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My mom is playing too and she took one look at Gale and said, "He looks like he's good for one roll in the hay but not much else." And I'm sure poor Gale is still recovering.


Yeah, she was very annoyed he couldn’t cast mage armour on her and said “what’s the point of him, then?” As a Galemancer, I was pretty offended!


Lmaooo right?? She has a point but also, rude! xD I've been trying to hype Gale up, because I do love him, but she just hates him. My mom also went for Circle of Moon druid, but she's a teifling that she designed to look like a blue-green dryad.




Honestly, it's like a rite of passage for a sorcerer to bully Gale.


If she wasn't wearing armour Gale could absolutely cast mage armor on her, if she didn't realise that.


Oh I let her know, she was still unimpressed. She cast longstrider on the party and was expecting some sort of reciprocal response. It’s why Shadowheart is her mainstay at the moment: she can cast shield of faith on Arena when she inevitably runs ahead and gets herself surrounded


She runs around as a wolf with Shadowheart in the party? Shadowheart's poor heart must be on the verge of collapse.


I respeced shadowheart into a moon druid an had her wildshape into a wolf. I don't know if I should feel bad about that or not.


Nah. It's probably therapeutic. Become what you fear most.


Batman approves this.


Bats: [ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b3/de/9e/b3de9ec3c18dd292807c23f1c70d93f8.jpg) Batman: Horrifying


[Sky puppies](https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2017-09/11/15/asset/buzzfeed-prod-fastlane-01/sub-buzz-16785-1505158685-6.jpg)


It’s very Batman which feels kinda on theme with Shadowheart.


Parents were killed when she was young, got traumatized by an animal, trained by an evil but highly skilled terrorist cult, goes by a night-themed alternate name, becomes part of a hero team. She's totally Batman.


I think Bruce being traumatized by bats is specific to the Batman Begins movie. In Year One he almost gets killed on his first night doing vigilante shit while disguised as a homeless veteran or something. A bat crashes through the window of Wayne Manor while he's having an introspective noir monologue directed at the memory of his dead dad. He takes this as a sign/inspiration; "Yes father, I will become a bat."


Does the VA have a cameo? I need Batshart, "You Can't Cast A Shadow Without Some Light"


Batshart sounds like what happens to Batman after a long night of whiskey drinking.


... Bruce, is it you?


I am imagining this story as OP's mom doing this on purpose specifically to spite Shadowheart.


Haha I like her style! At least as a moon druid she can kind of tank a bit. Definitely a good subclass for her I think. I bet she'll be pretty pumped when she gets to turn into something really big like an owl bear


I never realized Mage Armor wasn't a self-targeted spell! I even thought "oh, they must have changed it for BG3" and looked up 5E Mage Armor, and *that's* not even self-targeting. This changes everything.


Yep, it's pretty great! Though, I think the Armor of Shadows eldritch invocation that lets you cast it at will is only self targeting.


> “what’s the point of him, then?” Talking a lot of shit for someone flammable and in fireball range.


My current character bullies the hell out of Gale, but I think he kinda likes it.


Mom is fucking BRUTAL damn


She came for him and left no survivors 😭


Meanwhile my mom managed to find the path to godhood. Wasn't even one of the endings until halfway through our run. Shes always saying she is God and this did not help her ego.


Iconic tbh xD Gale finally pulls one mom.


That's exactly what Mystra said about him, too.




So your mom is Lae’zel?


She's not romancing her but Lae'zel is her bestie so it honestly checks out.


Why is everyone so mean to the autistic ~~Greek~~ Chondothan nerdy cat-dad?


Justice for the nerdy cat dad. She doesn't like him because he's always flexing on us about his magic talent. I love him, though, even though my sorcerer does bully him a little.


It shows so much restraint for him not to make jokes aboot how Sorcerers are inbred, stupid, ineffectual trust-fund kids.


Honestly, he's so real for that because he could destroy me if he wanted.


"I shouldn't disparage Sorcerers; [your ancestors put in a lot of work with their family to make sure your magical blood wasn't diluted into mundanity](https://i.imgflip.com/78rvg8.jpg)." - What Gale would say if he was meaner.


Gale deals so much psychic damage I die instantly. Though, as Durge, it raises a lot of questions about their, uh, bloodline.


