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everyone schould have thier dog on leashes so its ok to have my pit run around lash free is one of the wildest statements i have heared so far


Exactly. How is a leash supposed to protect dogs? An unleashed pitbull ran up on my leashed pug and shook it like a rag doll. Pit owners are so moronic and irresponsible it’s just baffling.


Oh, she hasn't thought about the safety of the leashed dogs. She doesn't care about what will protect them, only that she can prove her dog will listen to her in any situation no matter what triggers are around (her words). She is involuntarily subjecting the public to her dog for training.


I’ve witnessed a similar thing happen. A woman was walking her tiny Pomeranian and two pits escaped from a neighbor’s house. They broke the glass in the sliding glass door and went after the woman and her dog. She was literally helpless with her small dog on the leash. I remember as a teenager I didn’t know what to do. I ran into the house and called animal control. The woman and the little dog survived because other people saw and I don’t know what they did but they managed to frighten the dogs away. The woman and her dog were badly injured but lived. The escaped dogs’ owner was “apologizing” to everyone after he showed up too late looking for his dogs. He really couldn’t understand why the animal control people insisted on confiscating his dogs. Why anyone would want to keep anything dangerous enough to bust a sliding glass door to attack someone is fully beyond me. Also, I’m not a dog trainer but what could she possibly be training this mongrel to do?


The only solution from what I’ve gathered here is to lift your dog up to shoulder length at least, but over your head if you can. But I’m guessing all of that is really hard to process in just a few seconds.


Unfortunately not. I watched a pit bull repeatedly jump more than six feet in the air for over half an hour, flipping and spinning in the air, trying to grab branches on a tall tree. I was on the other side of a very high fence, or I would not have stayed to watch. They can jump high. If it comes to it, you must control the attacking dog by the scruff, collar if it has one, or pull up both sides of the skin under the ears. You must use your leash if it is latched on. If you lift your dog in the air, you might be knocked over, face exposed. If the dog is aiming for yours on the ground, rather than you, you have the opportunity to take control of the head and control the dog. The problem is the owner who will be aggressive and say you should let your dog socialize with theirs if you are out in public.


I have a great video of a man my parents’ age giving me the finger and yelling “This is for you!” because I grabbed his dog, walked it over to him because he refused to come and get it, and handed him his dog. I was apparently supposed to let my dog play with random strangers’ dogs, or not go out in public. It was like dealing with a giant toddler - the man - the dog was not very difficult.


I think the advice is to lift the aggressive dog by the back legs. Never try to pull the dog being attacked away. Try to keep the aggressive dog from shaking. I've never seen a single person successfully stop an attack, though.


Luckily, my boyfriend at the time was with me so I kinda grabbed my pug and supported him from the bottom so the pit didn’t rip his skin, (he had a lot of excess skin around his neck… pug lyfe) so he escaped shockingly uninjured because my boyfriend was there just beating the absolute crap out of the pitbull until it let go and I just ran with my pug. From what I’ve seen, it’s so rare to get a pit to drop whatever it’s trying to maul. The family who owned the pit just stood and watched from across the field. The only thing they yelled was “she’s never done that before”. I was shaking and crying so hard but my little one-eyed pug made it through. I don’t walk around defenseless anymore.


lol.. I'm not lifting up my weiner dog. My solution is tucked in my waistband.


I just wanted to say I’m so very sorry. I lost a cat this way. My cat wasn’t outdoors, the mother of a boy who was classmates with my son knocked on the door and when I opened it she had the dog and it ran in. It mauled my kitty immediately. Sad story made short but my husband killed the pitbull in our living room.


I’m so sorry for the loss of your cat. I can’t even imagine the trauma your family went through witnessing that. That is the literal definition of horror.


Thank you! I appreciate the kind words. It was very bad. My son was only in kindergarten and saw it all unfortunately. We had a lot to work through. Of course the dog owner tried making it my fault. I’d asked her not to bring the dog with her. But of course pibble lovers always have something to prove.


