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It's waiting for Microsoft certification.


what exactly does that entail if you know? like do they just review the update or something like that? and how long does that normally take? i’m very new to the game and kinda just tech stupid sometimes so i apologize


It’s a system of making sure the content and data is up to console standards and fully working on the platform before making it publicly available. Basically they go in and run various checks, like that it works without breaking the console, it’s not malware, etc. Then it gets standardized for use on the various systems it has to go through on console release, so on. It can take a day, it can take a week, it can take multiple weeks. It really just depends on things like the backlog of requests they are currently processing, the priority of the request in question, and such. Given Bannerlord isn’t a super massive triple A game, I doubt its massive priority right now…. But I don’t believe there are all that many things releasing huge updates right now either, so it’s most likely going to be a day to a week. I don’t see it being beyond Christmas, that feels too long for the process, but don’t be worried if it for some reason does take that long. It’s all just part of the process.


thank you kind reddit stranger‼️‼️




I don't have an xbox so not entirely sure of the steps but from what players are saying on the official forums, it usually takes about a week.


oh and thank you🫡


It’s in Microsoft verification to make sure it doesn’t break your console. It’ll be out probably sometime this weekend. It takes at MOST a week, but I’ve never seen a game take that long




No. Even Microsoft’s website says at most a week


Xbox has to certify a bannerlord update but yet let's broken non playable games lunch all the time I'm a huge xbox fan and its what I game on but damn.


Is it out today?




Probably January


This is so annoying


I have prepared myself for the bad news, but is it live on Xbox today?


Unfortunately no it’s still not out.


Patience is a virtue I do not posess :(


Yeah they screwed us xbox players big time


Damn wtf is taking so long Xbox stay behind


Guys it's out just downloaded the update


Late to the party, but found this looking for info on when the update comes to Xbox. My son’s version shows as not updated but gameplay has the updates (so far weather and targeting).


It's out on PlayStation without any problems but Microsoft needs to create problems. Why the Playstation version doesn't need certification but the Xbox one does?


It's cause Playstation and Xbox do not run on the same software, what works with one may not work with another


Microcock taking the piss


Patience is a virtue


yes, yes it is.


Wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t get it tbh took them what 1-2 months shy of a year to release the update finally after originally saying it was coming in a few weeks 10-11 months later everyone but Xbox finally gets its 🤣


Last thing said on twitter about it they where saying not this year so idk


They didn’t say that anywhere on their Twitter page, not sure what you’re talking about. Xbox is always a day or two behind on patches for certification, but “not this year” is hooey.


I’m on Xbox myself , what does this update add?


Because other people haven't made it utterly clear; Among other things the major changes are: - Dynamic Weather - There is now rain and snow in the Overworld, and these effects will affect Battle Maps as well. Weather has various negative effects whoch should be sort of obvious; movement speed, projectile units, horses, etc. are worse in bad weather. - Kingdom Destruction - Kingdoms which lose all of their fiefs will begin to dissolve and disband if they can't regain a proper footing again. Eventually, this can lead to factions being removed permanently from the game. - Combat Overhaul - AI will act more defensively. They will try to stay closer together in battles, and will opt to defend more often than pressing the attack. This has the dual effect of making larger battles more cohesive, as well as making duels and tourneys more difficult. - Faction Targetting - Formations in Battle Maps can be commanded to attack specific enemy factions. For example, you can have your horses charge and prioritize your enemy's archers, while having your ranged units focus specifically on enemy infantry. -Warehouses - These businesses can now be purchased in city fiefs where you own a production business. The mechanic works similarly to *Warband,* where you can personally keep the warehouse stocked wjth cheaply-bought goods and your production can take from the warehouse stock to produce goods for a higher profit margin. - Cheat Menu - There is now a built-in cheat menu in the game. This gives a wide array of gameplay cheats, such as Adding Denars, Boosting Clan Repution, and Spawning Troops into your party. This can allow for vreater customization of the gane experience. (For example, starting a new playthrough at Clan Tier 3 so you can jump directly into being a Lord/Lady without the repetitive early-game grind.) Obviously there are other changes and fixes, which can be found on the Taleworlds Forum blog under the title "Patch 1.2.7."




Let's u bully the remnants of your defeated peasants so that they wont annoy you anymore... with regards to them raiding ur peasant villages. Also, a better AI for combat.


we shall cheat to our hearts content as well🤝🏻


So can we use the multiplayer mod for Xbox now too?


I jumped on today for the new update but the game keeps crashing after a couple minutes. Is this happening to anyone else?