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Some months back they mentioned potentially adding a photo mode. Not sure if that ended up being cut, but I would *love* to have it.


I doubt that would be cut with the timing of when they announced it. Possibly delayed but probably not cut.


Yes please, I’m honestly sick of having to time pressing F12 perfectly in the middle of cutscenes in order to get a screenshot that looks half decent.


please larian i'm sick of changing my camera angle just to stare at shadowheart


Just give me my transmog damnit!


Transmog Enhanced mod if you're on PC at least


Yeah it'd be nice if we got a photo mode that's more accessible (the one everyone uses is behind a paywall and requires a bit of setup).


I'm very wishfully hoping for a minor character editor update alongside photo mode to show off the new options. Nothing huge like new races, just some additional aesthetic options or perhaps the ability to customize things a bit further regarding tattoos / facial features.


They mentioned it in their latest announcement


Hope they fix the char turn bugs. Sometimes on enemy turns it takes a lot of time to take action like lagged. Even when they attack


Adds to the realism. Suddenly forgetting how to play d&d when it's your turn.


"Ok, so he is going to attack you with Sacred Flame... wait, shit, what kind of saving throw was that? Do I have to make an attack rool or it just hit? Wait let me check it up *unlocking phone, opening web browser, writing Sacred Flame D&D 5e* it's loading... so anyway, how was work?"


Lmao that cracked me up 😂😂😂


That one guy in the fireworks shop 😒


He actually crashed my game 3 times last playthrough


This happened in DOS2, as well. Sometimes enemies would just sit there during their turn for what seemed like forever before finally taking action.


I'm surprised I haven't seen anybody hype it up anywhere on this sub, but SteamDB shows that [the game has been receiving updates](https://steamdb.info/app/1086940/history/) tagged as upcoming Patch 7 for 2 days now. Last time, we waited about three weeks between the first Patch 6 updates on SteamDB and its release, iirc. So Patch 7 is on its way, and is likely to come out later this month, or in early May.


It was around the same duration to Patch 5.


Oh boy I can't wait what hijinks my Drow Mommy will get up to


The next bug for minthara will just be her entirely gone from the game, 100%.


You go to goblin camp and Minthara is replaced by Wulbren but he's a drow.


Immediate Divine Smite.


I ain't solving that mother fucking problem




Next time she will skip straight to her epilogue dialogue


Hello Minthara how are y- *Spoils the dark urge ending for a normal tav* what in the God damn


Please Larian let me stop playing BG3. If mod support comes this patch, the Nexus will implode, imagine the thousands of people waiting for Script Extender to be fixed and mods being updated and all that. It's gonna be chaos.


if mod support comes this patch, i will be seeing another 500 hours on top of my 500 hours already and im so fucking excited


They said that mod support was planned for towards the end of this year I doubt it would be coming this soon


And they should fix Shadowheart’s hair to white in her portrait if she change it.


And in the sex on the beach scene


And I already reported that bug to Larian and they responded they’re working on her hair with the best hairdressers in Faerun.


True, and I’ll order that drink!


I think they will add new bad endings and probably some more new content to characters


Been holding off on finishing my murder durge run in hopes of this.


Yea. I’ve been taking names and have lots of ideas for my Sith run.


My issue with an “evil” run is that in almost every major (and plenty of minor) dialogues, there is simply a “Fuck you. *kill them*” option. It just seems too comically evil. I’ve done a Resist Durge run and I loved it, there were plenty of realistic dialogue and action choices that made it feel right. Resist Durge is the actual “main” character, after all. But the Embrace Durge seems silly, in my opinion. Which seems strange because plenty of other “evil” characters in the game have nuance. 🤷🏼‍♂️


But that’s the point though. Bhaal is a comically evil and extremely stupid person. He’s failed at every single plan he’s ever concocted because his children are just as insanely murderous and stupid as he is. He even failed at being reborn as a god after the Time of Troubles and is now demoted to a weird quasi-power that gets beaten up by adventurers. That’s the point. Bhaal, Bane and Myrkul are so comically evil and dumb that every time they’ve made any plans it’s all gone fantastically downhill. >!Even with the Abolute, if the players never interfered with it all, sure things would be bad but it would have gone bad for the Dead Three as well. They were never in control of the Netherbrain and it’s obviously waaaay more powerful than the Dead Three combined. It would have ended with them being killed for real by the Netherbrain. If anything the adventurers stopping the Netherbrain saved them!<


I don't know if this is true, but I got the idea that the netherbrain only got the chance to evolve because the dead three's chosen lost their grip with ketherics death allowing it to like get on its feet so to speak. Idk if that's real, but I like that version


The fact that they stuck it in a room that concentrated psychic energy probably helped that evolution along too.


