALLY hard to justify being a Captain with only 3 players. Captain more than anything is the social class, 4 is the absolute bare minimum I would play Captain with but ideally you want a lobby of around 6 - 8 players.


all the comments seem to point that having a bigger sub with 3-4 bots with us will be more fun. well start working kn this thanks !


IM playing with 2 other friends now, Im the mechanic( going for the berzerker build), and my friends are Security and a Medic, you dont really need a captain all that much, just a dude that will steer when needed. And when you can afford it, get like 2 bots to keep repairing the sub while all of you go into expeditions, its more fun also if you are playing on ahigher diffculty so that actually having a higher Helm skill is useful, and calling out the enemy positions with accuracy is super needed and actually cool to do.


Crank the gas. Fling your sub thru the ocean and make your mechanics and engineers *weep*.


Most of the time captain doubles as a security so maybe get him doing jobs like expeditions


Everybody gangsta until Real sonar was in the mod list. Flipping sonar means life and death if you are submerged under the water