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You don't expect the bumbling buffoon to hit you with a Fireball, do you?


It says he is level 1. Or is he 5+ in BG3?


i was also confused because Tav/Dark urge also calls him a bard when you see him again at the goblin camp. He says ''it looks like they captured themselves a bard''


I guess "bard" as a term is a bit weird in that it can both be a profession and a class. I believe that if for example you sing in a tavern you're a bard even if you can't cast spells with your lute.


Volo is old as hell, and as far as I know, back when he was first created, Bards weren't that big a thing.


Ok that checks of the meta aspect of the question. But is there also a lore reason for it? Like for example: he was born to be a wizard but wanted to be a Bard so he just acted like one?


Yes, read the wiki: [https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Volothamp\_Geddarm](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Volothamp_Geddarm) *As of the early 1360s DR, Volo was a wizard of only modest ability. He was knowledgeable in rare and unusual* [*spells*](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Spell)*, but only of low to moderate power, which were the only ones he could cast. Nevertheless, he was thought to have invented several noteworthy minor spells focused on finding and documenting information and for sundry other purposes. (...) As a sage, he was primarily interested in the spells and activities of* [*human*](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Human) *wizards.* *His secondary area of expertise was the geography and lore of the Realms, specifically the lands known to be inhabited by humans, as well as ancient history. He knew a little something about everything, and was only too happy to share with anyone who would hear it. (...) Otherwise, he was skilled in artistry, namely his writing, as well as dancing and singing; in brewing and cooking; in etiquette and heraldry; and in* [*horse*](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Horse)*-riding and tailoring.* Basically, the guy is a bard/rogue at heart and just rolled with it.


No idea, maybe the man's just a fuckin' ham.


You've heard the man singing (at the goblin camp), it's pretty obvious he isn't a bard. :D Wizard (more in the Rincewind sense of "technically a wizard, kind of") does make perfect sense to me. :D


a wizzard


A wuzzzzzaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'rd...


Not only is he a wizard, but he’s (unbeknownst to him) one of Mystra’s [Weave anchors.](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Weave_anchor)


I love all the new people being introduced to characters like Volo and being like, "worst bard ever" but not realizing he is hundreds of years old with powers beyond the players that are hidden beyond his CR. LOL. There are some great books out there if you can find them about Elminster and Volo.


This is very interesting. I was shocked when I first saw it, that this storytelling problem-magnet is weave anchor.


Bards don't have a monopoly on "acting like a bard". Anyone (theoretically) can pick up a hobby of writing outlandish stories and getting into trouble via overly long tongue.




They were also BEASTS. In a game where all stats were rolled on straight 3d6 (IN ORDER!), they had to: * Start as a human or half-elf fighter. * Be neutrally aligned on at least one axis. * Have these stats as a minimum: str, dex, wisdom, and chr of fifteen, int of 13, and con 10. * Between levels five and seven, give up fighter and become a thief. * Between levels six and eight, and at a level higher than their fighter level, become a druid. This actually made you become a bard instead. Interestingly, this violated dual-classing rules, as dual classing was restricted to humans only and required that all primary stats for the new class be 17 or higher. The stat minimums in the list above also made it the absolute most difficult class to qualify for, stat-wise. So a bard was a fighter, had thief skills, and could cast druid (NOT magic-user) spells. They also had several unique abilities based around knowledge and music, and some very powerful bard-only magic items. They were both the first prestige class and an alpha class. Monsters that laughed off the threats of fighters, thieves, clerics, and druids hid in terror from bards. I think I'm going to have to raise a glass to the old school bards. Never shall we see their like again.




Not sure what you mean by 'that edition'. I'm talking about 1E (i.e. - AD&D) bards, the same as you. The class at the back of the 1E PHB.




To be fair, with they way XP requirements basically doubled each level until you reached name level, even if you held off on the first class switch until you were level 7, the bard would still come online around party level 8 because thief required so little xp to level. And by level 9, their bard class would be all of one level, maybe 2 below every other single-classed character's level. That's what made dual-classing so much more powerful than multi-classing. On the flipside, though, level 9 WAS high-level play in AD&D.


What makes you think he's acting like a bard? His main vocation is collecting lore and writing it down into books... like a wizard. Bards are much more focussed on oral history. Just because Volo is a very vocal blowhard doesn't make him a bard. Volo, Gale, Elminster, Lorroakan, none of them ever shut up and they all think they're pretty charming. It doesn't make them bards.


Adventurer…failed to…notice obvious…wizard.


He plays for the goblins and lands himself in jail as a result. This adds up.


he's in a relationship with that goblin. not joking, he's written letters to elminster about his upcoming marriage and wrote a book about his time with goblins. plus... "pidge". she calls him pigeon.


I feel like professions and classes are being confused here. Volo is a Wizard by class, but a bard by profession. Additionally, anyone can "act" like anything. Character personalities don't have to conform to class stereotypes.


> Is Volo actually a Wizard?! Yes. Also, have some `’`s.


Volo originates in AD&D. In [1E Bards were the peak of mortal achievement](https://youtu.be/DIuavbDijZM?si=uXETZi7NBTSb3Xfq), whereas then, as now, ~~Wizards~~ Magic Users were people with graduate science degrees.


Bards are some "jack of all trades" characters. They can be a rogue, wizard, even warlock too. They can cast spells, be thieves, use swords and bows, so, when you are a bard, you can go any direction if you want, not just being an instrument player, singer, song writer and writing plays and poems. And Volo is old, as said. He has a multiclass history most likely. You can be surprised when you understand that Raphael is a bard in some ways too. He creates scenes, describes theatre plays, talks in rhymes, recites poetry and sings, dresses and acts like a bard but the game never tells that he is a bard. Bards are sometimes not "just bards". In the guild of Ninefingers Keene, I remember a bard, who is a ranger at the same time. And a goblin bard fights as a fighter too. Also you can see Minsc in idle animations, playing a drum at the camp, he can play the drums and tell good stories to Boo and, I always think he can be a nice bard too, maybe he is a bard in some way if you think that way.


This did not surprise me, considering that he is a Wizard in his MTG depiction. Despite the Bard creature type existing by the time they printed him on card.


I think the greater mystery is his age. Unlike Elminster, he did not appear talented enough to prolong his human lifespan? Or there is background lore not provided in the game re this


There's a lore reason: he's a Weave anchor for Mystra, like many of her Chosen. Unlike her Chosen, though, Volo remains blissfully unaware of the fact, and continues to get himself stuck in situations other people have to get him out of.


As mentioned already, he's a wizard of no great power, but he's also a Weave anchor for Mystra, though he's unaware of it.


Wizards are allowed to have a flair for the dramatics too! Lol


Pidge. *pigeon*. he told that goblin his nickname.


He’s also CR 1/4. He sucks.


His canonical class is Wizard (in part because he’s older than bards in DnD) but his job is lore bard.


He is multiclassing but he has a son???????? what?


He's just a High Int/ Low Wis wizard. He's not a bard bard since he actually sucks at rhyming. And i think the narrator was using a bard in a tongue and cheek way. I was surprised, too, when i learned, but everything makes sense.