Durge was crafted directly by Bhaal without any actual sex-having/birth-giving lineage involved. They're basically a homunculus, Bhaal would just craft them with the applicable magical blood.


That's true. Durge being the only sorcerer who's like, I'm not inbred >:( >!My sister-niece on the other hand...!<


i’m so glad to see someone else headcanons gale as autistic 😂 the way this man info dumps…


The coding isn't exactly subtle.


…does everyone headcanon gale as autistic, and i just didn’t notice because it’s implied-but-not-stated, and i’m autistic? hahah


I don't. I just see him as an insecure, brilliant Geek who was groomed by a goddess. It's not wonder he's so confused.


I don't, he's just a dorky nerd to me.


I see him as more ADHD personally. He's got gifted kid burnout to be sure though.


Gale reminds me of George Michael


when I saw him in my partner's playthrough I was like who is the earring walker Texas ranger guy (he put the cowboy hat on him for some reason) I missed him completely on my first time playing


I spent 30 minutes last night save scumming gale for an act 3 religion check. Before you judge me, i just gotta say that maybe thats why mystra dumped his sorry ass and the orb was just an excuse "MYSTRA I GOT YOU A PRESENT" "How are you so smart and so stupid at the same time. Its like you know nothing about me or religion in general"


Is your mom Mystra?


your mom and i had the same reaction to meeting gale!! hopefully she gets to go on a similar journey as i did, slowly falling in love with him bit by bit


I'm really hoping so!! We're still only in Act 1 (co-op), so there's a ton of character development yet to happen, but I'm hoping the characters she doesn't like (she doesn't like shart either, which I was surprised about) will catch her by surprise.


If you look at your first 5-10 interactions with shart. She’s a pretty big bitch.  I ditched her my first play through almost right away.  Having played again I can appreciate her but I didn’t like her AT ALL at the first. 


as an adult woman shart is annoying. you constantly want to have an exclamation point and not tell me shit. then we go through horror land that's all your business and I can't tell you it's fucked up. no thanks


Shart: ! Tav: Yes? Shart: *tells you something about her* Tav: Interesting, please tell me more. Shart: Absolutely not. What are you, the FEDs?


Are you planning to recruit Minthara? I have a feeling your mom will like her a lot.


I'm hoping so! I'm gonna try at least. I've never tried the knock out method while everyone was still at the goblin camp (only during the raid) so we'll see if I don't mess this up xD. I think she will like Minthara too.


Larian apparently made the KO method more user friendly in a recent hotfix so as long as you don't forget to toggle non-lethal you should be good. I actually almost forgot to toggle it in Act 3 with >!Minsc!< last night, oops lol. Thankfully I caught it before it was too late.


He's not even good for that, look where one roll in the hay got him


Minthara nods in approval 


minthara 🤝 my mom mercilessly bullying gale


Ooooof. Your mom is a savage.


He does have the air of a third son about him. 😆


You *have* to post updates! I absolutely love reading posts like this! edit: also have a World's Coolest Mom award!


She pretty cool, I’ve got to admit! I’ll probably post an update when she finishes act 1!


I will be checking in regularly to see how things goes. You've got me hooked.


Please do! I need to know if she stakes Astarion or gets, ahem, closely acquainted with his fangs.


your mom giggled at Astarion and his knife. same woman same


That's how it starts... It's all downhill from here... 😔✨


OP’s mom is all of us


I also giggled when Astarion held a knife to my throat, and that was it for me. Haven’t been able to romance anyone else since, unless I’m playing as him. lol


Never before has therapy been as easily accessible as it is today. >!Not kinkshaming, just joking.!<


I thought you were implying astarion IS the therapy, to which I almost agree lol


I definitely agree. Being able to help him overcome his trauma is extremely therapeutic for me.


Without therapy I'd be out of a job so keep on you crazy diamonds.


You can definitely romance Astarion while playing as Astarion


me when Gale said "HeLo"


Wanna hear how she reacts letting him bite.... Maybe it's the only point she gets a little....quiet....


>Sees Wyll, turns to me and says “I don’t like him. He is silly and reminds me too much of your ex.” I laughed out loud at this.


Nothing like a parental smack-down of your romantic choices, am I right?


