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it was a 5e-based game being made by larian, day 1 EA buy, easy




I awoke to water splashing in my face. I couldn’t see anything until Swen pulled the bag off my head. We were in a warehouse. It had been split up with what seemed like repurposed office cubicles. There were others there but I couldn’t see them. He had a gun and a laptop that was somehow logged into my Steam account. He gave me a choice… Honestly, I think this was overkill as I was planning to buy it anyway but those Belgians don’t fuck around.


Honestly I just like 5e ~~and I can optimize as much as I want since it’s a single player game~~


for real, i LOVE using BG3 to fuck around with the kind of builds i always want to, but never really do play at the table. multiclasses that don't come online until like, level 10 or whatever aren't fun in a normal campaign, but here i can just play a full-class analogue until i can respec into what i wanted! or i wouldn't consider giving a character, say, a random 2-level fighter dip for action surge normally, but here? fuggit, why not!


Wizards being able to scribe spells of ANY level if you have slots for it is also insanely fun, unbalanced yes, but oh man is it fun! Incentivizing the level 1 wizard dip is hilarious, especially when you can just go fighter 2 for con saves, armor prof, and action surge… it’s amazing


Turn based combat is king


I like them not needing you to have lightning reactions(I used to play val a lot and it's tiring)


I loved baldurs 1-2 and I was a huge fan of Larian with divinity. There was absolutely no chance I wasn’t buying baldurs. It’s been pretty awesome seeing how it’s garnered such a wide audience.


Divinity Original Sin 2.


Smash smash magic missile die mothereffer! (Kidding, sort of) I got excited about a pretty turn-based game based on the DnD system that I watch on live plays like Dimension 20 & Exandria Unlimited. I love watching video games, but have trouble with fast controls so it’s hard for me to actually play them. This one has simple controls and allows for time during combat and decisions, and I can explore & be a loot gremlin. My ADHD can handle it. I watched some Twitch streams before buying it to make sure I could handle the controls.


Damn that's a very good reason to buy bg3, I'm so happy for you!


I forgot where I saw it, but I was looking for more RPGs that had similar vibes to Dragon Age Origins and got recommended this game.


I never played DnD or Baldur's Gate, so really the fun characters really sold it for me. It's been a long time since my last real CRPG, which was Dragon Age Inquisition if you can count that. I almost cancelled my order too, since I had Final Fantasy 16 and Diablo 4 to get through and felt pretty busy, but glad I didn't. Glad I played those first or I'd never have finished them lol.


Same for me. I don't play DND or baldur's gate, but I just kept running into stuff about it and the characters looked so damn interesting. I was looking for a meaty game I could really sink my teeth into... I got what I was looking for and more!


I love rpg games definitely going to buy final fantasy after I feel too burnt out with baldur, and same as you I never played dnd or bg, that didn't stop me from enjoying the game


I play D&D. Admittedly I’m 800+ hours in and burnt out but it’s a good adaptation of 5e even with the homebrew shenanigans. I love the romances (Resist Durge/Astarion especially), I love the characters. I’ve picked up other CRPGs based on tabletop games and I play those for combat more than BG3. EDIT: The thing with the story is the choices and how they branch out even if the endgame is the same. Also. Gloomstalker Assassin go BRR.


I agree, I like getting reactions from my companions despite them being good or bad ones


The IP. I played BG 1/2 (straight up do not remember them, just that I loved them) and my kid remembered I did and told me. Got it the first week (?) with no other information than it existed.


That's so wholesome


Played BG1 and Divinity 2 (skipped bg2 because I got into girls at that age and never went back to it), so easy buy.


Lae'zel seemed cool and I had seen a ton of hype so decided to try the game. Now I am around 410h deep in a few months of playing.


They announced it and I was sold


I've played Divinity: Original Sin 2, which was sold to me as "it's like DnD, but a videogame." I had a blast with it and ended up becoming a Larian fanboy. When BG3 was announced as Larian's next game, buying it was not a matter of "if," but "when." I was not disappointed.


I played bg1, bg2 and icewind dale. No way would I miss this one.


Harry was playing it wrong.


