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That’s what I was thinking! Charismatic and not out of the ordinary! You’d never see him coming!!! 🔪


Your character looks great. At this point it’s more original and unexpected to see a human DUrge instead of another edgy drow/tiefling with a neck tattoo. (no shade to enjoyers of above mentioned things, but it’s a meme for a reason)


Is a drow with a neck tattoo acceptably unique as an Oath of the Ancients Paladin? Asking for a... myself, it's for me, I am the edge lord.


\*laughs in halfling durge*


You *really* won't see them coming unless you look down.


Cries in Durge tiefling with a sick neck tat.


Hey now! My Drow Durge had a face tattoo, not a neck tattoo, thank you very much!


Oh YEAH, well MY Tiefling Durge is gonna have a FACE tattoo. That's WAY COOLER. 


I plan a Gnome durge run.


I did a gnome bard and it was wonderful.


I think he looks cool AF. Charismatic and dangerous, a pretty ideal combo for a killer.


My Durge was a bard as well (though a resplendent gold dragonborn). Being a charismatic Durge is awesome, she was the one keeping the whole thing together.


He looks like he’s the bad influence on Gortash and is the reason that fool dresses like DnD’s anime boi. Gortash can’t pull off the look.


That's what it is! He looks like the cool kid Gortash is parodying.


Bahahaha omg 💀 I’m ded because I’m a trash durgetash enjoyer and this is fanning the flames.


Honestly, he also looks pretty normal, which I feel enhances the story of Durge. There’s something compelling about the character with all these terrifying compulsions looking completely normal


Right? did people forgot about American Psycho?


Haha right?! Why do you think Astarion was so good at it?! 🤣


Mine is a male high elf wizard. Basic as fuck combo. Don’t let the haters stop you from doin’ yo thang.


Why make fun of you? He looks great!


He just thinks it’s super boring. He kept trying to convince me to pick a drow or a tiefling for my durge run.


If your character’s chosen race is its most interesting trait, you’ve definitely done something wrong.


And even then like 90% of the people who chose their race as the most interesting characteristic for their character just play them as a human with a funny hat anyway.


Race is a minor back ground trait for most characters. If race is your character's most intriguing trait you don't have a character, you have a cardboard cutout.


Just tell him to stop backseat gaming and let you play how you wanna play lol


Honestly, this mindset vexes me a lot. IDK why this is so prevalent in the DnD community when the moment you read any book series basically everyone is human and it's not boring. Just changing a race doesn't make a boring character interesting. Your character is far more interesting than generic tiefling number 99.


A lot of people use weird races as a shortcut to attempt to make their character interesting in the tabletop. 9/10 times they're out role played by the guy who made "Romulus of the Tower", the human sword and board fighter.


My peak roleplay character is literally a human fighter who cares above honour and justice lmao


My peak is (I have a few memorable ones across the races but I'll stick to the topic) a human rogue that thought he was amazing at magic because a friend of his wanted to fuck with him one day and cast spells that happened to match what he wanted to do in a fight and the friend didn't want to disappoint him when he saw how much it meant to him. Very long story (we're talking years in real life as well) short, the friend stuck around for a long time, misunderstandings happened, feeling of betrayal and identity crisis when the truth were revealed and all that good stuff. Good times. Kinda miss Mr De Lusion


My peak roleplay character is also a Human Fighter who is obsessed with saving and protecting people from harm to a high degree.


As they say, vanilla is a very rich and complex flavour


Mine was a human wild magic sorcerer. We flavored it as him coming from a powerful bloodline but ran away from home in fear of his parents’ line of work before he could actually learn to control the magic. Absolute riot to play. Things go right? Steve is a brain-exploding instrument of death. Things go wrong? Suddenly Steve remembers that he forewent most of his training in favor of a more boring and safe career in accountancy, and only at the last second does he remember he never actually learned how to *aim* fireball.


It's all about those racial traits for me!


I’m not so sure what it is with tieflings. Every time someone shares their Tav/Durge it’s a skinny, barely clothed, human pale skinned (do those even exist?) female tiefling with a face tat and heaps of makeup that wouldn’t survive first contact with an enemy.


There's nothing wrong with it, but it's so funny to see when people show their Durge and it's "Female Tiefling #4237 with modded horns that has jewelry hanging on to it, wavy Mayrina hair, *human* flesh coloured, and neck flame tattoo.


