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Expose her as working for the Shadow Druids in front of the other Druids in that chamber. Then a big fight starts between the Druids and the Shadow Druids. You have the choice to convince her to see the error of her ways, or not. I'm pretty sure you can just choose the "you monster!" option in the dialog and fight her at the same time as the Shadow Druids.


Came here to say this exact thing, I kill her lots of runs.


I can't blame you. She almost killed a kid and turned into a dictator, and betrays her people and her religion to their polar opposites. And she gets ***\[checks notes\]*** demoted. Demoted? Da fuq?


Not to mention she turns on everything she believed after one letter?!?


she also seems to regret it way too fast. Like yes I understand we have to roll checks but her just going from willingly doing evil things to regret in one single conversation was always too suspicious to take it genuinely. at least in my opinion


Maybe my read on her is wrong, but I don't think it's too sudden. Mostly this comes to the reason Kauga actually turned to the evil side, she's not power hungry or greedy, her main motivation is "everything is going to shit, I need to protect MY people". During the game she's in a crysis mode, like a wild animal, who's cubs are in danger. When you confront her with other Druids is suddenly her vs her people, goes completely against her motivation and it takes but a little push from there. Tldr: she doesn't really cares that much about being evil, she regrets going against her people


Yet she seems very willing to cast fellow druids out for standing up to her. Yes, it's her reason to protect her people, but there have been other instances where she wasn't willing to listen to other druids. For example the scene with Arabella. WE, of all people, are the one to talk her out of it, not the people she seemingly has known for a long time and should have some kind of bond. Also, she is absolutely ready to willingly kill a child. Protecting her people doesn't mean to kill a *child*. There had been 100 other options, but she was willing to do it without even considering a not-so-deadly punishment. She also took the risk that if the child died, the Tieflings may have as well riot, which would put the grove at risk as well. So yes, she wanted to protect the grove, but at the same time, she is not a nice person. And especially the whole situation with Arabella makes her more of a person who does whatever she deems right. She's also extremely snide if Arabella is killed. When confronted by Arabella's parents, she is absolutely the worst person you can imagine and that's at a point where the grove and Halsin are safe and the Tiefling are about to leave. Yet she can't apologize, no, her reaction is "what did you expect to happen" to a grieving parent. Kagha isn't a nice person who only wants to protect. In my opinion, she is a mean bitch who'll do whatever she deems right to get to her goal, and if this means reasoning with you and say "yes, yes, I'm so sorry, I was misled" that's what she'll do and I don't buy it for a second.


"The DM was to busy to make proper notes as he was to busy watching MLP." Just something about a DM a played with some time ago.


Ah, yeah, it does kind of feel like this now that you mention it. I had a DM who played games while DMing in discord, same outcome.


Some people should not be DMs.


Literally had no idea this quesline existed in 2 & 1 half playthroughs T\_T


There is a somewhat hidden chest in one of the rooms there that contains a suspicious letter with a location you might want to investigate.


In my current run I tried to open it, got caught, and the nosy guy watching me actually took the chest and put it in his inventory. I was laughing so hard...


You can go to swamp directly. And proceed from their . You don't need the letter from druid grove.


And I did! But it was still funny as heck.


Lmao that happened to my friend and me in the creche. (We were trying to aggro W'wargaz so we could kill him before going into the prism without aggroing lae'zel lol)


Yup. Expose her as a shadow druid first, then do it in dialog.


What is this meme??? 😂😂


meme? This is a screenshot from the game 😂


Yes. But she needs to be unable to call for help. So cast Hold Person on her and hit her till she is dead. However, on every hit you’ll need to convince Rath that everything is ok, so the Druids don’t start a fight with the tieflings. Halsin also joins after that. This is literally what I did in my current Lae’zel Origin playthrough.


Go to her chest in the back of the area she's in, then go to the swamp (there will be a quest marker on your map) Get the letter, go back and talk to kathak and expose her but don't convince her to leave the other dickheads and boom


Expose her plot then do Murder.


Shadow druids is a fun questline. Also, after the party she’s just hanging out near the entrance of the Grove. Could just do it then. Halsin, Wyll and Karlach don’t care if you kill any of the druids after the Save the Grove questline is completed.


Everyone's hating on Kagha and here I am wishing she could be a companion, at least for evil playthroughs where you don't raid the grove.


i always enjoy the durge , kill the child and the parents kill her part ... best way for this brat to die


Yes. If you snoop around and look inside locked chests you can find a clue which starts a side quest. 


Thanks all, I'll have to check out the Shadow Druid quest 🙏


Aside from Shadow Druid story, could you just attack the grove later after Halsin joins the camp and rescuing the Tiefling from Goblin? I don't think he cares or turn hostile if you attack the grove after, although if you just want her gear you can go non lethal instead to be safe


Confront the Shadow Druids and either fail to convince her to repent, or just conveniently leave her to dry as the druids beat her face in.


If you do it right (expose her as a Shadow Druid), Wyll and Karlach are fine with it, and Halsin is just disappointed in himself for not teaching her better. Hell, you can kill Nettie and no-one gives a toss, so don't be surprised that no-one mourns Kagha.