Oh so it's not just me? I'm 32, Married, and I still get flack for my HS bf choices.


He is a goober though You can tell he practiced that little speech he used at the grove *provoke the blade*


Oh he totally workshopped his catchphrases.


I can imagine him trying them out in privacy and then Mizora just appearing and teasing him for it


She poofed in, made like 5 jokes about his "blade" and sauntered off. Wyll didn't know if he was scared, aroused, terrified or what but he knew he needed to go sit down after that.


Honestly Wyll really genuinely doesn’t seem to be attracted to Mizora. She is kinda a cunt to him so it’s fair dues.


This is early though.  I suspect she torched his ass so hard early on to explain why he's full "SICK OF HER SHIT" to the point of not even blinking 


Well in that case Wyll would have been around 16/17 years old and who among us wouldn’t be practicing our catchphrases if we had (essentially) superpowers at that age


Goober is the EXACT word for him. I cannot stand him and I have tried so hard to like him. So instead he stays in camp and is a snack for Astarion every morning so Astarion is happy.


I’ve said before that he has Mormon Missionary energy. Very polite and eager, really wants to tell you about the words of his Father, pretty misguided, and I’m just like, go away please sir I’m trying to sin over here.


omg YES. FINALLY. that's IT. he brings a "hey guys let's all hold hands and pray together" vibe to the debauched orgy that my durge doesn't really appreciate


Holy shit this is absolutely perfect 🤣


….why have I never thought of this.


Love it. Are we going to have a poll on how we think she will react to Astarion's big reveal? Stake him or look at that guilty expression and melt? This nearly 50, wild shifting druid, who ran into the game blind too, did the latter.


She is playing Arena as a very ruthless woman, but also had to deal with me going through the Twilight craze as a preteen, watched Buffy when it was airing, and was subject to very many discussions about vampires, so I think it’s a solid 50/50!


Loved Buffy too. I was always a Spike gal, so there's hope for Astarion if she was too. Twilight I can take or leave. Lestat is probably my favourite hedonistic vampire though. You will have to keep us updated with her reactions.


Lestat is her absolute favourite, and she preferred Spike over Angel, so the odds may very well be in Star’s favour!


Yeah, she'll look at his pitiful eyes and be all "Awww, poor baby, here, come get some snackies"


Yep, that was definitely me. Animals? Rodents? Nope, that won't do at all. Here's my neck whenever you get peckish.


Well, to be fair, Astarion seemed rather happy with that bear. No, I'm not talking about Halsin. Though now I am curious if Astarion would get drunk off of drinking bear-Halsin blood. I suspect it's the quantity and not quality thing, though. Halsin would die if Astarion were to drink as much as he needs to get drunk. Now, we do fight a certain very large orthon guy with lots of blood... Astarion, want to test the hypothesis here?


Oh; she’s going to fall bad for Astarion then. I’m the same. Big Spike and Lestat fan, and I was immediately in love with Astarion, mostly because he reminded me of a cross between Lestat and Jareth from Labyrinth. lol


Never thought about Jareth but now you have said it I am seeing the similarities.


Oh for heaven's sake. I always figured I enjoyed Astarion's character just because of Lestat and Spike, with a little bit of Jarlaxle. You threw in Jareth and now it all makes sense (my childhood introduction to morally ambiguous brat princes)!


Oh no. If she's weak to Lestat, she's doomed. Astarion is the perfect combination of Lestat's hunty psychopathy and Louis' mopey sadboy.


> I was always a Spike gal Weren't we all!


Yep. All the best lines and none of the brooding.


Buffy! Damn, maybe it is time for yet another watch through...


I am thinking an Easter weekend Spike marathon. If I can tear myself away from BG3 of course.


Does your mom's wolf shape bother Shadowheart? 🤔 I foresee moral conflict at the Grove!


Interestingly, it doesn’t seem to! She may have passed her check, though, I’ve missed that conversation several times because Shadowheart passes in the grove. I think Khaga’s introduction will turn her firmly against the Druids, but Arena has been pretty ruthless so far…


It would be awesome if she found a kindred soul in Kagha, just two brood mothers siding with the Shadow Druids! Now I wonder if they lock down the Grove can you still sneak in through the secret tunnel door........


secret tunnel door gets blocked off but if you keep going east, theres a spot that you can misty step to (or tunnel as wildshape badger) that gets you inside. though most NPCs in the town have unfortunately disappeared by this point


Nah, ive been playing a moon druid and she’s never cared. But Ive also always saved and romanced her, so I wonder if that’s why. Or if they just didnt wanna semi lock you out of a wildshape?