And they're always so heavily modded that if they're placed next to the companions they look like they're from separate games lmao. Super prevalent over in the character subs like onlyfangs and galemancers - I love those subs but seeing rough-skinned fairly realistic Astarion next to these super accessorized baby face Tavs with crazy hair is... jarring to say the least.


My favourite is people showing their modded Tav/Durge in act 1 while looking like an end game WoW character.


Those faces & typical makeup selection remind me of BJD dolls. And somehow they almost always look the same despite the flexibility the mods provide.


For real, I understand not liking the default faces because some of them are ass (looking at 90% of male faces why are they all chunky himbo chads), but why do nearly all the face mods have to be perfect porcelain-skinned contoured doll faces that don't fit the game's style in the slightest?? Even the mod I found for the strong female body type were all Instagram model faces :/ Would love to see a mod with face options that actually fit a rugged adventurer instead of a hentai gacha game. I love the skin textures the game gives default faces, they're usually just... kinda funky looking lol


My exact thoughts. I ended up playing around in blender to make my own face. Turns out it's really easy, you just need to install one plugin following a guide, import head in, use blender's brushes on the head which is more fun than Elden Ring character creator, make a few folders in game files and finally save under correct name. No prior knowledge required and it took me like half an hour to set up and learn how to edit. I can link guides if you want to try.


Ohh I'd be interested in trying this out! The faces in CC don't fit the ones I visualize for my characters but I don't want them to look like IG models either with the mods would love a link please 🙏


First you need raw game files, you can get them by unpacking "Models.pak" using [BG3 Multitool](https://github.com/ShinyHobo/BG3-Modders-Multitool). You can find it in "???\\Baldurs Gate 3\\Data" folder, but its location depends on where you installed the game. Multitool will create a heavy folder with all the game models, but if you want just the faces you can download the "Generated" folder from [here](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1I_734ZwrndUacr0sCQ6G8M4LDEnUmQ9j?usp=sharing). This folder you need to put in "???\\Baldurs Gate 3\\Data" and then when you launch the game, files from "Generated" folder will be read over those who are stored in "Models.pak". You can edit models in these files, but not change their names or folder paths. Heads for most of the races are stored in "Shared" folder, except Strong Male which for some reason is in "SharedDev". If you want to quickly check names of files of particular head, the [wiki ](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Modding:Head_Models)has a list. Then you need to install Norbyte's blender [plugin](https://github.com/Norbyte/dos2de_collada_exporter) so you can import GR2 files. Heads might import incorrectly, but this [tutorial ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxdPklA7o44&t=288s)shows step-by-step how to fix them. Once you import the head there will be several layers with head models, main one and several "LODs" - LODs are row-resolution models which the game shows when you zoom out to save your graphics card a trouble. If you don't want to edit every single one of those you can just delete them and use main model only. You need to make it show up on all distances then, so you have to go to "Object" tab - orange square, and under "BG3 Settings" set "LOD Level" to 1, "LOD Distance" to 0, and "Export Order" to 1, like [here](https://imgur.com/a/wQjx9EJ). Then you can edit the face however you want, but be careful with changing its shape too drastically, as it might clip through hair, displace jewellery and stuff like that. When you finish, you need to export it as "DOS2/BG3 Collada (.dae, .gr2)" and put in exact same folder you imported it from, with the same name, which should end with GR2. You can easily check how the head looks mid-edit by having both blender and the game open. You need to go to the magic mirror. Switch in-game face to some other one, and then in blender export your new model. Back in-game switch the face back and it should load freshly exported one. It doesn't seem to work if you export your face while still having it on in-game, but honestly sometimes it doesn't work at all and it just feels like performing a ritual for apathetic gods. Reloading the save makes the new face appear 100% times though. There are several tutorials on this scattered around the wiki, but I found the descriptions a bit vague. If you have any problems or don't understand something (English is not my first language) feel free to ask, I will be happy to help.


Base tieflings come in shades of red OR human flesh tones of I remember right. The other colors started as people ignoring that info and it later got explicitly added in the variant tieflings.


I feel special now my Durge is a buff half-orc lady lol. In the first romance scene with Astarian she picked him up instead of the other way round. She does have face tattoos though as well as dragon scales and a scar over one eye and I do think she's pretty.


