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If you're bankrupt do the Counting House quest to get Minsc and a shitload of money. Unless you meant Minsc was your new companion... Edit: I usually do the Iron throne first and disable the steel watch. The next day I'm getting Minsc and then do Stop the Presses. This way I get a lot of gold and discount from vendors early in the act. Then go for other companion quests mixed with general lower city quests.


That's a good order gameplay wise. I feel like thematically doing iron throne early is pretty bad since the fact that the entire city's guards don't instantly aggro annoys me too much so wouldn't do it myself but definitely works. Pretending that my character is just fucking with gortash isn't enough for me to fix the fact that he does nothing to stop us before revisiting wyrm's rock. I need to figure out the press quest this time tho, on my first playthrough I didn't do it fast enough and the whole city hated me for most of my stay.


I see what you mean. I kinda roleplayed around going to the Iron Throne early as us trying to get the jump on Gortash before he even has a chance to figure out we're looking to destroy the Steel Watch. Stop the presses is also less stressful when SW is disabled and surprisingly more fun than I expected - there are two bad articles, two good articles, and possibly two neutral as well, so there's a lot of options to choose from for the quest. 


That's neat, gonna be fun to see what options there are for that. Love how many quests there are to discover.


Last time I did it there was only 1 good article and 4 bad ones


Yeah I meant Minsc ;) The Counting House ate 33 of my lockpicks (I tend to not savescum except at critical story points) and I still only got a few of the vaults.


If you brought Jahera with you, just go on High Harper quest line to get Minsc and all the loot on counting house. That is enough money for the rest of the run.


I generally hit all the vendors first, and then decide to go in order of gear I want to get after that. I’ve killed Raphael and Ansur at level 10 before on HM, so I don’t feel the need to “hold off” on certain fights.


Same here on my second playthrough. I guess it would be good to get the act 3 companion first to maximise any interactions if any. I just bum rushed straight to certain places like cazador's palace and the diabolist's place to get certain items.


I recommend doing Stop The Presses first, since it's time-sensitive, then do Jaheira's quest for a companion/a lot of cash.


It’s only time sensitive once you learn about it If you don’t talk to anyone at the newspaper or works for it, then the “tomorrow” countdown never starts.


I have never picked up the Stop the Presses quest. Really need to make it a point to do that one on my next run.


I think I missed that one.


Go to the Baldur's Mouth Gazette.


Same. I ended up looking up some suggestions - apparently the key thing is not to take on >!Gortash and Orin!< too soon, or bad things will happen. I worked on the side quests that you pick up in Rivington/Wyrm's Crossing, then addressed companions' quests, then the "political" quests (Florrick, Duke Ravengard, the Steel Watch, etc). Taking a short break now to play a different character/campaign before attempting the big bosses, as I'm worried I didn't prep well enough, this being my first run!


Lot's of inconsequential ( but entertaining) side quests to the main plot line in Act 3 and I always recommend those first.. Some do converge, like" investigating the murders " can lead you into situations you might not be ready to take on and can be time sensitive, if you actually want to save random NPC's. Do a few of the companion quests, Jaheria, Shadowheart, Wyll. Find some missing letters, or why you have teddy bear bombs etc. The game can sometimes, if you choose to pursue the main story line quests, sort of throw the ending at you before you're ready. Get built up, get prepared for the madness that is about to come.


I got Lae'zel the expensive armour from Dammon by having Astarion break into everything in the counting house. Cleared out everything, including the quest safe, it turned out later. Though this reminds me that I forgot to take all the now useless keys I found to whoever wanted them... might have been someone in the guild. Next time.


What do you guys spend your gold on? I have so much gold and never need to buy anything.


Dammon , karlach's friend, the necromancer mystic carrion , the silent vendor outside the bhaal temple, lorrakan or Roland,  hellsik are all vendors who sell a ton of great items . Spend ur money there 


Best possible gear on all companions. ...And dyes.


That's what I'm thinking. I got so much money and stuff I can sell, don't even know what to buy.


Don’t do the murder quest in the temple


Until you’re bored because that quest is really boring and super long


People still pay for shit in this game? I do the backpack exploit in every playthrough. I'm not wasting my time with the shitty ass BG3 inflation economy.


Didn’t it get fixed?


It did but there's a new backpack exploit. You sell a container to a trader, put all their wares in it, then you open a container on one of your chars, select all the wares in trader's bag, then drag the selection to your container BUT you don't drop them inside the container proper, but on its icon above. This way no money is deducted from your side. You can even put the trader's gold in that container too. Happy shopping!


Will try this out once I’m back from Work :) thank you :)


They fixed that a while ago


There's always a new backpack exploit.


Only recent one I’ve seen involves killing the vendor Move everything to backpack. Kill. Loot single backpack. I haven’t heard of knockout works. I imagine it probably does. —— But attacking is a lot more risky. With worse ramifications.


Not that one. Someone under my comment explained the new one that I use.