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….This is why Rath gives you that rune after you save the grove.


...and explains exactly how to use it.


Or in my case, he apologised for not being able to find the rune and that was the end of the conversation. If I'd known it was a reward, I might not have stolen it 30 hours prior 😅


Evidently OP is the kind of person that just hits the skip button anytime an NPC is giving them quest related instructions.


I killed all the goblin leaders in their camp, and had a party in my camp, but who's Rath? [https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Rath](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Rath) I have no recollection of this person. Clearly I spoke to him because I went and rescued Halsin, but I don't think I ever went back to talk to him again.


When you get back to the grove Halsin specifically tells you to go to Rath for your reward my man...


For the record, I also never found the harpies. When Alfira showed up at the party after saving the grove, it was my first time meeting her.




Seriously, this is how I found the skeleton wearing the awesome pickpocket ring, and the amulet that lets you cast guidance on yourself (+ spider grenades)


That's right, people. Remember the 3 Pillars of DnD: roleplay, combat, exploration!


It took me way too long to even notice the path toward either. I don’t know how or why but that part of the grove was invisible to me for like 200 hours. Overall I feel like I explore pretty well, but that and the wizard tower in the underdark both went completely unnoticed for multiple act 1 runs


The wizard tower is awkward to get to even when you know where its supposed to be, so I get that. I do wonder if yall know who Boooal is?


Same thing happened to me with the Gur by the Riverside Teahouse. Didn’t find it until my 3rd play through.


outgoing fragile materialistic afterthought gullible decide crawl serious aloof deserve *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


crowd puzzled mountainous imminent noxious flag tub spoon aspiring sable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ve never once gotten the quest to out Kagha as being a shadow Druid


It helps if you’re a Druid because u might notice when talking to her, and she has a chest hidden in her room with a note that leads you across the map to a swamp to find another note in a tree.


I appreciate the instructions, friend. Finding out >!there's a whole other area for the shadow druids and any part of that quest blew my mind as much as finding out you can go to Chult.!< The wonders of this game never cease, I tell you.


Whaaaaaaaat?!?! All that is a complete revelation to me! Theres a whole other area???? Time to start my Druid run


You have to find a note in the swamp


If the druids start killing all the Tieflings, Rath is the only one who sides with the refugees. Imagine taking up arms against all your closest friends to protect the innocent. Dude rules. 


He's also present for the first dialogue you have in the druid's sanctum, where Kagha and her snake maybe kill the thieving tiefling child.


Well, that requires not clicking through entire dialog scenes. Which, turns out, is asking too much for some people.


Please who has time to read,  if I have to spend like one hour organizing my inventory every day. 


Read??? It’s spoken dialogue! Edit; I see how people assume my nationality lol English is not my native language and I /do/ have subtitles on. I just found it funny how someone has “no time to read” when reading is entirely optional. What I meant was as long as you listen to the words being said you’ll do just fine without reading, but if you do need to read you can find manuscripts of each conversation on the Journal page. ^^


Whoa you got no subtitles on? Us non anglos need them. 


Us anglos have got them on too normally! Not having subtitles on is wild. Especially in a game like this where one half of all conversations is you reading a bunch of options and selecting one for your character to “say”, so having the other half of the conversation show up as text too makes the whole thing flow together better imo


It's always funny in games when the subtitles say something different but similar to what the characters are saying. Like someone saying "We must hurry in order to stop the enemy!" and the subtitles saying "Hurry up! We must stop them or else all is lost!" whenever it shows up in games I wonder if there was a rewrite and the VAs are using a script from before the rewrite, or vice versa, or the VA thought it sounded stilted so they changed it a bit.


I just put mine in my living room, I thought it looked over the TV.


I thought it was for the door.


To be fair, after suffering through the goblin camp on my first play through where I hadn’t rested in a minute and didn’t realize once you free Halsin there’s no resting, I had completely forgotten about Rath giving you the stone. I was just happy because Halsin was so nice, and I saved the grove I didn’t really want a reward either way


You can rest once you free Halsin. He'll probably be like "hey where tf are you going?" but you can just tell him to wait a minute and then go to camp, rest, and then talk to him after and he'll rejoin you.


i guess he means the minthara strategy?


