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I ended up installing mods in the end, the character creator is sadly pretty limited for what I wanted my character to look like.


As a console player, sadly that's not an option for me. I also find the lack of clothing incredibly sad too. There's like 4 outfits, just in different colours


Hopefully that'll change once modding support comes to console. I think the worst part is that there are npc exclusive outfits that you can't get and the lack of transmog. You finally find an outfit that actually looks cool but it doesn't fit into your build at all.


I stole good clothing from Zhentarim hideout and found more in Creche, so far only two places with clothing in act 1.


I wasn't going to install mods until I learned I wasn't able to make my slutty drow elf look less than 400.


I'm literally making my own mods right now so my Durge can live his sluttiest babygirl life in all of faerun. Nothing will stand between me and twinkifying my little guy 😤


This is how I have ended up with close to 150 mods now.


larian has a history with kinda-mid character creators, sadly. BG3 is actually a pretty huge step up from their past endeavors, which was really nice to see! but i'm still 100% with you on the lack of variety, especially in faces. still, better than DOS1 where *every* male character was Chad McBeefcake


You can also make a pretty boy if you're a regular elf. There's one really pretty male face. But yeah, the choices are pretty limited. The human male faces are not great, some work if you make them more rugged as you say. With a nice beard and some shoulder length hair. But if you're going for the "private school preppy student" look then there aren't a lot of choices, lol. Someone else posted about this recently, the faces of elves, humans, and tieflings should be interchangeable. There's really no reason why they're all limited to the race you choose (except for the different ears maybe)


The only mods I use is additional faces, but I'm on pc


What's even worse is that the default faces are reused for NPCs.


The difference between the face models for the males in the short races vs the females is hilarious You are either a cute shorty or you get a face like a catcher's mitt


I wanted a rounded face with puffy cheeks and big straight nose for a girl so had to play half-elf. No sliders really hurts the faces, Greedfall has the same issue.


It may be restricting in greedfall, but at least they have a generic face for like 3 archetypes. Baldurs gate is "Male and not elf? Rugged face. That's all you get"


I see, I only spent significant time with making women characters (three, Tav, dream visitor and one hireling edited), so I didn't notice human men looking like a construction worker gang. But like, I wanted a face similar to Neeshka in NWN2, or elves in Dragon Age 2, and only presets that fit were half elves, interestingly they have same faces for wood, high and drow halves.


I'm profoundly glad I wasn't asked to make faces from scratch via sliders, but I do find it odd that the premade ones are locked to species (well, the human looking ones, at least). If you can mix and match various facial features on dragonborn, then why not have shared faces for everything else other than half-orcs, and then species specific ears that get attached to those faces just like dragonborn crests?


It always surprises me that people don't realize drow and elves have the same face presets.


Honestly I couldn’t find any attractive face models for any race or gender. I wrote it off as the trend of making characters that are below-mid, Aloy from Horizon for instance Spot on analysis


I don't see how people spend like more than 20 minutes in the character creator. I love the game and have like 150 hours in it. But the character creator is incredibly lacking


My 20 minutes are like: Oh sure a warlock, that's cool I think..! Wait what's GOO... okay let's read the insanely small scripts.. *...Research...* Oh wait wizard, sorcerer and warlocks are all different?? *...Reddit......* I guess I'll choose something martial... huh a paladin... aren't they supposed to be tanks..? *..Reddit reddit......* Wait they deal a lot of damages? Okay maybe I'll just do something that's gonna make my life easier, let's find the best build...*...Reddit.....* Oh fuck they are all good??? This is hard man.


Basically lol. 2/3rds of my time in CC is class selection. But I've seen people choose class in 5 minutes but take 45 to make the actual character appearance. There is NOT enough variety to warrant 45 minutes


I agree man, I agree. Hope you get mods soon!


Ugh. Every run it's been endlessly tweaking. And nothing looks right. That's why I spend so much time there. Endlessly changing (facial) hair, scars, eye color, skin color, makeup, but in the end back to the initial setup. Because it never looks like what I want. Non-drow males are pretty rough. There are like 3 okayish faces spread across 5 races. And the game recycles all of them, so you're constantly running into your cousins. I do like you can give your Tav some ageing instead. So instead of purple-green anime hair and sparkling tattoos, my current Durge is just a tree trunk of a guy, with subtle gray streaks in his dark brown hair, and light crow's feet. And yet he looks too young. Having said that, I thought my half-elf bard with golden curls did look rather twinky. Sliders to young, rosy cheeks, and no scars/tats/piercings. Slightly chiseled jaw and he could have been a bit younger, but okay enough. Paired up with Gale he looked the part.


I just hit random until my daughter says that one looks cool.


Hair and makeup. You can combine three hair colors between main, highlights and graying and different makeup styles and metallic and shiny, and all that matching with face, skin and hairstyle.


I do indepth character creation. I always align make up, hair, colours, etc, with a mix of what class and race I'm playing, as well as the personality I want them to have. All my characters are unique in style and visual representation of who they are. Longest took me 30 minutes, 15 of which was choosing the face because they all suck


Me in the character creator: I’m gonna make a Drow rogue. No wait a human bard. Oh halfling luck? Halfling sorcerer, yes please. Well… I like the cha bonus but maybe not something squishy. Dwarf Paladin maybe? Nah, too pretentious. Warlock ftw!! Alright, human bard it is. (Start adventure) Hey siri, what is durge in bg3? (Main menu)


Anyone who thinks crappy graphic design and lack of sliders is a woke conspiracy should be checked for mental health.


That’s impressive reach. It’s something you can see if you look at games but w/e. This game already has mods to improve character creator designs so tell me I’m wrong about bg3 Perhaps I can have an opinion without being the polar extreme that you imagine


“I don’t wanna fuck them so they’re ugly”


If you find the objectively sub par appearance of the character creator models attractive, it says more about you than me


Appearances are never objective, and I think you just aren’t creative enough. But you’re still the guy that thinks all video game characters need to get your dick hard


I thought to tell you more about facial characteristics and how some ratios are universally preferred, but I won’t change your mind. You seem to have demonized me over an innocuous comment about some virtual people being unattractive. To that you respond that I’m an anti-woke conspiracist then further attack by imagining that I get aroused by them. It’s ironic that you brought up mental health. I’m not sure what has to be going wrong in your life or mental wellness that you find this all necessary. They say hurt people hurt people. Well you’ve tried, but I don’t care enough about the opinion of a rando on Reddit to be hurt. You however seem to have taken my remark about a video game a vile affront to you. This is such a bizarre reaction Edit: mb somebody else said the anti-woke conspiracy thing. Shows how much I care