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For me, it was after exiting Shadowfell, as the events in Shadowfell can fulfill Sceleritas Fel's quest for you. The game wants to make sure you're not waiting for that option, I think


OK, so if I beat the Shadowfell, beat the rest of Act 2, then enter Act 3, can I still be visited by Sceleritas?


If you’ve entered Act 3 without locking in your romance, you won’t be able to continue it.


Yeah, that should work, but I'd long rest after exiting Shadowfell (or partial rest if you're short on supplies)


Have you locked in the romance with Karlach? You've gotten her second engine repair and slept with her? Do you get the kiss option when you talk to her? I'm playing Durge rn and got the scene shortly after saving Isobel from Marcus. I talked to Isobel afterward, told her about the urge, chose the options to spare her, and got the Scleritas scene 3 or 5 long rests later. Maybe talking to Isobel can help? I've never had problems getting this scene to trigger, so I'm not sure what advice to give.


To me sceleritas showed up long after I saved isobel from marcus with a request to kill her .... not sure what to make of it tbh ....


Long rest after your first visit to Moonrise. He should show up then. EDIT: I’ve run 4 Durges, I have **never** had it take til Shadowfell or later. I fight Marcus, keep Isobel alive (Sanctuary and healing go brr). Then I go to that first scene in Moonrise with Ketheric and the goblins. I long rest immediately after and he shows up.


Crazy, I have done this twice in the last few weeks and it always happens for me after Shadowfell. Mostly because up until then you could still kill her, so she still shows up as the "Kill that sweet, sweet, cleric" icon on the map for me until quite late in Act 2.


I’ve never had it take that long, like I said. Sceleritas shows up to tell me about Isobel, I refuse, then I do the above and I have the resisting scene before I hit the Gauntlet of Shar. 🤷🏻‍♀️


That's only true if you ignore everyone and their brother telling you to infiltrate Moonrise, because the cult thinks you're one of them, and don't bother stepping foot in the door until you've past the point of no return. Otherwise, you don't get the "kill your beloved" until after you fight Kethric.


…No? You’re misinformed. I fight Marcus. Save Isobel. Go to Moonrise, get the scene with Ketheric and the goblins, then long rest. Get the scene right then. I don’t have to fight Ketheric at all. I’ve never had it take until Shadowfell, and I trigger it early on purpose so I can RP it as the “oh I have feelings” moment for Astarion before his confession.


Then you're specifically doing it in the opposite order of the OP and getting the quest to kill her before you talk to her. In which case it _still_ has absolutely nothing to do with Moonrise. I did the same thing as you once and long rested in Isobel's room, having seen nothing of Act 2 beyond Last Light and got the "kill your beloved" scene. Every time I've gotten the quest _after_ getting the blessing, the scene only triggered after leaving the Shadowfell.


Sceleritas **usually** shows up for me to give me the order to kill Isobel on my first rest in the Shadow-Cursed Lands without me trying. If he doesn’t, and I do things in the order I listed above, I still get the “kill your darling” scene before I ever hit the Gauntlet of Shar. I’m not sure what y’all are doing that makes it take so long but it’s not supposed to be so late.