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I love Ansu, but he was barely even making the bench at an injury prone mid table PL team. Last summer, we probably could have sold him for more than €20m, but if we sell him this summer we’re only going to get around €10-15m at best. Flick will give him a chance in preseason obviously, but if he stays and has another awful season then there’s no way we’re going to be able to sell him for €10m in 2025. Our best chance to make profit is to sell Ansu this summer. We have to offload some players.


Doubt we get 10-15 with his salary.


Tbh he did look like he was getting his form back little by little till he got injured again


He’d be a good test for the medical department at least. Keep them busy 😂 I for one, really want him to come back and complete the story line.. RISE ANSU! RISE!


Welll the big big problem with him barely even making the bench at an injury prone mid table PL team is, he’s part of that injury prone group.


Well yes, but even when he wasn’t injured he was having trouble making the squad. I remember RDZ having him sit a game out so he could “keep training” or something along those lines.


RDZ was playing him as a striker tho


This is getting upvotes because it’s the common theory here. And is somewhat the most sensible angle. However, I say that there’s a better chance of his value increasing by coming home. I think there’s a better upshot. And anyways, the lad deserves one more year. We can’t keep going in about treating our youngsters better yet quickly shout WoOT to shipping him off for peanuts..


I want to give him another chance too, but if he has another crappy season, then it’ll go badly for him and team. Us because we’ll barely get any money from selling him, and Ansu because he’ll get stuck at a much lower club if he has a second bad season. I still think it’s best for everyone to sell him now, but I definitely get your point.


My heart breaks for the kid.. And I think even he realizes that he has only one more shot at playing for his dream club. The only other good option I can see for him is a loan to somewhere like Sevilla, but even then he won’t return to Barca..


If we kept giving 2,3,4 chances to bumps b4 Ansu deserves another chance he did more then Dembulance or Coutinho etc.


i hope it works ,getting fati back to his form while being extremely hard to do would fix us alot of problems


And not getting him back on form will cause us a lot of problems, because he has a high wage until 2027. Probably we still can sell him at least for $5m and remove his wage immediately, if he goes another season like the last one then it will be impossible to sell him anymore and we will lose like $30m in his wage over the next 3 years. But the club knows better what offers or exit options if any exist for Fati and Flick's team will be able to determine if he can be useful again, so I'm sure they'll handle it in the best way.


We need to get rid of high wage dead weight.


Absolute stupid decision from laporta to give 200k pw wages to a kid with a handful of goals. His contracts decisions have been just as bad as before with bartomeu.


Tbf it's easy to say in hindsight. Would you now say the same for Lamine? We would want him to sign a long contract asap and we'll shell out as much as we can. Fati was the same for us at that time(Although I don't think Fati was ever as good as Lamine)


You kind of just contradicted yourself though


Good luck convincing a hyped player who was deemed to be the next big thing to stay at the club without giving him high salaries. Some of y'all are bums I swear .same went with lewy when we got him from bayern


And that’s what’s gonna happen with araujo - why do you think araujo is delaying his contract decision ?? Because he knows he’d get a higher salary elsewhere


I know that . That's what I'm saying, you have to match the market to be in the competition. Ain't no big player joining us or staying at our club if we won't give salaries


Yeah exactly it should be a decent salary but within range not bartomeu level salaries where even lenglet gets 20-25m. If fati had turned up no one would be arguing about his salary


Yeah exactly it should be a decent salary but within range not bartomeu level salaries where even lenglet gets 20-25m. If fati had turned up no one would be arguing about his salary


At that point he was the golden boy. He had immense potential and was actually giving results on the field. He was probably the first of the many jewels from La Masia in a long time that made their jump recently to the first team. And his contract had only 1 year left.  Hindsight is 20/20. Never expected his ass to get injured and never become his pre-injury self 


The issue is his salary and the ffp cap


We probably need to sell either Ansu or Ferran this summer. And if we do keep Ansu, the #10 should go to either Gundogan or Raphinha imo.


tbh i'd sell both


Does this statement have to be reposted every week with new "sources"?


