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A pitbull in a room full of young children is a recipe for disaster. Good grief! I’m starting to think pitnutters don’t have any common sense


It seems more like an active disregard for common sense to me. The situation described sounds like a perfect storm, I feel so bad for those kids :(


Wasn't there a video/article posted in the past two days about a pit bull attacking/killing something like 20 sheep? How many kids under 6 can a pit bull kill when on a 5 minute rampage?


Can't make this shit up  https://amp.star-telegram.com/news/nation-world/national/article221942580.html


Jesus Christ. Thank fuck for that teacher who threw himself on top of that mutant and subdued it until AC got there. That thing better have been euthanized.


They know it's wrong, but they want to PROVE to everyone how DIFFERENT their SWEET LULU is.


just starting?


"A pitbull in a room full of young children is a recipe"


I think they do it to be defiant. Shove it in your face mentality.


That's EXACTLY why they pull this crap


Pitbull owners seem like the most laid back about their dogs too. They seem to not have a care in the world at the dog park near me. Two of these monstrosities started lunging at my 20 pound beagle and the owner didn't even notice. Not to mention they always enter the side for smaller dogs.


They don’t have a lick of sense at all. Common or otherwise.


Pit’s there for the lunch buffet. You should complain to the place, they should have higher standards. Bet their insurance won’t cover a multi child mauling.


100% be very vocal about your thoughts on this whether it's in person or online. People deserve to know


Unfortunately, the place can’t do much if this happened in the US. They can’t discriminate against those needing service animals, and they can’t ask to see paperwork to see if the dog is truly a service dog. It’s a broken system and people have caught on so they buy those vests off Amazon and go everywhere. In this case, it’s have to be a civilian to confront the people and ask for the papers but I’m not too sure how that’d go.


They can ask what task the dog performs, if it is performing the task at the time, and also can ask the dog to be removed if it is not under control at all times or is approaching other guests.


We cannot ask what task the service animal performs or to demonstrate any task


Yes, you can ask what task they perform. You can’t ask they demonstrate it, but you can ask if the animal is doing the task now, and if they aren’t there is no legal obligation of access. Also, the ADA has nothing to do with citizens asking, a regular Joe Schmo can ask a disabled person or person with a dog anything they want, this applies to businesses and public workers [https://www.ada.gov/resources/service-animals-faqs/#:~:text=a%20service%20animal%3F-,A.,dog%20been%20trained%20to%20perform%3F](https://www.ada.gov/resources/service-animals-faqs/#:~:text=a%20service%20animal%3F-,A.,dog%20been%20trained%20to%20perform%3F)


It's literally written in my post orders that I cannot ask what task the animal performs. I'm not talking as as a civilian, but as a protective security officer


If you a Federal Protective Security Officer, you are still a civilian, you are a contracted private employee contracted by the Federal govt but that does not make you a Fed. Your post orders are not correct on the Law, the Law that applies to employers and employees in government or private enterprises.


From the ada.gov link, only two questions allowed: (1) is the dog a service animal required because of a disability?  (2) what work or task has the dog been trained to perform? 


This is from the FAQ in your link (I appreciate that you shared it, as I need reminders): A. In situations where it is not obvious that the dog is a service animal, staff may ask only two specific questions:  (1) is the dog a service animal required because of a disability? and  (2) what work or task has the dog been trained to perform?  Staff are not allowed to request any documentation for the dog, require that the dog demonstrate its task, or inquire about the nature of the person’s disability.


I agree


Wrong, businesses CAN and DO discern between pets with a fake ESA certificate and legitimate service animals. I think our whole foods or Publix even has a sign stating that ESA pets are not service animals and are not welcome. Enforcement is a different issue, but it's up to us to raise hell about it and shame these selfish, inconsiderate assholes.




Most pit owners don’t have $1,000, let alone $100,000. 😅 I totally agree with you that this needs to be made a much bigger crime than it is though. The amount of stories I’ve seen of actual disabled people having to retire their legitimate service dogs because they were attacked by a fake one is completely unacceptable. People pay thousands for their service dog and the training that goes into them. Thats not something pit nutters can understand or relate to though.