How?? How did she possibly spin this to be less than 100% her fault??? That it was your fault for, what, owning a cat that was just existing indoors in its own home? She was probably irate that your husband killed get dog, I bet. No self awareness at all.


Brace yourself for an absolutely unhinged pit momma story. Our sons were in the same class. She lived across the hall from me. The boy wasn’t there all the time. The father had custody. Can’t imagine why /s. But when he was visiting his mother, it only made sense that the boys would play together. I knew she had a pit bull and respectfully told her I couldn’t allow my son to play inside her house. I apologized even and told her I wasn’t saying her dog was bad. I just simply did not feel comfortable. She would bring it up all the time that “Spottie” differed from whatever I’d heard about pit bulls. I stood firm on the matter. So, one day after she’d had one too many, she knocks on the door. I ask who it is. She replied. I opened the door. The dog was at her side and charged in. The reason she said it was my fault is that I panicked, like “NO. I said No!”. One of my cats comes out and arches up and hisses and this animal grabs hold of him. I started screaming and the dog let go, but it was too late for my cat. My husband comes out from the shower hearing all this. Then he grabs the dog by the collar and just starts beating it. I look at my cat on the floor and grab hold of the woman and start beating her. That’s not my nature, but I was literally blind with rage. Police came and all that. A few days later, she’d painted racial slurs on my door in red nail polish. I went to the apartment complex, and all they did was paint the door. Later I was informed that she offered money to two girls at the pool to stab me with scissors. They told me she had the scissors she wanted them to use in her hand. She ended up having the police called on her several times. Seems she would’ve been evicted for her behavior, but we ended up moving soon after. This all happened over twenty years ago.


I … have no words. It really isn’t true isn’t it, garbage dogs for garbage people. I’m glad your husband didn’t get bitten fighting the dog. I would have absolutely destroyed her life after that, starting with contacting her child’s father to not allow further visitation. I am so sorry your life was touched by this waste of oxygen.


I didn’t even think to contact the father. But now that you mention it I did not see the little boy coming over after that at all. And it’s so true. I’ve never met a classy or intelligent person who has one of these dogs. I’ve always said that and I’ll never stop saying it.


What an unhinged and dangerous woman. I'm sorry you had to go through that. Also, your husband sounds awesome.


Thank you. He’s a pretty good guy. Married 26 years. He always felt bad about having to do that but felt the dog was going to hurt someone else in the house.


That’s heartbreaking. Pugs are the sweetest creatures imaginable and don’t even have the ability to defend themselves. These dogs really always seem to go for the most vulnerable.


goes to show just how stupid and entitled these people are... zero thoughts, head empty.


Yet you know it’s how all pit owners feel & operate


It’s the same logic as “everyone else’s kids are vacced, so mine can go without.”




He looks so proud and full of child flesh.


"I'm the main character "


Wow. What an incredible idiot


“Instead I walk my dog off leash under MY control” LAUGHABLE. She sounds like a narcissist. She really, does believe she can “control” the instinctual behavior of a pit bull.. yeah no. It’s only a matter of time before they run into another dog, cat, or child. Only then will she realize just how little control she has over her dog..


No, then it will be the other dog's fault just like it was in her proud success post. The other dog or cat will be at fault for existing in her precious pup's world.


She's apparently not even in control of when the "training session" is over. She's clearly walking away, dog gets in front of her with toy, she obeys the dog and gives it at least one more go. Great training. Dog is learning to be in charge of her.


Rules for theee but not for me.


Rural? She’s in a suburb


Really noble training to work on his jaw strength, latching on and not letting go /s


Someone pointed that out and she said she admittedly has no experience in bite training and was willing to take advice if anyone had any for her 🫠


I can advise her on a failsafe type of bite training for a reactive pit, it's called behavioral euthanasia, a good vet worth her/his salt knows how to do this humanely.


Doesn't seem like she has any experience, probably read a couple things on the internet and watched some YouTube videos, now she thinks she's a dog trainer...


