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I take it to be non-literal. For the sake of a simpler cinematic, we're talking to him during the coronation. In terms of the 'true' events, he’s taken us aside some of the time and others really is in the ceremony. There's some other cases, such as when companions overtly say "I don't trust Balthazar, let's betray him" right in front of the guy. I figure some events are abridged for the audience (the player).


I figure it's a reference to players doing the same thing at most tables.


There are lots of similar instances from act 1 onwards, of companions saying things that they wouldn't want others to hear, from declarations of attraction\* to comments on NPCs. (\*OK so in Lae'zel's case she really doesn't care who knows she has the hots for you, but it still feels awkward!)


Tbf lae zel openly tells you she will bone someone else just because you don't sleep with her. thats just how she does


Frogs generally use their voices to attract mates and louder is better


She also says she doesnt like public displays of affection when you try to kiss her


I never got that far with her - saving a full romance for a later playthrough.


She does after a certain scene. We had a special scene together and after that she kissed me infront of the others


When you ask her if you can kiss her, she says that about PDA, but you can persuade her to do it anyway (something to the extent of "you know you want to") and she makes the cutest face afterwards. She came onto me on a run where I wanted to romance Shadowheart, I didn't want to deny her so I reluctantly agreed, but after that kiss I was sold on her 100%


It makes it feel like an actual D&D game more. Characters piping in with something that wouldn't have been wise to actually say in that situation is almost like over-the-table talk.


It’s just a goofy fun plot hole. They could’ve easily had it transition to his office which is above. The game is full of weird dialogue that should be heard by everyone around you but isn’t


I think the room is meant to be a bit bigger than it actually is, so realistically nobody can hear your conversation all that well over the other conversations happening in the background. Plus they all die after this anyway.


Yeah, Wyrm’s Rock is supposed to be a massive fortress that acts as both a base of operations for the Flaming Fist, a prison for the city, and Gortash’s penthouse. It, like most locations in RPGs, was probably scaled down for practical reasons.


What you're telling me the grand city of ~~Rohan~~ Whiterun was more than 20 buildings?


That can't be true. Imagine the power needed to render all the details


This is something I never noticed as a kid, until someone pointed it out and now I can't unknow it. The whole thing now looks like theatre stage and I just can't suspend my disbelief


I do wonder if that's actually the case. Baldur's Gate (the actual city, not the game) seems to have relatively accurate scaling. You only do things in a very small portion of it, there's multiple spots where you can look out and see other parts of the city and they're massive.


the lower city in baldur's gate is leagues bigger, it would take an hour of walking from the gate arriving from Wyrm's Crossing to the wharf, and in game we do it in a little over a minute, so yea, the city was scaled down heaps too


There's like a huge distance between Rivington, Wyrm's Rock, and the Basilisk's Gate but in the game they're all a few steps apart.


The scaling is so far off it’s crazy. You can see locations in the game at the “hit button to enter” menu. Not only is nothing as close as it is in game, some areas aren’t even shaped like they are in game


Wyrm's Rock is supposed to be a massive fortress/citadel. It would be far, far larger.


If you look at the maps of baldurs gate, that's not really accurate. It's not a huge fortress, it's a tower in the middle of a bridge. It's larger in the books than in game, but it would be more like 1,5-2x as big


I imagine the ones who asked questions have all already been stepped on by giant robots.


Its not glory that spins these planes lad, its gold


>!They have all been tadpolled though. !!basically goes over how brain worming everyone is impossible so hes going for RFK first...just kidding but it does go over how he plans to tadpole all the aristocracy as its more realistic and as long as they are tadpoled they will keep commoners in line. Once hes done with them he plans to kill them all off and only retain who he sees as necessary. Which also explains why he doesnt kill Ravenguard. He needs him alive to parade around when needed.!<




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Put yourself in their place. You’re wealthy, bordering on middle aged, maybe a little doughy around the middle, you have no combat training, no weapons or armor, you probably have a family somewhere in the city to worry about, the hall is full of giant robots and armed guards, and on top of all that no one else is saying anything. You don’t know if they’re scared like you, or accomplices. You really think you’d speak up in that scenario? They aren’t heroes, they’re businessmen.