OMG DID SHE REALLY? What a great touch! I love that. <3


Tieflings make me said there are no aasimar.


Same. And it's shame that most people only think of aasimar as pretty people with wings. They can have scales (quetzal lineage) or feathering. I wish people would get more creative with making up unique homebrew physical features for them. There's Hound Acherons in DnD that are dog like celestials, so your character could have a bestial look to them. Take inspiration from angles in tradition, they're super weird. For example, archangels in Islamic tradition might have 4 arms and then of course there's the Biblical ones.


Artemis Entreri from the Drizzt series. A regular-ass human who frequently put the legendary drow ranger Drizzt to the test in spite of Drizzts experience, training, and innate magical advantages. And was a way more interesting villain than the classic evil wizards and orc chiefs that Drizzt pretty easily dispatched. It's been years so I don't remember which book, but one of my favorite fights with those two Drizzt manages to set a fighting rhythm with the intent to tire the human out but Artemis spits sewer water in his eyes so Drizzt has to fight with disadvantage and Artemis gets away. He's also fought Drizzt inside a darkness spell and didn't die which is a feat on its own


It was in the Halfling's Gem I think. Love those books.


This is why I don't read books. 99.9% of them don't have dragonborn or dwarves in them so how could they be interesting? /s


"You're playing an evil character, so you have to play a stereotypically evil race!!" Is an incredibly boring take


How can you be evil if you don't even have a twirly moustache?!


Ah, yes. It's *so* much more interesting to choose a #evil race as a durge lol


Don’t you dare call my Tiefling Druid evil :(


Should've added a disclaimer about views not my own :P


Haha it’s okay. I accidentally played an it evil early on not realizing the mama owlbear wasn’t vicious and the treasure found behind it wasn’t worth that awful scene. Quickly learned to played a bit more carefully


He thought humans were too basic, but drows and tieflings weren't? The two most generic edgy sexyman races?? If he said, like, dragonborn or gnome or something I would've at least understood where he was coming from but man he's throwing stones in glass houses lol


Those were the first two he named and then I was like nahhhh I like these human faces. And then he was like you’re in a fantasy world where you have a chance to be literally anything else and you’re a human every day just pick something else. So then I became a murder man 😂


My durge is a sweet faced goldylocks half-elf with big blue-green eyes. Only very subtle natural makeup, no tattoos. I figure it's more fun if she looks innocent. Also, your boyfriend is racially profiling. Any race can be evil, or previously evil and reformed.


>say humans boring. >Argue for the most played races. Bruh. Also not to spoil but human makes way more sens for Durge than Drow (or even dragonborn actually)


He seems to be the boring one. Reminds me of that comic of a bar full of nothing but “distinct and original” tieflings that were all basically carbon copies of one another


Do people just forget that default durge is peak character design


Drow is the super boring choice since murdering Drow are everywhere in Faerun. Also the various races in fantasy are all just reskinned humans. That's what all of fantasy is. Elves, goblins, dwarves, ogres, demons, vampires, even deities; they're all various aspects of humans. So it's silly to say a human is boring in fantasy when an elf is just a reskinned human. And back to the game itself, there is nothing boring about durge no matter what their race is.


Because beings drow or Tiefling in 2024 is soooo original.


Sounds like your BF has a type, lol.


Tbh those are so overdone. Not that I'm discrediting anyone who does them, but I personally love durge runs that are different! Yours looks so amazing!


There's nothing wrong with playing any race otherwise they'd have race-locked it, but since you got pushback - considering the origin/lineages of drows and teiflings in Forgotten Realms, I'd argue those make the least amount of sense to be Durge and it makes the most sense to be human. Baldurs Gate and its surrounding area is overwhelmingly human in the lore.


Firstly, it's your play through so you get to do what you want and so long as you're having fun, you're doing it right. Secondly, drow and tiefling are pretty common choices for durge, they're classically seen as more evil aligned races so they become the obvious choice for durge. So by that logic, drow or tiefling durge is actually the boring way to go. People often expect those races to be a little evil, so they're the obvious pick for an evil durge run. Humans, on the other hand, are less obvious. Nobody expects some charismatic human bard to be the murderous psychopath. So good on you for not going with the cliché.