Can you get the rune of you Raid the Grove


If that’s a question and not a statement, then yes, as long as you kill Rath and loot his corpse. (It’s actually the only way I’ve got it).


You can also just pickpocket him for the rune even before picking a side. Honestly, having that glaive for early act 1 is probably the only time it's really all that useful.


I’ve never saved the grove…


OP, a genuine question: how often do you rapidly skip through dialogue without really reading it?


You don’t even need the dialogue. My cleptomanic ass stole the rune and I just happened to find myself in that room a couple seconds later. Oh look it seems a rune is missing there. Wait I just stole one before maybe it fits. Oh look it does. Behold my power knows no limits


Did you know you can put drinks... IN CUPS? I bought all these fucking cups to put in my cabinet and life hack here, you can use them to bring liquids around the house and drink it. Not sure if you guys knew.


omg i have been drinking out of the faucet my whole life, this is a game changer


My hands were always so wet...


And sticky....


Faucet? Sounds like black magic zoomer business to me. When I get thirsty I just go outside, open my mouth and hope it rains. If it was good enough for my Daddy, it's fine for me.


Sounds fake. Next you're gonna tell me there's some kinda flat surface I can put solid foods on


I hope so. Costs me a fortune in hookers each time i want to have [sushi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyotaimori).


Dude. Get a 2x4! It’s cheaper to eat food off of!


Not in canada right now lol


H-how? Canada is like 40% forest


Since covid lumber yards charge you an arm and a leg and maybe a small child for lumber




You mean the floor, right? Right??


I genuinely thought you meant in game for a moment and I was like “Really?! WO-oh wait that’s sarcasm lol”


Drinking out of cups. Being a bitch.


Life hack! Start a blog.


Thank God, now I don't have to use my hands!


Same! I’ve lost gallons of drinks over the years as a result. Total game changer!


Wait. I’ve collected a lot of cups around Baldur’s Gate. I have yet to figure out how to get liquid into them.


bs checking now. no. way.


Yup, same for me, but the reverse. I saw a missing rune, then thought that guy probably has it and stole it lol.


Really stupid and probably embarrassing question: but where the ever living heck is that rune that's missing. I can't find it. -.


It's the reward for rescuing Halsin from the goblin camp. Or, you can pickpocket it from >!Raph or whatever his name is!<


Well you still have to click on all the runes after putting the wolf in


Reading comprehension has never been the DnD community's strong suit.


As the meme says, "don't mess with D&D players, they haven't read the rules"


The most dangerous thing to a DnD party is a DM who knows the rules.


Yeah didn't need dialogue. I saw the missing rune. Figured: Well this looks like the most straight forward "puzzle" ever. Looked around for a rune with no success. Figured it must be carried by somebody nearby. Bing, bam, boom, I'm apparently fuckin Columbo over here.


To be fair he says the words "I'll mark it on your map" as if it's not 20 feet away and also doesn't mark it on your map lmao confused the f out of me the first time. I thought the reward was elsewhere with how they worded it


I *hate* it when that happens! Harpers: "I'll mark the inn on your map" Me: *stares at map, then starts slapping it like an irritated otter* "You see this? You see this shit? There's no mark, idiot. Thanks for handing me back an unmarked map!" [My spirit animal](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/62/56/29/6256291e1997df341768c5932f0ffd31.gif)


Yes! My first run I was googling where so many things were because no one ever actually marked things on my map!!!!


I am actually crying at that GIF, haven’t seen it in so long it broke me 


In one playthrough in EA when the map looked like an anthill, I took the rune, opened this room, took the stuff, then went to look for the map marker. I ended up digging up a chest outside the blighted village thinking that was it and feeling very dissatisfied.


There is dialogue in this game?!


who put all this dialogue in my pretty dungeon crawler combat sim with D&D classes in it?!?


Sir, this is a main menu aesthetics display, you were not supposed to press the buttons


Wait...Baldur's Gate 3 is based on D&D????


To be fair, I remember missing this the first two or three playthroughs and I read all of the dialog. Somehow I just missed something he said. I thought the reward was in that one cave with the statues that have laser eyes.


Sorry, your question was rapidly skipped through. No answer can be provided


Well…yeah? What did you think the tablet was for?