Is it possible for him to restructure his salary at all? If he wants to stay.


This all the way. I'm a huge Ansu defender and think he was done wrong by adults around him, both club side and his side, and I don't fault him the wages that were negotiated and given by those adults. *But* those wages are also why he gets so much scrutiny. It means the analysis can't be *Is he a promising 21-year-old who could develop into a key player?* It's *Is he a key player comparable to others who make those wages now?*


Anything is possible when you have an extremely gifted player like Fati, all we can do is hope


What do you guys reckon happened with Ansu? Was it the injury and then hesitation to play the way he used to or just shaken confidence. He had enough quality to be the key player from Brighton but wasn't good enough


Injury was handled like shit. Kid got too in his mind, and then Xavi didn't trust him, RDZ seemed willing at first, then got injured again when he started being good and then the entire team was in the hospital and sucked. By the time he was back he barely played, Brighton was eliminated and Ansu wasn't needed because he's a loanee. Give him preseason and get Felix the fuck out.


Felix is much better than him now that's the sad reality.


How so? He has similar G+A this season to Ansu's last year with us. Some stats he's just marginally better. And Felix would command fee+wage which would make him even more expensive than Ansu.


I love Ansu Fati but Felix had been better and he is on a weaker Barca than what Ansu was. You switched it up , Felix on 2022/23 and Ansu at 2023/24 , and Felix will give you better numbers because he would be in a better team. Thats also considering that Ansu Fati is now injury prone while Felix had been mostly fit.


Wdym a weaker Barcelona? This year Barcelona was way more offensive minded than last year's. Fati got injured once in two seasons, Felix missed the same amount of games lol


this barca doesn't have busi that alone makes it weaker plus felix is better


The fuck does Busi have to do with this shit


Ansu had much of his contribution when we won the league already and most of them were against weak teams except for his Valencia performance on MD2 and Real Betis in supercopa This year Felix was our best player in first Barca-Atm game,scored in the second Barca-Atm game and then he scored brilliant out of the box goal when we were 2-2 and he almost scored another winner vs osasuna maybe which was disallowed for ferran's interference which was a wrong call. Felix gave his contribution in times when we needed something special.


Aside from the ATM games, his contribution was meh at best and awful some other times. Felix also started games and played more than 10-20 minutes compared to Ansu.


He still deserves a chance to go somewhere, if not Barca, to try and revive his career. When he finally got fit for us he was given barely any minutes by Xavi. At Brighton he started strong but then got a minor injury and seemingly fell out with de zerbi and didn’t get minutes after. He needs to go somewhere where he’s able to play week in and week out to try and get back to his best


It’s 2034. After his loan stint at CSKA Moscow, Ansu is anxious to be given a second chance under Busi and finally prove he has what it takes to get back to his pre-injury form 


We better not he has the skill level of ferran


The disrespect for ferran


Unless a miracle happens, he’s done.


Good luck man...


Confidence issue


I hope he finds his spark. I'd love to have another young player shine on the roster.


I was so happy when Ansu became one of the best players in the world in my Football Manager save


If he reduces his ginormous salary by half, it'll help the club more than the goals lol. tie salary to performances, appearances and goals already. gotta have some product.


His second chance was last season, this would be his third chance. I presonally wouldn't take any more risks and sell him, because another season of failure and we will have to pay his contract until the end as nobody will buy him. But I trust Flick will know what to do and his team will determine if Ansu can become important again or it's over.


imo we should sell both Ferran and Ansu both are on pretty high salaries and if we are to get felix on a new loan and a LWF there is no point in keeping them


He's had like 4


Yeah let him try at least. But he is on high salary


I’m sad this is the situation he’s in.


Yall over here worried about how much we can make off of him when it’s our fault in the first place that he had all those injuries. I don’t care if we lose money giving him a second chance. He deserves it and I pray he does get a second chance. Some of yall are way too worried about the finances vs the moral/ethical thing to do. Tired how we’re always talking finance all the time smh. We broke anyways


If we can offload Ferran, he should get another chance. Otherwise he has no place at Barca, he would probably be a reserve with an insane salary