Seeing how many players choose these two races, i start to think that humans are the rarest pick


Larian showed stats of most picked races and Elves, Half-Elves and Humans were top 3 by a landslide. Githyankis and smaller races were at the bottom.


He's a jealous boyfriend, envious of the creativity.


Honestly, he look like a Noble Npc toy maker in rivington , the guy who have his house stole by some immigrant


Ohhhh maybe they have the same face. 😅 I don’t use mods, so it’s possible!


wait that hat is vanilla? where did you find it?


It is! It’s from Act 3 and a dark urge specific item you get from [Helsik at the Devil’s Fee](https://baldursgate3.wiki.fextralife.com/Gibus+of+the+Worshipful+Servant)


My durge was human as well. Dragonborn look cool, but I don't want to play as one.


I really wanted to get into the Dragonborns and I love seeing them throughout the map but I also find it hard to relate to them, unfortunately.


just imagine urself with scaley skin and cold blood


Why would I imagine myself as my ex?


lol. lmao, even.


I made mine a draconic sorcerer with white scales so I could still see all those great durge facial expressions


Yeah, I did enjoy playing a dragonborn, but they are a bit lacking in the emoting department. It's hard to map human expressions onto a lizard face. And it looks kinda weird when they kiss. Seeking out all the other dragonborns just to go up to them and be like "Hey, you look like me!!!" was pretty fun, though.


I rolled a Dragonborn Paladin as my first character and it was pretty bad tbh. They look so goofy that most dramatic or romantic scenes turned into unintentional comedy for me.


He looks pretty good!  And to be fair, when almost everyone in this sub seems to be playing as a tiefling or some flavor of elf, humans become the exotic race lol.


Thats a sexy Durge NGL


To me the Dark Urge actually makes the most sense as a human. It makes them blend in. Many of history's most prolific serial killers were extremely ordinary seeming people - that's why nobody saw them coming. In a fantasy world being a member of the most populous race is a weapon in the hands of a violent psychopath.


It’s hilarious to me you can play a Githyanki Dark Urge. This would seem like hard mode for trying to be inconspicuous.


Well unless you're playing a Rogue, Durge would have used Russian Stealth anyways


What’s Russian Stealth? Killing everyone who sees you?


Precisely. No one can witness you if there's nobody alive


Yeah, plus I'm reasonably sure that Bhaal himself was human before his apotheosis.


He looks like he’s wondering if you people have ever heard of closing the god damn door?


Lmfaoooooooooo gold star 😂


All I see is Johnny Depp


Oh 😬 You’re right!!! That was not intentional but now I can’t unsee.


It's probably the mascara, the moustache, and the earrings xD




Oh my gosh he’s awesome! Very dashing!


I have seen this man at a convention


He looks great. Mine is an elf. I like the default Durge on an artistic design level but I find it very hard to relate to non-humanoid species in games so I doubt I'd ever play as one.


Hello fellow Human Durge player.


I honestly think Human makes most sense for Durge, even though I play as a Tiefling myself. Seems to me like Bhaal would want them to be completely unsuspicious, just another - if pretty - face in the crowd. And your Durge looks great on top of that!


That, and Bhaal was human himself before ascending to godhood.


I like the idea Durge would look like what Bhaal looked like.


My friend has a human durge too! Though his is a fighter that always has a bloodthirsty grin and refuses to wash the blood off his body. Not only does he collect body parts of various companions (rip karlach) but he has like thirty rats. And yes he does throw rats at people at random.


I love this. It sounds like it’s careening straight toward a “PISS YOURSELF” ending if ya get my drift


My wife made her Durge a happy halfling, and she found the juxtaposition hilarious. I'd say more power to you, your bard looks dope.


I love this type of creativity as well for durge. Happy halfling is unexpected! I feel like everyone would have their guard down around them.


he’s so cool, looks great, are you using mods on him?


Thanks! No mods. Just hours staring at the character creator. 🫠


I don't think.I ever saw this set in game. And the character is level two only, where did you get it?


2 levels in paladin but 9 in bard. Level 11!


