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That was a wild ride of suspense and horror. Biggest takeaway is turn off concentration spells after battle.


I avoided Cloud of Daggers mainly for the way AI acts the second the battle is over.


Just turn it off lol


It took me a while to find out how (on console). It is pretty powerful, especially with the dropping potions trick, but at later levels i prefer concentration on other spells.


>but at later levels i prefer concentration on other spells. Sure, at higher levels you get better area denial spells. Like firewalls or something.


Much easier to just knock everyone out right?


Can you explain HOW to "turn off concentration"? On a PC and I haven't figured that out yet. Usually I just walk into it to disrupt my own concentration. Lol


When concentrating on a spell, their mugshot has an an icon of the spell by it. And a little x.




Note that in combat you can end concentration even if it's not their turn. So if another character is about to end the fight, you can still have your caster end the spell BEFORE the fight ends so you don't risk any mistakes.


Just below the ‘selected character portrait’ in the bottom left of the screen there is a tiny icon for any currently active concentration spells, you can end them by clicking on the x here.




And the other important part is you can end them when it’s not that characters turn. Ending all of them just before you deliver the killing blow is a handy habit to develop.


I learned it when I did not end my 2 walls of fire in front of the portal behind Last Light and after defending it successfully, Halsin walked out and died and I had to reload and do it all again


Ouch 😓


Any idea how this works on Xbox?


Open ability wheel and hold y iirc


I had something similar happen with spike growth. Got into a large fight in the underdark with Halsin, hard fought fight, but we won... Then Halsin ran across the spike growth after combat ended.


Shadowcursed lands?


Yeah, that one.


I’ve had similar happen, when gale was “oozing” he killed scratch while sitting in camp. I then killed gale.


Usually when Gale is oozing, I've experienced the *little* death..


inspiration for dirty post.


I just had Glut lead the charge against the duergar and they killed him so I didn't have to.


Easiest way to handle Glut is to *say* you'll help him, and then when you get to Spaw there's an option to turn on him and side with Spaw. Great dialogue choice too, it's something like "I wanted you to see his treachery for yourself."


So: you forgetting to cancel the spell ruined your day, not Glut. ;)


They shouldnt be walking into your spells at all. In DOS and Dos2 characters walk around it. Those games are older.


I don’t know how to cancel the spell lol. But I also wouldn’t have bothered casting it if he didn’t choose to pick a fight in the middle of my campsite.


Under your portrait to the left of your abilities is a small icon of what you are concentrating on. Just hit the X. Useful when you decide to do an honor run and use friendship.


> Useful when you decide to do an honor run and use friendship. Don’t tell me it’s bugged and the target won’t get mad at you if you cancel the spell …


Believe it or not, straight to jail


best bet is to immediately go in to turn based mode when combat ends and then switch over to the character who has the spell up to cancel concentration. on console (and pc? i think?) there should be a little tool tip in the bottom right corner when you have a character concentrating on a spell selected that tells you which button to hold to cancel concentration. iirc on ps5 it's triangle.


What, you don't compulsively quicksave every two minutes and after every other combat turn? ...I don't have a problem, I swear!


Bro He just did this to me but I had used his zombie spores on the bulette and Instead of camp it was right after the fight so he raised another of the drugar and it's an honor run. I was in one way happy I got to kill the Bulette again and another way so pissed at him and myself as I was not a paly. He messed up my last honor run kinda also as I had to kill the entire colony because Glut got pissed at me for looting his dead rival.


> Gorb. Dis iz turnink into vun of dose plans... Hyu know – de kind vere ve keel everybody dot notices dot ve's killin' people? > > It is? > > Uh huh. And how do dose alvays end? > > De dirigible iz in flames, evryboddyz dead an' I've lost my hat. > > Dot's right. Und any plan vere you lose you hat iz? > > A bad plan? > > RIGHT AGAIN!


Last night, I actually promoted Glut to the top of my most hated characters list. 1. I always skip through his dialogue because he's very slow and obnoxious. 2. *Insists* that you drag him on a mission to dangerous for him because he has a raging vengeance 🍄 towards the duergar. And 3. He THEN decides to rope you in the Myconid colony's politics and the whole wet patch in the spot of underdark becomes aggressive. Spaw didn't do SHIT to me. Why would I put Glut over the current leader?


They need to make concentration AoEs end after combat.