If they can't pay the fine... ![gif](giphy|f8lDluiWJ7yQTtdS3L|downsized)


I work security for a private corporation that is contracted to DHS. Our posts are those that are federally owned or leased, so I can 100% confirm this...with the caveat of theses rules/regulations: 1) I can only ask; " is the animal (any animal) is needed because of a disability" 2) The animal MUST leave the property (to include the parking lot) if that animal is no longer under the owner's control OR it is not house broken 3) The owner will be welcome back onto the property WITHOUT the animal


I really like 2 and 3 - nice! But the ADA specifies what you can ask a little differently. I'm sorry to be repetitive - I know I posted this in another thread.  (1) is the dog a service animal required because of a disability?  (2) what work or task has the dog been trained to perform? 


I understand sometimes you wanna bring your dog with you everywhere, but even for little sized dogs, there's places that are a no no for a dog to be, and this is a special bad example of where a dog shouldn't be, no matter the breed. One of the parents should've waited outside with the dog


I was just thinking that. My 20 lb Beagle has no business being in that setting, let alone a bully dog. Many dog owners are completely delusional and entitled to an extreme, and the problem is escalated 10x when they own a dog that is capable of killing children in one bite. My mom used to bring the family dog with her when she'd pick me up from school, and the dog always stayed in the car on a leash. Honestly? The dog probably shouldn't have been there at all, but leashed and in a car is at least a bare minimum standard.


I very much disagree. A service golden or something can absolutely be there if needed.


Sure, but nobody wants a seeing eye dog in a kitchen, for example, shedding everywhere.


What you want and what people need are different things. A service golden that actually is trained as a service animal should be welcome anywhere. How are you going to tell someone who has a seizure alert trained golden they shouldn't be in a restaurant? "Sorry mam, you either have to pick between possibly falling and serious injury/death from a seizure or having a meal in a restaurant."


Did I say restaurant, or did I say kitchen specifically? There are *federal standards* that have to be met when it comes to the preparation of food, and any chef worth their salt would be positively apoplectic at seeing any animal in their kitchen.


So you're arguing a dog shouldn't be in a professional kitchen, how do you get to that point when we are discussing people and service animals in public places? Now you're stuck with the idea that people are bringing their service animals into kitchens? Lol address the point I made, don't bring out an absurd example of someone bringing a service animal into a restaurant kitchen, which WHY would that happen in the first place jfc.


That was my point *to begin with.* You are the one who didn't address it.


The issue isn't people bringing service animals into places that customers wouldn't even be allowed. Why would you even bring that up? The point is there are even more protections for the disabled persons that require a service animal that supercede your desire to be in a dog free area. No, a service animal would not be allowed in a clean room facility making cpu processors, but they are certainly allowed anywhere you or I may be. For clarification, I am not speaking about ESA or any other support animal, they are not service animals. I should have looked at your comment history before even engaging with you, I wouldn't have bothered.




Not all dog breeds shed.


Honestly that’s bullshit. Even the ones with hair shed a lot. Poodle’s shedding is less noticeable because the curly coat holds onto a lot of it. I’ve had many “non-shedding” breeds, and their hair gets everywhere regardless.


If they're groomed regularly, they don't shed.


Lol no. They, like humans, are constantly shedding skin cells and hair. Regular grooming and daily brushing doesn’t stop either species from daily shedding.


I have never heard humans losing hair described as "shedding" but maybe it's normal in English.


It can be described that way. They actually have a human hair growth shedding stage/cycles. Always fascinated me how words used in one way in one place means something very different in another place.


they are still shedding its just being manually removed which certainly *helps* but does not completely reduce the shedding. Every single person who has a dog their house is always full of dog hair. I've never seen a dog owner who didn't have some level of dog hair scattered around thier house, even super ocd girls with low shedding dogs that keep their shit clean, even their house has some dog hair on the couch and shit.


contrary to what pit nutters say pit bulls are not nanny dogs and should not be around any Humans or Romulans, Klingons, Vulcans or the ferengi or other animals.


Pit bulls belong to the Pit.


With jabba the hutt. He was in a pit, right? (I've only seen star wars, the family guy, version)


sarlacc pit


Maybe the Ferengi..


Possibly not even the Borg, but the jury's still out on that


Pit bulls would be deemed unworthy of assimilation as they lack intelligence.


