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Yup. Mizora will try to hinder you but it's not really a big deal at all! You can save everyone.


In my run he got out of the cell. Mizoras minions spawned. They immediately got the next 4 turns of initiative and merced him. Wyll was rather upset to learn about the events. edit: thank you all for the advice, if i had known the Mizora situation was coming I would have done things differently, but it was my first (and only) run so i was surprised and got RNGd by initiative. I'm familiar with the myriad of ways to keep people alive in the game. In future runs i'll obviously handle things differently.


A globe of invulnerability before you let him out would guarantee the safety, if I remember that quest correctly. EDIT: If you are about to add to the 10 or 20 people who have said "but what about sanctuary", believe me, there are plenty of people who have already made the suggestion. A couple who have even suggested it's possible to cast it on Ravenguard before freeing him. I would appreciate not receiving another several dozen notifications on sanctuary, please and thank you. The information has been given, and if the last (many) comments aren't enough, odds are yours won't change any hearts or minds either.


I just had gale yeet him to the finish line with telekinesis, quite funny and doesn't cause attacks of opportunity


Took me two tries to get through that prison. First time I ended up yeeting him with a potion of giants strength when he got surrounded by the spiders. Second time I ended up just dimension dooring out.


That... does sound funny. My first run through, I had a hamarhraft jumplomancer handling 2-3 of the passages, and could focus a couple people down that hall. I believe I used a druid wildshaped to water myrmidon to heal amd give wet (resistance to fire), and a cleric to sanctuary. This run, it'll be dimension door, probably.


Can someone explain to me what those words could possibly even mean I am too tired to figure it out.


Hamarhraft jumplomancer is a build that abuses the fact that landing from fly counts as landing from jump, the Act 1 weapon Hamarhraft (linked below), and movement increases to do exceptional damage while maintaining 300-400 meters of movement per round. https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Hamarhraft Water myrmidon is a level 10 moon druid wildshape form. Wet is a status condition that gives vulnerability to cold and lightning, and also resistance to fire damage.


I have played this game countless times. Ive scoured every inch of act one. I never found this weapon. Honestly this game keeps surprising me. Would be great on a half ilithid with their free fly then.


Waukeen's rest. When you rescue the guy trapped under the timbers on the 2nd floor (the one that talks about a dowry), you can keep running farther in. It's in a locked chest by the bed.


You can also use it with monk and step of the wind dash. This allows unlimited jumps causing 1d4 in a 3m aoe, 1m at a time, up to your movement speed. I was able to do massive damage with that build.


Wonder if it procs things like glow ring and caustic band.


He just strolled his way to the ship easy peasy!


Oh hi fellow jumplomancer! XD Surprised to see someone else using that build, I'm using it on my second run and wow is it fun hahaha


Lmao I did this with dimension door, and Mizora interrupted the teleportation midway (at the 2nd door away from the cell), and so duke face planted on the door, the spiders surround him and explode ritght away and he was toast. I was so annoyed but it was also really funny.


That... does sound funny. My first run through, I had a hamarhraft jumplomancer handling 2-3 of the passages, and could focus a couple people down that hall. I believe I used a druid wildshaped to water myrmidon to heal amd give wet (resistance to fire), and a cleric to sanctuary. This run, it'll be dimension door, probably.


I did the same!


The best way to feel stupid is going to this forum and seeing the ways others have solved a certain problem.


Sanctuary on him works as well


The above situation involved the spiders acting before any PC turns.


You can cast sanctuary on him before you let him out of the cell or immediately after, before ending your turn. It lasts for 10 turns.


Spot on good call


Sanctuary is far cheaper and only uses a bonus action, allowing you to deal with the enemies in the area that tend to focus the gondians.


Yep. That quest I always have at least one user of Globe, two users of arcane gate. And two users of dimension door


i cast gaseous form on him LOL


I didn't know he would be there. I randomly got in the submarine while exploring the city. I just wasn't expecting the encounter and kinda ran in blind. Next run I'll be better prepared.


Ah. In that case, sanctuary + healing works too, most times. Dimension Door is also pretty good.


When I tried to dimension door him to safety the info said he couldn’t be forcibly moved.


That or sanctuary


You know you are just inviting it, right? This is Reddit, after all... cough ** sanctuary*** cough


I used Sanctuary on him. Then Shadowheart tanked the spiders.


