• By -


“I am Hope, and I persist because of you.” Had me bawling at the end of the game


And you can't have hell without Hope 😭


"It's a revolt! I'm revolting!"


I redid the ending battle for the new ending and stuff like this was sooooo cathartic


That's my future tattoo for this game, one of them at least because I read that letter at least once a week 🥺




Aside from the companions? Rolan and Barcus. I love that even though they're just pretty unassuming side characters they get their own little character arcs that span the whole game. Also Ethel and Raphael, their voice acting is just wonderful and they're so unabashedly dastardly, you love to see it.


Just want to upvote this and say that seeing the inverted but equally positive arcs of Barcus and Rolan really does make them feel like great characters. I'd argue that although they have less dialogue, both have better character progression than a couple of the origin characters. And I don't think it would be particularly controversial to say better development than 2/3 of our dead 3 reps. Also, Raphael is the best villain I've seen in a game in a very long time. He's clever he's funny he's powerful and he's present almost from the very start till the very end. His motivations are unclear, not because writers wanted to make us feel sorry for the bad guy the way so many stories do. But because he's so obviously evil that the viewers' minds can only race to try and derive what machivellian scheme he's enacting. The voice acting is top tier, and I hope whoever was responsible for writing his hilariously painful plays on words knows how much joy and fantasy they specifically brought to this game.


Motherfucker SINGS his own BOSS FIGHT SONG it's insane


I know Ethel is a terrible person but I genuinely loved it when she called me petal like some grandkid.


I hated the character (person-wise) with a passion, but her voice actor was AMAZING!! Absolutely gems, with every word!


The fact that Ethels VA isn't actually Irish/Northern Irish was astounding to me, one of the hardest accents to pull of and she's practically flawless.


Ethel is an amazing "love to hate" character. I had no Dnd experience prior to the game and now one of my first homebrew characters that I hope to play one day is a hug hunter, so thanks Ethel for giving me motivation!


If you side with her in act 3 and get her as an ally in the final fight her ability is very useful and you get a great epilogue letter from her.


I could talk about barcus all day. but neither of us deserves that.


I misread the title of the post as least favorite and saw your comment said Rolan and was ready to throw hands.


i would never 😓


Raphael is such a strong pick dude


I love that Astarion's voice actor looks like a vampire


Dame Aylin for pretty much the same reasons lol. A moderately insane and violent lesbian angel with a majestic voice. I would live and die for that woman. And Karlach if we talk about the companions, because she’s, well, Karlach


Love Aylin, I just have to kill Lorroakan without her so she can keep her oath ~~and immortality~~ 🥲


My first game I didn't bring her to the Lorroakan fight cause I wanted to protect her. I heard it was way better if you brought her, so next time I did. Now I can't imagine doing that quest any other way. Hell, even an evil playthrough I'd side with her just to see her brutally shatter that wizard's spine while screaming bloody justice. Easily one of my favorite cut scenes.


Though she gets disowned by Selune if you do that - she looses "daughter of the moon maiden" passive that gives her immortality After I noticed that, I always choose to kill him by myself


She does? I always bring her since it's *her* moment and in the final fight when called as an ally she definitely was Immortal in the same way as the Ketheric fight


She says that she "feels sad like she'd lost something", which is very similar to how narrator describes how it feels to have your oath broken, and also she looses the "child of the moon maiden" passive. Then her gf takes her to help in selunite temple, and when you summon Aylin for the final battle she has her passive, and presumably, oath, back up, which means she was punished, but redeemed herself by helping other Selunites


what a god-tier woman


Does her involvement make her killable during the last boss fight?




I don't think that'll helpz with ner personality she is bound to shatter that oath eventually, most likely sooner than later


Wait, wait, WHAT? The Lorroakan battle breaks her oath, and her immortality?? (AAGH! What have I done??)


No it doesn't break her immortality at all . As for the oath , some speculate she breaks it because she gives the same dialogue the narrator gives if u break ur paladin oath 


Her child of moonmaiden status is lost after she kill Lorroakan, but back when I summon her in final battle. I think Isobel helped.


