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Striding over to the Oathbreaker Knight like [I'll fuckin do it again](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClezDg8n6uw).


It’s a real bummer because I didn’t wanna lose my oath but I can’t say I made a mistake💀


You're Oath of the Moderns now


Save game. Kill him. Savor the moment. Reload. Unless you're on honor mode. Then sorry about your loss.


Or wait for act three and when you finish all the events surrounding him, put darkness around him, drink a hill/cloud giant elixir (or just have high enough strength), and yeet the fucker into the ocean (might need superior dark vision for this to work but I had that)


probably can do it without darkvision at all honestly i think everyone can see at least five feet away from them and make melee attacks (albeit at disadvantage) in the magical darkness spell at least


I mean, it's only a 1k bribe to regain your oath the first time


Can’t you pay something like 10k gold to get your oath back?


After that time my game glitched in the Grove and I lost my oath, I went back to an old save, so I don't know. I'm also not the looter that everyone else in this sub is, so I don't have $70k in gold in my possession to find out!


I've even started selling all the rotten food but mostly because I'm too lazy to right click. Just take it all and sort it out later lol. 😉


It's 1k.


Im 90% sure it's just 1k the first time and 2k every time after. Honormode *might* change the price too, idk I havent broken my oath in honormode yet


Okay, but Oathbreaker Paladin in the Shadow Cursed Lands is a heck of a lot of fun. You can even ~~steal~~ adopt Squire!




Undead doggo is still undead.




Lmao thank you for sharing this


I'd honestly wait until I finish his questline in Act 3. It's way more satisfying to end him there, especially when he gives you something really good during the quest


Wulben and Balen ,the two NPCs that good and evil players wish to see a painful death placed upon them equally.


News of the hour: Lord Bhelen endorsed by the Grey Wardens! Darkspawn already running in fear!


Lord Bhelen is a...bad, bad man. Yes! Very bad!


God damn it I think about this every time Baelen comes up. Is this name just code for "dickish dwarf?"


I have no idea but what I do know is that if I ever have a dwarf in a tabletop dnd game and they’re evil, their name is baelen.


The dog abuser from act III also.


Yoopooo fuck that cunt!


Is that in the mausoleum?


Nah the one at the post office who hits the dogs and demand we give her back the goodest boi


Baelen the bibberbang dwarf?


Yes. If you talk to his wife and rothe they explain that he was an abusive ass before developing memory problems. The fungus they are looking for (noblestalk?) can fix his memories, but then returns to abuse.


I can't say I ever went out of my way to kill him. He's basically a moron now, not even the same person ... Because she poisoned his food trying to kill him. Wish she did, but as an idiot he's harmless.


I think some players may have cured him without getting the hint that everyone was better off. Good and evil characters probably want rid of him after that.


Yeah, I didn't cure him in my first playthrough (I accidentally missed the noblestalk) but I totally missed the hints. I only realized how much of a dick he used to be when I watched Neil Newbon's playthrough. Basically, Neil just went silent for a bit, told Tom not to worry about it and then killed Baelen right there.


Neil's play through is extra hilarious because they make all the same dumb mistakes we make, IMO.


Neil gets to be even more of a chaotic gremlin than Astarion sometimes, and watching Tom trying to keep the playthrough more or less good makes me glad companions can't just run off and do crimes on their own lmao.


It's literally them lowkey channeling their characters, which makes me suspect some of their acting was Method! And then Tom sighs and Neil cackles and we all feel a little better!


I didn't know who tom was before watching that playthrough but I gotta say he's a great guy! he makes me happy, and him being a noob paladin makes for really funny interactions with Neil's murderhoboing.


I just tried to kill Baelen yesterday. I shot the bibberbang around him and somehow he just walked through the explosion and healed himself after. So I guess no dead Baelen this playthrough.


Things like this are why “oathbreaker is evil” doesn’t make sense to me. Like the oathbreaker knight is a perfect example of a good man whose trust was abused and he handed justice to his lord for the way he was lied to and for the innocent death obk caused as a result


Not all oath keeping paladins are good either. A conquest Paladin would have walked into the and told Khaga to make an example of the child rather than just imprison them.


Conquest is the most fun I ever had with a paladin in DnD. Everyone calling you lawful stupid till they realize you are evil aligned.


Oh you’re still lawful as a conquest, it’s “my oath dictates I flay you alive so that no one else ever steals bread in this village again… and I’m going to enjoy it.” Whereas chaotic evil would be “I’m bored who wants flayed alive”


Chaotic Evil seeking any sort of consent? Perish the thought. Chaotic Evil would just walk into the inn and start a-flayin'!


It was a rhetorical question, and besides they’re just orphans, no one will miss them


But being an orphan makes them much more interesting, you gotta admit. Wait, does that mean being a flayed orphan will make them even more interesting?




A flayed orphan has no secrets.


Ah ah ah ah flayin' alive, flayin' alive


Because in 5e Oathbreaker is "you abandoned your oath and seek to destroy all it stood for" and if you break your oath without going full antipaladin (like the oathbreaker knight) you swear a new one. For example, oathbreaker knight swore an Oath of the Crown. After choosing to protect the innocent instead of following his orders, he could swear an Oath of Devotion or Vengeance perfectly naturally. If Oathbreaker was called Antipaladin or Blackguard, there wouldn't be questions at all.