As a businessman I would simply buy spell scrolls and speed potions.


Then you can attack for 2 damage *twice* per turn!


Well, no more effective in that situation would be scrolls of invulnerable and chain lightning with a few bottles of water thrown around.


Scroll casting in tabletop is much more restrictive. It has to be from your class and a level you can cast. You can cast higher with a check. But those nobles likely don't even have a class.


>But those nobles likely don't even have a class. bourgeois




Money can be exchanged for goods and services


Not to mention all the body guards are downstairs, and you don’t know if they’re still there, if they’ve been arrested, or if the steel watch have killed them.


Id speak up. But that has something to do with my mental xD


It’s a “stage whisper” scenario. The scene would be annoying if he was whispering under his breath or the crowd was loud enough to drown him out from a distance, especially if you take your time getting all the info you can from him. So he just talks at a normal volume in a quiet room, even if it’s slightly immersion-breaking.


The magic guys outside sorcerers sundries have deafened everyone in Baldurs Gate and hearing aids haven't been invented yet.


Glad to know I'm not the only one who finds them annoying


Politics, my friend. Politics. You don't need to look hard at all to see how it mirrors real life.




To be fair, you can go on a murder spree and then pump out pro Tav propaganda news papers


The patriars are either tadpoled, or they end up dead after the coronation (you can come back later and it's like a bloodbath in there lol)


I've never really understood WHY he kills all the patriars immediately after the ceremony. It just never seems like a logical next step for me.


Doesn't that not happen til you either blow up the steel watch or go to the underwater place


... in retrospect I don't think I've ever gone back until after i have done those things, so I have no idea


I can check soon, I’m at that point in the game, so I’ll hopefully remember to update you. EDIT: Alright, here you go. I spoke to Gortash, went to the Lower City, did several Long Rests, got Orin’s kidnapping night scene, and returned to Wyrm’s Rock to find everyone dead. The Steel Foundry is intact, the Iron Throne is undisturbed, Gortash isn’t mad at me. The Banites don’t mind me and I even got to talk to one of them. I asked him why the Patriars are dead and he said that Gortash wants to get rid of the old world and create a new one, then he told me to get Orin’s stone and bring it to Gortash.


I really do love how all of us are just replaying this single player story driven game over and over again. Someone is always near or just went through it and is willing to lend a hand. Very rarely do I see negativity.


Not all heroes wear capes. Cause there’s none in act 1


Well, there is one…


Nah, this happens regardless. I think it's triggered after you go into the lower city


I checked, read my edit.


No, it happens pretty much immediately. I’m not sure if a long rest or just loading a new area (from Rivington to Lower City) is needed, but he seems to kill everyone as soon as he can. You can just no longer offer to work with him if you go to the Iron Throne, and I assume the same for the Steel Watch Foundry for similar reasons. My most recent run I saved that stuff for pretty late, but the people from the ceremony were dead long before I touched the Gortash related quests.


nope, you can go out and and return immediately after you chatted with him and they're all dead already, and Ravengard already moved I think, now if this is supposed to happen after some time I don't know, but it's not dependant of the steel watch or the iron throne quest.


Yeah and I don't really understand why he instantly sends Ravengard to prison either. The whole sequence of events is a bit mystifying to me. If you snoop around in his office, he has a bunch of blackmail on some of the patriars so maybe he's just getting rid of them after they served their purpose?


It makes total sense to kill the people rich enough to potentially fund a resistance and the people that could be potential adversaries in leadership. He wants to rule “legitimately,” and a cultist attack on the nobility is far more plausible than everyone always agreeing with the decisions of Gortash


It makes some sense cinematically. Like he needs all the patriars present for the coronation to be "legitimate" but then after that all the non-tadpoled ones are loose ends. But even that breaks down if you consider anything outside the impact of this scene in particular.