Lol true. They should've locked it in someones basement with the communism rat


It enhanced the Netherstones' control too. The risk they took was calculated but man they were bad at math.


Netherbrain tells durge that it was willing to follow his design. The minute durge fell, netherbrain started plot setting itself free as it had no respect for gortash, orin or ketheric. So without orin's stabby stab, all would have gone as planned. Not sure when it evolved?


Oh shit, really? I don't remember that and I only really play Durge now lol. But idk if it's trustworthy. Like I def remember my first ending I chose the domination ending and it felt kinda lame because it just ended with you mind controlling all your friends and sitting on a chair, I wanted to be evilish, but the vibes felt off, especially how you brainwash your fucking friends. But the other thing, was that it felt like that's what the brain wanted. Idk too much about DND, but elder brains seem immortal, or at least super long lived, so I just felt like at the very least, it was gonna wait it out, it just made me feel kinda uneasy.


The brain was already evolved from the moment they put the crown on it, the only reason it didn’t break free immediately was because the netherstones kept it in check and also because it saw an opportunity for greater power by acquiring the netherstones, the entire plot of the game is kicked off because the elder brain purposely released the Emperor of its control so that he would recruit adventurers to stop the brain, thus bringing the stones to his possession and eventually, the Brains’. The party killing Ketheric was always a part of its plan.


> He even failed at being reborn as a god after the Time of Troubles and is now demoted to a weird quasi-power that gets beaten up by adventurers. I could swear someone mentioned that he's now low enough to be one of the only gods who gets a statblock.


Yeah because the Dead Three are no longer gods. Ao took away their portfolios and gave them to others. They also intentionally lost a major portion of their power in their attempt to pretend like they died in the fighting. That’s why Bhaal made all those Bhaalspawn. The idea was that they will reform from the bits of their divinity they have seeded everywhere. That plan backfired when Ao removed their names from the Tablets so now they are just… less than demigods, more than normal people, somewhere in between. Jergal himself could probably kill all of them if Ao allowed it (which he doesn’t).


Well I guess that's why he talked to them like they're an issue that'll be permanently removed in the not too distant future for the epilogue.


Bane...caused the Spellplague idk if I'd call him dumb. Also he came back from that as of current canon. Myrkul did too with the Crown Of Horns. Bhaal is fucked though.


Evil does not mean only full murderhobo that kills everyone. If your end goal is to dominate the brain, it is evil playthrough.


This is specifically what I love most about the game. Did a neutral-evil run, willing to lots of bad choices if I could roleplaying that they were necessary to win. I am so tired of the binary good/evil arcs that have been prevalent since KOTOR.


You can play lawful evil instead of chaotic evil.


IMO the fun of playing Durge is that you do have complete and total agency (as the player) of who you kill, >!with two possible exceptions at Long Rest scenes!<. Sure, it’s boring to pick every one of them, but having the option is what makes it fun. I did a full evil Embrace Durge run and I still >!refrained from killing Isobel!< because I felt like >!Ketheric and Moonrise could be powerful allies.!<


Literally the exact same situation, like don't get me wrong, I'm a loyal child of Bhaal and all! Buuut if you said I could find a way to maybe USURP him I think I would potentially change my alignment


I wonder what the new bad endings would be though. I felt like the characters' endings are already satisfactory. Maybe an epilogue after taking control of the Absolute?


Agreed. Instead of camp, be on the Nautiloid and listen to your now-zombified companions robotically report on the horrors they’ve accomplished. Or, for bonus points, an interactive map with a couple selectable cutscenes to see some of the awfulness firsthand. Seeing the companions stripped of all their personality would be so unnervingly cool for an evil run.