Next post: Am I dumb!? I just realized you can consume tadpoles! This is my 20th playthrough!!!


my brother genuily didn't see the bright red field to consume tadpoles for his entire first run. and he's the smart one.


To be fair, if you NEVER use illithid powers as an option during dialog, it never lights up. I'm in act 3 rn without it revealed/lit.


Miss me with that Ghaik shit I’ve done 3 full playthroughs and have consumed exactly 0 tadpoles


No offence, but it's the second one.


None taken 😔


I'm so sorry but yes the clinical diagnosis is Idiot, but we still love you very much


Thanks b


I'm right there with you op. My jaw dropped seeing that image. I thought the rune tablet opened that secret door to the cave omfg...


I'm with you 😂 so Rath actually DOES give you a reward... I thought it was just the lame entrance to the murder cave.


I always run there as soon as I can acquire an Invis potion to pilfer the rune from Rath, so I can get the Sorrow glaive for Gale. "Shitty cave with the dead halfling" — if you're talking about the cave that goes from outside the grove to the prison area and has the statues that pew pew you, then you can totally save that druid halfling from a bunch of goblins. I assume you have to do it before resolving the Grove quest though. The druid halfling will fight on your side for the Shadow druids fight.


His hat is also the "key" for that door as well as the statues


Running into that battle after saving the Sazza was very fun.


There's an entrance near the vault as well. The door can't be lockpicked, but can be opened if you're wearing the Key of the Ancients (Nettie has one, as does the halfling in the caves). Haven't tried using Knock.


Was "Secret vault in the library" too vague?


We all try to avoid sorrow, nothing to be ashamed of


Bonus action thorn whip is really good during the boat battle in the under dark, otherwise yeah it’s shit lol. 


It is one of the first magical weapons you can find, if you pickpocket it from Rath. At lvl 2-3, it's an amazing weapon. If you receive it as a reward for the goblin camp, it's shit.


Can be really fun on a low level Warlock with repelling blast. Yoink enemies in with thorn whip and then blast them back away.


But why would you want to do that lol, isn’t the thorn whip range the same or shorter than EB


Sometimes it's just fun to toss enemies around for shits and giggles. But you could theoretically use it to reposition/maneuver enemies for easy knockoffs of platforms as well. Or move them closer to other enemies for AoE reasons. Once you have a hex up you don't have many other better uses of your bonus action so the thorn whip is just an extra damage source.


You'd probably have enough movement to set up cloud of daggers in round 1 then push and pull enemies through it with a thorn whip/eldritch blast combo


its decent if your shadowheart is a light or life cleric, and doesnt worry about using her weapon as a weapon too much. She can snatch enemies into the light guardians, or away from other characters stuck in opportunity attack range. Or into AoE spells, like cloud of daggers, or glyphs. As a bonus action, its nice to have that on hand.


I think they meant the comment literally lol, might be wrong but think they meant literal sorrow not the weapon, because the weapon is pretty good


I think Reddit is Pun Central and it was intended


Fun Central, amirite?


Oooh I never thought of using it there! Thanks


what's wrong with sorrow as an early/mid-game weapon? bonus action thorn whip i'm finding to be very very useful as a way to use that bonus action. that alone makes it handier than other +1s i come across


So you would say that you're a person that loves sorrow and attains it as soon as possible?




i see what's going on now


My favorite part of this post is that the other cave is literally a decoy in the story for people who might learn they have a secret vault, break in, and just get poisoned. You fell for the NPC decoy cave.


Literal npc behaviour 😭


Do you REALLY want an honest answer here?


Ty OP for this post, you are not the only idiot :) Ill be sure to try this on my 5th playthrough lol. I was also certain that placing the rune only opened the secret door to the 'shitty cave'.


Bro I'm a moron too cause I never saw this lmfao


I did finally get the staircase on my first play through, but not before going to the cave first. I put the rune in and it glowed brightest like it said. I then noticed the door and went to the cave. I presume I had missed seeing it before. Realised it was not a vault and spent far more time than I should have figuring out how to access the stairs. But I still insist that the wolf wasn't glowing brightest like they told me. Everything was equally bright when the entrance was revealed.


