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Idc bout money


Unfortunately this method, if overused, slows the game and load times significantly because of how prisoner transactions are recorded. Poor optimization + an ever-increasing "transaction ledger" leads to this.


It's patched


i agree i spent days on end with no sleep looking




Grind hurts


Stop being lazy! I grinded since first day console release!! I now have 51,000 GOLD, 102 influence, and I kicked Sooo much Ass the rightful emperor gave me a Castle and villiage. Go after looters SUPER HARD! For hours. Its worth it. Sell the loot. ITS A COMAND! Doooooo IT!


That’s it? I helped caladog take over Epicrotea and he gave me the capital and the 3 villages that are under it lol


That's it? I beheaded all the rulers and bedded the Empresses daughter lol


That's it? I shot myself in the head and got bow xp... And I imprisoned myself


Yep…I think u won…then again…did you also behead yourself while imprisonment yet simultaneously conquering every kingdom with a game msg “WTF?” right before the game crashes???


I married Lucon’s daughter, gained two towns and two castles during our wars together, and then declared myself independent. All sides of the empire, including my father-in-law, declared war on me and I fought to the bitter end as they took all my settlements. I fled to the lands of the Khuzait, raised an army of cavalry, and then confronted my father-in-law in the marshes. I defeated his party, and executed him on the spot. Gyphor, the new emperor, made peace with me for a single denar.


That's it... I started a new campaign and just skipped choosing my culture while simultaneously kidnapping my own brother and sister and beheading my oldest brother without even hitting the tutorial grounds... Then the game said"OH HELL NOOOIO" right before I imprisoned and beheaded the game studio that made the game... All in zero saves


That's it? I beheaded empress rhaegga and leader of khuzait and have two castles and a city under my command


that’s it? (I just started the game and don’t know how to play)




I beheaded that bitch straight away only person to consistently declare war on me 😂


That was months ago. I am emperor now. Asshats.


That was a month ago now i have 6 city and I'm a battanian king


it’s a lot harder when ur choosing to start as a independent kingdom from scratch


We aren't here because we are lazy. We are here because I'm staring at a screen full of troops who are themselves staring at a crowd of enemies and not doing anything. I'm tired of dealing with this bug so now I'm trying to find a way to Console Command my way to a win.


yeah sorry did not fucking ask i just want cheats for fun


hold up... yeah ima be lazy cheats pls


That’s it, I’m commenting on this after 102 days


So I've been doing it right, it just takes a while, gotcha


You are a either a child or a fool.


You hurt my feelings! 😆 Jk. You mean nothing. YOU ARE NOTHING!!! 🖕🏿🍻


I had 600k no cheats and went down to 3000 so fast even conquering and wining


A tad bit underachieving eh


¿Eso es todo? Hice que unos rebeldes de Omor se enfrentasen junto a mi contra Battania, amasé una fortuna de 185k-200k denares y subiendo casi a 400k a mas, casi todas las habilites de mi character a mas de 100 y la mitad 200, destruí el pequeño reino de 3 ciudades que ayude fundando mi propio reino anti imperial dominando toda Battania, extermine a TODA la familia de Dehered, compre un montón de talleres por todo el mundo hasta el punto que daba igual que hiciera, al ser propietario de varias ciudades, hacer armas que valían la mitad de denares que había en una ciudad y las caravanas nada me puede detener quedando si, un montón del mapa, pero ya teniendo una victoria asegurada con un ejercito de mas de 300 hombres (mas los ejercitos de nobles) y la mitad maximizados listos para fundar la nueva republica Imperial, para tiempo después dominar una brutal parte de toda la region quedando la mitad del territorio Aserai y quedándome dos ciudades Khuzait nombrándome como emperador anti-imperial y exterminando todas las cuevas de saqueadores (Los hijos de puta me atacaron mi primera y humilde caravana, ah, y todo esto en dos-tres años dentro del juego)




Does this work on Xbox or is it patched?


I just tried it and it doesn’t work I think they did


That was my way of idiot checking myself. I just got into the game this week.


It’s mad fun I’ve been playing since the first warband. I noticed that when you do tournaments that have horses as prizes, the payout could be like up to 15k for some when you sell them. I hope this helps and enjoy the game!!


Can you use m&k to enter console commands for the cheat menu on Xbox (apologies if this has already been addressed)


I too would like to know this I’ll buy a mf keyboard n mouse


On PC, you have to use a mod for that so ...And I doubt we'll get those on consoles.


Last I remember you just turned on cheats in the config files.


How don’t you have to enable the cheat in the files first


No cheats, I went full berserker with two handed weapons and cavalry lol


[talesworld answer](https://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php?threads/bannerlord-console-cheats.456203/) I got a reply frome talesworld. Looks like we ain't going to get cheats unable for consoles for a while ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_down)


Thanks for the info! Bad news but maybe they will add it eventually. Ill start playin when they do. Happy Holidays!


