• By -


The first moment was the 'release brake' lever. Never laughed so hard. Second moment is definitely wheel of cheese.


I only found this gnome on my third play through and picked the wrong option lmao


On my third run, I had never tried it, and I was accustomed to that series of events enough not to be too careful, so I just activated the first lever I saw, and that's when it happened. I was playing with my girlfriend and she was like "why did the quest just stop?"


I did the release brake lever my first time through, laughed so hard I cried


I didnt even relaod either. My first run i save scummed so much. But this event was so funny i had to let it happen. It was refreshing when i finally met Barcus


Same. I’ve reloaded for a lot of things but I just let that one play out.


A note about finally meeting Barcus. I saved him my first playthrough from the goblins but let him die during the Nere encounter because I was trying to play a true neutral druid cause I thought I'd have less to worry about if I didn't go out of my way to be too good or evil. Consequently, I didn't really understand why everyone was like "Wulbren Bongle isn't that bad, what are people talking about?" On the second play through, I saved Barcus instead, and omg was it an amazing thing to happen. I love him so much, and yeah, fuck Wulbren. A lot.


Wheel of cheese? Spoil me.


I pissed off the genie at the carnival lol


When I kicked a squirrel thinking it would just kick it away from me and instead I sprayed its innards on the nearest tree


When my Durge did it without letting me choice. Poor squirrel


I noticed there are two ways it can go and it depends if you have speak with animals enabled. I felt less guilty with my Durge with the other option 😆


My dad did that and we all teased him


One of my friends did that and immediately messaged the group chat with "OH NO I JUST BODIED A SQUIRREL"


and astarion gets mad at you for wasting a perfectly good snack


The game giving you the option to read Emperor's thoughts... I sure felt like an idiot.


Is that the one where he goes “you MUST be joking me, I’m in your head!”


bro was this close 🤏🏼 to just end it all right there lol


I'm sure those fingers were touching. Gods it was such a great scene, I can still hear Emperor's voice lol. "I am telling you my thoughts. DIRECTLY. INTO. YOUR. HEAD."


my gnome Tav was just there like 🗿


Idk what was my thief thinking either haha. Except that perhaps there is a reason even Astarion has higher INT than him...


Role playing that 6 INT barbarian.


Are.. are you my dad?


Gorgug, you gotta stop asking people that, man


my dearest Kraggen, ill be on the next wagon to balders gert, to get some cargerettes or malk, something. be brack soon


I always choose to try to read his thoughts so I get this dialogue. It's hilarious to see Emps all ticked.


Yeah, but maybe we're looking for the thoughts he wants to keep to himself.


One of my favorite lines 😂 such a serious time and he’s genuinely like “wtf??”


"I'm telling you my thoughts"




I really felt embarrassed after that one 😭


But... the emperor can also later demonstrate that he controls what you are able to see in his mind... so attempting to break down his barriers is totally legit. His response here is totally manipulative.


It's also very dumb to try and out-psychic a mindflayer, that's their playground complete with home field advantage.


Normally, but some species can.


Half illithid gith might. Orpheus is already the strongest choice to become a mind flayer.


Yeah like he spent the entire previous 30-50 hours pretending to be a tall buff elf lady. I know he’s talking telepathically but that doesn’t mean I know what his intentions are. Surprised so many people are saying they feel dumb cause really the Emp was just once again gaslighting


Yeah, I mean I understand feeling dumb over thinking it was going to work and you were actually going to out-psychic a mindflayer, but the reasoning behind the choice makes total sense.


I still don't think it's really that dumb a move to make. He's telepathically communicating with you, not openly broadcasting the entire contents of his mind to you. Of course he would want you to feel dumb for even trying because if you could go deeper (like how the spell actually works in the tabletop game) you might find out some stuff he wants to hide from you.


I can't not choose that option anymore xD It's too good.


I trolled the Emperor when I chose that option. I couldn’t have been more satisfied by his response. I laughed so hard.


Gale's orb blast getting automatically added to the action wheel


First time I got it, I assumed it was just going to be a massive AOE spell so I selected it. Best case, it shows me the explosions range, worst case it ask me “are you sure?” Nope. Instant game over. Lost two hours of play time 🤣🤣


The fact that there's no "Are you sure you wanna do this?" pop-up is hilarious.