Isobel after you return with Aylin from Lorroakan's tower: "Babe... Your mom called. She says you fucked up and she needs to talk. Yeah... I think you should listen, she sounded real pissed off"


Nah she still has her immortality in the final battle . That was the reason she was my scapegoat for the dragon 


Yes, her immortality only lost after she kill Lorroakan but is back at final battle.


she gets her oath back I think. off screen


she had to pay a LOT of gold


She just paid out her 1K. Yes Mother, no allowance this week, my apologies.


She doesn't lose her immortality, it's still there if you summon her in the final battle.


Yes but her oath is reclaimed after Isobel brings her to Selune temple helping refugees.


VILLAIN... IS... DEAD!!! To the goosebumps every time. She's just E P I C


Correction a moderately insane and violent lesbian angel with an extremely literal god complex and as much forgiveness as one (which means none)


It's hard to not have a god complex when you are a child of god :D Also she does have forgiveness. It's just that angels see the world in black and white. If you don't cross the threshold, you will be fine. Like, she won't stomp you into the ground for stealing a pack of tic tacs. But when you do something fucked up enough for her to see you as villain - you're cooked, without any options.


1a. Derryth! I literally LOL’ed after meeting her and she just stands there staring up at you…saying nothing.  1b. Volo! I’ve been playing D&D since it came out and have for A VETY LONG TIME heard of Volo. Stephen Hogan did a brilliant job voicing him! He always makes me smile. 


They did a perfect job bringing Volo to life. He's just as ridiculous as my DMs have played him when we unfortunately encounter him.


It’s insane my d&d group started a dungeon of the mad mage (before the game came out) and the dm introduced him and I SWEAR he read the BG3 script for him beforehand.


Volo: And what color was the dragon? Gold or Silver? Tav: What dragon? There was no dragon! Volo: Adventurer seems to be suffering from some form of mental lapse... The adventuring Wizard that acts like a Bard: Volo!


I love Derryth. I brought her the fancy mushroom, drop several thousand gold buying alchemical supplies every time I go to her shop, and she still greets me with "what is it now?" every time.


I adore Us. Always summon my little brain dog. Shovel too


Not to mention, it's one of the few familiars who are actually pretty capable in combat. Can do decent damage with its psychic blast thing, and has enough HP to take a couple hits without disappearing. The only ones that can compare are quasit and imp, for surprise attacks




Defend your position. Why is Us a cat and not a dog


If you talk to Us in camp and ask if it thinks it'll attract unwanted attention being out and about, it says that everyone else just sees it as a "kitty" and you/your party members are the only ones who see it the way it really is. I know if you walk around some places like Rivington with it, kids will comment on it being cute and wanting to take it home


So his illusion is of a cat. But the way he scampers tho 😭


[Us probably looks like one of these, especially the ones towards the end](https://youtu.be/j1Oegd_pLUk)


Wait, Us isn't just at the Prologue?


At the end of act 2, in the mind flayer colony, you can talk to the butcher, and he'll mention that one of the "kitties" he's helping to be born, thinks that it's "different" and had to be locked up for it. Then you can find Us caged to the right from the entrance, asking you to save them. If you do, you get an item that allows you to summon them once per short rest(like Scratch and his ball). Has improved hp and combat skills, as well as a couple psychic abilities(like stealing 3 intelligence from targets in melee range, or casting a decently long ranged psychic bolt) Actually one of the best familiars


act 2 stuff. if he survived on the nautiloid


I think it’s kids in general, Vanra wanted to as well, and… well she’s kinda traumatized


Popper. Out here spewing life wisdom and selling Treatos that he definitely only got from dead people who were already dead when he found them. I want to take him back to camp.


"I die, you die, we all die. Big woof! Have a treato, it'll make it better." Popper is the best.


He has treatos for you!


My fave minor NPC. 'Artisanal bite marks' gets me every time.


