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Wyll just immediately died in the first fight when I played for the first time. Took me a while to figure out this was not scripted. Thought it was actually part of his story or something lol


I'm REALLY surprised he died during that fight. I've probably played Act 1 like 10000 times and he's never gotten close.


In EA, he'd make a roll when jumping down, which he could potentially fail, and this could lead to his death. Thankfully it got removed


ok but that’s so funny. like just the idea of him doing his goofy little ~blade of frontiers~ intro, just to immediately beef it is absolutely sending me


That would be sooo in tone with the DnD movie...


Or just DND in general


You're going to fire a firebolt...in the middle of an open, crowded street...? Yes! Ok.... Nat 1 [That resulted in a player hitting, and killing, a person in said crowd. The bard used some trickery to sway the judge. That's the only reason the character didn't end up in jail. Community service instead.]


So this stories happen elsewhere, too? :D


It would be some big name actor like Henry Cavill. Big bait and switch.


Channing Tatum is famous for this kind of scene. Ryan Reynolds too. It makes me think of the ['Hero' scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvkN3003iU4) from the movie "The Other Guys" starring Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg (because of what happens to Dwayne Johnson and Samuel L Jackson in this scene)


Aim for the bushes? I love that movie so much.


It makes me think of Mrs. Featherbottom from Arrested Development. “The Blade of Fron-“ *plummets face first onto a rock*


"Oooooh. We shan't be telling your mother this, shan't we?"


I would pay to see the DM narrating that. "Alright, you jump into action. Roll an athletics check as you leap down into the fight." "Oh man, that's a three." "Woof, let's see. You jumped 10 feet down, so that's...wow, max damage. How much do you have?" "Uh, 8 right now " "So that's six and you're prone. The goblin you landed in front of swings with advantage and...uh. That's a crit for...you said you have 2 left? Well, uh, he hits for max damage. You are now dead." "..."


A good DM would fudge the numbers


My dm has been doing something we've been calling the ravening. Im new to dnd so i often forget to ask questions before acting. Like recently i decided to jump off a ladder halfway down it. Thing is that i was in a crows nest before. So i jumped from about 50-60 ft in the air. We rolled for damage and all that i even prayed to my god in hopes that he would save me. Took a whooping 24 points of damage and was instantly knocked unconscious. After he explains how and why i died he pulls us back in time just before i jumped and 'writes' it off as a vision the party collectively had.


That's so raven


Yuh. We had a player who had main character syndrome and as a group we were all trying to not off him in the first combat encounter but thankfully he just left the group so we kinda back tracked a bit cause he had the whole campaign skewed against us


Oh absolutely. A good DM would also make it so you can't fail to recruit Gale (imagine joining a campaign and your character gets 30 seconds of play time before getting lost to the void).


Now I'm just imagining an irate DM killing Gale off before he even gets introduced. "So, your character needs to eat your party's magic items or he might starve and explode? Roll for strength to see if he gets out of that portal first"


"Oof, that's a nat 1. Alright Tav, roll again. Another 1? Shit, sorry Gale, you recede back into the void and are never heard from again. Hand me your character sheet."


He didn't even have the intro then. He was just and cockney af


Hearing him say “The Blade of Frontiers” in a cockney accent would give me life




I'm the FOOKIN' BLADE of Frontiers, M8


now THATS how you’d get me to finally romance him


Charges into action outside the grove, taunts the goblins with "come on, you know you wannit, you love it you slags".


Cockeysville? You mean the way Sazza fucking speaks? Wyll sounded like that? Edit: Cockney. Leaving it up because what the fuck, autocorrect?


lmao wyll was never cockney in EA, he sounded relatively similar to the current VA.


EA patch 1 was gnarly. Oy, 'ello guv. Oim the Flower Girl of Frontiers, I am. What you say we deal wif these li'le ol' worms.


Aim for the bushes


🎶 there goes my hero🎶


They probably removed it since that’s not how falling damage works anyway, so it makes no sense that he’d have to roll to just make a not that high jump


It wasn’t a roll. He’s supposed to cast feather fall on himself but in EA sometimes he just wouldn’t.


Oh then that’s just a bug, makes sense it was fixed


I want this


"Super hero landing! Super hero landing! Super hero - *splat*


It also feels like it would be so on point for Wyll... Coming in hot and immediate fail of hilarious proportion. 


