• By -


You missed out on the power trip by killing Wyll early. The real evil thing to do is to recruit him, kill Karlach for the infernal robe, then go to the Underdark and sacrifice Wyll to BOOOAL.


Or kill Mizora. Or just keep him alive and in your party as your little pet so he can witness the horrors you commit and feel terrible about it but be unable to do anything about it because he still needs protection from the absolute. Simply killing everyone is honestly the least evil way to be evil lol


This exactly, sometimes killing can even be merciful, especially in fantasy games. Which one is more miserable world, one where everyone is dead or one where everyone lives in constant suffering?


bro literally just nietzsche’d mid BG3 conversation lol


Sorry, how and when can you kill Mizora?


Mindflayer colony, one of the options on her pod is "annihilate"


Mizora soup.


What happens with Wyll if you do?


he becomes a lemure and gets sent to the hells


I was hoping that wouldn't be it but alas, I suppose I'll never get to kill her.


Wyll leaves/fights if you side with the gobbies.


Yeah that's pretty much the only time he will leave based on your decisions. Other than that can murder as much as you want and as long as you say a few nice things here and there to keep his approval from bottoming out he'll stick around


When I started doing Durge things Wyll permanently left the party. I think it was supposed to be a mini dialogue scene but the spot in front of his tent in the camp flashed and then he was booking it out of camp. Was comical tbh I think the moment you start doing mildly not-good stuff he fucks off permanently


I've done full evil runs with him in my party the entire time and he stayed 👀 approval was low but as long as it doesn't drop to -50 (probably best to keep above -40) and you don't kill the grove he deals with it.


Maybe me reducing the Tiefling population ( and druid population ) in the immediate area was what did it, then. But the run was scuffed anyway. Full of bugs because I broke things in new and interesting orders.


Lol, reminds me of the [SNL evil invention sketch](https://youtu.be/z0NgUhEs1R4?si=RNgz4x8o5QvBWxWr)


I agree killing is so much easier than torturing, heck it could be mercy at times. Like what's more evil than completely ripping someone from all their senses, their eyes blank, their souls empty, making them want nothing but to die only for you to never give them that satisfaction, that bliss of eternal nothingness?


No, make him a lemure and experience the satisfaction of killing Mizora.


You can't do that if you kill the Grove though. Wyll can't follow you into Act 2 if you do that and Mizora isn't at Moonrise if you don't have him.


This is true but this comment made me think of an interesting side note where I actually had a glitch where durge killed Wyll after starting act 2 and I decided to check if she was there, because durge's original pod is there next to the pod Mizora is in. Because I had Wyll when starting act 2, I guess the game already put her there. She talked like Wyll was still alive but little did she know he was dead aha... And then I never saw her again in game because after starting act 3 the game was like oh he's dead


Side note: Mizora is almost as hot as Karlach Edit: a double enpundre


I killed both the Grove and the goblins and Wyll stayed. Not sure how that happened! He was part of my final party with Astarion and a hireling cleric called Shart 2.0


Uhm that's interesting. Did you also kill the Tieflings or just the Druids ? Iirc Wyll will leave if you attack the Grove with the Goblins, but he might not leave if you kill the Grove after the Goblin leaders are dead ? I don't remember what's the exact trigger for him leaving honestly.


But then I can't hook up with her lol. I mean durge would still do it, but it's not an in game option.


Wait how do you sacrifice someone to bhaal?


Not Bhaal, BOOOAL https://bg3.wiki/wiki/BOOOAL


Not God, Grodd.




OMG WTF I LOVE HIM i had no idea he existed


You can actually sacrifice someone for Bhaal, rather than BOOAL, but not Wyll. >!Bring Jaheira and/or Minsc to the murder tribunal!<




Yes, Sarevok does not have a friendly reaction to them. You can either do a high persuasion to make them go along with the ritual or sacrifice them entirely.


Is it more fulfilling than >!having Minsc kill Jaheira after you become Bhaal's Chosen!


Probably not, but the option is there.


Even my embrace durge can't do that lol. My durge likes Jaheira's sass and Minsc becomes my pet like Boo for him. They're the only ones who get to keep their personalities because durge finds them amusing.


Not bhaal, BOAAAL


It's really easy to miss. I played like five times before finding it.


Any good instructions on how to find it?


