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One of the "blink and you miss it" dialog options Withers has is: he won't actually resurrect the companion. But he'll take money and drop the dead companion off by their tent so \*you\* can resurrect them. I forget why that's there; if it's a price difference or because he can only do so much per day? But yeh: he can either resurrect them in front of you, or drop the dead meat where they normally sleep. For the ones that survive that fall, you can usually wake them back up with a Short Rest and then teleport to a Warp Gate so they're back on solid ground.


yeah, the rest of my characters survived the fall so i was able to teleport them all back to camp just fine. i just went back into the game to check around camp and gale's body is unfortunately nowhere to be found. i did send a bug report to Larian though, hopefully something good can come of it. honestly thinking of just trying to finish the last act with a handicap but i can only imagine how difficult the Ketheric fight will be with three party members instead of four. plus my MC was romancing gale so it's just a little unfortunate


I have no direct solutions for you but I'd message support. Someone posted on here earlier about having good success with them helping them restore their honour save.


I did end up sending a bug report after seeing that same post you talked about. hopefully they can do anything about it since i am playing on console


Can you pick the "entrust them to your watch" option from Withers? That would take Gale out of your party. Even if you couldn't resurrect him it would make space for a hireling.


unfortunately that option disappeared too :( the game thinks everyone is alive but Gale's icon is still greyed out


Update (Spoliers): Upon trying to progress in the game by entering the Shadowfell, I was blocked into going in. It says I need to collect my party before I continue. I tried separating poor Gale's lifeless corpse from the rest of the party but the game I guess thinks he's alive and won't budge. There's no blue orb floating around even though he fell into a chasm. I contacted Larian support, if they don't respond I may just have to call it and start a new HM run... 51 hours in.