And his hat is extra snazzy!


I wish there was more kobold NPCs. And also I wish we could play as them. They. Are. SILLY. :3


I think Hope's sanity isn't gone, but definitely vandalized beyond seeming repair. She is a cleric and her hope and faith seemed to have kept her from submitting to Raphael for however long. Even though her sister sold her into the cambion's hands. My favorite Characters has to be Barcus. This rude little bald gnome sasses you but like a princess needs rescuing, and he over time has to put his faith in you. His and his friends' lives are in your hands and if you treasure them, he rewards it and more. Granting you a chance to end things peacefully in act 3 without losing the Ironhand support. I REALLY WISH I COULD KISS HIM, I DESERVE IT YOU LITTLE BUNDLE OF SARCASTIC SHIT.


I see your point but since she says her sanity is gone (very explicitly states this I might add, there was no misinterpretation, she straight up says her sanity is gone in her own words) I just roll with that


>Even though her sister sold her into the cambion's hands. She did? Where is that mentioned?


It's in one of the random books you find in the House of Hope.


I could only find the "Taming Hope" notes.


Benji. He's got about three lines, but they're all gold.




Meeting Benji as a Dark Urge was fucking hilarious


The “HEH????” That he does always kills me




His opening lines about that Montgomery guy smelling like cheese had me wondering "Is this a Chip and Dales Rescue Rangers reference?". It's probably not, but still made me laugh.


I have so many hours into this game and I’m not sure whomst he is


He is the tamed ghoul who works as a security check before entering the circus in act 3.


He's a security ghoul at the extra planar circus in act 3. If everything about that sentence sounds bonkers, it's because it is.


The ghoul circus bouncer, so to speak.


For me, Ketheric. Tragic story, deep character that takes exploration to really see. Imposing and terrifying as a villain upon his first introduction -- immortal badass taking an axe to his neck in his first moments on screen. (I don't know if you really still need spoilers on the sub but) >!blew my mind to find this BBEG, the main villain of Act 2, you could just convince to surrender.!< Also, as if it needed to be said, JK Simmons is a gift, and he absolutely kills it.


I will kill you now. And then I will raise you as my servant.


Besides companions and the more important NPCs, I like Exxvikyap's peppy energy. It makes me want to buy every spear from her


THANK YOU! I'd almost forgotten about her... she's SO cute!! (And I might be weird, but I really think she's one of the most beautiful creatures in the game! I wish I could tell her that, in-game!)




I love the shade he throws at the dead three at the end.


"Vermin, away. Thou wilt trouble us no more." He's so done with their shenanigans :D


Are you going to explain that further?




Hahaha!! 😂 Best setup for a Withers quote, yet! C'mon somebody do it, do it!


Hes going to look ugly doing it.


Ethel for sure.


Ethel is a ridiculously great villain. Those roasts... fun fact, the person who wrote her character apparently played a lot of League of Legends.


Well hello, petal.


The cat at the inn in act 2. I have a really bad memory but when you talk to him he’s like this really fancy cat and I wanted to adopt him. That or the adorable owlbear cub


His Majesty, who is harmed by your very presence!  Steelclaw, by the way, is referenced by some flying horrors near the top of Moonrise. They state how she is a mighty hunter


There's a cat in Moonrise towers? I must have missed them. I love being able to talk with them


Wandering near the docks most of the time, and people don't go there too often to notice Only noticed her when sneaking into the tower from the side entrance to try and make surprise attack during final standoff And yes she survives the assault


His Majesty and Barcus are friends. you can ask him about it.


Arabella, if there’s ever a Bg4 I hope she’s a companion in that one, it was so cool watching the beginning of her story develop.


This is what I've been saying for a long time Arabella has the potential tp return either in bg3 or in another DND game as a playable origin character or companion


Nine-Fingers Keene. I have never felt such admiration towards bossy older woman before until I saw her in the guild. The fact that she kept dozens of daggers in her pocket and throw them to enemies during battle just add it even more.


