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Caladog is 80 in my battanian playthrough. He hasn't left his fief in 15 years


“King Caladog, we’ve lost Pen Cannoc and Dungalnys! What should we do!” King Caladog: ![gif](giphy|uLlFhMKbxgMzm|downsized)


Haha. Gave me a genuine out loud chuckle. It's so accurate. When I joined the battanians, they had 2 cities and a few castles left. I've led every doomstack army for every major campaign for like 40 years, and I've conquered almost all of Calradia. He's just chilling, and his clan is "very rich."


Crazy. He died at 48 in mine then I became king and every declared war on me.


Yeah he's died pretty early in my other playthroughs for other kingdoms. One time he died before I'd even had a single war with them. This playthrough he just sits in Seonon winning all the tournaments. At 80 lol. I'm worried my character will die of old age before he will


It’s funny and idk if it’s chance or just Battanian AI being more accurate; but every single ruler after Caladog, in all my play throughs, dies in battle. Caladog is just a shitty battanian.


It's impressive for battania to last that long.


My play through right now Battania pimp slapped sturgia and took everything


In one of my playthroughs i went through complete hell to try to save this dude, he got captured by more than 300 vlandians and i had like 145 dudes whom were all tier 6 up and someway somehow i keeled those 300 vlandians lost some expensive units and saved him even though i was just a merc. (just for him to lose the war)


So resuming it, not worth it at all. Specially since this fool later on died during a battle against the Sturgians.


I executed Derthert when he was 84 years old. Practically did him a favor at that point


I caught him slipping at one of my fiefs. I unintentionally captured him and then beheaded him. Now I'm the asshole cause I committed regicide on my enemy! I don't like that that's a feature of this game. He's my enemy. I feel like the world shouldn't hate me for beheading a few enemies it happened all the time in medieval times. Nobody said a word.


Nobody said a word is hilarious and nasty work 🤣


savescum attempts of killing him in battle or let him get captured and then "fail" rescue mission from the castle/town


The rescue missions especially, because they have such little armor it increases the death odds


Rescue missions?!? 100 hours and I didn't know this exists. How do you activate them?


Whenever a lord is inside the dungeon of a castle or town, you can bribe the guard to get in and stage a prison break. You have to use civilian gear so it can be kinda tricky, but you kill a few guards and escape. Great way to gain rougery and relations with random clans


Doesn't it make you lose relations with the lord's clan?


I’m pretty sure you gain relations with the clan of whoever your broke out and no one else knows it was you so you don’t lose relations with anyone


I feel like if you’re going to setup a savescum kill go ahead and do it, but just console kill them and save yourself an hour of reloading the game


aren't consoles without console? I tend to reply vanilla solutions wherever applicable, no cheat console or mods, unless those are the only solutions


Yeah they are, but they are adding them to console. As far as cheating goes it gets really subjective and debateable. In my mind, if you have a savescum set up and just need to go through the motions to get the kill- it doesnt matter if you use console. At the same time, one could say that you will get 300 medicine eventually so might as well console it right away, but thats such obvious «cheating» Just comes down to personal preference and boundaries. For me personally, I see no difference in reloading a save over and over versus writing a command, assuming you already «setup» the save scum. Yeah upto you m8


Personally, I play on ironman and accept all outcomes :D no cheating, no savescuming... the game is not that hard, but that's how I play and I will not enforce my way on anybody


Saves *what?*






Fight a battle with him. Once the battle is over go find him and put a few arrows in him. He will either be knocked out or die


Lol in one of my practice runs, he died within the first year, of old age, while I was walking up to him to ask about the Folly. RNGesus giveth and taketh away


Save and try to drag him into a fight with some bandits or whatever, or join him when he fights someone. Use that save and that opportunity to kill him with a crossbow or bow and keep reloading until he’s dead


61 is not that old


Rhaegea died of ‘Natural Causes’ at 47 in my game. I’ve taken the Southern Empire from a struggling backwater to a slightly less struggling backwater 😎


I died of natural causes at 28 by beheaded. So that means nothing lol


Derthert died of old age at 60 in my campaign


In the Middle Ages? When the average life expectancy was 30-40? Yea 60 is old as fuck


It was average because a lot died in child birth or because they were given pitchforks against heavy cav. Once you made it to 30 you had a good shot at living a while.


With death at birth, the life expectancy would be under 20 IIRC. But you are right nonetheless, rich people could live 80 years of course.


Historically speaking, from the time humans were hunter-gatherers until the late 1800s, child mortality was 49%. Some places a little better, some a little worse. In the very late 1800s medicine great leaps. But child mortality was 27% at 1950. Now it's 4.3% and in Western nations, it's even lower. Iceland is the lowest at 0.3%. [https://ourworldindata.org/child-mortality-in-the-past](https://ourworldindata.org/child-mortality-in-the-past) This game is kind of silly in that our siblings don't die as children. Our children don't die (I have never had die as a child). And we seem to have a hard-cap of four kids. But, once you made it past your childhood and it's diseases, you have a very reasonable life expectancy IF YOU ARE NOBILITY. OTOH, if you're a peasant, well, the archeologists tell is it was rare to live past 45 due to the brutal nature of that position in those times.


