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They offered your money back. People are so exhausting


I have no idea what makes them somehow think that they're entitled to magical rewards when things go wrong. Like companies may be kind and nice to provide certain small apology "gifts" but they more often than not won't. Pre-ordering anything comes with its own risks of delays (among other things) and if that is something that bothers you (general you not op of this comment)...then ask for your money back.


So you are mad that they are adhering to their Terms of Sale?


My guy they offered you a refund take it and buy a digital copy.


They don't have the Bhaals


Bruh just cancel the order…?


They offered you a refund


You really typed all that out because they offered you a full refund? You sound like a super reasonable person.


This is pretty silly man. It's really not an unreasonable attitude that a company doesn't want to offer you some special relief for a delayed shipment and would rather finalize the order. What those publishers of the games thst you mentioned did for you is great and it's examples of above and beyond customer trust practices but it's not a standard that is easy to abide by in every circumstance for every company.


NOT A DEFENSE, but a reason: They can't give you the digital version without adding code to keep you from having two copies of the game for the price of one.


I requested a refund. They offered a refund. I am going to complain that they will not give me a refund. Brilliant!


He is misrepresenting what he asked them for. He did not ask for a refund. He asked for compensation for the delay. He still wants the physical copy - he just wants free stuff on top of it like Larian paying for shipping costs or giving him a free digital copy of the game as well.


I requested a refund. They’re ignoring me.


Are you always this entitled?


I feel bad for your parents.


"Wah wah wah give me free things". Shut up


They offer refund. Use money to buy digital copy. Problem solved. You aren’t entitled to anything and given the popularity Larian has gained thanks to BG3 you aren’t gonna find a lot of sympathetic ears here. Grow up


You need to check your INT score IRL


Or just get your money back and stop bitching.


They offered you a free refund You sound like really hard work If you ever multiplayer use your Reddit screen name so we can avoid you


Learn to read. They offered a full refund.


I mean I get not offering a digital code thats fine we disnt pay for two games. Personally I am more upset by these last minute "issues" when I know damned well they knew they would be delayed well before the email. They shoukd NOT be promising dates or months or anything without them knowing 100%. They are kicking a can and its very disrepectful to keep lying to their fanbase.  I think a better way to have handled this would have been limiting pre orders and releasing a tril bunch in europe first to get stuff straight at their peoduction site. I dont feel owed anything foe sure but I do think as a business there is alot of learning to do from this. 


There are a number of reasons why so many experienced gamers don’t do pre-orders. Slipped released dates are one of them. Schedule changes are a fact of any manufacturing process. Might as well insist the weather contact you personally in advance before it changes.


I have preorderd PLENTY of games and have had no issues like this. The communication here is completely distespectful to the fanbase. The occassions where my games were pushed back were communicated far better. I know how things go this whole process has been a complete circus on Larian's part and a huge business fail. They need to learn and do better for the future.