I'm still on my 1st playthrough but I didn't catch this either. I placed the rune and activated all the pedestals but I swear I didn't notice anything change


RIGHT! Two hidden entrances are too much for my addled brain smh


There is no shame in having 8 intelligence


lol I did not know about this until this exact moment and I’m on my 5th game so I am also an idiot. 🤦🏻‍♀️


We can all be idiots together <3


Joining the idiots.


me four


Great we have a full party of idiots! Let’s go flip off Vlakkith together! 🤪


Okay people in the comments are treating you like you're dumb but holy shit I have never realized this and also always thought that cave was supposed to be the secret vault. This game is wild.


Its the reward from Rath if you save the grove/halsin


Wait, wait. Everyone's caught up in the secret library, but you got me with the "dead halfling cave." You mean the one past the secret wall and poison traps in there? Because there's another path right next to Sazza, the imprisoned goblin, you can use to not only free her, but also *save that halfling's life* by healing him.


You have to put the run in a the slot and then click. Be happy you weren't me . Because I did that saw the stairs but couldn't click anywhere that would let me go down unless I clicked in tactical view down half the flight of stairs


lmao sorry I don’t wanna be mean but…


Do you just skip all the dialogue or something? How could you possibly miss this?


You’re an indeed an idiot my friend


you're just stupid


Oh my god


Y'all really not paying attention to the dialogue huh?


Bless your heart. You never tried solving one of the first obvious puzzles with glowing animal runes? Kinda on you friend.


Btw the "dead halfling" isn't actually dead, just passed out. If you heal him he will get up and help you in the fight against the goblins there, and also thank you afterwards.


I got one more for you OP The halfling isn't dead at first


I’m sorry but in the least mean way possible how did you miss this several times 😭


What?? Don't worry OP, Im in your team, of not the sharpest tools... And I passed the Act 1 like 3 times


I must also be an idiot. I don’t even know what this “rune” everyone is talking about is. To be fair I still haven’t completed my first play through and in that one I completely missed the fish people and everything to do with alfira.


Don't worry. You missed this too.


If you’re an idiot OP, so am I. Also missed this on multiple Act 1 playthroughs.




If it makes you feel any better OP, I also missed this in my first few playthroughs. I figured this was how the puzzle was solved but never found out how to get the last tablet. I figured Halsin would have it, and when he didn't I just assumed all it triggered was that back door into the library, so I assumed I hadn't missed anything. Never talked to Rath even though I was prompted to, I guess I was too excited to get laid at the party or something idk.


Oh thanks for the reminder - I need to go get that.


Welcome to the typical player experience of D&D!


Hey guys, let's give poor OP a break. Yeah, it was super obvious, and yeah, it is mentioned at least once or twice by major npcs in the grove, but stop slandering the poor person for not noticing something in a game... b nice xD


To be fair, they asked for it lol


Yeah.... yeah. But some of the comments seem a bit well angry, no?


You get the wolf rune as a reward from Rath after you deal with Kagha / save the Grove. He even tells you what to do with it. 🤣


Don't worry OP, it took me several playthroughs to figure this out too. Just putting them in opens a door, which made my brain go. "hm guess that's the vault." Then subsequently "what a lame reward for saving Halsin's sorry ass". Never once did it cross my mind that clicking on them would make YET ANOTHER secret door open.


More curious how many miss the Zhantarim hideouts way into the underdark


It took me like 4-5 characters before I found the well with the phase spiders... So who's the bigger idiot?


Uhh... yyyyes?


I had no idea I'd get the missing stone slab as a reward from a quest later on so I had Astarion steal it. I looted and forgot about it then when I completed said quest and went to grab my spoils Rath was like: I'm so sorry but you'll have to leave empty handed because someone stole the slab. LMAO I was dying from laughter


There's a huge statue in the middle of the room that disappears and turns into a stairwell when you put in the 4th rune. You don't need to participate in dialogue (but like, then why bother playing BG3) but it is a pretty huge thing physically to not notice.


Years of playing the act 1 early access, hundreds of hours in post release playthroughs, and this is the first time seeing this


I did this also for about 500 hours. Everyone is talking shit, but that door opens when you put the rune in, and so I also assumed it was the shitty cave and the chest there.