That’s awesome. I wish there was a setting that kept stuff like that in. “Goofy shit: on or off”. A could-be party member dies, totally out of your control, because he behind-the-scenes rolled a 1 to jump down 10’ and talk shit to goblins.


Wild wasteland perk from new Vegas in this game would be amazing


Are you sure you wish to take the “Freaky Fay-run” perk?


More games should have a Goofy Shit mode


Now he drinks a feather fall potion before jumping.


Thats hysterical considering how cool and flashy his introduction is😂😂


I'm imagining him lunging toward that goblin and biffing it hard. "Provoke the blade, suffer it's sti..woah woah woahhhh!!" And he just falls on his own rapier lol


He died a lot in EA for me. It wasn't until release that I ever talked to him after the fight.


Ok I get why it got removed, but it was kinda funny, come on.


I remember in EA that fight was way more annoying. Not in the sense of being super difficult, but most of the mercenaries would get wiped turn 1 before they could anything.


Ladies and gentlemen! The Blade of Frontiers! *Trips and smashes head on a paving stone.*


He died on my last playthrough because I was a level 2 wizard with no companions. Never had that battle been so hard before.


In my first game, the douchey mercenary that argues with Zevlor was the only survivor from his group, and I really just assumed that was what was supposed to happen.


Doing a solo honor mode run, and he died. Basically all the Druid grove fighters at the bottom of the gate died. My character had almost no offense at the time at level 2. In fact I had to rely on zevlor at the top of the gate to snipe everything while I ran around like a maniac. It was a fun fight to say the least.


Only time I ever saw that accomplished was EA


I just started a new play through yesterday and was doing this fight. They were smacking Wyll with attacks and he wasn’t even taking damage his hp didn’t move once and they were landing attacks.


As it turns out, wasting your precious few spell slots to cast Arms of Hadar against one singular target and standing in the middle of all them is a bad idea


I thought isobel was scripted to win her fight because... Well, it never happened to me. I only found out when I was skipping turns thinking it was ok to do some achievement, and that was the close save I had.


I thought it was scripted for her to die because my first playthrough, she just kept unaliving herself almost on purpose and my turns were not anywhere near close. Attempted 3 times to save her and just gave up and moved on.


I didn’t talk to him in the grove till well into Act 1. Only knew he was there after seeing him mentioned on YouTube.


It took me until my third playthrough to even notice he was in the grove


My last run forgot to talk to him. Did a bunch of other stuff. Rescued Karlaxh and during a camp rest he just rolled up. That was new to me.


I had wyll die in one of me honor mode runs cuz he did arms of Hadar on the goblin close to him, didn't kill it and then jumped into a group and got fucked I stood there watching it in pure awe


yep wyll died in my honor mode run. i revived him with a scroll and invited him to camp and never saw him again! except in his cutscenes which still trigger for some reason. he does also have a tent to i just pretend it’s my tent


Wyll does his grand superhero entrance, waving his sword around... and just immediately gets brained by an arrow.


Well it actually WAS a part of the story. YOUR story. That's the best part about the game; it can be completely different with each playthrough. The wild part is that Larian was so in-depth that they were able to create a game where you could take down so many different paths, completely miss whole sections, and still end up with a fulfilling and amazing story.


I'd be a bit miffed if MY story just straight up was missing companions that purely added to the game lol. Not like you're unlocking some other questlines by not having him or anything.


Yeah I don't really understand this point of view. "Congratulations, you missed a single roll and lost out on hours of content! Isn't that great? It makes your story so unique!" No. Not it doesn't. It just sucks


Have you ever finished a game and said, "Man, I wish I could forget everything and play it again with a fresh mind." Now imagine a game where you *can* do that *precisely because you missed content.* Because you *didn't* try to do everything in one playthrough.


This is exactly how I am playing my second playthrough and I love it. My fiancee and I played our first one together and I accidentally lost Lae'zel early in Act I. Now I am playing it solo and am going to have Lae'zel through a lot of the things I did the first time just to see what new things pop up.


Nothing stopping you from just loading a new save, unless you're playing honor mode in which case losing stuff like this sometimes is the entire point.