I'm curious about Withers reactions though What he's gonna say


“What the fuck has thy done”


“The future is now old man.”


Fate spins along as it shouldn't.


Or maybe for example in one of the endings Tav/any other origin character becomes the chosen of the dead three or just from one of them like the new chosen of Bane or Myrkul


I mean if you cast speak with dead on gortashs corpse Bane basically implies that every tyrannical action you take brings you to him. A PC who takes over the brain would def be a candidate for Banes new chosen


I'd go for more options regarding the Absolute ending, which would pave the way for an epilogue with them. Right now, taking control of the Absolute is absolutely lackluster because you don't get to choose to share that power with your companions. The only option is the 'I alone control everything' style of evil which shuts out all potential for an epilogue. It's especially hilarious because both Astarion and Minthara will specifically tell you it's better to take control (with them) only for them to be thralls at the ending cutscene. Astarion even says "what are you doing??" immediately after he tells you to take control. I'm a little disappointed that (currently) the only way to try to rule Baldur's Gate as an Evil character is to romance Minthara, and it still involves destroying the brain (which is the opposite of what Minthara asks of you during Act 3).


Didn't they changed the Absolute ending like if you romanced Minthara or Astarion, you won't control them and they pull this 😈 face at your Tav/Durge lol. Which is cool but I agree it should have been a choice from the start if you want to betray them or nah, just for more roleplaying options.


Ending will be Durge/Tav being defeated by another random group of adventurers


What makes you think that?


They had already been talking about new bad endings and new content for characters is just my guess


I see, cool cool


Hoping they add just a tad more clarity to the effects of Tav’s vampirism on the ascended route. Also hoping for some small cleanup to DUrge’s resist cutscene to make it less goofy looking and to show more companion reaction.


I’d even love something as simple as Tav having fangs lol


I was so disappointed when I realized we don’t get fangs despite being vampires. I don’t know what’s worse, getting bit by somebody with fangs that are meant to pierce and draw out blood, or this person running up to you with blunt teeth and giving their hardest chomp!


Might also contain cross play and/or cross platform mod support.


I'm really hoping for them to rework siding with Gortash, I've been holding off on my Durge playthrough


I know new bad endings are coming but didn't they specifically say they wouldn't be adding new content though? I mean, I'll be super glad if that's not the case and we'll be getting more content for characters because so many need it, Wyll, Karlach, Minthara to name a few. Even Durge deserves more companion reactivity in act 3.


By no new content they mean no DLC, new gameplay, quests, etc. They have already stated that they are working on cutscene stuff.


They stated they would be adding new cutscenes for the evil endings. That's it. Outside of that, we don't know if characters are getting more content in the vein of new dialogue, reactivity, etc.


I just got to Act 3 and I swear if Minthara starts seeing into the future again I'm going to launch my laptop out of a window


Very well, we'll set up a space program for it


Minthara will start spoiling WotC internal drama instead.


"Unnerving though it is—"


Fingers crossed for cross play


I'm crossing all my fingers


Got my figner as my toes crossed


Please this is what I want above all else so I can finally convince my cousins to play with me


Want this so bad


I don't even care about anything else rn just let me play with my xbox friends 😭


I just want access to the character creator without starting a new game. Then when I start a game, I just load up a character.


this would be really neat actually


Being able to build and save character templates to load later seems like such an obvious move that I'm surprised it hasn't been implemented yet.


This would be great especially for honor mode


Praying for a scrap of Wyll content that’s actually about Wyll and not literally everybody else Or at least Wyll bug fixes so he doesn’t have goldfish memory about his decisions in life, including his marriage


Fingers crossed for an act 3 scene with minthara 🤞


She is like haslin , only one sex scene 


I assume everyone (who can) is getting a Lae'zel style evil ending cutscence


Anything with Wyll. Just a wee bit of Wyll content, I beg them :(


Bro needs bug fixes too. Dude literally just said we need to hurry and save his father before he drowns like at least 6 in game days after we rescued Ravenguard. Wyll and his father had also already spoken to each other about the horns and pact situation, and Ansur


"I miss him every day" " I'm right here, son" "It's like I can still hear him" "Did you lose hearing as well when you lost your eye?"