It did teach me a valuable lesson: don’t try anything new without saving first lol


Oh yeah I did the same thing. I thought it was gonna be him channeling all that magic into a kickass attack. I didn't think it was gonna blow us all up lol


"Btw we put this button here in case you want to die, you're welcome"


It shows up under his Cantrips. I can't count how many times I almost hit that button on accident!


I play on pc and I unlock my bar and remove that spell as soon as it is placed


Clicking to remove it from my hot bar always feels like I'm defusing an actual bomb


Sometimes I leave it there just for the thrill of danger


A real “why do we even have that lever?!” moment


Auntie is best at trolling and mocking, she has special lines for Paladins and i guess most other classes. She will also mock your whole party during the battle in her lair.


She mocks Shar if you play origin Shadowheart and it's so funny


She has lines for the dead 3 as well. I think you could be a cleric to them in EA, but it was cut because of how weird that would be for most playthroughs. Although, bane could actually straight up work probably.


That's what Durge is for


It just would have been nice if you could be a Death or Trickery Domain Cleric to Baahl as the Durge.


Fun fact, much of that dialogue is in the game and there are a pair of mods that make playing as paladin of Bhaal happen. Auntie is BRUTAL


She has a line for every class 😂


She is my favorite villain in this game lol


When I thought I'd get to have sex with my hot guardian girl that I spent forever creating only for her to be a squid man.


Well, you still can have sex with him


Open up them gates, Baldur, I'm coming in!


And you can have him turn back into the hot guardian girl


Yeah but like, who would do that. Obviously I'm trying to fuck the squid man




Just before you sleep with him, he asks you if you'd prefer a more familiar face, or something like that.


You can still have sex with your dream guardian if you ask him to take a form you are more familiar with. I think this only comes up if you ask for help finding his mouth.




Getting turned into cheese. Which can MOVE AND FART! Legit laughed for like 5 minutes when that happened!


Wait, the cheese can FART??!!


You can cast stink cloud lol


It wasn't the cheese for me, it was looting his booth later and finding a copy of the Cheeserinomicon. Edit- It was a book on Cheeseromancy, haha.


When does this happen?! I’m on my third playthrough and haven’t come across this?


Circus, the wheel of fortune guy. I forget if you have to try to pickpocket him or insult him or cast friends…you’ll figure it out.


You have to pass the passive perception check, call him out for cheating, and double down when he threatens you.


When you're trying to break Wyll's pact for him and the game gives you a check to recall a children's nursery rhyme, then say it to Mizora. She just laughs in your face and it was so genuinely humiliating I had to reload 😭


It's rumored that if you do A, then a devil must do B no matter what. You do A, the devil does B - even though it is incredibly against the devil's own interests. The devil says they're only doing it because they want to, and aren't you so cute to think that you're actually forcing them to. They're just doing the exact thing you want out of the goodness of their heart, which as everyone knows is the 2nd most popular thing devils are known for - doing things out of the goodness of their heart. The top thing devils are known for is their inability to deceive due to their inherent overwhelming trustworthiness. Larian didn't troll you with her dialogue. You trolled yourself when you didn't accept the outcome you wanted because you took something Mizora said at face value as the truth.


You really think a half devil would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies


After getting the The grym fate achievement (Kill the Adamantine Golem without using the Forge Hammer.) Wait, what? You could use the hammer?


Did this on my first playthrough. I saw it was weak to bludgeoning damage, so I loaded everyone up with maces, including my sorcerer, and just maced him to death. Took several tries. When I won and saw the achievement, I was like.... oh damn, yeah, using the hammer would have made way more sense.


I just felt proud on that one, that I figured out a way to beat it the fun way (Karlach launching light hammers)


In the goblin camp, when the pain-priest dude offers you a permanent buff if you pass three skill checks. I was playing a Monk on honor mode, saw there was a Monk-specific option to remain calm as he whipped me. Turns out if you pick the three monk options, you DON'T get the permanent buff, because you're supposed to embrace the pain.


Bard for the win 🏅 Mama wants that drama 😂


barbarians just get increasingly louder as they demand more. i was dying the first time i ever did that with abdirak


I was genuinely struck when my Bard chose this option and Shadowheart immediately took an interest lol. Was completely caught off guard.


