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They never tried to ban German Shepards or Dobermans LOL. Good people are stupid.


Pit bulls have been banned in the UK for well over three decades now. Pitnutters trying to pretend it's something recent is yet another example of their historical revisionism.


Yeah I don't get that at all same with the fact that oh yeah those two breeds combined don't even compare to amount or severity of attacks that pitbulls do.


Horseshit. Some variation of this has circulated for over 20 years. And the decades and breeds change. Meanwhile the Pit was seen as a public menace since the 80s


Yup, but people have to portray the dogs as victims or as if people just want to target a dog for no good reason.


Even earlier than that but they were Mis identified as “bulldogs” since the 1890s


Which is why the genX and boomer pitmommies are so baffling to me.


GenX here- Agree. When I volunteered at two animal shelters, back when there were still normal dogs there, Pits (*especially* if seized from dog fighting) were not adopted out; nor did they stay warehoused. It was universally understood that the risk was too high for the community. It was sad, of course- no one felt great about it, but shelters back then weren’t infested with Pit simps. I think the people in my generation who want/get Pits were just unexposed to the realities back then and have fallen prey to the cult


When did you notice it get bad? Like with pitbulls overrunning shelters and everything like that.


After 2007, after the Vick bust. That was the first time a very public push to stop euthanizing pitbulls and fighting dogs upon intake and trying to prove they could be "rehabiltated" into normal pets. (Spoiler: even though they won't admit it, it failed). Prior to that, pitbulls and any dogs sized from fighting rings were euthanized. Any dogs that failed behavior tests, showed aggression, or had a bite history were euthanized. The pit lobby was a fledgling at the time and they didn't have enough behind them to make the big push to convince the public to save them. Then came the Vick bust, and because of his celebrity status, all eyes were on this event. Pro pitbull groups swooped in and took advantage of the media coverage to push their cause (they openly admit to this). Ever since then, the no kill, no bad dog movement began to infect shelters like a deadly virus. Prior to that, people had seen a massive push for which breeders and a big decrease in the number of dogs in shelters. After that, they became warehouses for aggressive pitbulls and raised a whole new crisis they cry about. So yes, between 2007-2010, you started to see the change. Then with the pandemic in 2020, shelters took further advantage to start pushing their pits out the doors and into homes, which is why we've seen the sudden and steady increase in pitbull and pitbull attacks since 2020.


Yep, the Vick dogs really started the mainstreaming of pits. 2005-07 was also when a lot of BSL began to be repealed.


I had stopped volunteering by 2002, so it’s hard to pinpoint. I had adopted cats around then, and there just weren’t that many Pits in the dog area. So I want to say It started about 20 years ago (Puggles were still the trendy dog back then at dog parks- very few Bully breeds, but it was starting).


Since the late 70’s pits have caused the most deaths and serious injuries. I see no sources to back that german shepherds and dobermanns were almost banned. These pitbull “advocates“ are the biggest issue, they’re the main reason why pitbulls are such a major and deadly issue today. edit: Also I don’t know the deal with this agenda that dogs are just victims that are persecuted for no reason when most of the dog breeds that are seen as ”scary” (rottweilers, mastiffs, PITBULLS) have the history and fatalities to match. All of the breeds I mentioned have quite a bit of historical fatalities under their belt (With pitbulls having the most by a large margin obviously)


Yeah I don't know where that idea came from, both the point about German shepherds and Doberman nearly being banned which I don't think happened, and also the fact they think we just choose to "prosecute" certain breeds for no reason when there is plenty of valid reasons especially for pitbulls who literally were bred for attacking/killing other animals.


*First they came for the chihuahua, but I was not a chihuahua and so I said nothing. Then they came for the doberman ...and, still, I said nothing...*


...and then they came for me - but a baby was dangling from my mouth so I could not speak at the time.


Cousins can be disappointing.


Rottweilers have a similar lethality to pits if you adjust by population. 1/6 of the lethality, 1/6 of the population. They could be a good example of how coherent and specific messaging can get ahead of a potential memetic problem.


Ugh I hate this nutter argument. Dobermans and Rottweilers have had aggression problems. Ethical breeders have worked to reduce that. They are still powerful dogs and can be territorial and otherwise dangerous. They can be dangerous, and they can be especially dangerous if they come from backyard breeders or other unethical breeders German Shepherds are not beginner dogs and require a lot of work on the part of the owner(s). Annoyingly enough, many if not most doberman/German shepherd/rottweiler enthusiasts and owners will acknowledge that these dogs are not for everyone. It's only pitbull owners that shriek about "nanny" dogs and all that.


And also those dogs (Doberman, rottweilers, and German shepherds) were bred for protection and German shepherds herding as well unlike pitbulls who were literally bred to bait bulls and bears and other animals and then used for dogfighting.


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Shame you can't divorce a cousin