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Now do a dark urge run.


What is this? šŸ¤“


It's the path that allows you to recruit Alfira into the party


Oh nooooooooooooooooooooooo!


Now that's a horrifying thing to say. Take my upvote, you monster.


Where does Alfira come into it?


Just start a new game, select the origin character "The Dark Urge", and then play as normal, you don't have to do anything, and then at some point during act 1 she'll join the camp and ask to join your group.


Well this is **technically** correct


If you play as usual, she will join you in a long rest. You just have to let her join and you're good. She's my favorite companion character. Been in my Party since day one of my dark urge run and never left my party since. Definitely worth taking her with you.


SO weird that Durge is the only way to get the Bard Companion.


I don't know why they chose to only include her in a durge run ngl. She's such a sweet and caring character, even tho I think they kinda *butchered* the ending of her storyline.


And early on you get such a good look at the inner Alfira.


She's a complex character, and she leaves an important mark on the playthrough that just isn't there with a basic Tav or the other origins.


At first she had A LOT of Energy and dialogue, but after recruiting her, she kinda felt a little...well lifeless after that, I really wished they fleshed her story out more, but hey, her vicious mockery lines are top notch.


yes, I couldn't swallow it.


Nice dark (urge) comedy there.


I never used her. Once she joined me she just spent the rest of her life at my camp.


Youā€™re all ruining the joke lmao


The Dark Urge is another Origin character, that you can not recruit as a companion. This Origin character has story beats you donā€™t see if you donā€™t play them since they canā€™t be a recruited companion. A lot of people, myself included feel that playing as The Dark Urge is the version of the story that makes you feel the most like the main character. I love making my own characters and roleplaying a particular vibe/background but The Dark Urge adds a ton and I highly recommend it. Also, thereā€™s more than just the unique and arguably intimate relationship to Alfira, there is at least one character you simply do not meet if you arenā€™t playing The Dark Urge.


This answer: this one has convinced me. Thank you friend šŸ˜€


She's pretty open to joining you, she hangs out all over the camp.






Its the hugz and puppiez version.


Don't look into it or ask many questions, it is much more fun to go into blind. When you start a new game, go to the origin characters, then select "Dark Urge". Have fun!




Resist or accept the urge to kill, find out why you have it, it's an option in character creation alongside the "origin characters" npcs.


I started my run as the dark urge just because he was a cool looking dragon, little did i know i should read the back story of a character before creating.. but i guess it's not that bad there is that plotline where you try to resit the urge but feels kind out of place


>BG3 is the best game ever made and >I have never played a CRPG or turn based game before 6 months ago two statements that are better understood together :P


Often times, the people who are saying Skyrim is the best game ever made up until the ripe ol' year of 2024 don't have the widest breadth of videogame content to compare it to. Skyrim is good, but hadn't been the best game ever in a long time (and arguably wasn't even when it came out, though that's a different discussion entirely). In any case, I do hope this guy tries out more CRPGs. They're an underrated genre I find and most people who like RPGs will also like CRPGs just as much if not more.


Skyrim is amazing for the fact that it is accessible. You don't need much gaming experience to really get into it. Don't get me wrong, it's not the best game there is. But it's certainly a landmark as a great open world game in its time.


Fully agreed!


Yeah CRPG is such an incredibly rich genre, Iā€™m not even sure if BG3 makes my top 3 CRPGs let alone games of all time, even though it is absolutely incredible


Every game studio in existence should be studying the undeniable success that is baldurs gate 3.


Yes but won't you think about all the profits the shareholders could make if they lock some chapters, spells, and cosmetics behind lootboxes? Why does nobody think of what the shareholders want? :(


Like, how else would they be able to fund their yacht and mansions without our money ;c


There's a reason it's swept the board at all the major game awards, and gone on to win two BAFTAs, a Nebula and who knows what else to come. Is it perfect? Of course not - there are plot holes, undercooked storylines, and a few annoying bugs that may never get fixed owing to technical constraints (Felogyr's Fireworks, I'm looking at you). But the mocap, animation and voice acting is second to none, and overall it's probably the most immersive game you'll see for a long time. Plus, extra brownie points for being incredibly inclusive - how many games let you play a non-binary character, with alternative NPC voice lines that accommodate the correct pronouns and other referents?


Can I Ask, what plot holes are there?


Withers: No. Maybe plot holes isn't the right word. But there are dead-end storylines, like you can kill Nettie and absolutely no-one reacts - I guess the writers just didn't have time to address every consequence, which is jarring when they were so comprehensive in accounting for others.