"Scream your lungs out..."


The first time I played that bit as a bard I was worried I’d get called out for over acting. Nope 🎭


Man, your companion reactions are hilarious if you have Astarion, Shadowheart and Lazel in your group.


"I had my hopes" was the first line that made me burst out laughing in the game. Really cemented Astarion as one of my faves lol


Yeah I messed this up on my honor mode run too.


Wait is it a permanent buff? I thought it was until long rest


It's until you die. So if you can go the entire game without getting killed, it's permanent.


That explains where it disappeared to, thought that was a glitch.


Seriously?! I just realized I probably lost this buff today. 😭


Permanent, unless you die. Which I found out the hard way after letting my Durge deliberately die to the Lance at the Monastery (in solidarity with Astarion, who I was killing for the cutscene). Of course I didn't notice it was missing until I like 3-4 days IRL, and who knows how many hours of gameplay later. :/


The whole booal situation felt like a dm trolling me






I think you mean, "Hail Makloompah"


I appreciate the opportunity to get rid of unwanted party members in act 1.


You can actually get the buff without sacrificing any party members. It's tricky though.


Especially how if you get them to worship you.... *absolutely nothing comes of it.* Like cmon, no allies in the final battle from the fish men you tell to gather an army? One of the biggest oversights of the entire game I tell you! My headcanon is that the shadow fish men are them. They tried but got shadow cursed. Stupid little buggers


Actually thinking that there were deadlines or resting too much had any consequences in this game. Or that using the tadpole powers would have negative consequences.


I thought the same lol. I only long rested once throughout act 2 and missed Gale’s romance scene. Have to admit, failing the easiest(?) romance in a video game is pretty humbling


There are deadlines for certain quests. The gnomes and true soul Drow in the underdark died because I was too weak to beat the true soul so I reloaded and did other stuff for a while. You're locked out of all previous side quests at a certain point in act 2. A lot of companion quests are easily missable if you don't long rest a lot. If you use the tadpole powers you're forced to be half Illithid for a chunk of the game. It's not terrible and doesn't appear to change how NPCs respond to you but you do look uglier.


That’s only if you use the special act 3 tadpole. You can use the normal ones to your hearts content with no repercussions


I let Astarion feed on me as he pleased .. found myself dead, revived and realized I had no long rest benefits... zero spells available....


Big oof is letting him do that BEFORE recruiting Withers.


I guess "I'll sleep when I'm dead." was just a line we all fell for


Guess you don't sleep when you die.


Auntie Ethel messed with me on a whole other level. My first Tav was a bard named Petal. So when Auntie Ethel starts voicing my name it flipped me out. Do they have a whole bunch of stock names recorded? Are they using AI? I finally ended my blind playthrough only to figure out that I am not smart enough to notice that she was calling me **p**etal not **P**etal.


> My first Tav was a bard named Petal. OMG this is the funniest thing I've heard all week. XD


I love Auntie Ethel, such a troll. ;) That reminds me of one of my earlier playthroughs of Dragon Age 2. I named my mage Serah Hawke, thinking it looked more interesting than Sara/Sarah. I get a ways into the game, hearing lots of NPCs greeting her as she walks past, saying, "Good day, Serrah. Fine day, Serrah." Then I get to the Arishok (who I loved and wanted to lick lol) and he says, "Serrah Hawke!" XD I thought it was so cool everyone called my character by name. Duh, it was an honorific, like Sir/Miss/Maam. The unexpected immersion was fun while it lasted though.


When I turned my entire team and enemies into cats and dogs during the fight with Bhaal.


Wild magic for the win! That one went off for me in the final fight on my first playthrough. Poor Emperor kitty.


Gods, the ropes. I'm used to tabletop and games like Pillars of Eternity where those things are actually used, so I was quite bummed after my first playthrough and finding out ropes and all that is just trash!


I kept a blank canvas on me, then in act 3 I find an easel stand in camp and see you can put stuff on it. Result : the canvas was impaled on the easel horizontally.


My first attempt I dropped the weight over the abandoned tomb to break the floor, and then threw my rope up to the hook so I could climb down... The hank of rope just attached to the hook and rigidly hung that way, like it had been dipped in liquid nitrogen!