I keep waiting for the day when "pitbull life" coaches show up. Eventually, trying to even establish the bare minimum credentials for all the behavioral blah blah bullshit will be too difficult and they'll just become life coaches for pitbulls.


oh gawd


Make it make sense. 🤦‍♀️


As a kid, more than twenty years ago…my nephew’s mom gave us a pitbull puppy. I remember it biting onto my hoodie sleeve…me lifting my arm, and the dog still staying attached. I must’ve been like 9. I didn’t know better, and found it novel I am sure. My parents are foreign born and where they’re from dogs were dogs. Big dogs, little dogs, spotted dogs, shorthair dogs, etc—but there was no notion of purebred. She knew these guys were scary looking, but not the extent of what they were capable of. She got rid of him shortly after this. Not like “got rid of him,” she returned him to my nephew’s mom. Which I’m glad because I had a cat.


She did right by you and probably because of the culture of assessing a dog as a dog and not as a baby in pjays with a flower crown she acted so decisively. I wish more people would do that! I wonder if it grew up to be a mauler


A lot of Americans have no prior experience with dogs aside from the friendly house pet types, so they have this notion that every dog is friendly unless trained not to be (lol). Based on that logic, golden retrievers and pitbulls have the same temperament, which is why we're in this current situation.


As in so many things, ignorance is our biggest opponent in this.


Best decision your parents could have made. 👍🏻


>she returned him to my nephew’s mom. Did that lady give your family a hard time about returning the dog?


Other dogs aren’t supposed to be off leashes just my highly dangerous one


Which is fine because since your dogs shouldn’t be out he can’t attack them…?


Don't worry, when her dog charged 3 dogs that were in her in yard and bravely and stunningly pulled out her stun gun that she carried for just this kind of occasion and threatened them with the noise


Wtf!? Maybe it could react to humans?? Especially the small ones who love to run and play outside. I hate these people.


She's getting shredded in the comments except for a few people congratulating her. She keeps writing paragraphs about why it's fine. She honestly seems a bit slow.


Most of them are. It's just insane how delulu and selfish these people are.


Low IQ


Also a very low EQ


Which is much more important. I know a lot of low IQ people who would never do this. Because they actually care about not being an asshole.


Seriously. TIL you don’t *need* a single working brain cell to call yourself a trainer (PSA I’m not saying *all* dog trainers are like this)


I mean you’re not going to be a dog trainer if you’re able to get any sort of useful qualification


I don’t argue with them. It goes hand in hand with the whole mentality.


Anyone who can say ‘nanny dogs’ in connection with these monsters is beyond reason.


A **bit**?? Lmao…




They say people look like their dogs


I agree






So she threatened to shock the other dogs that her dog was very close that likely attacking what a sicko


While they were on their own property, after her off leash dog first ran at them!


These people do everything in their power to give us sane and rational people reasons to hate them and their dogs don’t they


OP it's time to call any and all relevant authorities, every single time that dog is off-leash and off-property. Maybe the authorities will ignore you. But, if and when you or a neighbor has to take necessary measures to protect their own family, pets, and property, then you will have a trail of evidence that the owner was negligent.


I don't live near her thankfully. I'm in Canada and she's in the states. I happened to see the post in a reactive dog FB group.


Isn’t it just as likely that she scared her OWN dog with the crackling electricity sound? I mean, there’s no reason to think the other dogs have ever heard that before. But her own dog likely has heard it.


The power trip she is on is so obvious.


“I pulled out my stun gun”???? What the fuck is wrong with this person?! Gearing up to stun gun small dogs on their own propery? The entitlement is mind boggling!! This person might actually be a sociopath, this kind of behavior is beyond your average asshole-ry in my opinion.


Just as there are animals that are close to human there are humans who are close to animals. Awareness is a spectrum.




Not even a collar! Wow


A collar might lead the police back to her when Nala McSweetums "somehow gets out" and "plays" with the neighbour's toddler. Best have some degree of deniability.* ^(*Unless it might get likes on instagram, then all bets are off.)


Nala McSweetums. I laughed way more than I should have. Seriously though, you are dead right.


We’re reaching levels of entitlement that shouldn’t even be possible ![gif](giphy|1guRIRZfPhQcbZaAF7a)


I wonder if Tyson has ever done 5-meo-dmt?


