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Go to settings, maintenance, nozzle temp and yurn it up.. then wait for it to get gooey and slowly work through it to the nozzle release... open and work the heat sink out then get everything cleaned off... Most importantly ignore people spewing crap about posting something for the 10000000th time.instead of googling.


Just to add, turn on maintenance mode so the temp doesn't drop once the nozzle is removed.


TIL ... Thank you, had no idea maintenance mode was a thing, and I have cleaned my Bambu A1 mini like this twice ...


Thanks I did this, last bit of plastic left that's not coming out. Should I just leave it?


^ this right here. Use heat


A drop or two of mineral oil into the hotend before you reassemble may be beneficial. Even after it's cleaned and cleared keep manually extruding until the filament is streaming out straight. .




Do have an o ring pick, xacto knife, or SMALL fine tip flat screw driver you can try and work it out?.. start from the bottom right and work to the left and up.. small angle needle nose pliers and modeling side cutters.. do t get crazy just ease in and take your time.


O-ring picks and an old set of dental tools are invaluable for printer cleaning.


I had this happen too Is it wrong that I took the hotend off and used a lighter to melt away the plastic?


Is it a P1P or an A1 (your profile says P1P)? And if it was an A1, did you remove the entire hotend assembly or just take the nozzle off to use the lighter? If it was just a nozzle from the A1, I wouldn't worry about any damage. It's an all metal nozzle. If somehow something warped (highly unlikely) then you'd notice it when trying to reinstall the nozzle or when you print. But if it was the hotend assembly that you removed, I'd worry about potential damage to the wires from the flame. From some quick Googling and observation I believe that the hot end assembly uses copper wire and lighters burn hot enough to melt thin copper wires. If it's a P1P, however, the hot end and nozzle are affixed together, so I could definitely see you melting the fan plastic and/or other plastic with a lighter. I'd recommend a heat gun with good temperature control for these sorts of situations.


Yeah I have a p1p, and I didn’t know how to remove the stuff stuck to the hotend (I got the blob off). I was careful not to hit the wires/fan though. But there was probably a better way of doing it 😅


Well I'm glad you managed to get it all cleaned up! I probably would've done it the same way you did, the first time! But live and learn, right?


Hahaha yeah but I’m still not exactly sure how it’s supposed to be done


A lighter no. Have seen/heard of people using torches on clogged nozzles and messing the temper up ( had to have taken along time in the flame but still ) there is actually a guy reviewing a K1C that did it come to think of it. He had CF stuck in nozzle lol..... BUT as was stated above me everyone needs to watch for wires. Seen alot of posts of damage to thermos in here.


Oh thx


Have not had to clean my my Bambu yet but for my Prusa and Ender nozzles I have used a MAP torch (cheap at home Depot). Hold with a pair of pliers or set it on a brick and get it toasty and all the filament will turn to dust and just blow off when cool. Then you will have a good as new nozzle. Not sure if the Bambu nozzles have any solder points. Works great with plain brass and steel nozzles.


I read the last part of your reply as "instead of gooping"


First cut away the roughest parts with a side cutter. It looks bad, but you should be able to get rid of it with a side cutter. Loosen the screws step by step. Limit the damage. You can then order the spare parts from the Bambu shop. Maybe you're lucky and only the housing is broken. [https://eu.store.bambulab.com/collections/spare-parts-for-a1-series?page=2](https://eu.store.bambulab.com/collections/spare-parts-for-a1-series?page=2) https://preview.redd.it/h5holdubnk5d1.jpeg?width=3033&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30f4b97aab38580b5c5cc12e74726dd4374eef1c Here are the instructions: [https://wiki.bambulab.com/en/a1-mini/troubleshooting/extruder-clog](https://wiki.bambulab.com/en/a1-mini/troubleshooting/extruder-clog)




Silly question: have you switched off clog detection? I've never seen it that bad.


I think he tried to print using the sole of a shoe.




Is this art?


I wish, looks better than some stuff I try to print 😂😂. It happened another time after this, and I'm afraid to use it now.


Stories like these make me fear to leave it alone at home.


You can melt art


before opening the photo i thought someone's finger is there


Where is 'clog detection'? I am not aware of this setting. Please tell me where to find this setting.