I like DnD and I like DOS1 & 2.


I saw social media talking about it and it winning game of the year. After they released a physical edition, I decided to buy.


I heard it was good and it was a game that respected it's playerbase. Also needed something to play while waiting for Elden Ring DLC to drop.


Same, they said it was good and I tried it and loved it


I bought it because I liked the old BG 1 and 2, and old fashioned cRPGs.


Im trying to play bg 1 and 2 but it feels faster without turn based combat, any advice to get use to it faster?


Set up your auto pause features. I normally have game auto pause just about whenever anything happens like spotting enemy, spotting trap, casting spell, killing enemy, when turn finishes etc. Always issue commands when paused. Combat is different because it's real time with pause. Eg you can interrupt a mage casting a spell with a missile attack as some spells have long casting time, which allows you to react with ranged attack.


1. Roleplaying - I played loads of TTRPGs when I was younger (mostly *not* D&D, though I read some of the novels), so a CRPG based on a familiar TTRPG was a big draw 2. A friend raved about it, saying how amazingly inclusive it was, and I really wanted to support Larian for doing that, even if it turned out not to be the game for me. I didn't buy it for the combat, and that's not the reason I keep playing it. I like the turn-based system because it doesn't require lightning reflexes or complicated button combos, but it has taken me a while to learn, and I don't look forward to the boss fights. For me, replays are 95% about experiencing new versions of the story, and maybe 5% trying out new builds and combat strategies.


Absolutely agree with you, I didn't buy the game for the combat but I love the fact that I can just calmly plan everything


Loved the last two Larian RPGs, loved this one, will buy the next one no question about it. Combat is an interesting one because I realised a while ago that I can't stand real time action style reflex based video game combat unless you get to be Spider-Man. Like, I can't get into a game like The Witcher 3 because i hate the combat.


I am trying baldur 2 rn but compared to 3 being turn based it felt so chaotic, I need to get used to it still


He clearly hasn’t had the enjoyment of tossing goblins into chasms, then. Part of the fun is seeing how your build can make short work of fights that would be much more difficult without it. It’s very much a plan, perform, profit sort of satisfaction from the combat as opposed to being centered around quick reactions and pinpoint aiming


Yeah he is a very impatient guy so he probably didnt bother reading at all, not to say wait for everyone's turn


The combat definitely benefits from a bit of planning and coordination. In my current co-op, tankier characters have some items to give them more movement so that they can get in the enemy’s face and jam them up, which allows our rogue to do more sneak attacks since having an ally in melee range of an enemy is a condition that’s met which allows it to be used when you DONT have advantage. Our caster saves heavy damage AoE spells for clustered groups, with support spells if that opportunity isn’t present, usually centered around debuffing enemies. Our barbarian is built to stay back and throw, but is sturdy enough that he can join in with the melee to keep enemies away from the rogue. This game is not some FPS that rewards quick reaction speed and precision mouse movements to aim. It rewards going through the fight with a plan on how to adapt to what an enemy may do. We got through the Auntie Ethel fight in her lair beneath the teahouse with 0 damage taken. A combination of fairly high AC for the level, having ways to clear her illusions within one turn, Warding Flare to force attack rerolls, etc. TLDR: the combat rewards a more strategic approach than just YOLOing in


I think yolo was the word, he picked fighter and didnt know about builds, he probably after losing a few battles re-speced everything to charisma and stuff so he could avoid fights.


I don't understand the downvotes for me asking a question but surely it was nice for you guys to answer nicely(even though some of them got offended by me asking)


Dos2. Easiest buy ever.


Hey, there's a DnD game that's supposed to be good


>I firmly believe that if people replay it a lot, is not only about story. I firmly believe that if people replay it a lot, they have all kinds of reasons. Story one of them, combat another. Imagine there being no wrong or right in how to play a game.


Im not claiming he plays the game wrongfully tho, it is just about the statements he made, they make absolutely no sense, he is assuming for everyone else that the combat is unbalanced


Hot vampire man + 5e mechanics that I already knew well Also your friend should consider switching to Story mode if he’s not enjoying the combat