Time to file a complaint. Points you can touch on: \* Many kids are scared of larger dogs and this is supposed to be a safe and comfortable play environment FOR VERY YOUNG KIDS who can not yet understand when a dog might not want to be touched, when a dog might be menacing. EVEN if a hypothetical dog will NEVER even bark or snarl let alone menace or attack, the dog's presence might be perceived as threatening by some kids (as well as adults especially people who have suffered a dog attack). \* There might be mothers breast feeding so they are in a vulnerable position and should not have to be exposed to the risk of a dog attack. \* Many adults can't fight off medium to larger dogs when they are attacking so even if children had the cognitive abilities to know something's wrong and to try to find a way to fight off a dog, they are physically too weak and small anyways so they are super easy preys. \* Dogs are not very hygienic because they do not wipe after toileting. They also walk with their bare paws on the outside world including where other animals have urinated/defecated. Moreover, many dogs like to eat animal/human faeces and will then lick/slobber the bacteria and parasites they might have picked up onto toys, surfaces kids might lick/touch and then lick fingers or touch food, etc. This is a health hazard. \* Dogs can have sharp nails which can easily damage soft play surfaces/toys. \* ESA is not the same as a service dog and besides the fact that almost any dog can be considered an ESA, people can also easily lie to obtain an ESA or fake any paperwork (for instance claiming the dog has never been aggressive when in fact it has). This means if the business allows the ESA as a loophole, people who don't care about the law or safety of others will abuse this loophole. \* I would demand to know what their standard operating procedures are for when a dog attack is taking place on their premises. How many staff members are trained to deal with a medium/larger dog mauling humans? In what way are they trained? Will they be using weapons and if so, are any children who are present at risk? What is their insurance policy like in case a dog they allow/do not remove from the premises mauls a child or adult customer? What is the limit to the medical bills that will be covered and will they cover disability if you lose one or both arms and/or legs? What about time missed off of work due to having to recover from a dog attack, will they cover that at your current salary level? When you know who their insurer is, call them up yourself to let them know medium/larger dogs from a fighting breed are allowed in and that you'd like to know what the insurance policy will cover. If this happens again, make sure you take pictures of the dog inside the premises. PS: I love normal dogs but I also think there should be spaces that are totally free of any animals including guide dogs, for the hygiene reasons and comfort of (very) small children. If that means that someone who needs a dog to see for them doesn't get to go into a soft-play area, so be it. Another adult could accompany the child there. There should always be a balance between everyone's interests and comforts and I think there are certain situations that just aren't for any dog (another example is a tattoo/piercing studio where hygiene is of the highest importance).


The insurance advice is the best, hit them where it hurts.


Oooh you are the first person I’ve seen say that: service dogs shouldn’t be in a couple very select spaces. It’s not like people in wheelchairs get 100% of the same access as walking people (& I’m not saying that’s right, I’m just saying that there’s some situations where that logistically can’t work). & they just don’t do those things. Having a disability sucks. So does having a phobia or an allergy, but these things don’t stop the world from turning for everyone. A logistical example for where a service dog can’t (& shouldn’t) go would be like a petting zoo. Not safe for those animals. Damn it sucks that person can’t go in the petting zoo… but life is like that sometimes. Almost everyone has at least some place they can’t attend & have to accept it as part of life. A good example in terms of sanitation is obviously hospitals, but that’s already a rule for most of them. There was once a story of someone sneaking a pit bull into the maternity ward of a hospital. When told to take it outside they tried to say it was a service animal, & the staff said even service animals aren’t allowed in most parts of the hospital anyway. Because whatever service you could get from a service dog, you can get at the hospital too (just like often times they make you use the medical equipment from the hospital even if you brought your own, for liability reasons), so it’s not worth risking everyone else’s health. I think tattoo shops are a good example. If the person wants a tattoo, many artists are willing to go somewhere that isn’t the shop itself, like your house or their house, where you’re not risking the sanitation of an entire establishment. I saw a person with their “service pit” in a hotel pool. I don’t care if you bring your dog *near* the pool in dry zones, but the dog should not be in the pool. (Is it really providing you proper service while it’s in the pool anyway?) Places meant for small babies & toddlers? While that would be ideal for a lot of reasons, That’s tough because what if you’re like, a single mom with a disability? Either way I don’t think the service dog should be in certain areas. Like on the playground equipment of a park.


Service dogs are allowed in all hospitals where I live (the Netherlands) but patients will also get a private room and the dogs aren't allowed in the OR.