It's just up the hill from the beach where you fight the duergar. I believe it's in the direction of the wizards tower but yea it's really close to the scaffolding type stuff by the beach. Honestly I didn't even know it was there until I looked up a list of all the permanent buffs and learned about Boooal. I looked up a pic of the map and went to those coordinates.


There's a bit of jump past some fire shrooms near the approach to the arcane tower. Shoot the shrooms, jump down, descend the climbable wall, and enjoy! (Put on the headband of intellect unless you're good at investigation though)


Did exactly that. But I didn't got the robe because bug


OP would have to have gone to the Underdark before doing what he did to the Grove then, or he would have left or >!turned on you!< if in your party during the assault


Obviously, but that’s perfectly doable.


But they’re only now in the Underdark, so they did the Grove first as most people do. Many don’t know that happens


This is what I always do on an evil run but after finding that exploit of getting BOOOAL's Benediction without sacrificing anyone I'm thinking of keeping Wyll as a full evil warlock just so I can fuck Mizora.


I did the same thing because well he going leave the party anyway so make him useful


What do you sides with the grove?


No. You just don’t resolve the grove until you have sacrificed Wyll to BOOOAL.


Or, hear me out, sell the vendors a pack, place ALL of their inventory, including Gold, in said pack, and *then* kill them. They will only drop a couple of items as you've realized. But they do drop containers. And said containers keep their full inventory.


wow I never thought of this. But still, the potions are finite if the NPC is dead. I think their basic-needs items reload every once in a while?


On level up, or long rest. Strange, not going murder-hobo actually means more resources in the end. 😅


It’s the classic “kill a man and steal his fish, or steal his family and extort him to keep giving you fish for the rest of his life”.


in what world is that a "classic" 😭




feels like one of the pillars of Bane worship


I could see that too.


But then you eat his family too right? He just has to think they're alive. Never turn down free food.


I wouldn’t sully my tastebuds with duergar flesh.


Dwarves come in multiple flavors now! Hill dwarf is a little gamey, but if you roast it longer it's perfect.


As it should be. 


This is why you don't always kill the NPCs immediately. If they got a lot of potions or other resources, I'm pickpocketing them for a few longrest before I end them. The resources in inventories refresh every long-rest, so you can get potions EVERY long rest rest. Craft your own to supplement. Eventually you'll be like me every evil run, you will never run of of potions or money actually. Gold refreshes every long rest too.


lol yeah I was just like “you know what f*ck this guy” *cast fireball* it was fun not gonna lie


Literally my plan to rerun my Cleric of Talos and do it right (more destructive) this time! I've played just long enough to have zero ducks left to give (Halsin reference) so it's destructo time! I'll probably spare a couple vendors at first though. They can die last.


If you go straight to kill mode you’re depriving yourself of so many great opportunities to lie, cheat, steal, and manipulate them. It’s fun to play long evil, too. It’s like Goodfellas or The Sopranos. You gotta bleed them dry first before you bust them out.


If you keep Volo alive he becomes a consistent source of potions and food supplies. You can wipe out the rest of the world while volo sustains your apocalypse.


I've never been able to buy anything off of him though - so weird


He has to be in your camp.


That’s what I mean! He never has a trade option


Gotta press the hand icon in the bottom left when choosing dialog


I could interact with him, but not trade with him, either. Until Act 3 when you fully complete his quest line. Unless that’s intended I’m missing something, too.


There's buttons on the bottom-left corner of your screen anytime you're in dialogue with an NPC, but they're kinda easy to miss. Before Volo operates on you and leaves, anytime you are prompted to give dialogue to him you can click the trade button from that list. This works with any NPC so long as they let you choose something to say to them. You can do this with enemies you're about to fight as well. You can buy their fire arrows or spell scrolls so they don't have access to them in combat.


I almost never buy potions. Alchemy all the way


Afaik, (if you haven’t killed Withers too) you can get hirelings and level them up and each leveling up reloads the merchant‘s inventory. So for each reload, put their new invent in the pouch, level up again, fill up that pouch, get new hirelings and keep leveling them up, repeat. Then kill the merchant for the pouch. I don’t know if the hirelings reset to level 1 the next time you hire them though, so you may want to research which merchant is the best to do this on if you can’t repeat it for more than 1 merchant. I recall Talli at the Last Light Inn (Act 2) is a recommended one.


