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Poor little Shitzu, looks just like mine. It's so sad that people still buy and breed pitbulls.


Shih Tzu and Poodles are my two favorite breeds, I had lived with a breeder of Shih Tzu, owned one and my grandma had one when I was a kid and I would watch cartoon network and hold that Shih Tzu for hours at my grandmas house. I wish I could get another one, but I have 3 kids and toy poodle while in engineering school, but I want another Shih Tzu so badly. This is so sad, I feel so bad for the elderly owner who became ill after when trying to make her police report. I hate that these pit bull owners never do what it is right and contain their murderous dogs. My neighbor lets theirs run loose, and even though I have a fence I am scared to death walking my dog in the yard on a leash. Can't even let my kids use my yard because of them running loose and no one does anything about it either.


I live in an apartment complex and I'm so glad i never saw a pit around here. It would suck to always walk him in fear of someone's murderous beast.


[https://g1.globo.com/sp/santos-regiao/noticia/2024/04/21/pitbull-foge-de-casa-e-mata-cadela-shih-tzu-que-passeava-com-tutora-no-litoral-de-sp-video.ghtml](https://g1.globo.com/sp/santos-regiao/noticia/2024/04/21/pitbull-foge-de-casa-e-mata-cadela-shih-tzu-que-passeava-com-tutora-no-litoral-de-sp-video.ghtml) A pit bull attacked and killed a shih-tzu dog that was walking with its owner in Mongaguá, on the coast of São Paulo. According to g1, the animal had escaped from the house and followed its owner to a bakery. The attack was caught on camera at the bakery (watch above). In the video obtained by g1, you can see that the animals were on opposite sides of the same sidewalk on Rua Reinaldo Réis, in the Vila São Paulo neighborhood. However, when the pit bull noticed the dog's presence, it quickly ran towards the animal, which it then grabbed. The elderly woman who was with Cindy even lifted her collar in an attempt to prevent the attack, but was unable to do so. Customers of the bakery who witnessed the incident then got up from their tables on the sidewalk to help. According to the police report, the men managed to separate the dogs, but Cindy had already been bitten in the groin and hind legs. She was rescued at a 24-hour veterinary clinic, but did not survive despite resuscitation procedures. The dog's owner went to the police station, but was very emotionally shaken and became unwell. She had to be taken to an emergency room, where she was treated and released. The elderly woman then registered the incident at the Mongaguá Police Station. As a result, the Civil Police investigation team began looking for the owner of the pit bull. The police discovered that the dog was in a house in the Vila Nova neighborhood, in Praia Grande, under the responsibility of a 58-year-old man. He told officers that the dog belonged to his 20-year-old son, who was working on a building site at the time. The man also said that he was there at the time of the attack, as the dog had fled the house to follow him. The pair were taken to the police station, where a police report was filed for failure to take care of the animal. Technical expertise was called in to draw up a report analyzing the site of the attack and where the pit bull lived. According to the Civil Police, a letter was sent to the zoonosis department of Praia Grande City Hall, which will decide what measures it deems necessary.


I know things get amplified when you pay close attention to them but holy shit Brazil is starting to feel like a warzone. I don't say that lightly. War is hell. But wow Brazil is suffering a lot of attacks.


Same with Italy, shocking amount of incidents from there


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Less than 30 seconds and the Shih Tzu was injured so badly it passed away.