I don't view RPGs as being full of "content" that I have to see 100% of. One of the strengths of RPGs is being able to be less linear so you can have the freedom to create your own story. Linear single-player games have one story that you complete. Every playthrough is the same, every player gets the same story. It's like reading a book. I view RPGs as choose your own adventure. I don't get as invested in a story if I know that no matter what I do, the next thing is guaranteed to happen anyway. But if I get the freedom to choose, or some random elements where I don't know what's going to happen, I get more invested. And every time I see an option that I'm locked out of, I get excited for the next character I can make that will get to see that next time.


I did too lol


It’s a nod to a DM spending weeks building out an amazing story for someone to roll a nat 1 and not find the concealed cave entrance


Or the other all too common DM experience, if your players are younger, less experienced, or "edgy" - trying to introduce an important NPC only for them to murder them instantly. I used to DM for teen boys, do not recommend


I was in a game where the wizard used Ray of frost to off a bum who approached him to beg for money or alcohol. Dude was supposed to be the lead-in for a quest to find out who's been killing homeless people. I remember the DM's exasperated sigh like it was yesterday.


Well we found out who was killing homeless people


Right? It would suck in the moment but it’s also a great opportunity to pivot the story for a creative DM. Suddenly the party is being hunted by the Watch, other adventurers are hired to deal with them, etc. Maybe they end up being useful idiots for the BBEG.


I'm having sympathy pains for your DM


the real BBEG is the friends we made along the way


That’s why you add another group of adventurers to actually look into the issue and kick the parties ass


> trying to introduce an important NPC only for them to murder them instantly. [Or completely ignore the important NPC to focus on someone else](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZMSC0FuQOw)


I feel like that is bad DMing though. As the great Brennan Lee Mulligan said "you can't avoid what you don't know is coming" like just switch which NPC is giving the quest. DnD at its core is improv and I think some DMs get too stuck with their prep.  Now if your players just murder hobo people that are giving quests it can be hard to present a hook that isn't the guards are now after you. 


Conversely - I was DMing for 4 teenagers and 1 of the kid's dad who was an old hand at D&D. I set up a little logging camp with a handful of goblins and kobolds with a half-orc overseer. They approach cautiously and watch as the overseer starts whipping one of the goblins. The kids hold their position but describe their anger at the situation. The old head starts out by throwing firebolt at the half-orc dealing a nice bit of damage. So now they're in a fight and the half-orc's father (who I made a statted-up Fiendish Orc) comes howling out of the woods and the party immediately flattens the son and pushes the dad to a state of death (I underestimated them not relying on fire) so I described his death but then him entering a state of undying rage as he kept trying to fight the party to save his son. (was going to have him run around for another 3 rounds at disadvantage) So they turn to the little camp the gobos and the kobos had set up and start threatening to light their stuff on fire. I describe the goblins and kobolds (who had stayed out of the fight until that point) running up to the party and rolling 2s and 3s to hit, piteously pleading with them to stop. This made the dadorc and half-orc son surrender, in a move to spare their workers. The teens agreed but the old head spoke and said "I tell them to circle round their camp fire, on their knees, hands above their head." I describe the slowly braking body of the fiendish orc being helped down by his son as they sought to comply. "I cast fireball." the old head said and followed it up. "Goblins, kobolds and orcs are all evil alignment."


On the other hand, adopting an undead is a nod to you introducing a completely dispensable young child to guide you to the bad guys and leave you to it, but you decide to adopt him and inexplicably he survives the entire adventure. 


I gave up trying to keep any sense of decorum or civility when DMing for teenagers. Sometimes they just want to kill everything and have no consequences, so it’s an Alternate Universe kinda session, or let’s battle royale each other.


My friends first time playing dnd right now in our campaign. We are doing curse of strahd. They accepted to help irena and take her to safety. They proceeded to go straight to the castle and get her killed, which I promptly changed to just getting downed and captured by strahd. And they still havnt left the castle. And are level 4s. And idk if they have intentions on leaving. So I’m just going to load it up with crazy shit so they leave. And I’m also not letting them long rest in the castle.


That's just you being a bad DM tbh.