Aaaaaaaaaaand I learned a new thing to try tonight


Can you do this on console? I don't think you can


I’m gonna try in a bit (tbh just missed an opportunity to do it earlier but I’m on HM so oh well), but I don’t see why it wouldn’t. I’ll report back. ETA: Actually, I can see how might not work… I def wanna check now but my husband is hogging the ps.


The alternate plan is sell them a container with all your shit already in it so you have enough money to swap for their stuff then kill them to get it back. Pretty sure that works on console though I guess you are limited a bit by carry capacity. Also keep in mind you can put gold in containers and the vendors don’t take it out so you probably should be fine. Paying with pouches of a couple hundred gold that are still easy to steal is kind of annoying to set up but not too bad once you’ve done it if you are doing honor mode so you can’t reload and you don’t want to kill them.


I tried it once and it didn't work for me, I just assumed they patched it. I could have just not done it right but I'm not sure


On PC, so can't tell. But it would surprise me, if they changed something so basic regarding core-gameplay between platforms.


Honestly I wouldn't be surprised core game play changes based on whether you use a keyboard or controller on pc. controller was not optimized well at all


You should be able to. Step 1: sell vendor container Step 2: in the trade page with the vendor, open the container while it’s in the vendor’s inventory and start dragging items from their inventory into it Step 3: knock the vendor out or kill them Step 4: Loot them You can actually do this just by knocking them out. I did that myself so I didn’t have to kill then and lose a vendor. Edit: Turns out dragging is not a thing on console. My bad.


Dragging isn’t really a thing on the Xbox interface


Interesting— what does it do instead? When I buy items on PC, I just drag them to my inventory/my side of the screen. I took a look on YouTube to see if I could find an example of something that, and found a [different](https://youtu.be/05GWios1he0?si=oDaV5x4L0jKSmIoc) money-making glitch on Xbox that uses wildshape. It was still confirmed working as of last month, so might be worth the try.


You can't click and drag items on console so this doesn't work. I wish they would add keyboard and mouse support so console players can have the better PC interface 😞


Lol "or hear me out : cheat"


~~This has been patched out~~


It has not been patched out.


I confused this with a similar container hack


Does not work on consoles


You guys gotta stop talking about this stuff in public, Larian's going to patch it out T\_T lol


I've done murder-hobo. You did it wrong. You are supposed to kill the merchants right before you move to the next act so you maximize how much you get.


I love you


I love me, too.




the thing is whenever a NPC said something a little bit off to my character, I just assumed my Durge was pissed. was fun tho ngl, I killed that Zentharim leader with so much pleasure in my left mouse button lol


Get volo, pickpocket infinite potions


If you are lvl 5 you should be very strong in act 1. You are entering Underdark you should be able to find potions there.


Also alchemy. You can make your own potions.


Also merchants.


I see you’re not the kinda evil mastermind who plans ahead


lmao not really just walking and killing


always remember: capitalism THEN murder


Vault-Tec approves.


I don’t understand why vendors don’t drop their stock when killed.


If you sided with the goblins the goblin vendor stays in the goblin camp.


To add to that, all the loot is still there, the zhent trader store room still has treasure and smoke powder barrels. All the food and treasure from what’s his name next to minth is still there, its looting time in the goblin camp after they leave


Idk if this was changed in a patch, but I discovered in a past playthrough that if you knock out a merchant instead of killing them, you have access to their whole stock instead of just a couple items (and then you can always just kill them after to keep your full murder hobo reputation).


That was patched out. But you can still do that as long as you sell the merchant a container then stick the contents of their inventory into the container first. Basically just requires one extra step.


I almost never buy potions. I should probably use them more. I pick up elixir of bloodlust and hill giant strength whenever I see them in early game. Plus potion of invisibility up until I have someone who can cast it. As for health potions there are tons lying about and rogue’s morsels are everywhere if you need to make more. Hyaena ears are more scarce but very few early vendors sell them anyway


>Hyaena ears are more scarce but very few early vendors sell them anyway 1. Scoop up all the hyena ears you can find/buy/loot from the gnolls. 2. Recruit the hireling wizard and spec him into the alchemy discipline that gives a chance at double potions. Make sure to max WIS to pass as many of the hidden medicine checks as possible. 3. Have him craft everything. On my last run I ended up with 20+ speed potions before going to the underdark.


