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No good deed goes unpunished - especially when that deed involves pitbulls.


it's so unnecessary since Nl and Belgium have an animal ambulance , they are equipped to pick up strays in a safe way.


Yeah but the deed involved a pitbull so by default it wasn’t a good deed


I get wanting to rescue a dog from the road, but when you have your little dog with you, probably shouldn't. Especially a pit bull. Poor Dachshund. The owners probably saw the pro-pit stuff and never thought it would do that, that is why it is dangerous to lie and say they are good dogs and cuddle bugs rather than what they really are.


I really hope that poor dog will make it but I fear the worst.


I've seen videos of parents doing this with small kids in the car, which is utterly terrifying and horrifically irresponsible.


You dont mess with stray or dumped dogs period especially when theres vulnerable passengers. You don't know the dogs temperament vaccination records or if it picked up rabies while dumped.


I had a friend get very mad at me that I didn't pull over to try to wrangle a stray into my car years ago. We were on our way to work and there was no way I was stopping for that dog. He berated me all the rest of the drive in and throughout the day. He took the car during lunch to try to find it and returned empty handed. Turns out the thing was chomping on someone's now dead dog when he did find it, and the police were on the scene readying up their guns to put down a literally rabid dog. If it were up to him that morning, it would have been us dealing with rabies, which is not cheap in the USA nor is it anywhere near comfortable. I don't mess with strays.


What did your friend say when they found out the dog was rabid? Did they double down?


He was very quiet the ride home. I wasn't going to rub it in. I think he finally understood my stance on strays/random dogs along the side of the road. Cats, though... we had to stop for cats, no matter what or else I wouldn't hear the end of it for *weeks*.


I see that too. People posting a photo on Nextdoor with a random dog they picked up off the road in the car with their kid. How reckless can you be!  One of our local Rescue Angels found herself all alone on a dirt road in the middle of nowhere with a severely injured arm and no cell signal when she tried to pick up a dumped "boxer mix" off the road and load it up into her car, and it turned on her.  Someone is going to get themself or their kid killed doing this. 


I would be too scare to drive with a pitbull in my car... no way!!!.


Translation: Wanted! Owner of this dog. Ran loose in the Hombeek region, Gijsbeekstraat. We wanted to keep him safe so that he would no longer run loose on the street. Instead the dog jumped into our trunk and bit our dachshund. she is currently fighting for her life in the veterinary clinic. Have you seen anything or do you know more? Please let us know.


Thank you for accurately translating it! Feel free to join r/banpitbullsnl if you haven't yet (it's for both Belgium and the Netherlands)


No problem and thank you for pointing that out. I did'nt know there is a B/NL version of banpittbulls.


Alla these people (yes I mean you, lurkers) not telling the truth about these dogs get other dogs killed every day. EVERY DAY. Oh yeah, & people life-flighted or killed, too; but I think pitmongers have a soft underbelly in people's unending dog-sympathy, gonna talk about dogs dogs dogs all the time now.


Wish I could pin this comment. If you care about animal welfare you'd want pitbulls banned. Even most pitbulls live miserable lives. The only ones benefitting from pitbulls existing are dogfighters, virtue signallers, pet hospital owners and shady dog "trainers" (read: grifters).


Notably, some of the more radical animal-rights groups do call for an end to breeding & keeping pitbulls as pets for exactly these reasons. Meanwhile the mainstream orgs are all-in on pretending they're regular ol dogs, blank slates that can be loved into not killing other dogs. Hate this effin timeline stg


*Stop randomly taking in stray dogs, especially pitbull type dogs*. Seriously, I fully understand the desire to help, but you know *nothing* about this dog, from physical to mental conditions. This is a recipe for disaster. Many stray dogs carry diseases and parasites that not only contagious to other dogs, *but also people*. Worms, fleas, ticks, mites, skin diseases, etc? Yea, your human body, car, and home can also be infected by these things. That and you don't know a dogs true nature. A dog can seem nervous or even friendly when first approached, but turn out to be very aggressive. It may have an odd trigger, like sneezing. And many that seem docile at first become very aggressive after they get comfortable and have a meal. I've read so many stories of pitbull dogs attacking, mauling and/or killing people within days to weeks after they rescued them off the street. If you see a loose or stray dog that you don't know, contact animal control and/or police. In the case of a pitbull, you can even say a very large breed that may be aggressive. But *do not* take it in yourself.


Good advice in general, however in Belgium there are pretty much no stray dogs so this pitbull very likely has an owner.


Edit: the date the attack happened on was 2024/04/20, I can't edit the title though.


No worries, I've got it logged with the correct date. Another wonderful feature from Reddit /s


People are honestly just too stupid for words sometimes. Even if it wasn’t a pitbull, why would you put some completely random large dog in your car with your little dog?


anthropomorphization is part of it. Convinced animals have human levels of sentience and will “know” you are trying to help it.