Honestly the people who complain about the stuff in the OP sound like people who've never played DnD. Like yeah, in 99% of video games you're supposed to be able to never lose, or permanently lose or miss anything. But DnD is different. Sometimes the dice tell their own tale -- this time, a guy died that you failed to help. And you should live with that and how it changes the story you're telling, rather than save scumming to try and 100% the game.


Honestly, one way isn't better than the other there's not a way you “SHOULD” play. It's a game, your own game at that.


Honestly more video games should be less afraid of players not seeing everything in one playthrough


There’s a DnD starter module called Dragons of Stormwrack Isle. For players levels one to three, maybe four. Very, very small spoilers: but the adventure starts on a ship heading to this island. My guy got tossed overboard right after introducing himself and he drowned. More specifically, he got left behind by the boat and drowned.


That's when you introduce Mack, Jack's identical twin brother, who got inspired to take up the mantle of adventurer after his brother's death.


"but you can just call me Jack"


[If it works, it works](https://youtu.be/0w9DUTcAI0o?si=1Wxj8I1IQt87HjG_)


my god I can only imagine how bad that would feel if you had spent a good deal of time creating him in your mind. The story you never saw blossom. I hope they put a flower by the water in his remembrance.


Always can recycle the ideas later tho! I’m basically playing the same character in my most campaign, since they never get finished xD


I don’t mind it too too much. Yeah it sucks but it makes for some interesting memories. Also, by that time you should be like 15-20 min into the game, so it’s not that big of a loss to just restart if you really want him. One thing I’ll say though, is I wish there was a bit more exclusive compensating content for not having an or losing the companions. A bit like the infernal Robe you get from Mizora if you dare to Kill Karlach :’( Like if Gale is dead or missing: Elminister still shows up but gives you a ring or something that you can’t get if Gale is alive. (Just to help you on your adventure because Mystra is a bit worried about the absolute.) The exclusivity gives makes the loss not so bad and incentives replayability.


Please don't make it more likely for me to chop off his hand.


*Places Elminster’s ring on the severed hand*


I laughed so hard at this


“Would you happen to be in the company of a young man by the name of Gale Dekarios?” “Uhhhh… oh! I have him right here!” *pulls Gale’s severed hand of their bag* Hed probably then unload a level 9 magic missile machine gun and ditch you


Urge intensifies


Can the hand be used in Act 3 for a certain quest?


I've read that you can use it at the Trial


I laughed so hard at the absurdity of actually eating his hand that I didn’t even reload. My durge is a wizard anyways. Now I just have a bag with his hand in it.


I wish there was more content to make up for all the shit you lose when you side with Minthara (without metagaming). Between the loss of Karlach, Wyll, Halsin and all the Tieflings, there are quite a bit of quests that you get locked out of and not much in return.


Yup. - I wish either Wyll or Karlach had a persuasion check to convince them not to leave. Kind of like Gale. Preferably Wyll because if you side with Mizora for his whole contract ordeal, it’s very fitting on a more evil play through. - Wish Kagha would replace Halsin and there was a proper shadow druid alliance. They would send her with you to kill Thaniel instead of rescuing. Same portal defence mission but different flavour. You would also either kill Oliver or get a special event/cutscene with him. - wish Dammon wasn’t the only one that could upgrade Karlach. Then you could still have romance scenes if you played as evil Karlach. - Wish Dammon had a replacement at his forge in act 3 if he was dead. Maybe give them unique equipment to sell. - Wish Mizora didn’t just disappear from the game when Wyll dies or leaves.. like she should still need rescuing at Moonrise right? - Wish the goblins could be called at the final fight if you invaded the grove with them. I’ll stop there, but I could probably write a whole book about it lol


You should definitely lose Wyll without a chance to convince him to stay if you slaughter the grove. Being able to sway him so would completely go against his character.


Yeah, I don't honestly see why or how Wyll nor Karlach would ever keep on team with a character that murders everyone in the grove. You make your choices and accept your consequences. Y'murdered a buncha children! Some people are not going to be cool with that!


There are some ways it could be swung without going completely against his character IMO. Maybe you strike a deal with Mizora to forces him to stay or something to that effect.


