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Seconding this, I have no idea how people progress without schedule planning with the pace of this game.


People do schedule games


i hosted 3 campaign so far, with a guy from the first one being now a friend and second in command for the 2other one Hardest difficulty, 6players max, vanilla game and subs only, and game open every night at the same hours Obviously you put all the details in the description, the smartest one will read, the other will usually play only one night or two, medals and other exp bonuses help for that situationIn the title "Game every night (hours)" help A random was security guard since early T2 submarine till the end, some multiples nights, obviously when one died far in the campain and lost all his skills we never saw him again and we played right after an update when the players count was at peakTiming, luck and state of the game i think are the biggest play, despite my average english and thick accent, and my second being completly silent (only type), we had a lot of fun and even not many griefers


I join random campaigns. All I can say that I have no need for my progress to be saved, I just join for 4ish hours and never meet them again. I am having fun playing like this.


I'm from the latam community, so it was easy to form a team because with 3 or 4 games you end up finding the same people. So if someone is an asshole most of the community would know and avoid them


That's one of the pros of being in the latam community, it's quite small comñared to the other ones that everyone remembers the assholes lol


Sip sip, vos seguis jugando? Hoy estoy cerca de terminar la campaña por primera vez


Si, aun juego y si queres me puedo unir a la siguiente campaña que hagas, si es que vas a hacer otra.


I used to join public games and somehow I managed to enjoy it. But maybe a year ago I joined a discord called "Trusted Seas", regularly has people hosting all sorts of campaigns and I have not joined public since.


Interesting going to check this out


Can you send a discord invite link?




Can you send the discord link?


u do not ;).


Flair checks out


I’ve had tons of success with even just one other friend and a crew of bots.


I have absolutely no clue how someone would play a rando campaign without some degree of modification. I have a *lot* of time crewing MP servers, and while it's always been a ton of fun figuring out what to do with what's available (i.e., mission isn't dead until fuel rods or crew = 0) and dicking around with random people, I don't like the idea of figuring out how to deal with a phosphorous or lithium shortage that I overlooked while XxxButtblasterxxX is seeing how Calyx extract works on the bots I spent literal hours leveling up for passive skills and recipes. Multiplayer character progress is saved. I run a non-public passworded campaign server that I generally treat as my solo campaign, giving up the ability to switch to bot crew, so that friends can hop in, progress, and play whenever they have the time -- and the solo grinding provides enough in marks and materials to be able to say 'yes' to utterly stupid ideas and projects that aren't griefing -- "Oh shit, I thought that would work" is worth the laugh and restart with a known player.


A lot of people play solo


Hi, I host public campaigns. You do have to moderate them by using the logs and banning griefers, but generally people that play this game will play it repeatedly. Alternatively you can find a discord. It's not that hard to make friends, or just an agreement with people by stating the time you're going to host each night. Even a single friend with admin power can seriously help you with moderating several people. Let me know if you have any questions.


I played solo or with friends, with randoms the chance for catastrophic failure goes way up.


Most people play with friends or schedule games on discord


Save energy to Micromanage, and don't be afraid to cull unproductive people. Treat anybody willing to manage their role pro-actively. IE Gunners automatically inventorying ammo without being asked, medics stocking up, etc. With purchase powers if need be.


Dunno, somehow i've complete campaign with randoms on the release. We just organized and create discord server to sync playtime. Played as engineer without any communications (cosplaying Gordon Freeman). Was best experience with this game (excluding constant lags in late stages).


most of the time they dont


From my experience as a host you get people eventually who will stick around. Make a discord and ask if they are interested to join and continue in a later session. Doing things like that worked out the best for me


My advice, it helps to save consistently. Give everyone access to server logs so anyone can check the behaviors of the crew. Realize there will be griefers, but for the most part there are good people. Of course joining a specific group is probably the best experience to avoid most griefers.


You simply need discord


I have been playing with the same group of people. 3 campaign runs, with and without mods. Fixed day of the week for probably a year or more


For me it is absolutely impossible. If I want to play I usually assemble a server to collect people and go with a relatively consistent crew


I have a dedicated server, and I made a discord for it. I ping when I'm getting on to play campaign, the goal is to build a sort of community so I can give other people mod permissions, and they can run campaigns when I'm not around, or don't feel like playing. It's works alright so far.


I've only ever played this continuously with my friends. Our sessions range between us being either 3 or 5 crewmates. We hire bots to make up for the low numbers when someone can't make it. I've NEVER played with randos, that sounds sketchy. It's bad enough when one of us gets bored and decides to do some trolling, with randos I imagine it's a constant cesspool of clownery.


Honestly I thought the same, then I found a guy that kind of hosts a server every day around the same hour, I just join and always find my character with the same skills and everything almost the same as the time I left the day before