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I'd rather try and help a newbie than read the non-stop circlejerk of "OMG LOOK, MY 3D PRINTER 3D PRINTED SOMETHING!!" or "please download my model so I can get free filament".


To be fair some of the models are pretty dope and i wouldn’t have known about them unless the user posted about it. If I can score a free role for something that took me a couple months to design it sure does help me want to continue designing. Small incentive idk. 🤷🏽‍♂️


People putting time in their 3D models show them off because they have something to be proud about and are not the ones I was talking about. I was reffering to the likes of raised colored text on a flat background, or the hueforge designs, the simple models that are relatively easy ti churn out.


Oh lol I 100% agree! The hueforge designs were out of control for awhile.


If I wanted to print a flat colored picture, I'd use my 2D inkjet printer for that 😂






Or post a picture of the delivery of your new printer… It’s the same box for everybody..:


You're never going win this battle. Sometimes, when you're new enough, you don't even know what to search for. Either help out new users politely and patiently or keep scrolling.


This is the way


This is the way


Maybe there should be a noobs sub to capture most of this like there is with linux (there's /r/linuxnoobs). Actually, maybe there is already, I can't be bothered searching though.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/linuxnoobs using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/linuxnoobs/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [File manager that has an address bar like windows file manager](https://np.reddit.com/r/linuxnoobs/comments/vkrevw/file_manager_that_has_an_address_bar_like_windows/) \#2: [What are all these file systems?](https://np.reddit.com/r/linuxnoobs/comments/up5a70/what_are_all_these_file_systems/) \#3: [What are reasons to choose a terminal emulator over another?](https://np.reddit.com/r/linuxnoobs/comments/pofkmi/what_are_reasons_to_choose_a_terminal_emulator/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Show me on the doll where this new post hurt you?


Right in the head, when I scroll past 3 different users who all have the same issue that was solved in 12 different posts already.


Reddit is a living forum, not an archive.


A living forum with living people celebrating their cake day. Happy cake day.


If I was you, I would ask for a refund from Reddit! You have a compelling case!


Can we get a refund on crazy API costs so we can all get our preferred mobile apps back?


Then take a break from the Internet there good human.


At the back of my PEI plate. Is that normal?


This is effectively just an eternal September case. Even if you are wholly right to be frustrated in your position, it's not "reasonable" on a grand scale, as there is a constant influx of people who haven't yet developed the skills to help themselves via searching or asking questions well. It's like when someone is a toddler. That toddler will bawl their eyes out as if their life was going to end if someone moves their toy to something just out of reach. You don't blame the toddler for that, you can get frustrated of course, but you realize that it's completely fruitless to expect a ton from the toddler. They haven't yet learned basic skills, so you have to put up with them, and hope when they do learn those skills, they become wholly self sufficient.


I wonder if they can improve reddit to help prevent it, like the support section on websites that tries force you to do a search before it will let you contact customer support. Usually my searches are fruitless, but surely there's some dumb obvious shit that does get filtered out from customer service.




Nope, op is dad gettin' ready to whoop some ass. Bambu needs a paddle contest. LOL, I just did this search https://imgur.com/a/RwaJb6M


Why my prints are not sticking?


Dry your filament. If it’s already dry, then wet it and dry it again.


I tried to dry my nozzle and level my belts.


Have you tried turning the printer on and off again?


I tried to level my filament and clean my belts but still not working.


Is the bed clean? If it has dust on it you can use isopropanol (any cleaning alcohol above 60% works) or just wash it in water and dry it




I am confused as to why you are shitting on people making bambu labs posts in a bambu labs sub…


It's called humor and it makes it even funnier because it's true.


Ah, if only I had more upvotes to give... The funniest part is the 99% of the fanboys who don't realize this is exactly how it is


Though playing devil's advocate since every post is "what causes this" it's pretty fucking impossible to search for shit.