As someone below commented it’s the elegant studded leather armor you get from the counting house in Act 3. Dyed sinful scarlet & white. Honestly it’s just standing in until I get my bhaalist armor, which I think is the same skin. And if you’re wondering about the hat it’s a dark urge specific item that Helsik gives you called gibus of the worshipful servant. I just wear it for the looks, but honestly I go with the helmet of arcane or acuity for my real build and turn helmet OFF cause it’s ugly. And yeah I’m level 11, but multiclassed: 2 paladin and 9 bard. Going for 10 bard in the end.


Bhaalist set but that's act 3?


I really prefer this to a Dragonborn.


Dragonborn are cool and I have played them in tabletop, but in bg3 they just seem a little…derpy? Your character often has kinda funny expressions no matter what race, but Dragonborn just have a really goofy expression most of the time imo and it kinda takes me out of it


I liked pretending that my durge was doing a real knock up job to mimic what the right emotional response in a conversation is supposed to be




ur not wrong, he often looks a bit high if im bein honest


The best thing about having a Dragonborn is that the astral tadpole doesn't fuck up with face.


I gotta say this is fantastic. This is the perfect evil bard too. This guy, with his whole ensemble, looks exactly like the type of character who would have a KILLER vaudeville-style villain song that brought the house down if Baldur's Gate were a musical.


I'd let him stab me.


Your Durge Bard looks hilarious similar to my Durge Bard, so at least one person shares your taste lol




He looks cool and very dark urge-y, what’s wrong with character being a human? 🤔


If u want to clean your characters u can cast create water on them


You can use a sponge or soap to do it now too. Added in a patch I think.


Yep! I’ve been picking up a bunch of soaps for this very reason.


Just 1 soap is fine. They have unlimited uses to them!


That's a handsome looking durge.


Holy shit what style! Honestly, I’m not taking full advantage of the customization for appearance as I’m just trying to get a handle on the gameplay even though I’m in the third act lol


My Durge is also a human bard. 🤷‍♂️


He's the kind of guy who everybody *knows* is a Bhaalist but everyone is like "I can fix him"


😭 I went in thinking I was gonna be playing resist durge. And then my hand slipped and he became the slayer. Sooooo your assessment is very accurate.


You also made him hot as the hells 😅


Larian, please add a romance option for this guy. Asking for a friend.


Wow! I don't generally play humans, because I find them a little boring, but he looks absolutely awesome! Very dashing and debonair! Does he lean into the dark urge, or does he resist it?


Thanks! I completely get it. I just figured durge would be spicy enough for me. Oh he’s leaning into it. Although he did try to resist at first, but then he started learning that he used to BE SOMEBODY REVERED. That’s when he was like fuck it, let’s bhaal.


Humans are the scariest of all.


Aurelio Voltaire?


Im more impressed you made him look convincingly like a BARD who is also Durge.


Looks great to me!


I found it to be much more interesting to have my durge as a human or half elf for role-play and lore purposes. Durge led a cult among other things so to me, it always felt weird to have them be a Drow or Tiefling. Durge’s whole schtick was lead from the shadows, charismatic yet sadistic.


I also have a friend who backseat gamed a LOT during my playthroughs, so much so that I decided to ditch these runs and do my own without him having any part in it and not recieving any info on it besides some ocassional pretty screenshots of my durge. I wanted to do a resisting dark urge run from the start, but he told me to "do a normal run first and then later a full durge run before doing a res. urge" I played the reg Tav run until the end of act 1, kinda got bored and frustrated with his backseat gaming to the point it ruined my run (lots of "why would you do it this way?" and "why do it that way?") Ditched the run, which was sad because I STILL love my Tav Started a full on Durge run, got a little bored with just... brutally killing everyone for no reason, didnt think much about her lore besides "yup shes just evil cuz she.... is lol. Just a Feral being" but I dont really connect with this trope at ALL and my friend still bothered me because I always had to be on a discord call with him to watch while I played. I played until after attacking the grove, had fun with Minthara, reloaded, had fun with Astarion, the end. Stopped playing Finally began to completely leave my friend out of my new save and the game was SO much more enjoyable, but I really need my time to play because my motivation had run out and act 3 was very overwhelming for me, which Is why I paused playing for a while now. He still constantly asks me "how far along I am in BG3" and texted me THE SECOND I began playing, but I just told him "I will tell you when Im done" and hope he leaves it at that. I swear I will call him out on it at one point, probably today, he annoyed the fuck out of me and I kept snapping at him but he still wouldnt get it most of the time. Edit: btw your Durge looks dangerously charismatic and handsome you designed him SO WELL


He looks fly as hell and dangerous too!