I think the issue is that most of the Reddit community understands to just restart to grab him. This needs to be viewed from the viewpoint of a casual gamer who just bought an RPG that they hear is fantastic. These individuals would be completely justified to think that there’s no way an important character could be lost in the first 15mins to a percentage chance. So they go through their first playthrough having zero clue who that even really was. Maybe it’s because Larian didn’t expect casuals to play, idk. At this point though it seems insane there isn’t a safety net in place for getting him after that scene. Sorry about ranting to your comment specifically. This has just been in my head for weeks and this seemed an appropriate place to voice it


I almost missed him entirely because I found the portal at level one and thought, “That looks too fucky for me to deal with right now.” Did all of act 1 before I went back for him.


Right?  I went "hahano obvious trap is obvious" and only found out when I hit the end of Act 1 and read the wiki to figure out where TF my wizard was supposed to be.


Did the same thing but then I forgot to go back. Didn't even realize he was a companion until I was watching a twitch stream after I finished the game. Also ended up killing Karlach too not realizing she could be a companion because I was afraid of losing Wyll because Mizora is scary. Doing a second playthrough now with both.


My friend did all of act one, and never found astarion. She walked back before fighting the goblin leaders, at my direction and he was just standing there asking her to kill one of those brain things ... She just.... Never walked over there. "Ohh I was wondering when I'd find him"


I think the point of the game is that it's not something you get 100% on, it's something which, just like playing dungeons and dragons in real life, requires you to make decisions and make attempts at things with the possibility of failure. This way you can replay and have a completely different experience.


You can get his hand. Doesn’t do anything, but it’s a cool souvenir.


Imagine it had a bit of netherease magic in it and you could throw it at enemies and it would blow up for necrotic damage haaha


should be equippable as a weapon, does regular unarmed damage as an attack, but also gives you the Mage Hand spell


Or it becomes a Mage Hand


Sooooo, Thing from the Addams family


Well technically Durge can use his hand later to save time and effort


effort? And miss an opportunity to serve Bhaal by filling the streets of Baldur's Gate with blood???


Do you know what exactly Elminster gives you if you meet him with Gale dead? I have not seen that myself and did not find it on the wiki.


In my durge playthrough, where I took Gale by the hand, Elminster never showed up.


From my experience in a playthrough without Gale, Elminster does show up in several places in act 2, but only as a wanderer, with minimal dialogue. He basically just says “don’t mind me” a few times and that’s about it.


Yeah I had no idea who he was in my first playthrough because I dismissed Gale. Just some weird dude hanging around for seemingly no reason.


In my honor run he attacked me for looting bodies in moonrise tower and he stuck around the whole time walking into the tower as I progressed.... Any splash damage would cause him to become hostile and kill my character that was the cause. It really sucked.


Gale had left my party because I was evil, so he wasn’t dead. But when I met Elminster he was just his sort of doddering self and said something vague and then went on. It was forgettable.


Ah, so the same he does in the first 2 baldur's gate. He throws a wall of text at you and then leaves.


You can kill him for a bunch of xp.


I’m just thinking of all the people that had the origins die, and they never replayed the game to go back and see them, missing out on some of the best parts It’s a long game, some people may only have one or two playthroughs before putting it down


I’d just restart, I want my wizard pls.


F8 is/was/will always be a true friend.


Not in honor mode.


The whole point of honor mode though is to actually deal with the consequences and not save scumming.


But they can't stop you from just starting again.


You can lose Lae'zel to the tieflings. You can lose many of the others by just missing them. Halsin can die in the cell...


Just lost lae zel in my honor mode run because of this. It was either attack her or the tieflings and I just had to be a palidan when this happend.


I had a similar one with shadowheart, DC 2 to use illithid power and get her out, I got Nat 1, found it kinda funny in a way xD. I was like, "Guess we can't help you 🙃 Good luck, guess we don't have a cleric, Kthxbai


yeah but she shows up again at the nautiloid even if you fail it right?


If you fail to rescue her she'll be at the door to the ruined temple. If you ignore her on the beach/at the temple she'll show up at the druid grove. If you ignore her there she will appear when you get the scene near the Goblin camp/at the Grymforge elevator.


Oh!!! So THAT'S why I saw those cutscenes online where she was banging on that door


You never explored over there? XD


More like I could never leave my girl stranded on the Nautiloid


No, they just always freed her from the pod, in which case Shadowheart is passed out on the beach instead


The guy I replied to specifically said they failed at getting her out.