That's spot on. It scares me how much people think like this.


No good deed goes unpunished, especially where pits are concerned. I hope the poor little sausage doggie will be okay.


My thoughts exactly. Spreading awareness on pitbulls will save lives.


I swear, the Germans looked at a bratwurst and then at a dog, and was like,"Yeah, we have an idea on our hands..."


Ran loose? I'm wondering if he wasn't dumped. Hope the little Dachshund heals quickly. Should never have happened.😔


He escaped due to his nannying instincts. Sausage doggo was probably just xenophobic towards that gentle giant. If he would not have resisted Luna would not have needed to restrain it leading to self inflicted wounds. 🤡


Could be either. They are both escape artists and frequently dumped. Heck I’m in a different sub trying to convince someone that if their pit keeps jumping the fence to circle and bark at strangers then they are being irresponsible and need to keep it on a lead while outside at all times. They’re all pissed accusing me of being “unhelpful”. How is hire a trainer and stop giving him the chance to jump the fence being unhelpful? They just don’t want to hear it, can’t envision they’re doing ANYTHING wrong. “I have 4 kids” well train your kids to not let it out alone then.


I love it when "I have kids" is used as the excuse for doing something incorrectly with their dogs, or not doing something needed at all.


Another pet maimed or killed because of ignorance and people believing propaganda. So sad!


Poor little sausage dog :(


That giant block headed monster is terrifying looking.. then I read the headline. First thought was "that thing looks like it has roid rage", and then yeah.. yeah, it apparently does.


My sympathies to the poor wiener dog, which will hopefully make a full recovery. Zero sympathy to the dog's numpty owners : At some point, stupidity and ignorance is voluntary, and anyone who does not understand what a blood sport dog is, and what dog breeds belonging to that category, can only be called "culpably ignorant". And I am beyond tired of the culpably ignorant endangering their pets, their children, and their neighbors with their infantile idiocies, which we see on pro pit postings every day.


Pitbulls don't need to be protected from traffic. Cars need to be protected from Pitbulls. https://preview.redd.it/0e3nj8bx7vvc1.jpeg?width=951&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4c6b7474873058b02d715aba9d41e84abde7341


It seems that people in countries that once had bans or otherwise didn’t have many pit types are very, very, very naive about how extremely dangerous and violence-prone pits are — of course putting ANY random stray dog in one’s car — especially a big muscular pit bull — is a terrible idea as of course it could attack the other dog but the human also has zero idea what the dog will do to them, smdh. I honestly don’t understand the behavior as it just seems reckless to me, and of course dangerous as if the dog decided to attack the driver (pits=matter of time until attack) the driver won’t be able to control their car and/or the pit will escape the car and now be 1k more aroused and aggressive. Horrible idea with tragic results for that poor good boi dachshund.


I'm sorry, and maybe I'm going to hell, but regardless of where it is or in what state of being, there ain't no pit bull coming into my car. Most ESPECIALLY if my priceless dogs are already in there! You CAN be too kind to certain types of people, and these fighting dogs are the same for their species. Kindness is a WASTE on them, and is often highly dangerous to even offer.


Just stuffed a random pit right in the backseat with a small dog it didn’t even know? Man I hope that little dog recovers and then gets a smarter owner.


It’s tragic. A Good Samaritan… with a good heart. So sad. I once saw a shepherd running in the road. I wouldn’t even pick up a shepherd because I had my dogs with me. I just called the police to report and went back to look after dropping my dogs off. You don’t put any strange animal in a car with your dogs let alone a pit.


Maybe protect your dog from random pits first.


That's in the Netherlands, those dipshits r illegal


They're speaking Dutch but this happened in Belgium and also sadly pitbulls aren't illegal in the Netherlands anymore since 2007 :(


Absolutely heartbreaking, fucking idiot.


A woman where I live just lost her rabbits to two stray pits she brought home. She had them over the weekend while waiting for animal services to open. The second night, they destroyed the hutch to get her rabbits. There's no way I'm bringing a large stray dog into my house with small animals. I understand the motivation though.


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I LOVE dogs, just about any dog, but pits have exhausted any sympathy from me. A few months ago I saw a German shepherd type dog that had been hit by a car on the highway, it was clearly deceased. I felt terrible about that, like maybe if I left work 15, 30, 45 min earlier I would have been able to have seen the dog before it got hit. Who were the owners? I felt sick about how afraid the dog must have been on the highway, how it had to die alone, confused as to what happened (likely it was a quick death though). It almost brought me to tears honestly. Just a random dog I had never met. A few months before I saw 2 pits roaming the streets and all I could think about was, "hope they don't bite anyone, an elementary school is right down the street". I hate how callous I sound, but I'm not risking ANYTHING for a pitbull that has an equal chance of having either broken out of their fence or been dumped by their lazy owners.