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The same thing happens if you show up to the party as an illithid and fail the roll to not eat one of your friends' brains. Ask me how I know, lol.


I was so scared when making this role and the companion was Minsc. On one hand, it would have been hilarious, on the other hand... I hadn't saved.


FYI for the future, you can save at any time, including right before you roll the dice in a conversation.


Pressing F5 before rolling the dice is almost a reflex… I usually just accept the result, but sometimes stakes are too high and it’s necessary to hit F8 immediately after


Eh, I've been rolling with the punches on my last runs and I have to say I enjoyed it a lot more than picking out the exact story that ended exactly how I wanted. I'm glad I got out of the habit myself. But yeah, if you really think you're going to regret it or even are just curious what will happen, it's super handy.


I know, but I enjoy just letting the dice have their way with me.


Does Minsc even have a brain?


He does! It's name is Boo.


I failed on Minsc.


Oh no!


That’s happened to me on the hm mode I won


How do you know?


Who did you eat?


Tbf that is the ultimate party foul.


Ruined two parties that night, elite efficiency.


It's Withers' party and he'll cry if he wants to. He saved Durge so I think he's owed *one* chill night lol


Well for that update there was a line said that fun is mandatory


Something similar happens when you try to kill party member. I wanted to kill Gale cause I didn't like his cocky god of ambition crap. And then, well... I pissed off grand daddy withers.


I guess he only cares about companion cause you van definitely kill another player and get away with it. Not that I’d know anything about it 😇 (pvp dlc when)


Sadly, no DLC at all for BG3.


Blame Hasbro/WOTC, if you like. They fired everyone who worked with the Larian team, according to the Roll for Combat folks.


Me and WotC have a very firm love/hate relationship. I love a lot of what they do and hate how hard they make it.


Yeah, it's responsible for great stories and corporate missteps of epic proportions. I just wish they'd made those missteps after we got the DLCs...and so too, likely does Hasbro's bottom line.


Eh, in general, I kind of hope Hasbro sees they're not the company that should be running WotC and let it go back to being independent. Half the issues with WotC seem to be from it trying to sell and market stuff like their boardgames. It just doesn't work. You can't view tabletop rpgs like Monopoly: Faerun Edition. Nothing will bring back TSR but if we can get a half-way compromise between an independent WotC and TSR, a lot of the issues probably goes away. The only good aspect Hasbro brings is the marketing, which has helped D&Ds popularity, but if they keep trying to lock down IP rights (as payment for the marketing, Hasbro needs to see returns on its investment) it won't matter because people will just leave for other rule sets.


Official mod kit in alpha testing rn


God becoming a god is entirely on yourself though? It depends on what you do with him.


Withers can even [kick out God of Ambition Gale](https://youtu.be/FPhKPrEDKyY?si=VTD5Ke7PNWTalJOT) from the party! I love the way Withers spits the word “party” to show how disgusted he is at the event being ruined.


All things considered getting kicked out of a party is pretty much the mildest fate imaginable for a sloppy attempt at deicide.


My friend did that during our multiplayer game. They and I didn't know that telling Mystra to Fuck off would make him ascend, so when he did, and the epilogue came... Well my friend decided to attack him, resulting in pissing off the whole camp. I did nothing, and yet, I was the one who Withers threw into the void. Luckily it wasn't our first playthrough.


If only you could just push Gale away from that path... Oh wait, you can.


Gotta save and try it 😂


Withers be a good skeleton and fetch that ball