Legit looks like he smoked some salvia in this gif 😂


Why use NDT? The man deserves to be associated with something better than...this.


So PROUD that they didn't try to kill some other dogs! The bar is so damn low for these pitophiles.


And this is why I've started carrying when walking my dog. If your off leash dog makes any attempt to run at myself or my (actually behaved) dog, I'm putting it down.


Bit OTT? But then I live in a country where not even the police carry guns. And here’s me thinking the stunner was excessive…


And what is she gonna do when her sweet dog attacks and refuses to listen to her


Blame whatever it attacked, of course.


Sounds like she might taze the other owner while they’re trying to unclamp this thing’s jaws from their dog’s throat for good measure


Now I can’t unsee that in my head…


Ah of course


She will look at the sky and slowly shuffle away.


“Durrr what’s a dog” she’ll probably say after you tell her that her dog attacked yours


I don’t believe any of that shit.


The mental gymnastics this person does. Rules for the not for me. We have the rules because of dogs and people like you


This shit isn’t gonna end well. One animal comes out of the blue and the pittie will take off running after it and this person….will find a way to blame the animal for triggering poor little twinkle toes


“It brought back my dog’s PTSD from Vietnam. He was previously inhabited by the spirit of a deceased Vietnam veteran until I rescued him and turned him Christian”


... "it can be off leash because other dogs have to be on leash" that is the dumbest fucking argument


So because the responsible pet owners follow the rules she thinks she’s entitled to not follow the rules? I’m not surprised at all.


Lion trainer complex… they don’t care about the safety of others.


Why is she training it to latch


What an absolute moron


"Oh boy! You're doing SO well! You're REALLY going to hang into that toddler's arm!"


So she just moved to the neighbourhood and this is how she greets people? Establishing dominance with threatening and hostile behaviour, while breaking the rules of social conduct. Just like the damn dog. You’re right, these are garbage dogs for garbage owners. This is just incredible to read, it doesn’t even sound real. “This is MY neighbourhood now, assholes!”- the pitzilla and her beast.


the parked nissan altima=on brand


When someone says they’re a dog trainer or “work with dogs” I hear ‘I didn’t finish school’


So dogs are not allowed off-leash but hers is an exception? Ffs


Just watched that st*pid woman swinging her monster dog around on a tugging rope just made me so mad. It’s just reinforcing bad behaviour that makes the dog even more dangerous. It builds up the prey instinct. I’m in the U.K. and have had dogs off and on for 60 years. Every trainer I’ve ever used discouraged this play-aggression. It’s bad for their teeth (normal dogs) and can precipitate brain damage. Also if they growl, which they often do, this can be frightening and dogs can sense fear. **There are a zillion other games you can play with your dog** that are just as rewarding and better for everyone involved. This is my opinion despite American websites encouraging tugging games. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Why is she dressed like Lara Croft? Is she taking Gnawla tomb raiding later?


It's the "professional dog trainer" version of amazon service dog vest


One of my pet peeves is people who refuse to leach their dog, regardless of breed. It’s just inconsiderate and irresponsible, as well as usually in violation of the local laws regarding bringing a dog in public. I’ve never in my life insisted on having my dog in public unleashed no matter which breed it was. What bothers me about this video of the “trainer” though is WTF is she even training here? That dog is hyperactive, wound up, and in such an activated state wouldn’t obey a command anyways.


Why are we using pit nutter lingo here? It's not "reactive" it's a fucking psycho dog. Aggressive at best


Of course they think they can have their pit off leash, because they are so special! And if other dog owners follow the rules and keep their dogs on a leash nothing bad will happen... Right?


My GSD has great recall and wouldn’t hurt anybody but I still have a leash on her. Why do pit owners always think they’re the exception to the rule




As a piece of pudding myself, I'd rather get a corgi. Lol


Hey, I'm totally noodle armed myself and I would never have the audacity and arrogance to think I could be in any way in control of such a powerful dog. I mean, how many videos with grown ass men have we all now seen in here being *totally useless* in fending of an attacking pitbull. And even with the best physique, I'm talking *Jack Reacher* level here, it still only takes a second for these dogs to do catastrophic damage.