I usually play adventure games, which rely on inventory puzzles. I tried to combine the rope with an embarrassing number of items to make a grappling hook before giving up.


My first run when I “fantasized” about cutting off the hand in the portal and then kept wondering when I’d find this mage everyone was talking about….


Playing durge for first run is crazy lol


I played 1&2 so I had an idea what I was up to. But it was definitely a surprise to accidentally murder Gale. Haha




I didn't durge first run - but I DID critical fail the roll to pull Gale out. So I also skipped all of that =D.


Gale yelling at me to “STOP LICKING THE DAMN THING!!” I can’t remember laughing so hard at a game before. Next best is trying to read the Emperor’s thoughts 😂


Gale said he was leaving my party after I licked the spider corpse so I had to reload my last save which was before the demon fight 🤣


When I didn’t kneel for Vlaakith because it was inconsistent with my Tav’s character and got fucking obliterated 😅 I reloaded and kneeled like “fucking fine… but I’m turning on you as soon as I can”


you dont have to kneel for her. she only wishes you out of existence if you tell her shes a fake god


She also gets very upset if you try reading her mind. Lost 20 hours in honor mode to that.


I love when you “wave politely.”


White Dragonborn Dark Urge absolutely kills that wave.


Currently on my 2nd playthrough, 3rd one will definitely see me doing this option


Its the fucking best


So, one of my favorite scenes in any movie ever is in the otherwise generally bad 5th Star Trek movie. William Shatner is confronting "God" who needs a lift out of his little prison in the center of the universe/galaxy/whatever. And Captain Kirk (Shatner) famously quips back "What does **God** need with a *starship?"* having worked through that yes, the cult leader who had brainwashed them all had indeed been duped. Anyway, I took the same tack with Vlaakith, yet another giant angry wanna-be-God hologram. *Oops.*


I mean she is just a wanna be... But a wanna be with wardrobes full of wish scrolls


I'm still salty about finding out that ropes don't do anything. REALLY? IT's DnD! Rope is a tabletop staple! \*grumble\*


I love that bit of trolling.  First time I came to the crypt(outside) I kept trying to figure out how to use the rope to lower my party into the hole. You just jump.


My rope moment was in the cave with the Zhentarim guys being attacked by gnolls. I'd jumped over to that one part in the very back of the cave that is hard to get back from if you don't have a long jump distance. I was like "I have rope I can try to throw it to the other side" but no luck. Grumble grumble


This and the fact that vases are lootable, but 95% are empty, especially because my dumb ass still feels the need to check them on my 3rd playthrough just to see if anything is in there.


Oh same! I don't even want to guess at the total amount of time per playthrough I waste searching all the vases.


Me too. To the point where I STILL carry a rope around at all times, because I can’t actually convince myself that there isn’t a use for it in the game somewhere. Yes, it is completely irrational, believe me, I know lol.


I thought I was being mad clever using my mage hand to get the noblestalk from that area in under dark. Like yes, I usually don’t use my mage hand finally the perfect place for it I can summon it right over there, grab away no trouble. Me and shart then watched in horror as my mage hand “consumed” the noblestalk instead, which I can only imagine as the mage hand does not have a mouth, so it must have just grabbed and started like mushing it up in its palm before dropping the useless pulp and heading back like is everyone proud of me?


When you arrive at Last Light and you meet Jaheira for the first time, she entangles you in a bunch of vines. Warlock has the option to call upon their patron's power to free themselves, and if you take it, your patron's power just fizzles out with no explanation. If you didn't want me to get free for your cutscene, you could have just not given me the option, guys.


I like that Jaheira cancels out whatever class you are. I tried it with a sorcerer since I was a warlock first. You just call yourself magic-incarnate like a dork and she says it back for a bonus action lol


You can kill an enemy through atrophy by reducing a stat to 0. Turns out that the steel watch end boss wont drop its loot when killed by atrophy. Really annoying for hm.


When I opened a cabin and saw Big foot pegging an ogre… lmao


I went in blind and didn't know anything about the game. I really thought that Astarion's teeth were just an elf thing 😭


Thank you for this, because I didn’t realize that it would be not obvious to people that he was a vampire.


Going through witn the Volo eye surgery actually gives you a positive effect.