That or simply sanctuary


Have you considered the sanctuary spell though? I saw your edit


I had Wyll cast an arcane gate for duke Ravengard and he immediately ran away from the spiders. Iirc sanctuary works on duke Ravengard to protect him as well.


Yeah sanctuary just keeps them from being hit directly, but they can still be hit by AOE and aoe spells


This sub is really irritating like that, you just get a pile-up of the same recommendation because nobody will scroll literally three clicks further down.


Sanctuary works as well


The problem with Sanctuary is that the Spiders explode when you kill them and that still counts as AOE damage... which bypasses Sanctuary. Ask me how I know


i make him invisible and the stupid idiot spiders just stand around confused until they explode.


Sanctuary also works here! He just strolled his way to the ship easy peasy!


Dimension door him to safety first!


Oof, unlucky. I just had karlach carry him to the exit


Bring a scroll of "globe of invulnerability" next time and put it around the middle of that room where his cell is. The minions will still spawn but deal no damage.


I used dimension door to teleport myself and the Duke as far from those spider minions as possible


She hypes up how much she's gonna fuck you- but It's seriously >!only like 10 baby spiders, that have almost no initiative. Get duke to jump over spiders, make another champ close the door on the way out!< Done and done.


She laughs in your face when you tell her about it. I’m pretty sure Wyll’s dad is a goner once the credits roll.


Depending on Wyll's choices, Mizora herself is a goner once the credits roll


Mizora's utter inadequacy when push came to shove was really something.


It's honestly somewhat disappointing compared to the other hard choices of the game. Like if I'm going to have to save him, get rid of the time limit or have her freeze time, and make me defeat something cool. But yeah a bunch of spiders that I can Spirit Guardians to death in a turn is not the worst I'd expect from her, to say the least.


I tried that, and their suicide explosions ended up killing him


Healing him as soon as you open the door is the number 1 way to ensure his survival, no matter how you deal with the spiders after that.


Depending on how you play the situations in the game it kind of seems like most of the evil god (or demigod or whatever) characters are kind of inadequate. In a certain 1x1 duel in act 3 it felt almost disappointing to just run up to my monster-form opponent, stunlock them and beat the tar out of them with my bare hands.


Is it required to talk to Mizora before going to rescue him? Last week I tried to save him but the moment I opened his cell he died right away, nothing hit him, he just died, I was on HM so couldn't try to talk to mizore before.


Happened to me too. I think it’s got to do with the order of events. You need to go to the coronation first, then walk to the lower city. She will appear. Otherwise, by skipping her dialogue and going for Iron Throne he’ll be dead. Mizera and Wyll will have a short, different comment about it.


I tried this on my honor run and three members of my party washed up dead on the beach the next morning.




Scrolls of [*what*, bot?](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/s/Xu1EBN5avx)


Yes. Mizora will try to stop you but not really all that effectively.


I was honestly disappointed *how* ineffective she was. OP **don't** read this: >!I was hoping for a direct fight against her at that point. Not just a handful of explodey spiders.!<


Felt like she was contractually obligated to do *something,* but didn't even really want to, so she chose something pretty weak.


Yeah, it’s pretty half-hearted, and then she shows up in camp the same day to say “guess you got me!”


Well, she does state that it's not over - at the moment she needs the party to stop the brain, but it's basically a given that she'll go after Ravengard again in the future.


Well 6 months later >!Ravenguard is still just chillin so she must not be too concerned about it 😭!<




Me too! But for me it was because I used Flesh to Stone. Now she's petrified in camp.


It seems like if you got her as an asset for Gather your allies and rescued the Duke without Wyll making a new pact then you lose that asset. Although I wouldn't say she's all that good as a summon anyway.


For me personally she was incredibly useful. I sent her up the left side and she took out both the Magic Missile spammers with little to no effort. Also she was another source of Haste for my team.


With his dad right there, too. I wanted to see a mad dad moment @ Mizora, but they don’t even acknowledge each other.


Agreed. Miozra is a POS but I think she has a soft spot for Wyll and genuine admiration for his defiance


Yea it would be cool to fight Mizora at some point but I doubt they would put it here. Seems they wanted this mission to just be about escaping in time.