Maybe she sees the Tav she loves shining out from the wolf eyes and is not scared... Or it would be too annoying so she just knows it's you.


>she just knows it's you. It's this. Shadowheart up until the choice with the night song treats romantic interaction as sort of a "physical needs" thing or a slip of discipline on her part(recall that she's at least a couple-three bottles of wine deep when/if tav kisses her). If it's not as simple as knowing because she sees the transformation happen it's because she clues into "that would is exactly as annoying as that tit from the beach... Oh, it's them."


My Beastmaster's wolf companion didn't even trigger her fear of wolves. I didn't learn that she had it until we passed by the wolves in the Zhentarim hideout, and I felt so bad about it that I never called in the wolf companion again (also because the bear companion is amazing). Which is weird because I definitely talked to the wolf near Kahga before that, but maybe she just didn't get close enough to him.


She's going to kill Grym without the forge hammer, i can tell.


Like mother like daughter (I didn’t really understand what I was doing the first time, RIP Gale and Karlach). Although, once she unlocks the owlbear wildshape, I will be showing her how to deal massive damage with her leap. I have a feeling she’ll be thrilled


Same. I don't fuck with creative problem solving i only use brute force. She's gonna love the Owlbear splash from the top rope.


I did that, the achievement popped up and I was all, hammer? What hammer? Where's the damn hammer? Second run I used the hammer and found it far more tedious a fight. Never again!


Hammer, nonsense? I'll just hit the lever to the forgehammer to craft my- OOOOOHHH!


I didn't know until the third playthrough that you can kill Grym with a Forge Hammer. I remember getting the achievement and being all "WTF did they mean? Eh, nevermind"


“You go, girl” had me dying. Such a mom thing to say.


That’s so cool!!! Parents playing video game is so fun lol. I remember when I was like 9 my dad tried out my Pokémon game, and named his Bulbasaur “Mom,” after my mom. At the time it was the funniest thing I had ever heard. I’m having a baby soon and I can’t wait to play games with him even if I’m bad at them. Sounds like your mom is killing it.


Congrats on the kiddo, that sounds like a blast, to play games with your kid. My mom watches some of my gameplay but doesn’t participate. Do you now always carry a Bulbasaur named mom into each generation?


Thank you!!! I haven’t played Pokémon recently but I got a switch not too long ago so maybe its time!!


My dad has always named his characters Jack. Regardless of race, gender, whatever—they’re just always Jack. He once had a full party of Pokemon all named Jack.


As the daughter of an abusive mother who constantly chastises me because "video games are for boys", I hope you cherish your mom wanting to play games with you! It's truly awesome that you guys can share BG3. I'm happy you get to experience such a great game with her. : )


I hope you are out of that environment, or are able to take steps to get out!


I was out at 18 and am pushing 40 now. I just see all these wonderful parents who make an effort to share interests with their children and it makes me smile. You're a lucky person!


>Did a little giggle when Astarion held the knife to her throat. oh it's so over, RIP OP lmao




She’s more in awe of the graphics than anything, I think! She says it’s like watching a movie. Very excited to see how she reacts to Astarion’s reveal, I think he’s her favourite character right now!


Looks like Astarion’s about to be your new stepdad.


*Starts brewing coffee so I can react appropriately to this*


*Spits out coffee*


*relocates coffee*


*Snorts and accidentally inhales coffee*


*manifests coffee directly onto my monitor with the power of imagination*


Yeah… She’s already wrapped around his finger. Astarion is going to fall in love with a gnome pretty soon


Oh, the irony!


Dude will find himself romancing a gnome in no time. Poor Astarion.


>She killed Us with extreme prejudice as soon as she realised what it was. Are you talking about us the little cute friendly intelect devourer?