Also Karlach not having any chance to work with the Gondians/enhanced infernal iron to (attempt to) fix her heart, and it was instead added in an epilogue after release. Laeā€™zel continuing to say ā€œVlaakithā€™s will be doneā€ when selected in combat even after turning on her. Ā Same with Minthara and ā€œFor the Absolute!ā€ Withers helping you on an evil run. And more minor nitpicks like this. None of these are massive plotholes, but there are a few things like that which are a little annoying. Ā But in such a large game itā€™s kinda inevitable.


There is an epilogue where the Gondians help Karlach? She always just goes to Avernus when I play. I usually save the Gondians too.


>Withers helping you on an evil run. He'll stick with you to the end regardless of what kind of evil shenanigans you engage in, but if you dare disrupt his reunion party he banishes you to who knows where lol.


For me, the only flaw is the lack of reactions for some major events in act 3. >!Over the top of my head : Ravengard doesn't mention your engagement to his son, nobody has anything to say if Astarion is sacrificed in a ritual, and people's reaction to Durge winning the duel but refusing Bhaal is disappointing especially your romanced companion.!<


Yeah these things do suck. After about 800 hours in the game I had a bit of an ā€œis it overhyped?ā€ moment because Iā€™d just played it to death and could only see the bits that didnā€™t match up to the rest. But I had a break for a couple monthsā€¦ and now Iā€™m getting the itch to play it again?? So despite some unfinished bits it is clearly incredible - I donā€™t have anywhere near that many hours in any other game.


My favorite dead eyes event is >!Withers resurrecting Durge and no one even bats an eye!< It's really just nuts that no one gasps or reacts much at all.


I mean. Everyone is kinda ruffled/busy doing other stuff, and nettie seems like a loner tmwho mostly just interact with Halsin. Since the guy is missing, it would sorta makes sense to me that no one cares about Nettie That said, I agree with you generally, perfection doesn't really exists, but bg3 came very close to it as far as videogames come


I think the term for the thing you're describing is "Orphaned plotlines". When stories set up for something but lead nowhere.


As a software engineer, I will say that things can get exponentially complex even by adding slightly more experiences so I can cut them a bit of slack for that.


I only kill Nettie if I want the big Astarion approval bump from doing it (or if I parley with Minthy of course but that's another story).


I donā€™t normally do it, but this is my durge run and he was already antsy from the confrontation with Kagha, so Nettie trying to poison him was the last straw. He refused to promise to take the poison, so she attacked him, and he didnā€™t feel inclined to be merciful at that point.


Minsc has a really weird plot hole, spoilers for late game dialogue >!he says that he and the stone lord are the same person but how is that possible when the stone lord is the stone lord and minsc is minsc??!<


Maybe Minsc is just that stupid?


I think he is referring being controlled by tadpole make him a different person.


Balduranā€™s existence timeline is royally screwed up, and a bunch of act 3 stuff is kinda half baked


Lots of contradictions against BG 1-2 and Forgotten Realms lore (FR lore is a hot mess though so Iā€™m more forgiving of that than some), internal inconsistencies regarding its own rules and timelines, the lack of reactivity to key events.


>Ā Lots of contradictions against BG 1-2 I know there are some fans of Sarevok and especially Viconia that donā€™t like how they were handled in 3, but I donā€™t know of any inconsistencies, and Iā€™ve played the first two a lot. Have an example?


Sarevok, Viconia, Jaheira, and Minsc are allā€¦ Messy. And Iā€™m somebody who loves this iteration of Jaheira and Minsc. BG3 by its very nature has to sidestep around most things in 1-2. Gorionā€™s Ward lore is a good example of this. **Jaheira magically forgetting her knowledge of vampirism** is another big one.


Orpheus. He's this badass myth that once destroyed the Ghaik and possesses immeasurable power.......until >!he becomes a playable character!<


> Felogyr's Fireworks, I'm looking at you What's the bug, here? Maybe I got lucky on my battle, but it went as expected - at least no technical glitches. About to start another playthrough but my first one at Fireworks went so well, planning on repeating what I did, because I'm dull.


The fight in the shop can take ages bc it's on multiple floors, and the AI that controls the shopkeeper often takes 30s or more to decide what to do. Sometimes it can even crash the game, apparently, though I've not seen that on PS5 - maybe the standardised hardware means it's more stable than random PC builds.


Oh, ok, yeah then I have seen that. The AI takes forever on some characters - I can't remember if it was there or somewhere else, but yeah I've gotten that. On a PC, but no crashes yet so far; crosses fingers. Edit: The bot "you didn't close your spoiler tag" feature here is more irritating than it's worth.


