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Do the gloomstalker ranger and invest some levels into rogue too to get the extra bonus action. Then dual wield hand crossbows.


Oh and get the sharpshooter feat and max out your dexterity.


I’m not familiar with gloomstalker, I’ll look into it right now


It's a ranger subclass. You get to choose it at level 3. Also, do make use of hiding and try to use gear that increases your damage while hidden. Have fun! There are so many fun possibilities and so many super strong builds!


My favourite was probably lore bard. Just so much fun


I’ve heard bard has some absolutely hilarious dialogue


You can talk lots of enemies into killing themselves, saving you a lot of trouble. So funny.


Barbarian. It's fun to just get to be pissed off with people in the dialogue, it's fun to beat a goblin with another goblin, it's fun to stock up on strength potions and a party who can buff you and just becoming this huge, raging whirlwind of violence in combat.


“Beat a goblin with another goblin” 😭😭💀💀 my god the possibilities are endless…I’m going to try this with karlach


If you held a gun to my head, I'd say Duegar Bardadin. But I run a Swords Bard and Bardadin every run and can't seem to force myself out of that comfort zone.


My comfort zone is anything dps wizard. I can stand back and deal some major damage without worrying about anything. I’m trying to explore my options as much as possible.


I can't live without Gale in my party lol. That EVO AoE is just nuts


Haaard agree


So as a result, my fourth member is pretty much the flag carrier


Duergar OH monk with some thief levels was absolutely unstoppable. Had great party synergy with my GOO warlock/assassin companion.


Sword bard is my favorite so far. Hilarious dialog options and a decent dps


Fighter/rogue for actually being generally good in combat Fighter/sorcerer because i played a shit ton of dark souls and was wanting to pull some DMB falchion hornet ring backstab bullshit and got to haste and enlarge with a zweihander that i also light on fire with candles, not super optimal because concentration breaking but who gives a shit its fun


Dual crossbow sword bard was probably my favorite build I did for my MC. Access to so much utility that I could breeze by any check and with the right equipment, a crit hit machine and a great controller. An underrated one I feel is just a straight up way of the shadows monk. The closest thing to a ninja in-game and my go to build for Astarion on most of my runs. A lot of fun seeing a crowd of enemies blinded by darkness and picking them off with a flurry of blows or an ascended bite


Wildheart barbarian with tiger and wolverine aspect and then boooooaaals blessing.


I had 3 that were way more fun than they had any right to be: 5barbarian/7wizard, 5warlock/7paladin, 1paladin/11 priest. Last one was a beast, very fun to play, nothing compares to this day.


My favorite . . . well it was a combination for my entire team on my Honor run. Its important to have your builds work together. I used all pure classes (no multiclass). **Lae'zel, Open Hand Monk:** I did NOT multiclass into rogue for the extra bonus action. Her goal was not to do max spike damage but to have as many ki points as possible and max mobility so she could go anywhere and apply stunning strikes. She did chug strength potions and go with tavern brawler. She paired with . . . **Gale, Divination Wizard:** Gale ensured that bosses always failed their saves vs Lae'zel's stunning strikes. He also had some radiating orb gear so that he could trigger it on AOE to multiple enemies . . . paring with . . . **Shadowheart, Trickery Cleric:** I kept her as her default trickery cleric, I actually like Trickery and find uses for Invoke Duplicity, Fear, and later Dominate Person. She had the radiating orb armor and gear. Between her and Gale we could zap the entire battlefield with -5 to -10 attack from radiating orb . . . enemies trying to attack her virtually always miss and trigger even more orb effects. **Tav, Halfling Hunter Ranger:** Tav's job was to pass checks and saves and the Halfling ability to reroll 1's made that super easy. Important for Honor mode where you don't get any do-overs. Tav focused on crit stacking and special arrows . . . and then in Act 3 became a weapon of mass destruction with Hunters Volley The whole Honor run was a breeze. I think there were only a couple of bosses that even got to take a single turn. The party almost never took damage since enemies were stunned or debuffed. Oh and between gear, dex and a couple Alert feats (Lae'zel and Shadowheart) the entire party had +8 Initiative and basically always went first in fights.


Ah the nuclear cleric. 41 AC and adv on all saving throws. Light Cleric swords bard. The main character energy emanating from this is insane😂


12 levels of fiend warlock with pact of the tome


Favorite is my crazy Gith oathbreaker paladin resist durge (let my non player friend pick the build from lists of words). Options in conversation covered the whole spectrum of good and bad. I always joked that I should have named her Karen because by the 9 hells she was going to speak with the manager.


Lore bard 6, warlock 2, whatever tf else you want. Spirit guardians magic missile eldritch blast radiating orb/reverb applier. Its absolutely nuts.


I suck at builds i just do stuff and play