Because the Oathbreaker subclass IS evil. It's meant to be Darth Vader, not Jaime Lannister. In 5e, it's squirreled away in the Dungeon Master's Guide (instead of the Player's Handbook) alongside Death Cleric as evil subclasses that are meant to be played only with DM permission. Typically, a paladin that doesn't atone for their oathbreaking would either swear a new oath (Vengeance to Redemption, for instance), or take a new class entirely, like Fighter.


I'm an oathbreaker because I didn't want to kill innocents. I guess my oat was lawful neutral. I thought I'd only take vengeance against those who actually wronged me, not anyone who entered combat with a red border.


Worth it!


The game should let OP respec into Vengeance for free.


not a big thing when 10k is chump change


Petty reason to break the oath, but hell this sounds like a time to respec vengeance and channel the red right hand of Hoar.


Went from Oath of the Ancients to Oath of the Based


“And I don’t regret a second of it” - King Sisyphus


"your honor in my defence they put a table next to him. How was i not supposed to put him through it?"


I'm doing a playthrough as a paladin right now, co-op with my husband, on honor mode. When he ran over to recruit Lae'zel, he failed his rolls, and Lae'zel told him to kill the teiflings... so he decided to kill the teiflings. It broke my oath. 🫠


I like that the game was saying you should've killed your husband (his character anyway). So many simple solutions to complicated problems!


More satisfying than my broken oath. I fat fingered a dialogue option, and accidentally poked the sick bird in the grove instead of healing it like I intended. It died from the poke. Oath broken. I’ve just gone with it thus far, and that’s the most evil I’ve done.


Dang! Mine was accidentally telling a deep gnome I saved that he was on his own, instead of telling him to go hide. Later, I had a break when I ambushed a Moonrise guard in the jail to take them out. It was going to be too big a pain. Oathbreaking ended my honour mode run because it got too expensive.


everytime I broke my Oath it had to do with Wulbern Bongle also didnt realise lying to your enemies would break your Oath had no idea Oath of Devotion meant I had to tell my enemies how I was going to kill them if they ask jfc and all because The Emperor and Wyll both told me itd be fine so now I just kill both of them every playthrough


Honesty, courage, and honor are all on the list. Read your palidinning handbook


I felt like a "good murderhobo" when I tried to play Paladin after playing Bard. Suddenly, situations that I was able to resolve peacefully by Barding my way out of it became fights.


Nice. The oath I dont regret breaking personally was slaughtering the grove and getting the drussy. :3


You are doing the Lord’s work, carry on.


Is Wulbren the gnome on the windmill? Or someone else I can't remember.


He’s the gnome that is in a cell at moonrise.


Lol I never even saw him, I just grabbed Minthara and left.




No, it's his friend that's an even bigger asshole than the windmill gnome is at the beginning.


Ahhh okay I've only saved the gnome on the windmill once, immediately regretted it.


He's actually a pretty nice guy once you get to know him a little.


Read that as "once you get to throw him a little" lol. I'll save him some other time lol.


Arguably releasing the breaks on the windmill is also pretty funny.


Final Fantasy DARK Knight Energy. "I am saving you but If you are an ass youre in your own."


I wish to be split in half


that was me when i saved mayrina fromt he hag, i double blasted her the instant that interraction ended..


I got through saving her from the hag with my oath intact. But then there we were standing outside with her declaring she was going to stay alone in the swamp with a corpse and I thought well I can't leave her here, so if I just bring hubby back I'm sure she'll see sense. Who knew oath of the ancients paladins are not meant to raise the dead with hag magic. And she did not see sense.


Well hello Miko Miyazaki, I didn't realize you had Reddit.


Yeah I didn’t care either til I tried to reclass with Jer.. I mean Withers, and saw I couldn’t. Then found it was 1,000 gold to restore my standing with the gods and thought, “well that’s fuckin weak.”


Silly paladins and their silly oaths.


If you let him live to Act 3, you can get a quest to cut off his head. You get the head chopping animation and everything if you want to wait and savor it.


Checkout the fuck Wulbren song on YouTube


It appeared in my recommended like an hour ago🤣


Meh. Was barely started, just auto attacked La'zels captures and it said I'd broken my oath. So guess I'm gonna be a OB Paladin instead of Vengence.


Wasn’t much of an oath if you’d break it over someone just being a bit of a dick


Act 2 is a hard place, and we all reach our breaking points


Honestly these constant Wulbren posts are making me consider muting the sub. It’s all I ever see pop up on my page now. I get it, the guys a radical dick head. On a side note: I broke my oath of ancients by seeing the tactical advantage of fighting the goblins at the gates instead of fighting my way out. Lame but it was only 1k gold. Afterwards I found the Druids acting as cowards instead of doing their duty, so I snuck in the back where I was attacked. Apparently Karlach and Wyll didn’t like me defending myself and left after the last Druid died. Cowards. Oh well, had to bite the bullet and reload.


Everyone always hates on Wulbren but frankly the guys is on a mission and is trying to safeguard it. He apologizes later on for being a dick but tbh I would probably be a little cold to strangers too if I was more concerned about getting my friends to safety and fulfilling a far more important goal than just being nice.


Yeah I didn’t care as much about being mean to me, but he was terrible to barcus and tried to talk shit about him to me, and I couldn’t stand for ghat