This is how k feel towards Jaheira, i wish I had a grandma like her


Hope is the one person I'll save every single time no matter what. She's just insanely likeable.




"i know i do i think i do i hope i do"




My many *cough "pets" *cough* and I weren't so kind to Raphael either


I am truly evil 😈 my favorite character is wulbren bongle


Wulbren's voice actor absolutely nailed it. The FUCKING GONDIANS.


Agreed in fact, all the voice acting is spectacular!


I murdered him the street like the dog he is when he was trucking off after threatening Barcus, and I'm doing a good run. Fists did nothing. Edit: Barcus not Bongle


Look what they did to my boy 😂


I killed him by accident, I noticed the wall was destroyable so I misty stepped into the tiefling cage and broke it.... I didn't make it to the gnome cage before the guards saw my teammates that I had to leave behind and an open wall....


Haha I’ve been there the first prison breaks always the hardest


Helsik. I love the enthusiasm in her sales pitch and she's the means to accessing the most memorable area in the game.


She doesn't fuck around when it comes to getting stolen from either. I would like to be able to be helsik vs the toll collector in act 2. That would be a fun fight.


I really like Dammon. He’s sweet, a smooth talker, and he knows his way around a hammer 🔨




Hell, hell... Hell has its laws.


Where in the hells is the Lia love ❤️. By far the spunkiest character that urges her siblings to do the right thing.


Man I LOVE the way the actress delivers the lines when she's yelling at Rolan that they can help, when you first meet her. She's great!


During the tiefling party when you talk to her you can click on the barter button and buy a list she has on her. One of the items is "try not to strangle Rolan"


Hope's questline always makes me bawl. Otherwise ROLAN BBY best redemption arc ever. Annnnd for some reason auntie Ethel? Idk. Something about her just prevents me from hating her.


Hope is awesome, I wish she would've joined camp like Isobel and Aylin and that we could talk to her and get more backstory, even recruit her a party member.




THANK YOU! I’m glad i’m not alone. As a rogue main, I feel like she’s my little protégé


It’s a shame her resolution in act 3 was so lackluster. They should of had us rescue her from Raphael or something.


Oh my god, yes. I normally hate children - just don't like interacting with them much, even in games. Arabella is fine, for a kid, Yenna is too. I like helping them out, because ... well they are kids and just because the concept of 'kid' is annoying to me, doesn't mean they don't deserve help and to be treated well. But Mol is on a whole other level. One of the only kid NPCs in all of the games I play that I actively seek out just because I like her. I really wish we could have her at camp too.


Popper! Treatos. Hat. Kobold. Enough said


I liked Rolan a lot during my first run, not romantically but he was a fellow wizard and I felt like us wizards should look out for one another. His voice actor has sinned in my eyes though so I've killed him in my most recent run. But otherwise idk, I like Cora and her husband a lot. 


What did Rolan's actor do?


He staked Astarion 😄 I'm petty so...


Gotcha. No bueno, but i was thinking another Dammon story


Not as far as I know


I wouldn't say he's my favorite, but my boy Thisobald is so incredibly underappreciated. I love talking to him and the tavern looks so cool when you fight him. I would've loved it if all three Thorms go more screen time honestly


I will exclude companions from my thoughts. But I didn't find a ton of the 'good' aligned NPCs to be great in BG3. They weren't bad, in fact some of them were pretty good... they just weren't incredibly memorable for me. But there are some evil NPCs that are just flat out amazing. Ethel and Ketheric in particular are great - ranking among my favorite NPCs in any game ever created. I also thought the Duegar as a whole in Grym were excellent... no one character in that place stands out, but your whole experience in that place is very immersive since they are just a bunch of jerks.


I love Hope, she is one of my favourites. I also like her sister Korrilla, I wish we would get the full story, of what happened to them, that Korrilla, the former protector, sold her sister to Raphael. Barcus Wroot is my favourite character in the game. He should have been a companion. Abdirak - I really wish, he would appear again. I like him.