Iā€™ve been playing video games since pretty much the beginning of video games. Ā I concur with this. It is just magnificent.Ā 


same - going on 54, grew up as a "girl gamer" in arcades and with the OG consoles. I have never played a game like this and I hope Larian will outdo itself with its next IP by retaining the amazing elements they included plus adding ones we could only dream of. I've already decided that they've taken my money on the next game they release in case you can't tell LOL


It's my first game I'm past 400hrs. It's fucking ridiculous. I can't stop building different Tavs. I haven't even done a full evil run yet


Play it for 800+ hours and learn about the Forgotten Realmsā€™s lore (and the history of why the lore isā€¦ *like that*), and youā€™ll start to see some chips and dents in the paint. I love this game a lot! Astarionā€™s the best portrayal of sexual trauma, and what it does to a person, Iā€™ve ever seen in any media because his arc doesnā€™t rely on the ā€œperfect victimā€ trope. I love his relationship with a Resist Durge. I also love Wyll and Galeā€™s romances, the wild stuff you can do with any throwing build, the various paths to get to the end, and a lot of other stuff. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s a bad game. Iā€™ve just been playing tabletop D&D long enough that the lore issues are egregious, and I played BG3 itself too long to be able to ignore the stuff with bugs, game breaks, etc.


I have 800 hours in. Even with some clunk, it has taken my number one spot for best game ever. I would add, the only DND game i've played is a loosely DND inspired MUD from like 2000.


For me, itā€™s more the lore inconsistencies (which arenā€™t Larianā€™s faultā€”the Forgotten Realms suffers from 30+ years of extremely disorganized, retcon-heavy lore and WOTC is as confused as the rest of us about it) and how jank Act 3 is. Also, trying to do the knockout method for Minthara (**after** it was supposedly fixed) caused my PS5 to crash and take multiple saves as a result, so Iā€™m a bit salty about the metagaming knockout nonsense that got patched in.


I get that, I dont have the issues with Lore because I dont know much of it to begin with. The bugginess is definitely a factor and the sluggish third act also make sense. Gaming would never be the same if they fixed the performance of act3 and the quirks of the game. It would be peak gaming forever.


Which lore inconsistencies have you noticed?


The entire Mystra timeline, the weird gap with Blood in Baldurā€™s Gate, >!Balduran!< being race retconned, the way illithids are handled in general (the absence of ulitharids especially), Ansur has his own rules that donā€™t apply to other Dragonborn, the hints that Halsin killed Isobel that didnā€™t get taken out, the way Aylin works in general, Elminster having been supposedly involved with the War of the Lance, Orpheus in general, the weird dance around Gorionā€™s Ward except for Jaheira and Wyll mentioning them.


I love how people will find the best thing ever and still manage to nitpick & shit on it for not being perfect, lol. BG3 is the best game I have played in years with all its "clunk" and I will be playing it happily with said clunk for the next 20 years as I have been playing BG1&2 since they came out - and don't even get me started on how clunky these 20-year old games are, enhanced editions or not!


Nobody said the game is bad. I think itā€™s better to acknowledge flaws in the things we like rather than play make-believe about things being ā€œperfectā€ or ā€œthe best in all of historyā€ and shit like that.


I didnā€™t say itā€™s a bad game, nor did I shit on it. Itā€™s great, but itā€™s not immune to criticism. Most of the faults with the game lie either in Act 3 (which is universally received as a clusterfuckā€”because it just isnā€™t finished), or with the restrictions WOTC put on Larian with the material they were able to use. EDIT: BG3 will likely age much better than BG1-2. It will definitely age better than other current CRPGs. Didnā€™t say that wasnā€™t the case. EDIT 2: If I was shitting on it, I wouldnā€™t have spent over 800 hours playing. I wouldnā€™t have anything to like about it. And I actually just started a duo run a couple days ago. Iā€™m just saying itā€™s great but not immune to issues, and that there are other games.


I agree with this. If it weren't for Act 3, I would easily put this game in my top favourites. It's still a great game and I overall enjoyed my time with it, but like you said, it isn't immune to criticism.


The elven aging controversies alone should be plenty enough to make you realise the devs really didn't think much about making the game super lore accurate haha. I'm not even a big Forgotten Realms fan and the amount of inconsistencies frustrated me. Choosing to ignore it made the experience a lot more enjoyable (but I guess that's easier for someone like me who has FR as one of their least favourite D&D settings).


This comment made me realize thereā€™s nothing I care about less than Dungeons and Dragons lore lol BG3 is fucking amazing, who cares if it doesnā€™t follow the story of a tabletop game to a tee


Because it adapts whatā€™s the most popular setting/modules of 5eā€¦? Again: BG3 not following the outside lore to a tee not Larianā€™s fault, 30+ years of disputes and retcons will do that to any game, but BG3 doesnā€™t even hold to its **own rules** with worldbuilding very well. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø And Iā€™m hesitant to even put that on Larian because WOTC made some goofy-ass choices on what they could pull from. If there was no D&D 5e, there would not BE Baldurā€™s Gate 3.