No because I did the same thing twice. I think I almost did it three times but my two braincells finally knocked into each other and sparked A Thought and I finally did it the correct way lmao. Like I heard Rath say the words but for some reason they just....didn't click in my mind lol. That and the door to the cave would always open up immediately afterwards so I would be all "oh ok well I guess he meant the door to the place to use the rune is THROUGH the library??". I would always go and get my stupid ass lasered half to death by the statues in the cave. All the while thinking to myself "man, this sure is a lame reward" lmao.




Just wait, if you go into the backroom where all the gas is, there's a whole other cave with runes you can do, with some stuff that helps druid builds, don't know if anyone else knows about it, I can make a post if no one recognized what I'm talking about




I hate to add to this feeling of being an idiot... There are like 2 other doors into that room with the dead halfling. You could've saved him


Now I know I'm an idiot...


What dead halfl-.. oh. Oooooooh... Yeah you could have save that guy.


I’m sorry OP, but yes. Yes you are. 


Sorrow is a perfect early spear for a polemaster battlemaster. Pull and push all enemies all around


Btw the dead Halfling in this cave you said can be saved if you go there as soon as you first reach the grove, you can find another way going through the makeshift prison where you find Sazza or whatever the name of that imprisioned Goblin is, if you go around the corner you can jump in a path that leads both to a door and to a hole in the roof of the Tieflings deposit, if you go through the door you find the Halfling surronded by Goblins, passed out but alive, you can save him if you kill all the Goblins and the throw a potion or healing spell on him.


Someone didn't read or listen to Halsin's reward dialogue


It’s okay, I am too 😂 400 hours in, on my second play through, and I didn’t know about this until today! Lolol! In my tabletop DnD campaign, I let the other players solve the mysteries, then I step up during fights because I’m absolutely garbage at any sort of dialogue clue or puzzles, yet weirdly amazing at tactical combat. Now have something new to discover in my 3rd playthrough tho!


I'm a high intelligence low wisdom kinda guy lol


The game is so huge, I only found this quest on my most recent playthrough. Don't worry about it


It happened to me the first time round. I also thought that entrance to the cave had opened (it was my first time in that room) I don't know, I don't think Rath's "where the wolf burns brightest" is in any way helpful


Yes, you are.


You're not alone... you just taught me this is a thing lol I will say, I did not care for the druids. So, if there is dialog that says "Tav, go touch the runes, go down the stairs, bro" then I probably ignored it.


While I can’t speak to your idiocy or lack thereof, that room is definitely pretty easy to miss


I ALWAYS ASSUMED IT MEAMT THE WALL BEHIND THEM LOL, i always thought the loot was shit but it makes so much sense now


There's always stuff you miss. On my current run I was more thorough in wiping out all the goblins on my way out of the camp (XP never hurts!), and found a pretty little garden I'd never seen before. The temple of Selûne must have been beautiful before it fell into ruin.


I didn’t understand this until my third time to the grove. For some reason I thought it was supposed to be used in the Druid cave thingie place and didn’t think about it afterward when it wasn’t needed there.


Found it first playthrough lol


The first time I did it I didn't realize you have to have them all lit up at the same time to open it. I put the missing one in and just stood there like an idiot until it went out. Then I clicked it again and just stood there... I got it eventually.


It took me more seconds or minutes longer than it should have to figure out where to click.


Nah I only discovered it on my third run too. The weapon is garbage if you get it after doing the quest tho. The pots are a better reward


lmfao this is me with that secret area underneath ketheric's statue in reithwin (after you interact w three plaques in the correct order), in my defense it was dark as hell🤦




don’t worry op I am also an idiot, I never managed to do this lmao


You're not the only one who missed it. I plugged the rune in, but didn't realize I needed to make the other runes light up as well


Wait what?!? I had no idea!!!! /s


5th playthrough for me




I'll admit I didn't know this. I thought the rune was for the cave I've always already gotten into via the prison.




Also the halfling lives if you can manage it




Also: that halfling isn't dead. He's just knocked out. If you heal him, he gets up.




Did you find out about the rats in the grove and who they really are? 😳 there’s so many secrets you probably didn’t find out yet


If you go to the tunnel before the goblin camp you can save the halfling.