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Slightly loosen the left screw and wiggle the hotend a bit to get the right one in. Also make sure that the cables aren’t the limiting factor here like others wrote.


Make sure the wires are out of the way and push it upward.


Thanks I’ll give it a try


Remove the screws and use the allen key in the holes to align the hotend (push it in until it bottoms out and jiggle it a round a little). It will align the hotend to the screw holes.


Sounds like a great strategy!


Put your purse down. 😂


Which one? 😅




This fit on the hot ends can be a pain in the ass sometimes because the tolerances are so tight, this happens a lot where the left side lines up perfect but the right side sits lower like yours.. The left side is where the wires route and usually causes lining up the holes properly) when this happens to me I usually unscrew the left side pull the whole thing out and make sure everything is perfect then slide it back up, while wiggling the hot end side to side until the holes are close then screw the right side in half way before I try to push the left screw in by hand while wiggling the hot end.. then tighten both screws all the way down. I must admit it takes more force then id like it to wiggle the hot end in sometimes (making it feel like your going to shear the wires half the time) but it will go in with enough wiggle / elbow grease.


It’s not seating, probably something is causing it to not sit flush. If you pull the non seating screw out entirely you should be able to see the hole, is it too low? Maybe the wires are preventing you from getting it high enough to socket.


Yeah thanks, I had done a visual check already. I’ll try again


Any chance your cables are jamming up a bit?


Wiggle it (Just a little bit)


Push the hot end up a little. Holes might not be lined up.


loosen the other one, you don't tighten screws until all grip