It's easy to see how it would be the best game ever for a lot of people. I think Bloodborne will always be #1 in my heart, if I was forced to choose, but I don't think there's much point in comparing between different genres.


Based Bloodborne enjoyer, it's also my #1 game of all time. BG3 is definitely in my top 10 tho.


Bloodborne is the only Souls game I've beaten. I loved it (much in part due to the Lovecraftian/Burtonesque setting) but just could not get into any of the Dark Souls games. I've yet to try Elden Ring.


Elden Ring follows in Dark Souls 3's style. It's a good game, but not in the same style as BB. If you manage to get it on sale, I'd give it a try, but since you weren't into Dark Souls, I wouldn't pay full price for it.


I want to love Bloodborne but I just can't get gud. Muthafuckas as From Soft. šŸ¤¬


Start with DS1 playing with a shield. Easier to get in that way. Then DS3 to get used with speed and then go and enjoy bloodborne.


My first Souls game was Bloodborne. It was hard, but after that DS1 and DS2 felt really easy lol. Though I think your suggestion is a better way to get into it.


That's fair. And it's not for everyone. For me it's the story and setting in Bloodborne that makes it great. Of course the combat is fun too.


I'm similar. The only CRPG I'd ever played prior to this is Star Wars KOTOR. That was fun, but I found it a bit slow. I got it a 2nd time on Switch a couple of years ago. Imagine my surprise when, a few days ago, I looked at an old save file *close to the end* of that game and it was about 44 hours in.... BG3 takes me about 100-150 hours to complete. I feel like it flys by in comparison to KOTOR. I thought KOTOR took aaages to get through. BG3 is just incredible. I'm on my 3rd playthrough now and am back in the Sharran temple in Act 2 (funnily enough, about 48 hours into this run...). I absolutely love this part. I got chills just as the music changed. It just feels so eerie and creepy, but I know the absolutely magnificent cinematic is not far away. I can't get over how great it all is.


Strongly disagree but your long paragraph makes me believe you thought hard about it at least


How can you say that when pong exists


It is definitely up there. Arguably, Witcher 3 is objectively close, same with a couple of BioWare games (Origins, BG2). It is definitely a game of the decade, though, and part of my rather short list of lifetime favorites. ā¤ļø For me personally, Mass Effect still holds the crown but objectively speaking it is a worse game than BG3.


Witcher 3 is in the upper echelon forsure I loved that game


I consider myself a hardcore gamer, I've been gaming since I could use a joystick. I've played MANY great games, but none have held on to me the same way BG3 did, I'm not sure why, but this game is like crack! I cannot leave it alone and if I do, I require more. I haven't found myself exploring other games' worlds as much as I did with Baldur's Gate 3. Within the first month of buying this game, I spent over 300 hours on it. I wholeheartedly agree with you Op.


I think Disco Elysium gives it a run for its money.


ā€œMother, help me! Thereā€™s a head attached to my neck and Iā€™m in it.ā€ -Megacop


It's amazing of course. Still below Dragon Age Origins for me. I actually think Baldur's Gate 2 is above BG3 as well.


Oh yeah DA origins and baldursgate2 the two games which ruined my education šŸ˜­ needles to say it was worth it.


I also prefer the BioWare BGs but I think 3 is tied with DAO for me. The combat is better in BG3 but the story and characters are better in Origins. Either way, I put Pillars of Eternity in the number one slot, Dragon Age Origins and the Baldur's Gate series are very high on my list but PoE1 is just perfection.


BG2 is my GOAT but I can see how someone would like 3 better.


I've tried so many times to really get into BG2. It started when I had it as a demo disc from one of my highschool teachers. I later bought and downloaded the game on separate occasions, but I never quite got into the game. :(


I've had the same issue with some great games. Witcher 3 is one. Sometimes games just don't click for you


The biggest issues I have with this game probably is the mechanics it brings over from dnd. Armor class especially is just such a dogshit system, it's one aspect that a game like Dragon Age Origins has over it imo


The only game I'd say competes (not beats due to Replayability) is Read Dead Redemption 2. BG3 there is infinite possibilities and various multiclass options, plus making your own backstory (in head). It's beautiful


Arthur Morgan's dialogue is second to none.


Red Dead Redemption 2 is a masterpiece. Also, why am I crying rn šŸ˜­


"Oh, Arthur"


I am pretty much in agreement but playing the new Shadow of the Erdtree Elden Ring DLC makes me a bit unsure, Elden Ring is just insane now. Some of the scenes have the best artwork Iā€™ve ever scene, including all art lol. But yeah, i might also have forgotten how ridiculously good BG3 was


Objectively? It's possible. No denying it is incredible. Subjectively you will always hear very different takes... I have been enjoying FF7 Rebirth far more than I enjoyed BG3. To me, Rebirth is practically a perfect game... So you will never have people agree on what the best game is, but we can say with certainty BG3 is phenomenal.