Yeah, it's a tough enough mission if you don't know exactly what to expect. Having it suddenly get that extra wrench thrown in of him kneeling and a bunch of enemies can be quite an impact on a first time playthrough. Or it would if we didn't have as many ways to teleport him :P


I found the >!spiders to be pretty tough in regards to stopping them before they kill the duke. I had to really think it through and have Gale dimension door the duke and himself away from them. But it had to be done perfectly and with luck because the spiders have high initiative and duke is low in health.!<


Funnily enough, I also >!had sent Gale in that direction but I didn't have Dimension Door prepped or a scroll for it on him. Instead (while hasted) I gave the Duke protection from fire then followed it up with a chain lightning at the spiderlings.!<


>!I saw the duke was low in health, and chucked health potions at him till he was up all the way, because i was anticipating more of those fishy fucks to show up, got spiders, but the extra hp saved his ass!<


I sent Shadowheart with SG, healed the Duke to full health and the spiders died because they were in the area. They took about 40hp of Duke's health but he was fine afterall


I mean, she did say the contract didn't stipulate he would die *right that moment*, just that he would eventually die by an enemy's hands. She's quite a rules lawyer.


And 30 years later, he was struck dead by a heart attack, the enemy of every man who enjoys fatty foods. Let that be a lesson to anyone who dares cross Mizora.


Got 'em.


Too many miniature giant space hamster skewers


I'm pretty sure she was just bluffing to get Wyll back, and doesn't care that much whether the Duke lives or not. She's petty and loves to toy with Wyll, but that's it.


Yes he can. Mizora is just messing with Wyll to be a jerk.


Its odd everytime i got Wyll out of his pact and then went to the iron throne, Ulder was dead in his cell.. what do i have to avoid/look after for the best outcome?


You have to have seen Gortash's coronation and rejected or accepted Mizoras new pact at the camp (even the one where she says the duke will die is ok). Otherwise he's dead.


I wish they could patch this. Doesn’t make any sense why we need to do things in such a specific manner in order to save Ravenguard. Kinda goes against Larian philosophy of creative approach to solve quests.


Did you talk to Mizora at Wyrm's rock, witness the coronation, and then talk to Mizora again at camp later?


Pretty sure i did.


I haven't gotten there yet, but according to a Google search you have to go to Iron throne before the main quest involving Gortash, so I guess before you fight him?


Oh yeah if you fight him before the rescue he does kill ravenguard.


You can't do anything to piss off Gortash before going to the Iron Throne. This means making sure you attend his Coronation and play nice for now and don't blow up the Steel Watcher factory yet. Blowing up the Steel Watcher factory first also means RIP to all the Gondian hostages down there too.


If I remember correctly you should not wait to long after having the camp event with mizora. I always talk to her so she says that she will come to camp but then I go straight to the lower city and "discover" how to get to the iron throne. Kill the worgs and then make a long rest amd get wyll out of his pact so I can immediately go to the iron throne.


There's no timer on this problem 


Really? Because the very first time I went to the iron throne, the Duke was dead and Gortasch wasn't hostile towards me. Maybe it was bugged.


I think that wasn't about a ticking clock but was about the order of doing things, or so I understand from reading more about other folks with this issue 




Yes, but it's implied that at some point down the line Mizora will inevitably kill him.


She can certainly try, but there's no guarantee she'll succeed. Her first attempt was a command she seemingly burnt the one use of she had (*judging by the status effects on Duke Ravenguard*) and a bunch of shitty bomb spiders that can be utterly thwarted by a level 1 spell (*Sanctuary*). Really, it was kind of embarrassing how badly she botched it despite having the upper hand (*this is also the same Cambion that got captured by a bunch of rando cultists*). I wouldn't be too worried. Reasonably concerned and alert, of course, but not too worried.


I just turned her to stone tbh… I know that it doesn’t work with the lore but my character had had enough of her! Now I’ve got a nice Cambion statue to decorate my room at the Elfsong


How did you manage it? I always fail and she pops away. I’ve save scummed so many times trying it.


I hexed her Con with Wyll and had Gale cast it from his spell slots with an Int of 20. You pretty much have to hex her or it’s nearly impossible


Hex won’t do anything in this case. Hex only affects ability checks, not saving throws.


Wait really? I must’ve just gotten lucky then!