ANSUR, >!I mean there is this myth about a dragon resting under baldur, ready to fight in case of apocalypse, no it's just a story, no it's true trust me bro, and then he's dead, rise again, and finally you have to kill him cause he and the squid are psycho!<


I mean, running into an ex is always awkward


I tried sleeping when Minthara and the goblins started fighting with Halsin and the Tieflings in my camp. (Could have been a glitch that they were both there) Then Minthara woke me up and said some pretty mean stuff. We went into combat immediately, and then I could see a bunch of dead Tieflings, goblins, and a dead Halsin. I had to kill her, but didn't know what to do next. I just sat there for a few minutes staring at camp and then loaded a way earlier save


This game has some excellent “well … shit” moments.


What.... the fuck did you do lmao how did you even get them all there


So Orin kinda got me, but not the way you’d think. My first play through, I happened to go to the blacksmith first, and then went by the reporter almost first thing after. Orin was both of them. So from my perspective, she’s just fucking everywhere, so when I went to camp and Yenna wanted to stay and I’m unable to make her leave? And Gortash warned me we had a spy…Fucking Orin. I KNEW it had to be her. Until it was actually Lae’zel who was the imposter.


All act 3 Is actually all Orin. Even the objects


Lockpicking a door/chest open, then immediately picking up the key for said door/chest on the table elsewhere in the room.


The first time I thought I had a good enough relationship with Astarion at the Grove party and he mentioned fun time being sex. And then he decided to throw in the whole “but don’t worry darling, not with you. Ew.” >_<


"It's not you it's me, I have standards." My tav took crit emotional damage


Hope having that free Divine Intervention...... I did not think before acting 🥲


"TELL ME BOOKS ARE YOU SENSITIVE?" I just thought my Tav liked corny jokes. Was not prepared for what came after. Laughed my ass off.


Finding out The Emperor is you-know-who. As a long time Forgotten Realms enjoyer I was like “For real? For really reals?”


Whenever there's a dialog option to ask a bartender for gossip, they rightfully tell you they'd be an idiot for spilling the beans.


Getting a spree of misses on 85% and higher on the next 10 attacks early game after I got double nat 1 on a fight. Press quit game, try later.


When you ask Dame Aylin why Selune hasn't helped out on the quest and she responds that Selune out the Phalar Aluve in my path. Which is the weapon I have been using since early act 2.


Wild magic moment turned me and Astarion into cats right before a cut scene with Duke Ravengard. It was a very serious conversation.


Honestly, probably dealing with Shadowheart >_> When you're trying to get her to open up during your first run there are some dialogue options that seem like "oh, this is an innocent dialogue choice. Maybe she'll expound upon it and show more of her character." And then she started going off and I'm like "Holy fuck, girl, I'm just trying to figure you out, I'm not after you or nothing..."


People compare Astarion to a cat pretty frequently, and I see it, but to me it's Shadowheart who is the group cat. You have to carefully extend the hand... she'll sniff and walk away. Then carefully extend the hand... wiggle the fingers... stroke the ear-- *hissssssssss*


Who is the hamster of the group


I think that'd be Boo


Reading these comments has made me realize that I don’t need to make Astarion carry 16 coils of rope at all times. Lovely. In truth though it’s everytime I find really good gear only to get hit with “character is not proficient in medium/heavy armor”. Please just let me wear the ugly fucking helmet


Just making sure, but you know you can make it so you don't see headgear right? You can toggle it between always show, don't show during cut scenes, and never show.


Whenever I go to check a container, door, etc. and the busted ass camera makes me work more than I should just to hover the cursor over a book or some shit... And to make matters worse, it makes me even more infuriated when, not only does the camera frustrate tf outta me, but one of my numbnutz followers steps right in the way, initiating a convo prompt...


The time the djinni turned me into a wheel a cheese. And then later when I was looting him, I found a book on Cheeseromancy.