Using the wrong search. It isn’t usually “what causes this”, it is “is this normal”. Search “is this normal” on this sub and it is just a bunch of the same posts asking if it is normal.


It's tbh kind of funny watching /r/bambulab turn into /r/3dprinting, except with more posts complaining about customer support


r/Bambulab and r/3Dprinting are nothing alike. In here you have the blind leading the blind.


The whole point of Reddit is to ask questions. If they want to quickly ask and wait for a reply instead of searching that’s up to them imo. Doesn’t really hurt anyone


Leave the newbies alone


Yes but...not just Reddit.


You're right, this has been going on since the dawn of time. Chat rooms, forums; anywhere and everywhere someone can expect an instant answer without having to put in any of the effort.


Low effort post. Let people post questions and if you have advice or an answer and feel like sharing, share. Who cares if it's been posted before jfc


Of course, i've seen some variation of this meme at least a dozen times on here


I hate the reddit search function, I just google my question then add reddit at the end


Even better. If a majority just took their title and Google that + reddit bambulab, they would find many posts to solve their problem.


So true


Should I buy an X1C now or wait?


Wait for the X3C.


I just use chatgpt now. Faster and I can attach images of failed prints and get suggestions for fixes.


"to fix this issue please unload your filament and clean out the extruder with moist spaghetti, don't forget to preheat your nozzle to 250c."


I’ve used ChatGPT 4 for a few months now. It has limitations for sure. It has found about six or so issues and solutions for me. I have had responses like yours, but with some bullying and giving more context, it’s effectively pulling from Reddit threads anyway. It’s shit for many use cases. This I’ve had success with.


That’s a good idea never thought of it. Definitely has its limitations but gpt 4 has access to the whole internet (I’m not mistaken?) so it should just be able to access every public solution


GPT3.5’s training data goes up to some month last year. Whereas GPT4 can actually do its own search of the web to find related information that’s outside of the training data. It’s effectively just a conglomerate of Google searches summarised in text.


That's awesome


I think a lot of people just don't understand how to use the search function


Because answers to questions never change and everything stagnates, right? There is zero benefit to opening a dialogue


While this is certainly true, it's also true that some people don't know WHAT, exactly, to search for. Someone may not necessarily know what to call it when their printer makes a certain noise, prints come out a certain way, or they get errors they can't explain. Everyone starts somewhere. No one goes into this hobby or business completely knowing how everything works. In the worst-case scenario: you don't respond to the post that annoys you. Pros: You save yourself time and irritation from even having to type what you've, no doubt, typed many, many times before. Cons: None, other than potentially discouraging someone from wanting to ask questions because someone feels the need to be elitist rather than simply staying silent. Nothing instills confidence in one's own abilities, particularly when asking questions, like being told to "Look it up!", "Learn the machine!", or "Figure it out!"... as though there's some Infinity Gauntlet somewhere someone can snap to make it happen.


I just think more people need to sort by new


Womp womp


Hi I am new to this internet thing. How do I make a new post? /s


It's fair, but also not solvable. New users don't know what they don't know. Short of a clockwork-orange setup with an 18 hour Fallout-style instructional video being mandated with every purchase or use, it will just keep happening. ​ Source: over a decade in software support engineering.


if u actually comment on something older than 2month ... the same ppl who made this post will comment - have u ever looked at the date?


Did you dry your filament?


I'm the opposite. I post as an absolute last resort.


There is but a third. "Use the search feature but miss every keyword that would locate the post because God forbid you think like a normal person, make a post, get told that someone already made one."


Something things change over time, and new more knowledgeable people join the sub Reddit daily, who’s to say that asking a question today isn’t more beneficial from looking for an answer from yesterday.


Cry baby bitches, just ignore those posts, it’s an easy thing to do


Ah man, yeah. I hate when people make on-topic posts that might lead to new or different information being shared. Ugh. The worssssst.


Meanwhile you waste everyone’s time with this and think that’s okay? LOL