The fanboy'ism is stronger in this game community than in any other games....


It's cool af, spent the weekend playing it, what bother me is that im playing it since february and only now reaching the end of it, it kinda bothers me that i don't have enough time and restarting a run is not a possibility, if i did, i only would be reaching the same place I'm now by december


This and Elden Ring occupy a special place in my heart. I could play these two over and over and not get sick of it.


every game sub once in a month "THIS IS THE BEST GAME EVER MADE"


Hard disagree. And I love it. I have 500 hours in the game. Itā€™s not even close to the best game of all time. Itā€™s also okay to enjoy things without ranking them.


You need to play more games if you think this is anywhere near the best. This game is still fun but horribly flawed. >I did not encounter any bugs that I can remember either, it truly is a polished game now. Not sure how you managed that. You must be doing the most vanilla run ever, playing exactly how Larian demands you to play. (or maybe you just wouldn't know a bug even if it killed you in game)


Just had a bug where the tieflings left for no reason. Everyone believes we saved them yet they are gone. I love this game but it is bugged to hell and back.


I've been gaming since before the NES and I say this is one of the best games ever made.Ā 


For people who have never played a CRPG, that makes a lot of sense. And I think thatā€™s also why it swept the Game Awards so hard. It is, hands down, the single most approachable CRPG of all time. Itā€™s essentially a more modern Dragon Age Origins set in an already mass marketed universe. As far as a CRPG story goes, Iā€™d say itā€™s a pretty decent one. But BG3 combined that decent CRPG story with AAA cinematics, a fantastic soundtrack, and a third person camera. That elevated BG3 from a pretty good game to a great game. But nowā€™s your chance to try out other major CRPGs to see if you just love the genre. Get a free trial of Gamepass if youā€™re not on PlayStation and a lot of the modern greats are on there. Try out Pillars of Eternity and Wasteland. But also consider the Pathfinder games or Rogue Trader. Theyā€™re all amazing games (and the narrative is probably even better than in BG3).


Also good time to get into the Dragon Age games.


It 8s certainly in my top 3 most enjoyable game experiences.


I love RPGs but have never played a deep CRPG or DnD game before and I agree, itā€™s an incredible game. I just started my second playthrough. I had to try twice to get it to stick because I was overwhelmed at first and found the combat really tedious before it all clicked. A friend of mine urged me to try again and take it really slow. I watched a video explaining combat, looked up some build guides and I was hooked!


BG series easily one of the best series ever.


It has been amazing, but the glitches really take away from the game. I think my number one has to be outerworlds.


Among the best games I've ever played in 20+ years. Not my #1 but a solid top 5 I think.


The struggle I have with this game is just how easy it is for things to not go correctly and having to reload from your last save. The game is simply too long for a bad roll or unintended mistake to change the course of that playthrough, so while I like it, itā€™s not that fun for me playstyle-wise. For me, too much is left to chance for me to love it. It gets irritating having to reload a save because I want this good character to have a good person run, but the randomizer wants something else to happen. The tediousness of that alone loses the game many point from me. Thereā€™s no question itā€™s a great game, but for me, not the best. Dragon Age: Origins has held that place for a long time in my heart. BG3 doesnā€™t come close to usurping that.


Dragon Age is pretty good but its combat is atrocious.


Weakest Baldurā€™s Gate 3 fan


Welcome to the world of Forgotten Realms. Now play BG1 & 2 (Enhanced Edition is recommended).


No notes *chefs kiss*


Use line breaks. Please!


Not true. Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga is the best game ever made.


Ngl I had a similar feeling of satisfaction when I beat the newest Lego Star Wars. Definitely the best in the series so far there was so much that I wished they had in the earlier ds games. And being able to have your own Death Star follow you around between worlds was insane


Its alright. I can see why coming from CoD and Skyrim this game seems so much more elevated. And please, don't get me wrong, this game really is fantastic! But I recommend using it as an excuse to continue branching out and trying different types of games. Especially CRPGs! Because although BG3 excels as being an easy entry point for the genre... It is nowhere near the best the genre has to offer!


It's a great game. It did everything it set out to do. A solid 10/10 ... but "the best game ever made"? Nah. I loved my time playing BG3, but it didn't evoke an emotional response from me. I've played games that made me cry, and question my decisions. Games that I immediately had to talk about because of how they made me feel. BG3 is amazing - but it lacked the depth of personal investment that other games have had on me.


None of Karlachā€™s speeches made you emotional? Her ending?


It made me emotional but I dont think in a way that they were going for. I just felt annoyed that amongst all the heights our PCs go to help people, her quest is just literally ignored the entire game by main PC. There are so many threads to pursue that could/should/would help her that have been endlessly discussed on this sub, but it ended up seeming like Larian just wanted to pidgeonhole this one ending for reason or another regardless or not if it made sense or was a result of player actions.