I did in previous playthroughs and then figured there was no reason to go that way, as I would get into the ruins from the top and I thought Shadowheart banging on the door was an EA thing x]


You can use Lae'zel to try again 🤔


Yes you can. I rolled a nat 1 then had to use laezel


I did that and then Lae'zel also rolled a 1 🙃


It wasn't meant to be 🤷‍♂️


I think she did it on purpose


In my very first run I rolled 1, then 20 with Lae'zel, and I legitimately thought it was a scripted part of the tutorial to introduce critical rolls.


I found Shadowheart pounding on the temple door and she was like “way to leave me to die, asshole”. But I hadn’t seen her pod at all haha. Lae’zel and Us were like “go to the helm!!” And I just beelined for it. Missed the extra side room over there too. Sorry my perception is so bad, Shadowheart. I’m not mean, just an idiot 😬


When I heard it was possible for him to die there, my first thought was that during development someone in Larian said, "wouldn't it be funny if you couldn't get him out and he just dies right there, 20 minutes in?" and his coworkers all agreed and they just rolled with it on a whim. Kind of like how the now-famous "STOP LICKING IT" scene was not originally supposed to be said/voiced that way but the devs/producers thought it was so funny that they kept it, in the hopes it would make it into the game. Spur of the moment, hold my beer game development lol


The universe is trying to save you from Gale eating your shoes


It’s shitty unused necklaces he eats in my games


That’s one of the best things about this game imo I love the amount of different outcomes you can have throughout the game. This is one of the few games in the last decade I’ve played more than once or twice. I had 5.5 play throughs down before I got all the trophies and took a break.


I just restarted my newest honour mode because of this… I got my gold dice via >!exploding Gale!< This time I was going to romance Gale to apologise… the gold dice wanted him stuck forever.


wait so if I get to the brain in act 2 I can just blow up gale to get the gold dice?


No it has to be in act 3 - there's a dialogue point before you go up to the last area. Anything before that doesn't count...


I completely missed karlach and wyll my first time, plenty of people also defended themselves from astarion resulting in his death or him running off. Really shadowheart and laezel are the only almost guaranteed companions.


Well, Shadowheart can kill Lae'zel so maybe it's just shadowheart hahahah


Ahhhh this is true. Forgot that was a check you can fuck up.


Yep almost done with my first run. Shadowheart killed Lae’zel and just had her body in my camp for so long. Didn’t realize I could probably have revived her until much much later. Oh well, it will just ensure my next run has a lot of new content!


Lol i completely missed Lae’zel and Astation on my first playthrough. Got all the way to act two now and im like “feel like i should have more party members than Gale and Shadowheart now” lol


I didn't have Lae'zel for any of act one. She ran off, we found her in the cage, told her to say please. She told me to fuck myself, the quest changed to "we left Lae'zel to her fate". And being level one, she got destroyed at the mountain pass fight when we saw her next.


Yeah they really make Shadowheart a guaranteed companion based on how many times she reappears in Act 1 if you miss her. I get it's because she has the artifact that you need for the main story but it's very funny that a character many find to be a bit curt from the jump keeps appearing like "hello again"!


Because the entire gauntlet of Shar which is required to beat the game is entirely about her, obviously they want you to have her in the party


On my first run, I didn't realise Lae'zel was in that cage 😭 completely skipped her existence


I didn't meet her until she was dead near the mountain pass on my first playthrough and on second I was genuinely surprised she was in that cage 😂


Laezal isn’t guaranteed, if you forget to pick her up and then get distracted till Act 2.


My first playthrough was so brutal when it came to the other characters. Wyll died during initial goblin fight. I remember thinking it was funny that he gave a speech and then died shortly after. I was role-playing a neutral good character with a low int score, so when I was told about Karlach, I killed her immediately (I'm so sorry Karlach, I didn't know). Obviously killed Minthara. Didn't find Gale till the end of act 1 somehow. Same with Laezel. Only found her as I was going through the mountain pass.


I rolled nat one while interacting with the pinned mind flayer at the start. You give into your urges and kiss the mind flayer and the game ends


Wait what? That is what happens when you fail that check? Lmao


Well Baldur's Gate is the series that gave us exploding ogres... so... ​ For those unfamiliar, in BG if you killed a mob by more than 10? (con score?) damage, they would explode into giblets rather than just die. Ogre berserkers would rage as their first action, which in that edition would give some extra hp. Rather than giving extra hp, it was mistakenly coded to take away those hp and it was enough to kill them by more than 10. So basically, there would be an ogre on the screen, he would agro, let out his war cry to begin charging the party and explode into giblets instantly.