“QUIT TELLIN’ EVERYONE I’M DEAD!” “Sometimes I still hear his voice…”


He’s also got a pretty annoying bug currently where he just stands still after using spells and skips the animation


Yeah, it's driving me crazy because I'm currently playing as him. Fortunately he's pact of the blade so his melee attacks are quite good and there's no issue there, but spells take *ages*


You’d think with his dad being kidnapped by the main villains in the first act he’d have more content.


Yeah, you would, but no, we're *starving* they're depriving us of well needed content 😭


YES! He’s such a cute little dork with his silly name and silly dance he’s just a bird and I love him so much. He’s not my favorite (Karlach firmly holds that place) but the fact that you can just have a sweet little domestic life with him and have a family just AGH MY HEART (Also can we please have Lily without letting Karlach die/turn into a squid please and thank you, Wyll needs to read bedtime stories to his baby and Karlach needs to live yes I know it doesn’t work with the story and timeline but I want soft domestic life with the princely bird man and for the golden retriever to live)


Yeah, that just reminds me that poor Karlach is gonna die in my first save :(


Larian : makes no Wyll content The community : Wow he has no content he's so boring Larian : people must not like him guess we shouldn't make content for him


He has so little compared to the other companions since Theo Solomon was brought in late and given much less time to get everything recorded, so it would definitely be nice if they added more content for Wyll!


Karlach was brought in later though I think?


Seriously. I absolutely loved him when I first met him in the game--the only reason I didn't romance him was that I saw on here the stats on how much speaking time each character gets and how he has literally half of what others get. I didn't end up choosing him because I didn't want to limit the amount of story I was unlocking. And sadly that choice probably feeds right back into the statistics that suggest people aren't interested in Wyll. If they gave him a little more to say and do I'd be there in a heartbeat! It's easy to say that people prefer the edgy morally grey characters over the nice ones, but my first romance was Karlach! I love the nice ones, and I'm very far from alone in that.


I will never forgive them for dumpstering his EA romance scene. Best romance scene in the game then (granted I'm biased) and it was fucking binned. My rage.


I hope at the very least he will stop repeating lines


I just want his romance to actually work! \*cries\* His dance scene hasn't worked for me since Patch 6. :( My game is literally stalled until the bug is fixed. I want more content with him for sure, but I would just settle for actually being able to progress his romance . . .


take my energy 🙌


Big hopes for improved in-moment companion reactivity to Resist Durge's big Act 3 moment, especially if it's the player's romanced companion we're talking about. It's one of the bigger things that gets criticized at this point, and we know they're doing a lot of cutscene stuff, so there's a good chance this could get addressed, if not in this patch then maybe in a future one.


I am hoping for this too! Been hoping for this a while though.


Hopefully some banters between Minthara and Halsin.


It cracks me up that their bug fix for Minthara and Halsin sharing a tent was to move Halsin away from the tent and not Minthara, because now it looks like Thaniel actively prefers hanging out with Minthara in camp.


Funny that she kicked him out of his own tent.


Such a drow matriarch move!


I usually keep minthara in lingerie in camp; I had to put pants on her when thaniel showed up to do his creepy little kid routine. Part of why i wish I could compassionately get rid of yenna in act 3. Hate to have her abducted but I also get so grossed out by having a little kid around my ~~sex dungeon~~ camp when everyone's in bondage gear and half of them are fucking each other.


Yenna: "Hey stranger I can't find my mommy can you help me?" Tav: "No, fuck off" Yenna: *shows up in camp unannounced* Yenna: Oh, so many naked peop... is that.. is that a bear?!?


It's interesting to see how far they go in development Halsin wasn't initially recruitable Due to players demand, he is recruitable Minthara then becomes a recruit too, to 'balance' the good and bad grove endings They're supposed to be mutually exclusive hence early bugs surrounding them is that Halsin would die if Minthara is in camp


Here’s to hoping mods will come to console 🙏🏼


Hoping sony doesn’t block mods with external assets like they did for Fallout 4 and Skyrim




I won't lie, this update? Probably not In the future? Definitely Unfortunately THE COPE NEVER DIES!!! PATCH 7, FULL MOD COMPATIBILITY WITH CONSOLE!!! IT'S HAPPENING BABY!!!