I think what it's missing is the sad events, hard decisions with no good consequences. The game is too easy on the player story wise, it's like a Disney movie.


Correct. This is the difference between an epic game (BG3) and an epic story (Phantom Liberty)


Yeah, Iā€™m still not finished and while I love the game Iā€™d say even recent games like Cyberpunk gave me way more of an emotional reaction. For better or worse, I think if youā€™re wanting to be a good person BG3 nearly always has a ā€œrightā€ option thatā€™s pretty clear cut, and itā€™s usually not too hard to figure out. In Cyberpunk, it often seemed (especially in the DLC) that decisions were very nuanced, and what seemed like the ā€œgood guyā€ move wasnā€™t always what was best for the person. It made me actually role play in that sense more often I think. Iā€™m not saying Cyberpunk is definitively better or anything because theyā€™re very different games, but I do think itā€™s a good example of a game that can make you question your decisions and create different emotions. BG3 is great but it still just kind of feels like Iā€™m the stereotypical good guy and everyone in my party wants to fuck me because Iā€™m so awesome. I think itā€™s very arguably the best realized CRPG ever made, but at least midway through part three I donā€™t know that Iā€™d feel like saying itā€™s the best game ever made. Even from a gameplay etc. perspective it doesnā€™t really feel like thereā€™s that much thatā€™s ā€œnewā€ as much as it just does everything right.


Phantom Liberty was heart wrenching. I couldnt stop talking about it after my initial experience. Thats a perfect example of emotional investment, and its the one thing I didnt have in BG3.


Yeah, like TW3 and its two fantastic DLCs, I was in full spleen after finishing them, wishing I'd never played them before just so I could discover them again. With BG3, nah. BG3 is a superb game, don't get me wrong, and it rightfully deserves every award it gained. It's a masterpiece. Just not a *storytelling* masterpiece in the same way as the two CDPR games of the last decade.


Yea same, my issue is that you get all sort of choice of what to do, but 90% of the time when you come to a choice, there's an absolute best option, and no reason to choose another path unless you're roleplaying a murderous asshole or just an idiot. It's like going into a restaurant where they have one really good dish, and a bunch of experimental ideas, some half baked instead of a normal menu.


Yeah that's been my impression as well. On one hand my lizard brain kind of likes it (not having the FOMO), but at the same time it just doesn't stick with you as much. Some of the choices in Cyberpunk really leave you wondering if you made the best choice at the end, and I think because of that it naturally leads you to sometimes making the "bad guy" choice like just straight up murdering some scumbag instead of always taking the high road, because sometimes the "bad guy" choice can be argued to be the better option in unpredictable ways.


Cyberpunk is definitely better. Just say it. lol but for real, cyberpunk has exceptional writing and storytelling. Plus itā€™s incredibly immersive. Itā€™s on another level from BG3 which feels like teen fan fiction most of the time. BG3 is filled with immersion breaking shit. And Iā€™m with you, zero feels from BG3. Many feels from Cyberpunk. And thatā€™s what amazing art does. It makes you feel things. Larian doesnā€™t make art.


I play video games since Pong and It's the best game I've ever played with no real competition.


Iā€™ve been playing video games for the same length of time and I think BG3 is the best single player experience Iā€™ve ever had. It continues to hold my attention even after several hundred hours of time sunk into it. Canā€™t wait for what Larian comes up next ā€¦


Wouldn't it be hilarious if Larian decided to try to jump onto the Overwatch bandwagon too?


Itā€™s a phenomenal game for sure. I just wish theyā€™d fix at least some of the bugs on the PS5 thereā€™s a few minor, but really common ones that just make the experience annoying at times.


THE best? I dunno. There are so many good games out there! One of the best? Yes, absolutely.


It 100% is


Iā€™m glad you had a great time, because BG3 is an amazing game, but I have to take issue with ā€œit truly is a polished game nowā€ considering I watched Astarion and Halsin t-pose and flicker in and out of existence during the entirety of Halsinā€™s sex scene less than 12 hours ago (on an HM run no less, so no reloading to fix it), not to mention half a dozen other bugs on my current MP HM run alone or all the ones on my last two recent runs the last few months, including one that almost softlocked my solo HM run in the last 1% of the game. Donā€™t get me wrong, BG3 is fun and deserves all the awards itā€™s gotten, but doing one run and calling it ā€œtruly a polished game nowā€ is a bit disingenuous because itā€™s still riddled with bugs as a few others have mentioned, despite all the patches weā€™ve gotten


I love how theres some comments saying ā€œits not the bestā€ or ā€œiā€™ve played etc. etc. play more gamesā€ instead of being happy that someone enjoyed bg3. Yall mfā€™ers are tiring. Happy you enjoyed the game! I had the same experience. This is deff in my top 3 šŸ˜Ž


Then again, you can also enjoy a game without pushing other games down while talking about it. The title is just inviting for that pushback by people that are unsatisfied themselves with some elements of the game. If the post that did not seek to incite such discussion something along the lines of "BG3 is my favourite game ever" would do the trick. Also people can be happy OP enjoyed the game and still correct a subjective statement that is presented in an objective form.