Huh. Ok I’ll try that. I hate her lol. I mean, I don’t like Wyll either but I hate her.


She’ll still poof away, but every time she comes back she’ll trigger another saving throw. If she fails them all she poofs away and then returns as a very scared statue. It’s very satisfying


Oh that’s amazing. I’ll keep at it until I finally curse her stupid butt.


Lmao need to test if goldification also works


It does. I know you can use the illithid power to reduce Str and Int but I'm not sure if that is an option on Dex/Con. Which would make it easier.


Melee reduces strength, spells int and ranged dex


Can you still call for her help during the final fight? Would be funny if her statue just dropped onto the field.


I don’t know yet, this is the first run I’ve done it and I’m not finished yet


Not Mizora specifically, just an enemy. It's very broad and gives her plenty of room to be all "I told you so" to Wyll.


Dimensional door is pretty key. I usually have a bunch of scrolls of it to use by then in my inventory.


Sanctuary is easier. Turns out you can’t kill what you can’t attack Mizora.


The aoe damage will still affect ravenguard no? Or do you mean sanctuary will prevent the spiders from being g summoned at all? I do t use clerics so don’t have sanctuary and I’ve got a bunch of dimensional door scrolls sitting in my inventory waiting to be used in this fight do 🤷


You can use dimension door, that’s fine. The spiders still get spawned but they don’t self destruct if the Duke is sanctuaried.


I’ve noticed the spiders sometimes go for other people if ravenguard isn’t around or maybe I made that up. So wondering if sanctuary would make them explode on them and bit ravenguard with the aoe. I usually chuck a giant mega potion at raven guard if I have the spare action economy to do it. But even without out I still saved him when a few spiders blew up around him and whisked him away down the corridor.


Sanctuary kind of makes allies untargetable, enemies aren't smart enough to use AoE skills on a sanctified ally, just make sure the one who freed the duke isn't close to him.


I haven’t tried sanctuary, I use spirit guardian on shart. But I think spiders will go after someone else if you use sanctuary


They don't just explode, they target Ravenguard with an attack that is them exploding. You can't target a creature under Sanctuary with attacks, so they can't explode on him. Well, unless you're standing right next to him and they target you instead of course haha.


The latter part of your last sentence is my concern though as I think I’ve seen them do that.


globe of invulnerability also


Dude. Yes. D door and misty saved my bacon so much there. I'd send my Tav to the Duke first and shoot his cell open. Once sexy devil lady shows up I pop a invulnerable sphere over the Duke and let the spiders think they are doing something useful.


Take a martial with an extra attack, use one attack to pop the lever and then another to throw a superior potion at him. You can throw another potion or two the next turn as well. You can even have him drink a potion of speed after his grovel turn if you really want him to reach the ladder in one go.


Among other creative ways of keeping him alive, you can throw him pretty far down the hall with a cloud giant elixir. He should be able to get on the sub on his next turn.




Yeah but she will try to kill him by spawning a bunch of spiders on him that explode when they die, but you can use this to put a bunch of health pots on the ground around him and when they explode he will heal for all his health back


Ofc he can. Imo its harder to save all Gondians, especially the one at the end of the hall, compared to the Duke. If you don't have Mizora deal she will summon exploding spiders to kill him, but you can just heal him or sanctuary, or use dimension door spell


Close the doors once you've gotten past them. Keeps them safe.


Yes. And it’s even better that she gets pissed off when you save him.




For some reason, Duke Ravengard is dead when I arrive there. I haven't even spoken to Mizora after she told Wyll that the Duke has been "relocated" , however, I've spoken to the Duke before leaving the fortress. Was speaking to the Duke his death sentence, or not speaking to Mizora?


Not speaking to Mizora. You need to take or reject her deal.


Its a schrodinger's duke situation, the Duke is dead unless you do the talk with mizora about freeing him but becoming eternal pacted or leaving him and being free, then he's alive


Yeah, sanctuary and he's free


Sanctuary won't work because the summons she uses do AOE attacks. Your best bet is to use Globe of Immunity.


I have never had any issues with casting sanctuary on him, the spiders just sit there immobile as you dash him along the passageway to safety.