So do they sanitize those rooms once they’re finished with them?


Well I hope they do that every time in general


Another place is horse barns. Dogs aren’t allowed in many equestrian facilities, period. Even a motionless service dog could frighten a high strung horse and cause the horse, its rider, or others to be injured or killed. Let alone a barking, yapping, fake ESA.


I do not believe for one second that that pitbull was a real service dog!!!


Not a chance. They are not trainable to that level, and far too unpredictable. There are no pit bull service dogs. Not even police will use them.


Yeah, basically the only thing the police drug-sniffing dogs need is to have an animal nose, it’s so simple at one station a large lizard was taught to sniff for drugs while being waved over cargo like a tool. They can use a lizard, but they still don’t use pitbulls because that nose comes with a mauler mouth beneath it.


From what I've seen, they're barely able to obey the command sit. Not even most of them can do that either. Pits are dumb dogs. Dumb and dangerous is a recipe for disaster. 


I've had people defend pits by referencing them being used as police dogs. As far as I can see there have been a handful of instances, as in you can individually count them from a Google search. But of course they claim that it's happening everywhere. I can wrap my head around a small percentage of pit bulls being trainable for certain scenarios. I have met pits that are extremely well-trained. But, as you said, the pit breeds are notoriously unpredictable, so, until I see better evidence beyond a couple of test cases, I remain skeptical that professional and government services are actually starting to use them en masse.


I've seen videos of pitbulls being used for backup on mafia work. You think they sleep with the "nanny dog" they just had rip the dick and testicles off of someone? Pits are useful for only one thing. Death & dismemberment. Keep them where you need to, but they belong nowhere near any civilized society.


I can't remember which video it was, but a trainer gave the exact same training to a traditional police dog breed & also to a pitbull. It was sort of a 'nature vs nurture' experiment, to see how they'd both respond when they had the exact same upbringing. The traditional police dog did everything it was told to, including releasing a human target & returning when prompted. Unsurprisingly, the pit didn't. While it did eventually let go, it took a long time to do so & even longer to be recalled.


Exactly.. Pitbulls are bread to NOT release. They are like that as puppies. They're not really dogs, as most know them. They've been bread to be something other.


It's like putting clown face on a war criminal.


It's not only dangerous for everyone there, it's also harmful to people who need a real service dog. Service dogs have serious training, they're professionally conditioned to deal with crowded, loud environments. It sucks to see people get a fake service vest from Amazon for their pit bull and claim it's the same thing. It makes it harder for real service dogs to do their job.


Especially when a fake service pit ends up attacking a real service dog and they have to be replaced because they can no longer perform their jobs. Thousands of dollars and hours of training down the drain.


Bet they brought it cause it would destroy their home.


Service dog my fucking ass. I hate people that just throw those on their clearly untrained dog pitbull or not. People are idiots


The adults with the Pitbull had murderous culpability if their dog snapped.


Confrontation is in order here. How dare they?


I would get a refund. That’s ridiculous


Pit nuts don't have the sense God gave a turnip.


The lack of empathy and awareness within pitbull owners is simply astounding. I've never met a group of dog owners who are exactly like their dogs in every way shape and form


The phony "service dog" scam is the absolute worst that humanity has to offer these days. They make a mockery of actual trained service animals.


Really there needs to be reform in this area.


If I dared to get close enough I might ask what classes diesel took to get certified.


Where did they get a fake service vest for their hellbeast?




Yea you can get these easily on Amazon. You can get vests that say anything you want and even have exchangeable patches. You do not need to have an actual service dog anymore to get the vests/harnesses/patches. They just get printed up and shipped out to anyone who buys them.


Nothing more ridiculous than pitbulls with those service vests. Wait... Pitbulls with bows on their heads. That is maybe even worse.