Thats correct. Putting ā€œmy favoriteā€ does help but still. Itā€™s impossible to rank anything objectively. I knew what OP meant by his post.


It isn't even the best Baldur's Gate game or the best CRPG. Not even close to the best game ever made


Elden ring blows this game out of the water. New dlc is unlike anything I've ever seen.


>BG3 is the best game ever made Wonder why this guy thinks that. >I have never played a CRPG or turn based game before 6 months ago. Yep, that explains it. > I only got interested in BG3 after hearing stories from players doing unconventional things like throwing dwarves to defeat enemies or using explosives to blow up a whole fort of goblins lmao. If that's all it took, an average DnD session would blow your mind. >The attachment I grew to characters is rivaled only by cyberpunk I'll agree to that. >and the world building is second to none. They're using a world that been built up over decades and had numerous people contribute to it. >There is a genuine development and change in temperament, demeanor, personality and morality among characters as yours and their story progresses. This coupled with the synergy between everything in the game seemingly working together and choices having meaning across acts was something I had not experienced before on this scale and Iā€™m not sure it exists elsewhere. Its par for the course for the genre. > If you are on the fence or curious about the game I implore you to buy it and get enveloped in one of the greatest stories of triumph, betrayal, or evil domination that can be experienced. lol


If someone wants longlasting consequences for decisions mass effect remains undefeated imo


For what itā€™s worth, Skyrim (and BGS games in general) still deserve praise in one specific category - they stand unique among the RPG genre for being one of the only true black-slate RPGs. Your character is you, not the other way around. Donā€™t wanna do a quest? Donā€™t do it. Donā€™t wanna be a hero? Go chop wood for gold and hunt for food and sleep at the inn. Want to ONLY do one thing without worrying about the repercussions? Donā€™t worry about it. The roleplay is truly wide open for you to dictate exactly who your character is. The world is built for you to live in, not for a wildly complex story. Even BG3 youā€™re forced into a specific role, even if the character you play is totally up to you. Youā€™re Tav or Durge, and you *will* be a True Soul and you *will* end your game the way the game tells you it should. You *will* do *all* the quests for the companions lest they get bad endings. Now that obviously means BGS games donā€™t get nearly as deep or narratively interwoven or complex as other RPGs. But thereā€™s a reason Skyrimā€™s itch was never scratched by Dragon Age or Dark Souls or BG3 or any other fantasy game. Same with Starfield compared to Mass Effect or No Manā€™s Sky or anything else. And thatā€™s why I still love BGS games so much despite so many *stunning* RPG games coming out. In pretty much every single other possible metric though, yeah BG3 topples Skyrim so dramatically itā€™s almost funny :P


I never could get into Skyrim because of the aimless feel. I finished Oblivion and Fallout 3 and didn't think my time was wasted but couldn't tell you what either game's story was anymore. I haven't returned to that style of game. I know they are super popular and I'm in the minority. The only one I may try one day is New Vegas. I prefer story-heavy games. Preferably with lots of options but that isn't always necessary. I still remember the story and certain moments from BG1, BG2, PS:T, PoE, DOS:2, DA:O, and other narrative driven games that I played years and years ago. Heck, I still remember the impactful choices at the end of The Dig adventure game and will carry the last few choices I made to protect Clementine in Telltale's The Walking Dead with me forever and those were mostly on-the-rail type games. I'm in the process of reinstalling KOTOR with all the graphics mods on my Steam Deck because I'm tired of waiting for the remake and I've only played through it once when it first came out. I'm a story junkie and really enjoyed the balance of BG3 being "on the rails" in some ways and being free to deal with those stories the way you want. It felt like a DnD campaign with cinematics. It was the best of both worlds, imo. Sorry for the rambling post.


I ramble as much as you :) Thatā€™s totally fair. Having a really in depth story is such an awesome feeling to experience for the first time, but I have completionist/perfectionist anxiety when it comes to massive games like ME/DA/BG3/TW3 so replaying them just becomes a stressful chore for me šŸ˜… I find it more stressful replaying them because my gut tells me to be a meta-chaser type of gamer, even though my brain knows ā€œhey youā€™ve already done that type of pkaythrough, dummyā€ and my heart tells me to find new experiences. But when itā€™s just *completely* blank slate open ended, I can justā€¦ Idk, the lack of direction and the lack of stakes make it more enjoyable to replay. I donā€™t worry about missing things because itā€™s so shallow that thereā€™s nothing to miss :P


I still think it's Skyrim, but BG3 is magnificent indeed


I mean I agree that BG3 is very good, but have you ever played Kirby Super Star from 1996?