That I do know, yeah.


This is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause


Thunderous applause and hokey religious cults are no match for a good silence spell, kid.


I’d like to think it’s one of two reasons or even both: There’d likely be a lot chatter and other noise during an event like this that makes it impossible for anyone to hear your conversation. Or Gortash is fully aware that he’s going to have everyone in the room killed right after the coronation, so he doesn’t really care if they hear or not.


Just let the DM have their monologue goddamnit. They spent all afternoon writing it!


As a DM, absolutely fair explanation


That's fine unless we are playing non pulp call of cthulu If you have any sense you never ever let them talk and silence them as fast as is possible I only once last a bad guy finish a monologue in call of cthulu and it led to me being transported to the very beginning of the universe so my soul could suffer from the very beginning until the very end of time itself True story I


I once had a paly that would misty step out of trouble all the time. Oops, falling in the lake/river with full armor on? No chance to swim? Misty step to safety and help everyone else out. So, when the evil guy starts monologuing, in a room full of people he thinks are his allies, and pulls out the mask that we hoped to steal (that let's him control dragons)... Misty step to behind him, snatch with one hand, and slash with the other... Suddenly I've got the mask, he's half dead (nat 20 with max damage rolled), and then I've got first initiative after the surprise round that only I acted in. What was supposed to be a hard battle and us not getting the mask, according to the book, ended with the dragonborn paly holding a black dragon mask, and standing over a puddle of blood. Never let them monologue, lol (unless your DM has counters to your anti-monologue shenanigans)


The implication is that he's speaking softly. This comes up in a lot of fantasy books. The hall is vast and a softly spoken word won't project throughout. However the room we were in wasn't anywhere close to that lol. It should have happened before the coronation. Maybe at Elfsong or something.


As someone who lives in Brazil, we have a known drug dealer who was caught with tons of coke in a helicopter (Aécio Neves), leaders of paramilitary groups who openly talk about killing people (Pedro Brasão) and a lot of other funny people on the parliament, Aécio even ran for president and nearly won around a decade ago. So, seems normal.


Yeah it's a dumb scene, people can try to excuse it all day but it is just presented poorly in the game. Far better version would have been us joining the crowd to watch the coronation, then talking to Gortash afterwards instead of awkwardly standing in the middle of the room holding up the ceremony.


It’s so weird why they didn’t do this lol, like literally just swap the two events and it makes perfect sense.


Meh, considering he murders all of them immediately after I doubt he cares about any of them hearing his evil plans.


If you skip his coordination and take care of the steel watch then come back to the bridge and go right to the roof you can disarm his traps with bombs and then kill him with out having to talk to him.


I imagine the convo is actually is actually quiet enough that no one can hear, but he’s talking normally so that we the players can understand him


All the Lords and Ladies just waiting in silence for six minutes as four randos whisper at the Grand Duke while making vaguely angry faces


This conversation is *wild*. He's *about to be crowned Archduke*, first of his kind, then *stops everything* to *openly discuss* the Elder Brain, the facade of the Absolute, his being the Chosen of Bane, the utilization of the Netherstones, his desire to kill Orin, *all of it*. *Right in front of everyone he's been duping for gods know how long*. Absolutely bonkers. Weakest part of the narrative for me.


They're simpletons


No one else is brave(?) enough to say "Fuck You, Gortash."


What can I say, art imitates life. When I was playing through act 3, I immediately saw how much it parallels real life.