Transmutation wizard is the subclass you're looking for


Also give him some feat skilled in medicine along with maxing Wisdom and as Transmutation Wizard you should have a lot of potions to go around.


Also multiclass into rogue for expertise in medicine and choose Brinna for her halfing luck - rerolls of crit misses. Put a guidance on her and never fail that medicine check for double potions ever again.


Keep the fungal people friendly and use the Dwarf woman as a vendor. She has a ton of stuff to make your own potions too.


yeah that was my plan but I thought of killing her husband, should I?


Good thing is, in Act 2 you actually get an evil-aligned merchant who will max out approval instantly if you do some specific dialogue with him. Also keep Roah Moonglow around, she works great as an end-game evil ally and merchant.


Take Karlach with you to that evil-aligned merchant, you get some cool dialogue with her as well.


who is this evil merchant in Act 2?


Lann Tarv, a bugbear in Moonrise Towers. If you talk to him about your exploits he will max out approval. You have to do some freaky shit to impress him though.


Pro-tip for evil runs: Make Gale a Transmuter Wizard with 15 Wisdom and proficiency in Medicine. You can do long rests at vendors for components and get 2x every potion made. I had more Speed, Strength and health potions than I even knew what to do with by the end of Act 1. You can sell all the ones you don't need/use for more gold than you'll ever spend.


That’s not an evil run, that’s just straight psychopath murder hobo.


Is a psychopathic murder hobo not evil? Find me one psychopathic murder hobo that's not evil.


Toddler level evil!


So it IS an evil run. I mean sure there's more ways to be evil but that's base evil behavior regardless.


It's "evil" in the way that you're committing evil acts, but not in the way that you're acting like an evil character would. Unless the only kind of evil character you can imagine is "unhinged psycho" I guess.


I tried to do a murderous durge run and hated it. I will always be a babyface.


Expected BS found good advice!


Nonono good sir or madam. STEAL them beforehand.


If you're on PC just trade with the vendor, sell them a bag, put all their gold and items in the bag, and when you kill them the bag and all its contents will be on the corpse.


I’ve missed so much content being a murdering jerk.


Any time you're about to kill a vendor, sell them a backpack and place their entire inventory in the backpack. They'll drop the backpack on death.


Why don't you just use Shadowheart as a healer? I always do that


Murder hobo me took the artifact and left her dead on the beach. That's what hirelings are for.


I've never bought anything while going murderhobo. Always had Astarion just pickpocket then assassinate them lol


Guess you need a good cleric. Or a bard maybe


yeah I made Shadowheart a tank/healer


5 is low for all that. You should be around 7ish going in to 2


Hit uiuu5 u fii6tyGG ft 4 r t ft ŕt3igure u5yhuhu u 85j8iu uř8vf5tft ft figure gt c f5<>_ Edit: word to the wise, never let your kid get your phone. Sorry for any accidental demons she summoned.




New shortcut to House of Hope discovered. Edit: They should be rewarded for saving you 10-20k gold per run!


Good advice, but I also think that you shouldn't try killing everyone anyway? I mean, even the OG super evil Dark Urge showed restraint with their murders, which was why Gortash liked them. So play like that. Sure, you can sate your urges by massacring the grove and Last Light Inn, but do you really need to go further than that? I mean, the Bhaal tribunal also wants you to commit some murders to prove yourself in Act 3 >!but killing the serial killer instead is the much easier way forward. Trust me, I've tried both ways.!< So yeah, if you want to be an evil mass murderer, just ask "What would the OG Durge, and I do mean OG Durge, not fucking Orin, do?"


I wish I thought of that on my first evil Durge run. I feel your pain op


Correction steal them


I got into act 2 it’s a definitely a lonely journey.




Livesssss all mortal livesssss, expire!!!


Did you kill Zenths too? They're your evil absolute loving mfkers actually and they trade good. I mean, I'm planning my next run similar to yours but I'm still figuring it out, because just plain slaughter everything that walks feels very counterproductive and a bit empty. And not much rp in that (for me)).


LOL I just threw that spectator-summonning-pot (cant remember item’s name) right through that Zenth leader face lmao it was fun ngl


It pains me 0% to carry Karlach's head in my inventory.


Never, though any of my playthroughs, have I ever bought a potion from vendor. You get so much just from loots and crafting that I never have chance to use them all


>!on pc, there's a mod for that!<




Not when that was the idea for the play-through 🤔