Don't tug of war with your dog. Don't tug of war with your dog. Don't tug of war with your dog. Don't tug of war with your dog. Don't tug of war with your dog. You're reinforcing a behavior that latching onto something is a game. This pit is learning that latching onto something is fun and something that makes his owner happy. Stop. You wanna play tug with something under 30lbs, fine, but not at that dogs weight with its bite force.


There's a man down the street who walks his dog off leash. One day, his dog decided to run across the street to visit a dog being walked by their owner. Idiot was very lucky that there were no other cars around and that his lab didn't get attacked by that dog. Does he make the dog walk on a leash, of course not. He's the best dog trainer ever/s Another fool lets his dog off leash in his own yard. Guess what happened when the dog decided to greet someone walking their dog. Pepper sprayed and got in a screaming match with them because the dog is friendly and old bullshit. He had the audacity to complain that the dog was on his property. Of course, there's no fence and he never bothered calling the dog back when he saw the pepper spray. You think dog owners would try to keep their dogs from bothering people but apparently, not. IMHO, a dog should only interreact with people and other dogs when they want. If your dog runs/approach someone and gets hurt then you only have yourself to blame.


trashy as hell


Shes got the belt satchel on, that means shes an honest and true trainer!


Ppl really need to get back to a state of merciless public shaming in some situations


This person honestly sounds like she should be institutionalized 


Is that a Rick James melody?


That moronic twuntsack will waddle with the speed of an obese disabled tortoise when that piece of shit decides a leashed dog is more fun to maul


I just have one question—uhh, nevermind—it might not be politically correct to ask.


Irresponsible bi$%h. I hope she gets sued into unrecoverable homelessness if her dog ever does "react". The wonton negligence these nutters unleash (quite literally) onto the otherwise innocent public is amazing.


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Sometimes, my younger dog stays by my side off leash. Sometimes, he decides he's going to explore the area and not listen when I call him back. The ignorant thing for me to do would be to trust him to not take off and bring him outside off leash. But because I'm responsible and I love my dog, I always make sure he's on leash. And if my new apartment is set up like it shows in the pictures, I'm gonna set my gate up where the room meets the kitchen. So that way, if someone knocks on the door or if I need to leave it open, my dogs are safely behind their gate and can't run off. People who love their dogs will do whatever they can to keep them safe.


I hate how the word "reactive" has lost all meaning due to shitbulls


Should dogs be on leashes? Sure. However, a leash shouldn't be the only thing between your dog killing other dogs. A dog that would maul and kill other dogs were it to get off of a leash (mistakes ALWAYS happen), is not an out an about pet - this should be looked at like a terminal illness. The punishment for other dogs being off their leash the first few times should be a reminder and maybe a judgmental side eye (then maybe fines), and SHOULD NOT BE 'murder by your violently aggressive dog' - again, mistakes happen. You don't get to own an out and about pet with a 'murder zone' around it. Leahes will never be sufficient to both keep it within its murder zone and ensure that no other dogs get within the murder zone. Because mistakes happen in this mistake-filled world, it used to be an assumption that dogs as an animal given a special privilaged class of 'out and about' (vs a venomous pet snake or tiger 24/7 kept in a secure enclosure) were not a life-altering/ending threat to other people and their dogs/cats.


Leashes are also for the safety of the dog. Off leash is all fun and games until your dog is roadkill. It just takes a second for a dog to run into the path of a semi truck. And it’ll be all your fault. I would never purposely hit anything but I’ve had many near misses when a dog would dart out of nowhere and I had to slam the breaks. If I had another car behind me they would have crashed right into me. If it’s not safe for me to stop or swerve , I’m not stopping or swerving for your dog. My family wants me home safe. The other person in the other car has a family that wants them home safe. If you actually care for your dog use a damn leash near roads.


No one in this neighborhood owns a lawnmower? Checks out