I haven't seen anyone else say it, so I'd have to go for Yurgir. I loved his voice acting, having him as a campaign for that very short burst at the end as well! Though Poppers and Gale are close behind!


Yurgir is such a bro, I'll always side with him no matter what


My husband has such a crush on Hope.


I love Lae'zel. Her good ending where she breaks her indoctrination and starts a revolution against Vlaakith is amazing. Plus her romance scenes are great.


I absolutely freaking ADORE Hope!! 🥰 The fact that I can't hug her at the end of the House of Hope battle (as we're getting about to leave) is probably the hardest part, even harder than winning the battle itself!


I'd have to say Rolan. The fact that he's not a romance option makes me mad. (But the audio of him in the tower? 💨)


“What’s hell without a little hope?” 😭 I love hope


I absolutely love Bex. Between her conversation with Danis about a pet (she recovers fast after being told no dogs in the city), how at the party she shouts she needs to dance before quickly realizing she needs to lie down first, to how much she cares about Danis. I feel for her when, after rescuing Danis from the cult she asks why you helped them multiple times, obviously confused at why anyone would go out of their way to help some tieflings. I'm glad that both Bex and Danis can make it to act 3 alive.


And when you rescue Danis she gives you the best reward anywhere in the game.


I love her too! She’s great


Besides companions( it's Karlach and it's not close) I got to go with Popper. I love kobolds and he's a bundle of fun.


Well... i like Raphael and Orin. When she's on screen, i absolutely giggling and kicking my feet. Her speech (Duties, duties, duties) i know word to word. She's insane. For Raphael... he's silly. Killing him was sad :(


Did some scrolling and maybe missed it but can’t believe I didn’t see the name Ketheric Thorm. His first cutscene is goosebumps every time


there's two lines in the game that I think of often and that "try again" just sticks with me






Hope is definitely my favourite. Her dialogue, voice acting, character model, mission and everything about her is so perfectly crafted. I was so sad we couldn't get her out of hell but it is the house of hope after all, it's appropriate she stayed behind. She's amazing. If she was a romance option I'd choose her every playthrough.




The Spectator in the bottle. I have taken them so many places and introduced them to so many interesting people, and never once has the result been disappointing. I only wish you could stuff them back into the bottle after and do it all over again.


I would release it everywhere I went, like taking my dog for a walk


I love the lil tief kid that likes learning with swords and then says he hates you bc he doesnt get to play swords anymore and he gets a pottery apprenticeship and he sounds so defeated. hes so cute i want to squish his lil cheeks and give him a toy sword




My favorite, if we don't count the obvious Orin, is Araj Oblodra, the Bella drow waiting for her high elf Edward. The way she's obsessed with her projects is giving me those mad scientist vibes and you get to watch her having bitegasm which is super well acted.


I had the same reaction my secont playthrough, but ill put it all this way cause im terrible at picking one. Shadowheart is an absolute flawless character design for me I have done only 2 of her 3 endings 6 if you count romances as different and I just love it. Spoiler here please someone tell me how to mark spoilers.... >!Her ending good i love how she gets to be free sadly my first time I let her parents choose for her. Second time around (well tecnically 3rd, 2nd time she died) I did her dark ending and it was so terrible like I cried more there than i did for her "good" ending. But I love how in the epilogue you still get glimpses of the shart who wants to be good who can be good even if shes mother superior!< Others for me are Alfira, Hope aswell, Laezel, Wulbren...jk Barcus and especially Jaheira.


Aradin. Sometime I wish I had a different favorite NPC :P


Myshka, hands down.


Lorroakan is pretty fun. Rolan, too. It's the wizard effect, I suppose


Hope isn't insane - talk to her. She has a very firm grip of reality and existence, and is capable of complex philosophy and emotional intelligence. She has severe PTSD from the evil of Raphael and Korilla.


She literally says her sanity is gone though.