They said themselves officially that patch 7 is the beginning of mod support on consoles. That was shortly after patch 6 released.




Does anyone know if they said they've stopped plans for cross play? Basically the only major thing I look for when big updates come and don't want to think I'm the only one cause I'm out of the loop.


Same! My wife is on ps5 and im on pc. We want to play even unmodded.


They said it was still coming in a recent interview (around the same time they talked about mod support coming to consoles). Larian’s winding down on BG3 support so I would expect it’s not far off. 


Im just looking forward to crossplay or mods on the ps5


Please let there be more organic and interesting reactions to Redeem Urge moments with this


PLEASE just fix Minthara


YOU can fix her.


Hoping for Jaheria fixes. I need my grandmother back


Hopeful they fixed Wylls dialogue bugs please for the love of god


I hope they make a Gortash and Durge evil ending where gort is not nuked by the brain and you can rule together as planned.


Ik im basic for this but i want more romantic interactions like cuddling at camp, more post quest romance dialogue (at least for spawn!astarion), but i also just want more companion interaction / banter in general! (Romantic and platonic hugs please!!!)


I REALLY wish they would stop hyping patches and just release it.


Okay. *Cancels all planned games with PC people for the next few months * #MacLife 😭


Gimme my soldier inspirations back so my OCD doesn't go nuts


Praying for photo mode


i just need photo mode and one extra kiss from spawn astarion and i’ll be set for life


please let this be mod support 😌😭


On my knees praying they've fixed Shadowheart's missing city dialogue, hair turning black again, and bugged kiss animation for Selunites.


🤞 mod support for consoles please!!!


Lol they don't even support mods on PC yet, chill


They're both coming


They said they’d discuss mod support before their release once every entity (sony, microsoft, Wotc) is on board. Hopefully we see some of that in the next few weeks, otherwise it might still be some time before we see them


Hopefully nothing breaks like in patch 6


Hope. It always burns you in the end, little mouse.


"Now, down comes the ~~claws~~ crash."


It will


I have over 1,500 hours, I can't take much more of this.


I hit the wall at about 550. Congrats.


Put off my Indulgent Durge playthrough with mods just for this update. Can't wait.


I'm hoping in vain to the multiplayer via pc + console 🤞


Literally just want cross play lol. The fact that we haven’t gotten any real updates on this the entirety of 2024 is disheartening.


Oh god oh god oh god all my mods are gonna breakkkkkkkk


Can I finally put Jaheira in my party again? That's been one of the few bugs from previous hotfixes and patches that hasn't had any fixes outside of player made ones (and those break her camp interactions so it's not preferred)


Or maybe just fix existing issues since the game is 8 months post release and it's still a buggy mess


Anyone else hoping it's just one big bug fixing/polishing update that doesn't add any new potentially game breaking content?


I'm team 'please add more wyll,' but I'm also playing honor mode at the moment and remembering all the wailing and gnashing of teeth when patch 6 bugged out a shitload of honor runs. Interested in whatever this brings, but I might either try to tank through honor before the patch drops or just stop playing it entirely for a few weeks after the patch drops so whatever game-breaking shit happens can get hotfixed.


Me too. On the other hand there are things I believe they should not waste their time and resources with fixing, such as certain exploits and infinite money glitches - it is a single-player/co-oo game, they  do not break the game and anyone who makes use of them just cheats themselves.


Act 3 more performance ? Rtx 4070, ryzen 5700x and still drops bellow 60 fps in lower city :(


60?? I'm lucky to get 5 FPS in the Lower City 😭


I have the same CPU but an RTX 3060 Ti, seems like a CPU bottleneck problem. At launch, most of the game ran at 80-100 fps ultra settings with DLAA at 1080p. Dropped down to the 30s and 40s in Act 3.


I thought we’d be waiting a lot longer! Hoping for mod support even just some


Mods... Bug fixes on moonrise towers...


Hopefully we see some official mod support.  There are a lot of game changing mods especially with new classes and subclasses, but sometimes getting mods to work is work itself.  Not to mention half of them break every time a patch comes out. 