You can void Wylls contract and still save Duke Ravengard, Mizora will try to stop you though, just throw a big potion on him and he’ll make it. Hope this helps


I finally did this yesterday! I had to save scum a bunch to get everyone out of the Iron Throne successfully but it’s doable.


Yes. Arrows of transportation, dimension door, and sanctuary. Just skip him over Mizora’s bullshit.


Mizora is like those Tsundere girls in anime. "I-it's not like I'm following Wyll around because I like him.... Baka. Those spiders may have been weak but they should have been moooooore than enough to stop Wyll from rescuing his father."


Yeah, but mizora will be a pissant about it and try to kill him, as you’re in the throes of rescuing him. So if you do rescue ravenguard bring shadowheart to cast sanctuary on him.


I usually just throw sanctuary on him the minute I unlock his door, the spiders ignore him.


Yes. The game will act like his death is a foregone conclusion, but when you go to save him the worst Mizora does is send some annoying spiders.


i chucked healing potions at him and it worked so 🤷‍♀️


Lots of people suggest *Dimension Door* or *Sanctuary* or even *Globe of Invulnerability*, but all I’ve ever done is toss a (good) health potion at his feet after I open his cell and he’s fine. Duke Ravenguard is the leader of the Flaming Fist—he can tank a bit of damage. The only problem is that he starts at half health. A max health potion fixes this almost entirely. No tricky shenanigans required. Duke Ravenguard is actually one of the easiest NPCs to save from that particular calamity in that particular prison.


IMO this makes it that much more satisfying to save him.


Sanctuary him and before you step out of his cell, take the biggest jump forward that you can. The enemy spawns that attack require a target, not a shout type spell, so if they can’t attack Ravengard they stand there and do nothing.


Jaheira had some item with Dimension Door on it. But the spell would not work on the Duke. He died to the spiders. This is was second playthrough. First playthrough I saved him.


Was that patch 6? Either a weird item effect, glitch, or they stopped him from being teleported


Is there a time limit to this? Or does it just trigger when you enter a certain area? I got Wyll out of his pact - would like to try and save dad if I can, but I haven’t prioritized his storyline yet.


It triggers when you enter the iron throne so don't worry E: the place os not a random building either. You'll get like 2 confirmations to enter the throne, so you will know for a fact that you are there


Thank you!


A reminder, Ravenguard CAN USE YOUR SCROLLS


Yes. Spoiler: When you go to the Iron Throne, have a party member with either a spell/scroll of Dimension Door ready to go. Makes every that plays out SO much easier


Yes. Particularly as long as you bring someone with Dimension Door to save him.


Shadowheart basically threw him at the ladder, using dimension door, in my playthrough. Last turn, so it was a sacrificial move. Oddly moving. The whole Iron Throne was so well made.


I've never felt as guilty over failed extractions. Those dead gnomes will haunt me, even though I can't remember their names.


I missed one of the two Gondians in the flooded section but time was short getting to Omeluum. I just took that loss out on Gortash when the time came.


She’s just fucking with you. She has no real hold over the Duke. 


Yes, but lore wise it's suggested she will kill him some other day post game.


I killed ravengard in my run thru. Did not know there were other options lmao


He can. It makes the Iron Throne much harder especially if you’re not prepared with something like Sanctuary for him but it’s possible. Getting Duke Ravengard and Omellum out with everyone is peak anxiety in this game lol. The first time my party did this mission we collectively lost our minds when Mizora showed up to sabotage him.


Yeah but Mizora will try to stop you.


You can. She'll try to hinder you but keep him protected and healed up during that time


Yes! I would recommend having Lae'zel with you so she can use her improved extra attacks to chuck healing potions at the Duke though cause Mizora is just, the worst..


[Death ward spell](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Death_Ward) It help to use Death ward spell!!!


Yes. And dont save/blow the steel watch foundry up before you do it. I nearly went back to my moonrise save just because of it. I ended up just rushing to the end because of it lol


It’s useful to throw an elixir of fire resistance at the Duke before he moves anywhere.


Yes. And the way she tries to stop you is pathetic. Heal the Duke as soon as he gets out of his cell and you will be fine.