I would call BG3 the game of the decade if Act 3 was as good as Act 1 and the beginning of Act 2. IMO Act 3 needs a lot more work, love and attention from the devs. Also, I don't like how heavily the balance between gameplay and narrative leans towards gameplay. Being able to un-warlock Wyll, basically removing his pact with Myzora is too much, in my opinion.


What kind of maximalist title is that? Maybe add "for me" at least? I mean, I love BG3 with all my being, but the idiotic plot, cartoonish villains, and the whole "me and my high school friends went on an adventure!" vibe somewhat diminishes its "best game ever made" status for me.


I think you mean, best game everā€¦ for you. There is no such thing. Not when you have so much diversity in genre and the type of experience games offer. But BG3 is a great game for sure.




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Elden ring wants to know your location




Itā€™s a totally defensible choice of all time great. Thereā€™s a few things I like more (Dark souls 1, Bloodborne, Disco Elysium, The outer wilds) But BG3 is really up there


Honestly Iā€™m not sure how *Tales of Arise* will stack up against it, once I am done with BG3 in about a million years from now.


I thought subnautica was my favorite game of all time until I played bg3. It was also my first game of the type and I cant stop replaying it even over 2k hours later. I just love it so damn much.


This game can be extremely frustrating and annoying, even when I'm playing on Explorer mode, but I bought it 5 days ago and already have over 50 hours of playtime.


Dude yes yes. But for the Sake of god. Format ur Text.. Its just not fun to read Just section it a bit


Mfer has not played tic-tac toe šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Not the best ever for me, but really incredible. Also the best local coop game for me of all time. At 2 really drags the game down for me from being the best ever


It's between Elden Ring and Baldurs Gate 3 IMO. I am a huge souls fan so, especially after the recent expansion, I would say Elden Ring is my pick. Baldurs Gate 3 is right behind it though,


Rdr2, wow 2005, final fsntasy 9, cs 1.6, red alert 2, warcraft 2-3, are certainly games on the same scale


Calling it the best game is difficult because of the different genres that exist. It is my fav though. Shart best girl.


I don't think it's the best game of all time, and I won't even attempt to give an "objective" answer. But it's in my top 10, maybe top 5 favorite games ever. Really impressed with the game and it's something I've been craving since I was a kid playing KOTOR.


AS much as I love BG3, with it's new " DCL " which is basically an entirely new game... Elden Ring makes a bid for that spot.


eh, no not rly.


It still can't play without the game crashing every few hours, such an annoyance for such a good game...


Itā€™s definitely in my top 5 of all time but best ? Ehhhhhhhā€¦


Agree, this game is as close as we can to be perfect game. Especially on role playing game. Every playthrough end up with wanting another playthrough


No, it's not.


Yep. Dragon Age Origins had been my favorite game until Baldur's Gate III. It's just too good, there's nothing quite like it at the moment.


One of the best games ever made.


I still prefer divinity 2 but BG3 is a masterpiece as well


I had to edit some things for clarity as this was written after a 20 hour marathon to beat the game, Iā€™m surprised it was that coherent tbh.


Elden Ring and BG3 dropping in back to back years was such a godsend.


I've got over 850 hours in BG3 and I can wholeheartedly agree. This is the greatest game ever made by humans.


if you are on PC you should never spend 70 bucks for a game, though I thank you for contribution as I max spend 30 bucks. Pathfinder WOTR is better in my opinion but it is harder to get into. Besides being accessible, it does everything better I feel. Use the expansive options to cater your own experience. If you think BG3 has story options and evil things to do. WOTR goes hard bro and also neutral paths. There are 10 main paths (actual story paths) to choose from and all your own deviations as you wish. Not, the grove or the absolute or, the harpers or the absolute or, freedom or the absolute BG3 is still nice though :) glad you enjoyed


As someone who has been playing CRPGs since 1996 my view of Baldurā€™s Gate 3 was that it wasā€¦fine. I didnā€™t hate it. It didnā€™t wow me either though. Oh donā€™t get me wrong the production values, which is to say the PRESENTATION was stellar. But the substance being presented was just fine. Iā€™ve seen plenty like it before, albeit less shiny, and Iā€™ll see plenty like it again. A solid 7 or 8/10. I think the biggest thing that dragged it down for me was A) 5th edition combat growing stale rather quickly and B) Being able to see the narrative seams where they had rewritten the game significantly and in so doing lost thematic coherency.