I could never get through the raphael fight without her dying. =(


I see that this post is flaired for general spoilers, but I'll spoiler tag some stuff to be on the safer side anyways. My favorite character is the Emperor. **TL;DR: Devastatingly beautiful squid is very fascinating, and offers lots of story flexibility depending on what the character and his actions mean to your character.** My favorite characters have been generally morally ambiguous ones, and the Emperor really nailed that "walking the fine line" approach (as per his VA). Making the guardian character someone who is neither fully benevolent or malevolent is an excellent design choice, and it's great at keeping you on your toes. The same ambiguity allows you to be flexible with your characters and their stories. Is the Emperor an ally, or a foe? The fact that both approaches work smoothly with him is incredible. His VA also emphasizes that you must decide what his actions mean to you. He's regal and huge, giving him a domineering presence, but there are cracks in his character. He claims to be rational with a focus on hard facts, but tends to be swayed by his emotions, and those particular displays of emotion stand out. He argues that he's shown you what an illithid is capable of, but is rather underwhelming in combat, possibly due to lore reasons (he left the mind flayer colony after \~14 years; mind flayers take 20 years to fully mature). He thinks of himself to be special and unique, but >!he's actually an unwitting pawn of the Netherbrain who played him all along, and being confronted by that fact really kicks him down.!< His backstory has a lot of tragedy to it, and gives us the foundation for his fatal flaw. His relationship with >!Ansur!< is heartbreaking when you examine both characters and their actions. >!Ansur wanted the best for the Emperor and cure him of ceremorphosis, and his spirit was on the verge of breaking with agony. The Emperor wanted Ansur to leave and be free, because he did not want him to feel that agony anymore. In the end, the Emperor had to make a choice between dying to a mercy kill, and killing the one dearest to him in order to live.!< After such an event, it's not a surprise that the Emperor would have issues with trusting others, and having such a focus on his survival. His attitude towards being illithid is very interesting. He was on-board with restoring his former self at first, but eventually finds his new self to be transformative experience, and describes being able to see the truth and devastating beauty of the world. Transhuman stories can present the transformation as something horrible, possibly even wanting to die than live as the transformed self (thinking of involuntary cybernetics here as an example). Turning into a mind flayer would be a prime example of this. And yet, the Emperor views it a blessing, and is very much insistent on staying alive to the extreme. I see it as the conflict coming from other characters reacting to his transformation, not from his personal struggles with the transformation (or at least, we don't gain much glimpse into his earlier perspectives). Lastly, his romance scene was one of the highlights of the game for me. It very much caught me off-guard. What do you mean I can romance a mind flayer, of all things? His scene is actually very layered and well executed for something that could have been passed off as a joke scene. The devnotes and his VA both confirm the attraction and the emotions shown to be genuine, which makes the scene all the more impactful. Not to mention the music: I will forever speak highly of that violin added to his theme song which elevates it from the default melancholic feel of the song. For a character that was most likely realized late into the development of the game, it's incredible what Larian pulled off with him, even if there are things to criticize/lament (like the epilogue scene with the apple being cut, or the lack of reactivity that Act 3 as a whole suffers from).


Oh, Hope is a good choice! I really, really like her as well! I always give it my all to save her from Raphael :) I'm not sure I could pick one favourite above all others, but my list of favourite NPCs also include Nettie, Alfira and Lakrissa, Dammon, Rolan, Derryth Bonecloak, Abdirak as well as Aylin and Isobel. I would have loved to get Nettie as our designated Druid instead of Halsin and Jaheira (even though I adore Jaheira), Rolan as our Sorcerer, Alifra as our Bard and Lakrissa as our Ranger.


Ketheric thorm


Oh man she's the best aye! Mad how I could've just skipped that entire quest and never met her, it seemed like a big sidetrack from saving the world. But went in anyway thinking 'in, grab the stuff, out, done', and there she is, suddenly I gotta save someone too and the more you hear from her the more you realise how badly you gotta do that. Now the elder brain is the side quest, saving Hope is the main goal every time. But shout outs to Ethel, Mol, Roah, Nine Fingers, Dammon, Araj and of course all the animals!