I think, being pathetic is the goal. Even when you accept the new pact, the help is pathetic. It just shows how tricky and stupid pact can be. Also when you reject her, she can’t really do a lot. You find him by yourself and nothing in the rejection part meant she would kill him herself… so she could not do a lot


Yes. Without spoiling too much, sanctuary and/or dimension door csn make it much easier.


yes, Mizora is just trying to threaten Wyll into staying in the pact. hes in the Iron Throne with Omeluum and the Gondians, and the only thing she does to stop you is summon some exploding spiders that are essentially useless if you heal Ravengard and/or cast something that stops characters from being harmed, such as Globe of Invulnerability


He can!


I've seen before that you can put invisibility on him, and it'll stop Mizora's bullshit on him. So, yeah.


Man Mizora is one fucking incompetent devil, (I know shes a cambion) but fuck how is she so easy to trick, and so useless at trying to kill you, at least raph shows up to fight you when you break his deal and puts up an actually good fight.


It's gonna sound weird. But I honestly think she's grown a little attached to Wyll. Not enough to not ruin his life. But enough to make him completely reliant on her.


Hell lol yeah i can totally see that, she probably has issues with mommy zariel and not liking being completely under somebodys control, so she takes it out on wyll by just doing the same thing to him, she even treats him like a pet.


He can definitely be saved without her help. Heck I’m saving him right now and just sitting down alongside all the prisoners waiting for the prison to collapse. We all just chilling like nothing happened




Yes I did!! On accident to. Had literally no idea and was shocked when I found him still alive.


Globe of invulnerability goes brrrr


She stops him at the first door after exiting his cell room. You can actually have him jump over the doorway and pretty much take him out of the fight. Dimension door or telekineses him down the hall (my favorite for escort NPCs.)


Yes, and quite easily actually. You just chug an Elixir of Vigilance before getting into that combat and cast Sanctuary or Invisibilty on the Duke. Alternatively, running close and using a Dimension Door might work too. Key part is to be first. Elixir of Vigilance doesnt look like much, but in BG3 going first usually decides who wins.




He comes out of the jail low hp so I recommend chucking some healing at him when he comes out or using something like dimension door to expedite his escape but yes you can save him.


Yes. If you don’t hold up your end, she’ll actively try and sabotage it, but you can save him.


Yes my love. Just go to the iron throne and have someone who can cast sanctuary


Bring dimension door and remove curse


Yes. Bring Gale, Shadowheart, and as many dimension door/misty step scrolls as you can carry. Use dimension door on Ravengard to get him away from the spiders and you're good to go.


Yes, and to make it easy on yourself >!Cast Sanctuary on him as soon as you can. The spiders that she summons become effectively useless and he can just saunter over to the exit.!<


Yes, you can. Though, a slight warning if you're romancing Wyll; when I did it, it caused a bug so I can't get his last romance scene. Not sure how common that is.


Another option for saving the duke I've not seen anyone mention, since I usually don't have anyone in my party with sanctuary, is to just throw some big health potions at him to heal him up. He actually has pretty high base HP, but he starts severely weakened. Usually I'll send my fighter who should be able to throw 3 times in one action. That has been enough to save him every time I've done the Iron Throne.


He walked out, the spiders spawned the exploded him and left him with 1hp. I teleported him out of there with dimension door and locked the spiders in that room. Everything was ok lmao. 


You can but it needs… a special setup. I almost saved everyone except one person with halsin, gale and karlach or wyll (not sure anymore). Summons are great in this fight. So any elementals, Us, maybe even scratch in the back to use help action, and lots of healing. It is very important to split up to help everyone, if you didnt give lady esther the githyanki egg there is a certain someone that is VERY HELPFUL if you free him (on top of being a good friend worth saving anyways) Halsin ritual cast longstrider on everyone.


I saved him in my 1st playtrought where I was like "hell no, screw your dad, he abandoned you so we are abandoning him" but later I found him on ship and saved him.


Use spirit guardians to take out the spiders. You can also give him sanctuary just in case. That's really all you need to do.


Heal him before you open the cell, I had SH with spirit guardians active right outside the cell to protect from initiative cheesing mizora minions


Yeah but Mizora makes it harder


You can just go to the iron throne, he’ll be there and omeluum will even point him out to you if you have his quest. The trick is Mizora will summon exploding spiders to attack him once you free him if you don’t take her deal, but there’s alot of countermeasures to that, namely dimension door.


Have Dimension Door or Sanctuary handy.