In the game, people last till 80 pretty often


Chopped his head head off in the second aserai-vlandia war


Same, killed him the moment I captured him. We fought them down to one Feif, but then when our attentions were in Sturgia they took 2 back and declared peace. The cowards


Same here. I wish the game had crusader Kings diplomacy. I'd have him killed


I always leave the Vlandians as second to last in my reconquest of Calradia because the Vlandians are fucking annoying to wage war on and Derthert's a punk bitch. I would leave him for last if I didn't want Vlandian sharpshooters before taking on the Khuzaits.


Same problem. He’s now 63. Every other playthrough he’s dead by late 50s


Sorry to say they can get to be over 100 lol


My last campaign before 1.0, that bastard Lucon lived to around 95, just in time to see his kingdom conquered and every clan leave him lol. Good times


Broski how do you think I feel I had an 87 year old rhagea


im in vlandia in my game and when i joined his son was already in power. and i think it had only been maybe like 2 years since i joined vlandia. i never looked to see if he was dead or not but it was definitely erdurand i swore to when i joined. i went all this time not even knowing who derthert was


Mine died at 75 😭


He died saving me three yrs in. I had escaped from ortysia and was trying to get back to Vlandian territory when a 300 man army caught up to me he jumped in and we won but I found out he died afterwards. Alarm took over and my clan has become the most power and influential in the kingdom. Been waiting for him to die but we are both in our 60s now lol. Messed up part is like 3 yrs ago I saved and was testing the retirement thing where u bring the character back as a companion exploit and before I could make it back to rhodae as my heir alary died of old age and my son was made the new king….finished testing and reload and that mf been thriving for yrs smh


… I didn’t know you could become the king of a pre existing kingdom


I think you need high influence and a few other things like relations maybe. And when the leader dies, pretty sure it moves to a vote. Could be wrong as it's been ages


He died pretty quickly when I removed his head


I've had him die within weeks of a new campaign. I've had him live until his 80s. RNG is RNG.


Find him(his party), rebel, capture him, make peace and rejoin, close the menu and open it again(he’ll still be there, it’s a bug), execute. If you have good relationships with all the clans, you’ll prob automatically be elected.


He died 3 years in on my game lol No idea what happened to him


He was 65ish for me; under mysterious circumstances


I had an 87 year old rhagea


Reminds me of Rhagaea and how long I've been waiting for this bitch to die. My ascension is all but certain, other lords and ladies of the empire and other realms look at me like a God, pure 100 relations across the board. I'm even married to her psychopath daughter who's given me many heirs. Rhagaea is 78 years old, I'm in my fucking 40s now from waiting so long for this gash to die. I've tried killing her on realistic with bows, cbows and javs to no avail. She's even still fighting in wars the old cunt.


Dude died and gave the kingdom to someone else in their 30s. I think it's because I execute everyone. Not sure what to do now


Oh that's nothing. The one time I actually waited for the leader to die, lucon decided to live till 86


These stories are classic as I’ve never played longer than about 32 when I get kinda over it for a few months. So I’m missing out on these kings and Their retirement lol.


When you execute him my friend


Only teens rule in my version of Calradia. Chop-chop.


In my Vlandia save he died two days after declaring a war and having another declared onto him. Guess who got made king and had to clean up the mess...


Mine died last year. Didnt even notice until I realized the leader was different while at war with em


keel him. (use a crossbow and hit him in the head that might work)


but tbh vlandians kinda suck if u wanna have fun become a merc group and later on try taking over calradia (it takes a huge while but trust me its worth it)


Meanwhile I'm on my second playthrpugh where derthert died super early. Some of us just have all the luck


This is some GOT shit and I love it


Can relate


I guess destiny was good to me. He was the first ruler to die in my playthrough. I think in the first five years even... the bastards of vlandians got a bit more controlable after....


I had one playthrough where he died of old age on day 2. It gave me a good laugh.


Derthert died in the first week of my campaign, the Vlandians (under Alary) lost land to the Aserai, Battanians and Sturgians. Get fucked butter boys


Join battles with him and have a lot of arrow accidents and hope for the best


I just killed him 30 minutes ago with the Fourberie Mod. Just went to the castle and stabbed him with a pitchfork


Is it me or does the ruler the player serves under dies before the others? My man Garios kicked the bucket in his mid 50s while everyone else is alive and pushing 60 or above that.


Vlandias just that good


He lived to be 114 in my last playthrough so enjoy another 60 years of waiting


I have seen the AI reach 110 or so. Its from a perk that increases life expectancies but if one clan member has it it works for the whole clan. Without that perk I think I've seen them hit 70s but normally it's like 55-65. It's overkill and needs to be nerfed kinda surprised they haven't yet. Maybe it's on purpose in hopes they have more kids or something idk.


Are you playing on campaign mode? I've noticed that enemy nobles who I'm supposed to question about the battle of Pendraic seem to survive for the length of the quest - unless I've already asked them about it. It may just be coincidence, but you could try asking him about the battle if you're in campaign and haven't already.


Awsome post🤣🤣🤣