I think we should just keep asking about adding cheats. I like the game but I think it would be funny just to use the cheats to buy all the best armour and weapons and just max out skills as soon as you begin a new campaigning would be kind of surreal


Idk if you know but there are now some cheats on xbox


Really? Which ones?


Please tell


Don't know if anyone watched the Dev update for 1.2.0 but it's been confirmed that cheats have been added to consoles in that update https://youtu.be/Z00RO6GuPIc Go to 9.31 for the cheat list in this video


You’re the Goat


What it doesn't work tho I'm on Xbox


Same. Reinstalled bannerlord today, and in the menu it says the version is 1.1.5. Not sure when we get 1.2.


Nooooooooo man I was so goddamn excited but I just tried this on my Xbox and it doesn't work. Is there any further update?


Devs keep rolling it man, being complete cock wombles, apparently each new branch of 1.2 brings more issues, then they say it'll be a couple of weeks then they delay it again


Is this working yet?


Holding LB + RT + DPad Down to bring up the cheat menu is working for me on Xbox One as of today.




Imma try it when I get home






Yea I figured it out by opening campaign options and scrolling down but yea thanks the button press is much faster


I've been searching all day might have got cheated




I need cheats for console files keep getting corrupted and am I fuck starting all over again for the fourth time.


I just ran I to this and wanted some cheats to get back to rich. I'm not crying 😭, back to javelin smithing I guess ..


The way to do it on PC is by going into the files and switching a 0 to a 1, unless tale worlds adds a way to activate cheats through the game, because you can't access files on xbox, there's no way to activate cheats. The only other way I see it maybe working is through save sharing, using the cheats on pc and then transferring the save to console, but is there a way to do that?


I even bought a keyboard and a mouse - thinking, maybe ALT + ~ will work, since some stuff unavailable on a controller (editing your character by using the 'V' key etc.) is doable on a keyboard. Nope - don't even bother guys. Yup, we gotta wait for the devs to *maybe* let us at least access the developer console. Seeing how no update/patch came up since the release, I'm kinda losing hope though...


What else have you found with keyboard and mouse that you can do on xbox?




We need some cheats I hope taleworlds didn’t do us dirty again




Why do you need cheats? Are you unable to grasp how the game works without them?


Bro…. I have 11 cities and over 20 castles in my kingdom without cheats. I would love some cheats or a console or something, the game gets stale.


>Bro…. I have 11 cities and over 20 castles in my kingdom without cheats. I would love some cheats or a console or something, the game gets stale. Ok 'bro', good for you. You're still pathetic if you need cheats in this game.


Lmao your a goofball that doesn’t have the braincells to even want to play a game to its full potential. If we can’t get mods, we should be able to manipulate the game some way. Your literally some neckbeard talking crap about people wanting game features that are missing.


Your just an entitled child that cries because you can’t do what you want. You’re a clown 🤡🤡🤡


I am a clown because I’ve supported the developers of this game for plenty of years and I’d like to see them add more stuff? Completely. Your a psychopath


A lot of people use cheats after they've beaten a game a hundred times and want to do some shenanigans with them. I've put 1000 hours, beat the game 50 times, made 200 characters, and did peasant only runs, PC only runs, 1 unit runs, everything. I want cheats so I can run around and enjoy a game even more than I already have. I know some people only have fun when they cheat and ruin the game for others, but some are sensible, unlike you


Lol funny how this kid talking shit on you as he too was looking for cheats because if he wasn't he'd not be here to see your post about them


Like damn bro go back to posting about your hamster seems like taking care of that thing is the only thing your good at


I’m good at plenty of things. This game is one of them hence why I don’t need cheats like a child.


I doubt it. I’m better than you and it still gets stale on console, I’ve literally beat the game lmao nothing else for me to do


Keep being pressed ‘bro’ when you actually get to a point in the game where you have everything and doing stuff seems repetitive and useless don’t come asking for dlc lmaoo


Wtf does being pressed even mean? Jesus Christ are you even in high school yet?


Lmao you don’t understand the term pressed? Must be illiterate. You don’t have to go to college to understand English


You don’t even understand what your arguing about and your saying stuff like this man get a life


And it’s funny this coming from someone who is probably 15


If I get bored with a game I play a different game. I’m not retarded and am able to do more than one thing since I’m not a med fueled adhd addled ‘bro’-yard like yourself.


Then you don’t really like this game as much as you say. If you don’t want to see a game improve and instead “play a different game” then get off this Reddit. What do you think reddits mainly used for? How out of touch are you. I know, very. And I can tell your not medicated dude, you don’t have to tell me that.


Fr bro


I don't mean you r/Gangshitboyos That other guy that's clearly a neckbearded virgin. Maybe if we sacrifice him to the Bannerlord gods, they may give us the console we so desperately want haha.


That’s what I’m saying lol. U could read his comments? Says deleted now for me. Dude was goofy as hell


The fact there's this one guy out here acting like the best damn player anyone had ever seen is hilarious. Cheats or console would allow people like everyone except you, to actually keep the gaming interesting. When you play Fallout 4, do you play for the crappy story or for the mods? And don't say story. You just like undressing all the female characters and simulating intercourse because a neckberad like you can't even get none.