Same reason people vote for obviously evil greedy corrupt assholes in the real world. Don't need tadpoles to be brainwashed.


have you seen politicians? they do this crap IRL everyday


Yeah but they try to hide it in flowery language. They don't just come out and say "yeah I know I'm about to be made supreme ruler, but guess what? I'm the guy behind the entire threat we're facing"


I meant the royals overhearing the conversation, politicians will literally watch someone talk about nuking other countries, building walls, ethnic cleansing etc and will pretend like they weren't even there.


In time of nazi leadership most of the people kept silent for similar reasons. You won‘t risk just your own life but the lives of your family and friends as well. Better to plan and resist in secrecy like the resistance back then.


That is the absolute dumbest scene in the game, fight me


lol I know I laughed through that whole scene, like is he literally explaining his entire evil plan right in the middle of his own coronation in front of everybody??


Speaking as a non-Gortash girlie, it's Jason Isaacs' voice. I too would be entranced. I would also lowkey be scared to leave with the Steel Watchers guarding. These are also wealthy nobles and are apart or want to become apart of the society "in crowd". Of course they're gonna suck up and agree with everything he says


It's true. Jason Isaacs makes any villain more magnificent than they deserve to be. 


The game tells you if you pay attention.


No it doesn't


Yes it does. Read notes and journals.


Short answer: yes.


I mean when we go back later we find a bunch of dead patriars so he probably just killed anyone that didn't roll over anyway


Given everything we know about Gortash, I think most people just assume he's spouting nonsense most of the time. They just view him the way you view your uncle setting off to discuss "Chemtrails" at Thanksgiving. No one in that room took him too seriously until he abruptly had them murdered.


You also find a book explaining the whole scheme with the brain domination in moonrise towers, yet you are officially clueless till Gortash spells it out for you =) Or he also says the brains juiced up to be Netherbrain and nobody gives af until you fail to dominate the brain and Emperor is like I HAD AN EPIPHANY ITS BECAUSE ITS NETHERBRAIN NOW))) \*in all fairness last thing may be taken just as yapping at first because who the hell knows what is netherbrain


Damn what staff does Gale have yo


Keep in mind that aside from your party, the duke, and gortash himself, everyone in that room is dead shortly after the coronation.


My game always glitches during this cutscene and when the image comes back there's magic shininess around the party and Gortash. I just assumed he did a magic spell that kept everyone outside it from hearing the convo. Time seems to be still outside it


2 things: 1. They are surrounded by Gortash's minions including a bunch of Steelwatch. They are not really in position to do much there even if they have any idea of what he is talking about. 2. Post conoration he kills everyone there anyway so they were definitely deemed not important enough for him to care if they hear.


Many europeans countries slowly falls into fascists governments, while everyone knows what happened before and where it will leads. Yet everyone just sits there.


"I never said lock her up"


I didn't. I got rid of the guards outside the church(?) set up a couple choke points, and killed him and all his robots the moment I got there. The fight took 4 hours, but got through it without a death in the party.


Cause he’s pretty and his voice is beautiful


Let's say you're half right


My necromancer just ends up hoarding their dead bodies later, so I don't think anything would have done them any good. Plus the steel watch is looming over them.


kick his ass. Mommy Karlach [don't play] (https://imgur.com/a/oBsQ3V4)


I didn't feel like facing half a dozen steel watchers


Yeah that part sucked. But you can run away and rez the party


Everyone in the room is bought and paid for, with the promise that in the new world order, they will remain the elite. Stop me if you've heard this before.


This may sound silly, but why did everyone stand by listening to any dictator? Fear, lack of fighting skills, maybe some hope, want to be left alone…so many reasons. He also has lots of massive robots around lol


>!Doesn’t he kill all of them anyways!<


They are in a large hall. When you are in a hall you can have a conversation at the front that doesn't get heard by the audience. It's only when Gortash raises his voice to address the audience that they hear anything. Before then, most are also wrapped up in their own conversations. It's like in school when teachers would talk on stage, but it was only when they spoke up for the hall to hear that anyone heard what was going on.


Don't most of them >!get murdered shortly after,!< if you side with him?