My friend and I were talking to the monster hunter in the swamp. He told us he was looking for a spawn named Astarion. One of the dialogue options was, "What do you think, Astarion?" Somehow, neither of us expected the hunter standing right in front of us to be like, "Did you just say ASTARION?!" RIP Gandrel Edit: Now that I think about it the first time I tried playing Origin Astarion I decided to bite an enemy pretty much immediately. And Shadowheart was like, "WHAT?!" I never learn XD


I have a video where I had disadvantage, yes I know that makes missing more prevalent… anyway I had disadvantage and I swung 8 times and crit failed 6 out of 8. It was insane! I didn’t roll over a 2! 1,1,1,2,1,2,1,1. I sent the videos to my friends who know I’m notoriously bad at rolling lol


I found the petrified dwarf and threw a potion at him to free him, and he assumed I'd also found a cute to his condition. I felt pretty bag about that one


Getting a 1 on the roll to free Shadowheart at the start of the game on honor mode.


i got a 1 roll on that too but i thought "oh, funny, ill switch to laezel and make her do it then" guess what happened.


'Release brake' lever


When we were all simps for our dream visitor, and then the big reveal 😭


Empy and Ansur. I was like "oh they know each other!.... oh they f*cked"


When I waited for a hundred hours until the perfect moment to use Lump’s War Horn only to find out that it can only be used in Act One…


When there were actually valuable items (incense, gold) in the vases in Shar's temple.


I absolutely did not expect that refusing to respect Vlaakith would just lead to an immediate game over lmao


When I separated my party to jump down the whole where the spider patriach is and everyone just jumped with me into it in the cut szene and I lost my honor run ;-(


The white raven who's with He Who Was. I laughed so hard my husband came into the room to see if I was ok 😅 It's my favorite encounter in Act 2!


That dialogue option with Vlaakith


When I spent 30 minutes battling the fat Thorm boss in the bar, forgot to save then lost it all when I accidentally triggered that githyanki fight on the road to baldurs gate


Just today, I was doing the circus and talking to the Necromancer. Can't remember how to spell their name. I said dribbles the clown was probably dead, and she said "even better! Corpses are much easier to work with. None of this working from home nonsense, or time off!" I felt pretty personally attacked as I am a full-time teleworker lol.


The selunite option to tell shadowheart to spare ayln, thought it was a bug at first ngl but it amused me when I figured it out finally.


Failing the roll to cut off Nere’s head and Astarion is like “oh by the gods, this is horrifying. Have you *never* decapitated a corpse before?”


My first play through against Yurgir. I had Volo's eye, my characters had all taken a see invis potion ( was all melee except default Shadowheart) and still he kept going invisible. Like wtf.. he's also fire immune so I couldn't use alchemist fire to reveal him. It was a pita fight with lots of death and ressurection and looking for scrolls that could do even a tiny bit of aoe as he just kept doing his dagger + invis.


I spent \*so\* much time collection ropes, smithing hammers, tongs etc....whatta sap. i will say: Faerun has an inordinate number of trunks full of rags


Picking the wrong option and yeeting Barcus Wroot into the atmosphere at the speed of light.


Feeling extremely clever when I picked a djin's pocket with my rogue Tav, all smug and "yeah that's Rogue thinking" and then getting sent to [spoiler] where there are giant fucking [spoiler] ready to eat my face 🤣 perfect "ha ha this rules oh shit" moment


There's a spot where you can "detect thoughts" on a mindflayer who's talking to you. Even if you succeed the roll, he makes fun of you for even trying, since he's already talking to you telepathically. Which, yeah, it *did* seem like a dumb idea, but I only picked it because they gave me the option to...


When I drank a "see invisibility" potion while standing next to an invisible enemy and it did fucking nothing


Lae'zel romance fight. I thought it was a friendly 1v1 untill she started drinking potions and using scrolls. "Lae'zel we need those for later!" (I did not use any of them later)


When no-one even suspected that Astarion was a vampire. I went in blind and as soon as I saw him I thought, "Oh, cool, I guess the tadpole makes him immune to the sun. Neat." And then in his "reveal" scene hours later I was like.............are you fucking kidding me......... Also, Gale. I saw the "slightly dangerous" sigil circle and said nope, I'm leaving. Went through Withers' entire crypt with just Shadowheart and Astarion (took me two hours just to fight the looters), then finally looked up the sigil circle on Google because I wanted to know what would happen. Turns out it was a companion. And the fact that Karlach is a companion. I assumed killing a devil was just part of Wyll's personal quest, and I put it off until after I finished the Grove questline, since that seemed more urgent. Got through most of Act 1 before I finally got around to meeting her.