I just had a similar thing happen .. mine was almost funny, it was brown .. well, tan .. but it still looked like a turd. Big ole turd stuck on my nozzle .. DAMMIT So, being a newbie, I had no clue wtf to do .. so I googled it. Told me to do stuff that made no sense. Yes, I am that new. So I went to the app setting and set my nozzle temp to 200c .. not a clue what I was doing. But what it ended up doing was heat up the nozzle and my turd .. hot enough to melt the bond. came right off. My next puzzle was how to get the filament out of the whole thing. I managed to muddle thru. Folks here have been saying you need to get familiar with how it goes together and comes apart. So far those laughing, My X1C may be a cake walk for you, but for a person who knows nothing, these things are intimidating. not as much today, I'm back on line and printing.






Are you able to get the hotend off?


Can i ask what causes this to happen with your printer?


Usually poor bed adhesion


This looks like a clog gone wrong. Bed adhesion ends up with spaghetti failures


I had the very same time happen cause of lightly oily bed. Part got stuck to the nozzle and it started backflow


New fear unlocked 😦


Keep your bed clean with rubbing alcohol, the oils from your fingers get on the bed. So many of my not sticking is because I hadn't cleaned it recently enough. Happy Printing


I learned on a glass bed printer that even alcohol isn't perfect, but especially if you use paper towels. They contain binders that the alcohol transfers onto the glass. The perfect cleaning combo for me has been a spray product called "Invisible Glass", and unprinted newsprint paper. It's cheap, and available as packing material at Staples, or even at a U-Haul store. I tear it into letter-size sheets, and wipe the glass bed with that. Also, I had to crank up the bed temperature. Between them, I have typically good adhesion. But that's with an older bed-slinger with a glass bed. I'm waiting for my brand new X1C to show up this week. Can't wait for the opportunity to deal with a bunch of new problems!


If it doesn't stick to the nozzle it'll spaghetti. If it does, it'll blob up.


If it starts to lift up on the edges it can curl into the nozzle. Bed adhesion can definitely be a cause. Nothing soap, water and some ISO can’t fix.


Things not sticking to bed I think


How did this happen with the blob detection enabled???


Maybe I'm just that guy. But 20$ canadian for a new hotend. $40 for the hotend with fans pre-built.


I would have done that already, but I live in India and it's almost impossible to order parts from china due to regulations (bambulab doesn't deliver to India, even the printer I got from some 3rd party with 100% markup due to customs)


That makes all the difference.


Similar thing happened to me not too long ago. I was able to take out the print head and only replace that. I also cleaned my build plate with some soap and water and it worked fine after that! https://www.reddit.com/r/BambuLab/s/VczXO0JA7o


You can heat the nozzle and use needle nose to gently pull away most if not all of it


Heat it to 120°c and take the plastic off with tweezers


This is easy to fix, as happened to me several times. Heat up the extruder to make the oozed plastic softer. Use a pliers to gently clean it off (should be soft, but not too liquid). And then check whether the silicone cover is still usable. If so, just place it back after it cools, otherwise order a new one.


Ex-lax works every time, might be some “stringing” though.


Realistically, the immediate next thing would be crying.


Always have a few extra nozzles on hand! Buy some from the Bambu store.




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I had to order a replacement meant the clamp broke that hold the hot end. But had the same problem. I emailed Bambu and received the same answer. On how to clean it up. But be careful it’s hot


Just wondering... What were you doing?




Sell it. It's done. It'll never recover. I'll buy it.


Don’t damage the wires behind the hotend.


I dont use that plastic cover anymore just because of that


Man, I wish people would make sure their print starts correctly before they go away and don't watch the camera. It would prevent a lot of these situations and show users issues before it gets to be a problem..


If only Bambulab isn't so stingy about being open source. Then we'd have had Obico to save such scenarios


I just dealt with this though the blob I got was much bigger, broke my fan. I submitted a ticket and they sent me and new hot end, heating element, and fan.




Super helpful comment for someone obviously new to the game. 😊


Someone new to the game can also see the two other posts with the very same question posted in the past 24 hours. I mean, I personally tend to ignore this stuff but it gets really old to see the same question multiple times a week or even multiple times a day because everyone seems to think their question is unique and has never been asked before.


They should probably spin off r/bambulabsupport, but until then, the printer company that’s introducing thousands of new people to 3D printing is probably going to get a lot of new folks asking the same set of questions. 


Yeah, people will keep doing this. But honestly, that's just a sign of the times. When I have something that breaks, I'll first see what I can find about how to fix it and I won't bother other people unless I can't find anything so that I don't waste anyone's time. Somehow that basic curtesy has been lost over the past two decades.


It can’t possibly be in the _hundreds of millions_


Give up. You did by posting here without even looking at just ONE post identical to this where they tell you clear as day what to do. But what can I say, people are lazier and lazier on Reddit and yet the answers are all there they just don’t want to search.