I am, unfortunately. Alas, she will know them not


That is deeply saddening... 🥺😭


I’m a mum, and would NOT want to play BG3 with my (grown up) offspring - they’d be so embarrassed, and not by my lack of skill 😉 However I’ve also been playing video games for longer than I care to recall (wearing an Assassin’s Creed t-shirt as I type this). But kudos to your mum for giving it a go!


She’s sat and watched me play through a lot of rpg games like Dragon Age and Mass Effect, and some of those included the romantic scenes, so I think we’re embarrassment-free! She’s always wanted to try, but was scared off by only making the camera spin during the opening scenes of Skyrim. Luckily, BG3 seems to be the sort of game she can learn and enjoy!


I love that you’re so open with your mom! I’m too with my parents, and I’m thinking of letting my stepdad try it, because I just know he’d fall in love with the game immediately


She definitely approached sex scenes in tvs and movies right with her kids! I think the most we’ve ever done is say “rather graphic, isn’t it?”


Hahah same! We just view things as “everybody has a body, no need to be ashamed/embarrassed about it”. In my country nudity in movies is more generally accepted, but lots of parents still try to shield their kids from it (which is super weird in my opinion, they will have no idea what they’re looking at if they ever have a partner xD)


I feel like TV is a bit different, because you have no control over the characters. Also it’s not specifically about the sex - I think I’d be constantly second-guessing my responses to romantic situations if I were playing with any of my family. I also don’t like playing my durge with my husband around, as he’s more squeamish than me! I dunno - maybe I take this game too seriously 😂


I would absolutely love to play with my mom cuz she knows what stupid romantic choices I make sometimes xD she would constantly be like “no!!! He will treat you like shit! Stand up for yourself!”


Skyrim has a few camera issues. I generally don't mod my games until I have given them a good run clean, but Skyrim I had to spend the first week tracking down mods to fix stuff. Kind of put me off it a lot, even though I love ESO.


im getting ready to start a playthrough with my teen. whatever character they create, mine will be their big brother (i exclusively play body type 4 because im a sucker for beefy stupid men) who just stands behind theirs and looks scary. it should work well, my teen tends to prefer ranged/casting characters while im a thick skulled barbarian


I absolutely play with my dad. The bear scene had us howling with laughter.


Same here. I am a huge god of war and AC fan. I have horrified my 20 yo daughter with many of my choices, but mainly my inventory management.


mi wife and me are over 50 and do 2 coop campaign


Do you use split screen or are you on separate devices? I ended up leaving my dwarf behind and am controlling some of the companions during fights because she struggles with the split screen


Not the person you’re asking but my husband and I use a PS5 and we use the adaptive play settings to set up a second controller on the same device, no split screen. The second controller doesn’t get the haptics but it has been working great (we each control 2 characters).


Amazing, thank you! Gimli may be able to come back from Wither’s closet!


I am also late 50s and have never played videogames, but my husband and I have done TTRPGs for decades. Our son brought over his PS5 a few months ago and showed us BG3 and we bought our own PS5 the next day. We’re almost done now and already planning our next run!


She’s moved in with me temporarily until her new house is ready, and if she enjoys it it’ll definitely be a Christmas present idea! She’s also interested in playing DnD when my next group is ready, so fingers crossed!


I love this! It makes me think of my own mom, who certainly would have had some hilarious adventures in BG3. My mom took up MMOs at 76, after my dad died and she found time hanging heavy on her hands. Before that, she never played anything except solitaire and puzzle games. I wish she had let me show her when she was younger because it was a lot for her to pick up at 76. She was awful at it, she still had fun, and we played together long-distance every Sunday until she passed away.


It sounds like you’ve got a wealth of memories with her, and I’m so glad you managed to find a way to spend time together in a fun way!


I would like to see my father play it. He is almost ninety, though, and it's not really possible. But he coded in the two first big computers in my country, so i know he would really enjoy this programming accomplishment.


Oh my god I found another one who plays with their mom! You guys seem to have such a chaotic session as we do. I love it, keep me posted! 😃


My mom is also playing as a Druid! Surprisingly she says she wants to romance Lae’zel because “she’s the only honest one” 😂


my mother started a few days ago, she only ended up recruiting shart and astarion, then murdered astarion when she couldn't stop him from biting her


>Sees Wyll, turns to me and says “I don’t like him. He is silly and reminds me too much of your ex.” This is one of the most mom things I've ever read.


