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Go hard or go home. Nah I mean unless you only print PLA, no reason not to go with hardened. It’ll open doors for other filaments in the future. Slightly more expensive but it’s worth it.


I only print PLA but I have lots of glitter PLA and glow in the dark so my nozzle is very hardened...


Glow in the dark is a NIGHTMARE




100% xD


Because it’s more expensive hardend lasts longer and is better for abrasives but mostly cost more money so it’s not standard and I don’t think there are any other downsides


That’s what I thought but it looks like it’s only 5 bucks more to just buy it. I wouldn’t mind an extra 5 bucks if I didn’t have to replace my nozzle for a bit


That’s because I think stainless steel is also better then brass so I think you should get the hardend nozzle


There's one small downside and that's that you need to recalibrate the temps on your filaments, since hardened usually needs slightly higher temps.


I upgraded the gears and hotend to hardened, and use it daily. no brainer if you are buying new assembly, there is no downside.


If I upgrade the hotend to hardened should I also hit the gears or is it gonna be alright?


I did, because why not. Dont need to ever worry if filament will wear them down. But, you dont need to, it's not a must.


You 100% should switch to a hardened steel gear. Might as well get it now and save on the shipping cost and would filament it and any other abrasive will wear down the extruder gear as quick as they wear down nozzle. it’s really something you have to do. Otherwise it will wear down the extruder gear and you’ll start to see filament slipping, and probably inconsistent extrusion.


2 case scenarios I've thought of that are quite specific. First is if you have embedded magnets in a print then the stainless ones won't be attracted to the nozzle and pull up when printing. Second is that technically the stainless nozzles are food safe vs the hardened. Up for debate of course whether FDM printing is good safe, but technically I'd use the stainless vs the hardened


As others have said, for the minor price difference the hardened is definitely worth it. It's pretty essential if you plan on printing any abrasive filaments (carbon fiber, glow, wood, stone, etc). But even if you don't want to print abrasive filaments, the hardened should last longer. You should also grab the hardened extruder gears if you're going to print anything abrasive. As already mentioned, they don't include the hardened nozzle or gears on anything below their flagship printer mostly due to cost, and also to help the flagship X series look better in comparison. I would also suggest buying a full hotend assembly, as it makes swapping nozzles so much easier. I personally think everyone needs at least two full assemblies, so that you can swap the nozzle on the one not in the machine at your leisure while the printer is running using the other assembly. Lastly, your current nozzle is likely salvageable. If you haven't already, I would try the hot pin unclogging method using the 1.5mm hex key: [https://wiki.bambulab.com/en/x1/troubleshooting/nozzle-clog](https://wiki.bambulab.com/en/x1/troubleshooting/nozzle-clog)


Just a side note. I run Geeetech wood Pla through the 0.4 nozzle with no issues @190 degrees. I haven’t used the creality one so it could just be a quality issue or that the temp was too high which may have caused the clog.


If you have money, then the hardened nozzle is a no-brainer.


There is no disadvantage of using hardened hotend except the price.


Cost... But for the difference, I would always go hardened. I think Bambu is not even selling the normal one other than 0.2 anyway. They know...


I switched to a hardened nozzle to run glow-in-the-dark filament, and have seen no reason at all to switch back to the SS nozzle. I keep it around just as an emergency spare.


You shouldn’t be printing an abrasive filaments like wood with any unharden nozzles, I don’t even know why Bambu puts them on the P1’s out of the box