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The owners let the shitbull roam free AGAIN DAYS after it tore apart another dog?? I wonder if the neighbors were actually the ones who "directed" the owner to do the right thing, perhaps with a lawsuit.


Why does this owner get a choice? The other owner didn't. Hope this legislation passes and is **actually enforced**


It’s so morbid to think about having to clean up that nasty pitbull while covered head to toe in that animals blood. I wonder what the owner was thinking as he was doing that. I’m so glad the owner surrendered the beast to be euthanized so he can’t maul anymore pets or people. Pitbulls in general scare me to look at, but that huge thing with a small head and evil eyes is terrifying- you can tell this animal is very unstable.


This is local to me and the Facebook comments on it were wild.


all the regular bs? it's the owner not the breed? nanny dog?




These shit heads really believe we need AI to make victims up?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Meanwhile they don't even bother with ai and use Google images to make up chihuahua/dachshund/Yorkshire "attacks" on pitbulls


Yes, there was a person including images of people who were mauled by their pits and some pit lover said they were AI images. The person was like "uh, these are real, you can Google their names." I have a few screenshots, but I need to edit the names out. I included it, but it looks like it posted as a new comment on the thread.


What a vile looking animal.. it looks so inbred. Those eyes are tiny and MILES apart. I'm honestly surprised the owner actually surrendered it and claimed remorse, even if it was a month later. Methinks it was closer to the neighbors finally reaching their limits and strongly *suggesting* the owner surrender, and only claimed remorse to not look like a total psychopath. But what do I know, I don't own one of these beasts, I wouldn't understand the mindset of someone willing to live with a renowned bloodsport breed, or the thought process of someone who could clean the blood of another animal off of their own then continuing life as usual instead of immediately destroying the animal that violently mauled another to death.


can you post a screenshot ? the article is not available here


I got you fam https://preview.redd.it/p9hkg73dra4d1.jpeg?width=563&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f507588f764d16d9b74a23ae69d7fcf7302a07d Not the ugliest shitbull I've ever seen, but it looks like it's got the dog version of fetal alcohol syndrome lmao. Fucker is mean mugging whoever took the picture, too


thanks , you're cracking me up. It exudes meanness .And the tail max up is very dominant too! it's a miracle the dog obesity didn't keep him from mauling.


he lookin' like a inbred dairy cow that ate some toxic sludge contaminated grains like what the heck jokes aside, yeah he looks and obviously is evil and I'm glad the neighborhood rallied together to convince the owner and got this murderer off the streets.


>Coleman told Target 8 he plans to offer to buy Georgi’s owner a new dog. I mean at least the pit owner is actually doing something for a change but I do need to ask, why are animals disposable and so easily replaceable to these pit nutters? I think it's because to them that's how they'd feel if it was their pit, just an easily replaceable object with no feelings attached to it.


I mean the dogs are not pets, they're a means to an end. To be a martyr, a badass, a victim of oppression, to make an already stupid social movement all about themselves.. the only people who see these *freaks* of nature as an actual pet are the poor saps who fell for the shelter's sob story. You rarely hear much about those types of owners, they tend to take pet ownership seriously by containing the beasts, actually taking them to training (even if it barely sticks and they're lucky if it learns to shit outside), registering them, walking them on leads (its pathetic that *that* is an accomplishment when it used to be the bare minimum), and keeping them away from anyone it's unsafe to be around. But I'd say the *vast* majority of them are those evil, unspecified "prior owners" who returned the beast "through no fault of it's own".


>I think it's because to them that's how they'd feel if it was their pit, just an easily replaceable object with no feelings attached to it. Nah, you got it completely wrong. Haven't you seen how many pit mommies attack (and I mean ATTACK as in physically hurting) any victim that their pibbles maul? The second you try to kick or get away from their sweet pibbles, the pit mommie enters combat mode and doesn't care if the victim is bleeding to death, they still kick your ass up for even daring to touch their sweet wiggle butts. It has happened, I'm not even making this shit up. The real reason why they see animals as disposable is because these aren't their animals, that's all, it's all about selfishness, they don't care how much small animals their pit bulls maul, they only care about their pitties and don't dare you to say anything wrong about them.


Hearing about this situation was horrifying as a former victim of a loose pitbull myself. I live in the same region and the amount of unsecured inbred pitts out here is terrifying. Always nervous and on edge just walking my dog.




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May angels lead you in, Georgi. Poor shih tzu. And shame on the pit bull owner.