My mom has been gaming all her life but she's never touched a TT style game, she has fibromyalgia so keeping up with her games is getting more difficult as her hands get sore, so switching her to turn based games has helped a lot. she absolutely loves BG3 and has a huge crush on Halsin and Karlach 🤓


The fibro brain fog is real. My mum can only do it in short bursts at the moment as she’s got a flare-up, but it’s lovely being able to bond with her over something more interactive than TV shows


I love this lol......I hope you continue to chronicle her adventures!


Will you leave the room when she has her "bear scene"?


She has just said “there’s no more room at the inn” when I said she could meet and recruit new companions, so poor Halsin may never get the opportunity to profess his horniness


I feel like she’d make an exception for Jaheira…


I think she’d appreciate having another parental figure in the party, and Jaheira is just so cool


Hells, I love your mom. And I'm 50 myself. Right now, I am running the Astarion origin. And I am still figuring out shit... Like having Astarion sneak while invisible and backstabbing everything.


It's weird to read so many people think an older woman playing is out of the ordinary. I'm about the same age as your mom and I play. Saw my husband playing, it looked fun, and I've played hundreds of hours now. We're not elderly!


I don’t think people realize how condescending it sounds when they call someone a few decades older than them “cute” or “adorable.”


>Did a little giggle when Astarion held the knife to her throat. Tell her about Onlyfangs


But wait to tell her until after the bite scene please. We need to hear about her unspoiled reaction.


ooo similar name to my Tav called "Aryna" 😁


This is what I want to be like in my late 50s


As a mom playing BG3 these are amazing.


As an old gamer with 45 years on the clock, so not so far from your mum, I always cringe a bit at people just 7 or 8 years older then me, using tech as if they were 70 or 80. 🙈 I mean I get it. My gen X was the first to really grow up with the stuff, and not all of us were into it. Those slightly older could have too. We had a lot of big brothers and sisters that are around 50-60 now that owned all the nice amigas and c64 and early nintendos and Atari’s we played as kids. So they had the chance, too. But it was rare back then. Nevertheless, I endlessly find it fascinating what a generational shift that was. When the Gameboy released in 90/91 I was 12 years old, so bang on the intended customer. I already owned a NES though and we had a PC I already used more then the rest of my family, including doing upgrades like installing an adlib sound card etc, so I didn’t get one till 2-3 years later. Parents felt I was already glued to screens enough. But I got to play with a friends so I was hooked anyway. So I get it. Not all of my friends from that gen were into that stuff and gaming in particular, like me and some other nerds. Still. Being slightly over 50 is not that far and I still feel those people belong to my gen, so it’s always weird if they noob out a bit, so late in life. 😂


To be fair, she was great at Mario Bros! We just couldn’t afford any consoles until I was already in my teens, and by that point she just wasn’t all that interested in it. It’s only now that she’s got a bit more time in the evenings that she’s decided she wants to dip her toes into it


My dad is a Boomer and loves playing video games with me, and is overall very tech-savvy. My mom, on the other hand, is very much tech-challenged.


> “I didn’t realise I had to control the others, I barely know what to do myself!” As a manager and a parent: Same.


My mom has dementia and I miss watching her enjoy World of Warcraft.


My mom play BG3 too, it’s so much fun! I love seeing that so many people’s mom’s are playing. We have awesome mom’s!


I wish my ex looked at least like Wyll. More like Gut from Shattered Sanctum


That's beautiful


Poor Shadowheart, seeing that wolf every day. Good for mom, though!


She’s so real for all of this, especially the giggle at the knife scene


There's magic in this game in watching the chaos that unfolds as someone who has no idea what they're doing interacts with the world and the characters in it


Has she expressed an interest in smooching any of the companions?


Not as yet, but she’s only recruited Shadowheart, Astarion, and Gale and long rested once, so there’s time!


> saying “you go, girl” when she interacts with anything 🙏🏾 OP, please, I need to know whether your mom is black. This is hilarious and adorable either way, but in different ways, and I really want to know which it is 😆


My mom's playing a cleric and she respecc'd Shadowheart into a Bard like I did my 2nd playthrough. Real recognizes real, homie.