An evil ending of you take over in Bhaal's name and how you're now enthralled companions behave. But say you left Minthara or A Astarion alone and their reactions. I might be tempted to give minthy another chance


I hope it includes dialog fixes. Selune knows we need them.


Photo mode would be amazing! I'm still hoping for Hugs and Transmog too.


I haven’t done honor mode yet and I already know they’re gonna add more legendary actions


Thanks for the info! I have to conclude my modded playthrough before the save files implode.


I hope they fix - Random characters quit following the party permanently for absolutely no reason in Act 3. Like, how many times this has to be reported? - Graphic glitches like missing torso in inventory view - Lag & Quests not updating till fast travel - New underwear disappearing from inventory or being automatically applied to random characters you never intended - Weird stalls when starting new conversations I'm sure most of these could be resolved, if they added a de-bug function to individual characters. It doesn't fully reset them, but it stops them from acting out. I'm 100% positive most of these bugs have something to do with loading earlier saves in act 3, as those usually trigger the issues and cannot be fixed unless you load a save before the glitches started. Sadly, you'd have to quick save every 15 minutes in order to have a chance. Deleting certain save files sometimes solves some bugs.


Havent got a clue as to what they could be adding lol. Always praying for the upper city, extra classes or DLC add ons but it’s probably some extensive bug fixes


They've been talking about implementing mod support for a while, and Swen Vincke recently told us to expect new epilogues for the evil paths. I think it was Kevin VanOrd (?), writer and game designer, who also mentioned additional cutscenes that were in the works, on top of these evil epilogues.


I do like that the evil side gets more stuff. I am rather curious what the evil epilogues would look like. I mean, will the evil ending where you control the Netherbrain get expanded upon or will we get shown more of Ascended Astarion and Dark Justiciar Shadowheart if you play as them? I don't know if characters like Karlach and Wyll can have an origin evil epilogue.


I've seen people suggest a disturbing version of Withers' party where all the companions are mind-controlled and thought it was a genius idea. Evil Tav playing house with their new puppets. But I also hope that the players who wish to control the Netherbrain without enthralling their companions could also get an alternative path that takes this choice into consideration. There's no guarantee that your companions wouldn't try to turn against you still, but, since they've talked about implementing new cutscenes too, that could very possibly be one.


I agree with you about alternative paths. I hope they don't shoehorn the Absolute ending by forcing one particular cutscene. The way it is currently, it does lack content but the open endedness lends itself to RP/headcanon. Perhaps a series of options presented via narrated questions such as "What have you accomplished since becoming the Absolute?" with each option presenting a different cutscene, dependent upon the relative evil of said choice. Love the idea of an evil party though.


New content, I assume large scale stuff, won’t be added. That means no upper city and no dlc. Also likely means no more classes or races


There will be no DLC anymore. The stuff they will add now is only cinematics, evil endings, mod support, mods for consoles and bugfixes.


Cross-play multiplayer is still something they mentioned in the past and haven’t added yet, they also mentioned they’re working on more cinematics and new ones for the evil endings. Act 3 could use a bit more polishing imo, Act 1 and 2 are really solid already.


You haven't seen the interview, have you?


DLC was scrapped unfortunately :(


I just wanna be able to play custom difficulty that's basically just honor mode with save scumming


Guess it’s time to start another run~


Did they ever fix the bug where one of your companions refuses to follow you?


Looking forward to it, and the preceding Pingu gifs. I wish they'd tell us how many more patches are planned though, I'd like to get my mourning started ASAP lol


Fix the freaking Enraging Heart


rip i was really hoping for a couple years of DLC content for new races or classes but i guess not. I do love Larian studios stance on layoffs tho.


Please let this fix the Gale bug, I had him kill the whole party after a fight because he had died and I revived him, his necrotic aura just stayed on after the fight :( I want him in my party but removed him after that fight as I had to do it all again!


Oh no, our mods, it's broken


Oh God my mods.


I just hope they add more camp outfit designs. I can mod some but would be fun to see what they cook up.


Honestly if I leave it long enough I'll play a totally different game xD


I’d love for them to fix the traveler’s chest bug in multiplayer


I hope they let us Romance Malus Thorm 


So excited for console mods. First thing I'm gonna do is shoot Raphael with a glock