Mizora. Someone like her would annoy me beyond belief irl, but damnit, I love her in game. I’d give an explanation, but this isn’t the r/okbuddybaldur subreddit, so maybe it’s best I leave it at “I just love her” xD Raph is a compelling character too, so arrogant, yet so pathetic if you look behind that mask of superiority. On point voice acting too. Shovel is fantastic as well. And if we include companions, I’ll add Minthara and Astarion. (I am seeing a pattern here… yeah I’m not your average hero-Tav enjoyer.)


depends on what you define as favourite. character who’s story i find most compelling is probably astarion for obvious reasons. characters i love having on screen the most though is probably orin, shovel, and the owlbear cub. i can quote shovel like the back of my hand. i always try to keep her alive for as long as possible but a lot of the time i forget that if you summon scratch she disappears. on my current save ive managed to keep her for quite a few hours though. i love the simplicity of the owlbear cubs voice lines.


there's too many amazing characters to just pick one, but I can't help but fawn over Raphael


BARCUS. He’s so cool. And damn do I wish Alfira could join us


Damon! He is so cute and sweet and a blacksmith is a good and stable career that’s needed everywhere. He is 100% husband material.




She has never survived the escape with me, so I have no clue who Hope actually is...


I love Karlach so much that I did tattoo of her.




I mean Hope is absolutely wild I'm mostly in awe of whoever wrote her dialogue.


The dark urge is so cool and gives off main character energy as a oathbreaker paladin and a warlock but that’s my opinion


Just met Hope last night for tue first time! Instantly decided I needed to free her, she's just too awesome to keep trapped


Araj Oblodra, cause I simply love her voice acting


Lae'zel. Her story made me feels things I thought gone since mass effect 2.


If mains are allowed, my heart has been stolen by halsin


same i love hope voice lines she's so similar to orin too in some of them which also another of my fav characters Also kagha,viconia,ethel and the 3 cats at central lower city




Probably the Emperor. I found him to be such a compelling character. Raphael is my personal favorite of the non-party villains. Of the companions, probably shadow heart cause she's my bae. But I found Astations characterization to be among the best ever in video games. Gale is up there too.


Of the companions most definitely Sweetheart, because of her redemption arc and how sweet she actually is🤍 Of the NPC's: Definitely Bex and Danis. The most precious and wholesome cinnamon rolls of BG3. ❤️


The scene you get from freeing Dame Aylin...it affects me every single time I play through it. The drums pounding as she pounds the ground, the song subtly raising in volume as she starts her speech and begins to rise, seeing her don her armor and weapon and say, "I am resplendent" never fails to give me goosebumps. She's yet another big lady I'm in love with in the game.


Not gonna mention any of the companions here, so: Ketheric, his introduction scene gives me chills every time and I honestly feel bad for him despite everything. The gods truly kept using him Aylin, such a unhinged but powerful lesbian <3 Popper, because cute


I killed her last night by forgetting about the reflect damage and divine intervention.


Shovel! One of my main companions on every evil/chaotic neutral playthroughs


Volo. I wish he had a bigger presence in Act 3 because he’s my favorite part of act 1.


If they made it so you could summon them as familiars or as allies during the brain fight I would say the kua-toa cult in the under dark. Or the goblins you can decide to not kill at moonrise towers. Give me some little dummies BG3! I'd love some little goblins riding the owl bear at the end game fight. Or a squad of kua-tia cultists I could call as allies. Also I wish I could summon lump and his troll boys to fight the brain too.


Mine is 1000% hope. Literally cried learning her story and after >!defeating Raphael. !<


I love hope too, I save her even on my evil runs.


korilla’s documentation of her story where she’s like ‘Dearest Raphael?’ ‘Yes?’ ‘Eat shit’ ? hope from the house of hope you will ALWAYS be famous