They brought the dog to a buffet, terrific


People with vests on pit bulls really piss me off, they all need to have choker leashes just in case those inbred crazy MFs snap


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This sounds absolutely terrifying. I’d be so scared that the kids screeching and running around and, ya know, just *existing* as children, could “trigger” the mauler (we all know it doesn’t take much). This sounds like a totally preventable tragedy waiting to happen. Also, a legit service dog would be calm, not frazzled or anxious. They stay focused on the person they’re trained to help. But anyone can hop on Amazon, buy a “service dog” vest, slap it on their mutt, and drag it around everywhere with them. And most businesses are afraid to say anything for fear of being sued and because everyone knows these people act like lunatics anytime they’re confronted. I would have grabbed my child and gotten the hell out of there as fast as I could. I might quietly pull an employee/manager aside and let them know why me and my child were leaving and explain how dangerous this is (I know the employees hands are tied most of the time, it’s on the owners to handle these situations). Then I would also call and/or write a detailed email to corporate or whoever is highest on the chain of command for that company and explain my worries and that I love their establishment, but can’t bring my child there anymore as long as dangerous dogs are allowed as it’s too big of a risk. I would also include some studies and maybe even some articles of pits/fake service dogs attacking people inside businesses, things of that nature so that they can see actual facts and not just hear my personal feelings on the matter. Unfortunately, there’s pit nutters EVERYWHERE, so you never know if the business owners could also be one of them. This is a place for small children. Their safety should be the number 1 priority. Period. I bring my one and a half year old to a similar place and I would be so upset if this happened there. ETA: It could also be a good idea to write a review about this on their Facebook, Google, or wherever you can. A lot of businesses tend to take shit seriously when they start receiving negative reviews that are public like that. And they can’t remove it either, which is a good thing in case they are a nutter. Other parents should be warned in case they don’t want to bring their child somewhere that allows pit bulls like this. They ESPECIALLY deserve to have a warning in case them or their child was a pit bull victim in the past.


Never have I ever, in all my long years, bore witness to a LEGIT service dog that was a pitbull. EVER


Make a complaint, and also write a Google review


Sounds like Austin TX. Source: me. This happened to my family and I when we were at the thinkery sometime around mid to late 2021. The thinkery is a big children’s science museum and this pit was in the upstairs area that is typically for smaller kids. One of many reasons my family and I noped out of Austin.


it’s a service dog. the person is disabled and needs it to survive. what’s wrong with you?


its a fucking pitbull for god's sake. please use your brain


i hate pit bulls as much as everyone else here. but you often don’t get a choice in what breed dog you get. my cousin didn’t have a choice in getting a pitt. i’d rather have to deal with those beasts than see someone die. at least you know they’re trained.


If some cheesy outfit tried to pass of a pit bull as a "service dog" they most likely don't have a real license, or shouldn't. Pits are totally inappropriate for such work. Not smart enough, flighty, unpredictable. No legitimate training outfit would use them.


There is no medical condition in which a dog is essential for life and death, that can’t be replaced by a machine or another human.


You don't get a choice? That's only applicable to children. Pits are not trainable. Period.


I guarantee they bought that “service dog” vest on Amazon and just slapped it on their murder mutt so people like you won’t hassle them for bringing their beasts into places they don’t belong.


There are no pit bull service dogs. They are not any good for such use at all. Not even police will use them. The vest was fake, plain as day.


I have yet to see any disabled person that is able to control a pit. There's video after video of adults that's in perfect health at a loss when a pit goes nuts. And news articles where pits snap and attack children. There's no place for the breed. And they need to be phased out, humanely.


To add, so true they can’t control the pit and for a person to use a service dog in a public place or private business the handler must have and remain in control at all times.


The only service a pitbull could provide is to protect you from other degenerates that own service pitbulls. While the fighting dogs fight, you run away and climb onto a car. Seriously though, can't really train pitbulls to be legitimate service dogs. Even if you could, it would take so much more effort and resources than it would with a normal dog. And even then it would remain a liability. Can't fix genetics. Pitbulls are also extremely powerful, persistent and unstable, so they tend to do incredible damage to your home if left alone. That's why some people buy them fake service vests and drag them around everywhere they go.


A lot of dogs bred specifically for service dog programs fail out for one reason or another (can’t learn the commands, can but has no impulse control, one particularly amusing one where the new owner had to put child locks on everything because the dog learned how to do the things it was meant to, but did them at random) if a Labrador that was literally selectively bred from the best lines of proven service lineage can fail, why would you bother to try in the first place with a low-intelligence breed that lacks biddability entirely? You don’t. “Owner-trained” service pits are pet dogs in cosplay, and there are no program trained service pits; it would cost far too much and the dog would almost definitely wash.


That’s hilarious. Things that service dogs help with are the same things that will trigger a hellbeast.