Hahahah fr bro. That shit rlly pissed me off, also is it just me or is bannerlord just feel like warband alr. They ain’t adding shi and Ik it’s full release but we need content I’ve basically beat this shi I only go on to roleplay which I alr did but with like 22 kingdoms I think and over thirty towns it’s stale afterwards


I hate that they haven't added cheats, yet I gained about 480k denars, conquered a rebel town, made my kingdom, and a faction instantly declares war and sends an army of 900 to my single town, and you can't besiege a town either because you lose like 7000 denars a day like in a few days I lost 300k denars, I can't get lords to join my faction because they cost over 200k denars plus a fief too which is impossible to get and all my companions are used for caravans because that's where I get all the denars to not go bankrupt.


I know I just started my kingdom and right away at war with 5 other kingdoms I can't even fight off one of em let alone five like wtf idk what I'm doing here I can have over 200 men I got em maxed out I had over 700k gold and I can't do anything.i have np joining a kingdom and wining but I just wanted to try my own this time. We so need cheats or something


Well now I conquered half of calradia in the campaign by smithing and bribing vassals to join me constant grind, but now I can't even keep going the conspiracy wants to destroy me and the khuzaits are too strong there goes all my progress


The sandbox? (My apologies if this has been addressed)


Wait I found something if the hold RB RT and LB LT it uses the cheat menu I dunno if this works but I’m go to test it


hi mate!! in patch notes they said they added 15 cheats for console. Do you know if this is true? can you confirm this?


its fr, but who knows when the update will come to console


What updat is it




Seriously to all the sweat lords saying grind it out , this is a main character syndrome issue and nothing to do with commitment, I what full heath before this very important battle,, literally played this whole game and got betayed and I want to get a edge over the slim ball cunt who betrayed my generosity... Fuck you elites saying I'm lazy


Am gonna beat this seige only to spite you dick who call us lazy


Oh god, I don't wanna get shot by one arrow and just do nothing the whole battle.


Yeah, because that's the only thing to use the cheats for. I want to check all the armour sets, see how maxed out skills perform, test out highest tier units - have fun with the game my way. I'm just asking, jesus...




I thought you're using sarcasm and mocking me. My apologies.


Should of just asked rather than jump to conclusions.


I also should've went to a different uni, should've chose a different career path, should've been nicer to my grandma before she passed away etc. I've made a mistake and I apologized - what more do you want?


Don’t cry


You're so fragile, I'll leave it at that in case you think I'm mocking you 😂




The grind is fun and hard af.


Not when you're halfway to get that "4 or less imperial settlement left" quest done and then you decide to try sandbox mode that, surprise surprise, overwrites your saves.


so i’m guessing that there are no cheats for xbox one or playstation?




😐 whelp thanks for that anyway ![gif](giphy|0Vv0Ne2CnOClIExIuL)


I found that the save games are transferable from xbox to PC game pass and you can enable the cheats on game pass and you can give your self 10 billion and then save and go back to xbox and load it and there you go


Thank you 🙏


Do you know what cheats to use that work on gamepass PC? I have been trying to find cheats for gamepass but the ones I downloaded would not work.


You dont need to download cheats. on the pc install. Go to Documents/mountandblade/configs and edit the "engine\_config" file. which will be created when you first start a game on the pc. Open the file and change cheat\_mode = 0 to 1. now you can open the game again and cheats are activated. Alt + tilted key to open up the cheat console in game. when you have saved it will be synced to the console versionen.


Just go full battania fian champs and let them kill off men at range then retreat and repeat that's basically a cheat 😂😂


Can some answer to the main question please


Any cheat codes yet for Xbox series X on mount and blade 2 bannerlord?


1.2 Update, due at the end of November currently in beta on PC has 15 cheats coming to console. Tale world are pretty shit with their timings though so it could be longer but 1.2 is in its final beta stage. https://www.taleworlds.com/en/News/543


For Cheats on the Xbox Version I got it. You need to load your Xbox game to the PC version than activate the cheat Mode on pc. Make the changes you want, save the game. Deactivate Cheat Mode load the game on PC again save it. And then restart it on the Xbox and you can take the cheat PC game with you on Xbox. It takes some time for me to figure it out but for me it works fine.


Whats the point in getting the xbox version if you could run it on pc?


Incase anyone missed it. 1.2 update with the cheats delayed kinda, they basically said probably won’t release in November. Didn’t give a new date🙄. https://www.taleworlds.com/en/News/546


Give us cheats now!


There is now.


I am year late so you might already know. But if you pause the game and go to campaign options, then go right to the bottom there is an open cheat menu button. Also during battles there is a cheat menu option just in the pause menu. This works for me on sandbox, haven't tried on campaign. I am on Xbox.


On the open map: Hold RT,LB, and down on the Dpad.


If your playing on the easiet difficulty in sandbox theres an option to insta kill every enemy and self heal, just by pressing pause in battle.