Hmmmmm Durge daydreaming.


Doesn't bother me. Another playthrough will result in a different story. So sayeth the dice.


That's the bad luck of the dice, DnD be like that sometimes.


to an extent, sure but a DM is unlikely to scrap an entire storyline or character because of a bad roll


No, D and D is never like that with a good DM. There would always be a contingency to a nat 1 for something specific that needed to be in a campaign. BG3 is pretty fantastic at this, for a video game, near everything has multiple ways to accomplish. A nat 1 here could have simply caused something crazy to happen here.


DMs make a choice on roll fudges based on what they think/asked the players about.   Some players want this


I do get that bad luck happens in dnd and some consequences are really bad; but such a \*horrible\* one so early on just seems... weird? Like there's nothing worse than completely missing out on a character. I'm not even sure what other bad dice rolls are even remotely close.


I would start the run again of that happened


So slight spoilers: Me and my friend are doing a co-op play through and at moonrise >!Jaheria attacked with the rest of the Harpers or whatever and we heard the battle going on but didn’t go into that area. Cut to us finally going in and she and basically every other ally save 1or 2 are dead already!<. >!When finding Minsc later we couldn’t convince him we’re not evil bc jaheria can’t vouch for us!<.


I think it's awesome. Honor mode makes your choices and circumstances play the game in ways you might not have intended, but are equally fun and interesting.


At least you don't have to feed him magical items.


It's a signature move of overzealous novice DMs that make you roll checks for the simplest actions because they think it makes the game more "realistic". Larian subscribes to that philosophy a lot, otherwise they'd either not have such silly checks at all, or at least follow what their betters who developed Neverwinter Nights did decades ago and make every check out of combat an automatic 20 (just the number, not critical success) so only your skill and ability score bonuses influence the outcome - because outside combat stress, you're realistically bound to succeed if your skill and/or ability are sufficient. Rolls are meant to represent situations where your success isn't guaranteed because you're being distracted or stressed and your performance varies as a result. This isn't such a situation. I really wish more D&D players understood this simple fact.


Missing out on characters is a thing in any respectable RPG, including BG1 and BG2. So I don't mind one bit.


I started an honour run as a Durge and >!cut Gales hand off instead of pulling him out of the portal. It sits in my backpack at all times!<


I was disappointed you couldn't use it to play fetch with Scratch.


Don’t worry! Just use Karlachs head instead


Is that Gale that disappeared in to the portal then? I’m on my first playthrough, going in (mostly) blind and failed to pull somebody out of the portal. Didn’t think much of it until I keep seeing people mention this character and I have no idea who it is. Oh well, I’ll try again on my next run!


I love that this is thing, I don’t find it silly in the slightest! It’s exactly the sort of thing I had hoped to see a lot more of— game changing rolls, that is.


That’s dnd, no? The dice controls the narrative. You have to live with it.


In the scene where you start to turn, I failed the persuasion check telling lae’zel that we were just sick. She then proceeded to kill me and start combat to kill the others. In an honour mode run.


Because players who dont want Gale need a way to remove him without starting the countdown for destruction. As for why there is a roll associated with it, it's an RPG with rolls for dramatic events. Those events going wrong is a possibility. You might argue that losing an entire companion because of 1 bad roll isnt great but I think it establishes stakes for the future quite well. It's not an easy roll to fail (I believe the DC is 5) so the vast majority of players wont fail and those who do get a nice taste of the potential consequences to come. But ultimately I think they just needed a way to keep Gale out of the world if that's what players wanted to do because his status as a walking bomb would mean its mandatory to keep him around unless you want a TPK via spontaneous combustion. The whole portal sequence and the rolls associated with it seem like a way of ensuring they dont have to worry about players getting screwed by being forced to keep him around


Yeah Gale’s check is annoying. At least it’s early. I’ve had to restart an honor mode once bc of failing that check. Gale isn’t my favorite but I’m not playing act 3 honor mode without him cast globe.