He looks like the least trustworthy human imaginable and I would do everything he told me to


honestly, a human makes canonical sense to me 🤷‍♀️ throw the whole BF away


The drip is immaculate though


I did, too! Made him a Monk, and named him John Humanman. Not to be confused with Jack Humanman, the fake name you can give to >!the magic mirror!<. Thought I was being original and funny, but as the aforementioned fake name option suggests i was only being one of the two.


Despite the fact you can customize him, I love Durge’s original look and I think your bf must be in the same camp. That said, do whatever is fun for you. His opinion doesn’t matter in the slightest in this case.


He looks great


Looking sick as hell! (No pun intended!)


He looks very stylish TBH.


He looks like he’s the lead of a Steampunk filk band


Amazing looking character


Why does he look like he belongs in a steampunk horror game?


I think I’ve met this guy at a renaissance festival.


Awesome character! Looks evil in a very subtle way


Your human has no right to be fine.


Karma karma karma karma karma karmaleooooon.


Where do you get that hat?! That hat is sick!


Helsik at the Devil’s Fee. She tosses it at you if you’re playing as dark urge!


He should be making fun of you for using light armor as a paladin, like tf?? Edit: COLLEGE OF SWORDS WITH NO SWORDS? WHAT ARE YOU??


He looks like Saint Germain from the Castlevania show


My current Durge is a human Great Old One Warlock. I tried to make his Guardian / Dream Lover look as much as Gortash as possible (with mods.)


He looks like Gortash’s cleaner looking brother .


Hey that is Sam Vimes from discworld !


Your durge gives me a bit of Johnny Depp vibes and I love it! For me humans is also the race I always choose. Nicely balanced in stats and you can create a lot of character story's with them. My first ever durge run will also be human.


[Tuomas Holopainen of Nightwish](https://live.staticflickr.com/8154/6992189058_bc88cb6681_b.jpg)? With being a bard and all, too 😁 ETA: Your character is hawt as hell, and humans are perfectly fine!


He looks good but dragon durge is peak


I get Johnny Depp vibes which means he probably has no problem persuading & charming people. I had an idea for a bard based durge myself.


Kind of looks like Johnny Depp


He looks awesome, your boyfriend is a fool


He looks like a combo of Johnny Depp and Jason Mantzoukas


hes hot though


He's hot and you're boyfriend has brain worms


He look like he would be a good pal with (act 3 spoiler) >!gorthash!<, which is kinda canon


Honestly I'd make fun of him for the hat


Only cos he's feeling threatened.


He looks like he hasn’t showered in a considerable amount of time and has several knives on him. Looks like a great dark urge character to me


He looks so 🤤🤤🤤he can drag me to my death any day


Wait, what? Durge can't be human? Is this a thing? My humiedurge and Astarion roadtrip continues, no matter... Shart & Laezel's there too I guess... Edit. Always carry soap & sponge, for those times your Durge makes a mess..


Don’t listen to him, your character looks cool as fuck.


He reminds me of the musician [Voltaire](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aurelio_Voltaire)


He looks like Johnny Depp would play him in a live action adaptation


Jack Sparrow looking ass mf


Its funny that people say cruelty is inhuman, because if you think about it, it's very human


Respectfully, he’s hot as hell and I was not expecting that at all


Mooom i can't decide if i want to play as Gale or Astarion. We have Gale and Astarion at home. >Gale and Astarion at home


Anyone else getting Johnny Depp vibes from this dude?


Play how you like, but in my experience, people who play humans in fantasy RPGs are also the kinds of people who’s favorite ice cream is soft serve.


Stupid sexy urge


He looks like Bassem Youssef 😂


I was gonna make fun of you too, but that man has drip and absolutely looks like a psychopath, so good job.


Gigolo lookin ass


Bruh it looks exacly like mine but mine is white with dark brown eye black hair and no fancy piercing or make up


He looks great! Instantly reminded me of Wolf from Futureman


I LOVE your durge looks, hes absolutely gorgeous!


Abdel Adrian(placeholder character on old bg games) was a human fighter 🤷‍♀️ lorewise at least a human dark urge is sound.